
Dragon Saga

Alex and Ethan spend their days either arguing with each other or running around the town to escape the trouble caused by the perverted friend Ethan. An unusual accident threw the two childhood friends in the world of martial artists as one of the strongest warrior race. Turns out the world they arrived at isn't that unfamiliar after all, as they had watched past, present and the future of the world all along as they grew. As the duo starts their adventure, changing the events as they please to keep surviving as they enjoy the new world of Dragon Ball. ** Disclaimer: Dragon Ball Z and all its characters are solely owned by the original franchise. I don't claim ownership of the given and just using the contents as a part of my fanfic story. Cover credits: evillilmonk.deviantart.com --- Please support me on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/dtroid

Dtroid · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Future Threat

After conversing with the others the duo came out near the gate on Mount Five Element with Goku's help.

Alex asked Goku to arrange a temporary place for them to live before they decide where to settle in for good and they were waiting for Goku to come back to pick them up after helping Ox-king.

"Man I'm already bored here, our phones disappeared before we reached that dark sea like the place and now we have tails and some weird looking clothes. The worst part I'm stuck being a kid again. How am I going to get laid like this.."

"You might never get laid running around like the old pervert we will be meeting soon either way. Just give up, one degenerate is more than enough."

Alex was thinking of future plans while waiting for Goku and Ethan as usual ranting about his misery for a while now when Goku came to get them.

At this time while riding with Goku on his flying nimbus Alex noticed that the rules and laws of this world might not apply to them as even Ethan with his grand personality could ride with them on the nimbus cloud.

"I don't know where you would like to stay for the time being but you are welcome to my wedding party tomorrow."

While Alex was contemplating things Goku invited them to his wedding party.

"Thank you, Goku. We'd love to join the party, we might figure out where to settle while socializing with the people around here."

As Alex replied to Goku a rumbling sound was heard from Ethan's stomach.

"I'd like to get something to eat first and sleep for the night. I don't even know how much time it has been since I last ate."

"Alright, I'll take you guys to Mt. Frypan we'll have the wedding party there tomorrow then you can decide a place to settle at. You are always welcome to stay at my house if you like."

The three of them reached Mt. Frypan and had a bellyful of dinner before going to sleep.

Both Alex and Ethan were exhausted from the ordeal they went through and didn't feel like checking out the place around them and fell asleep near a tree.

The duo felt the difference in the environment from where they came from and knew the changes they will be facing from a fictional world that turned real won't be small.

People, trees, animals everything was real and alive, so every step they took in this world will change the original story they have seen so far.

The next day Alex woke up first and sat beside Ethan observing the surroundings while looking at the Ox-king's villagers that arrived one after another to help prepare for the party. Ethan was still asleep drooling from the corner of his mouth murmuring something in his sleep while Alex pulled up grass from around as he continues to look around.

Both of them had turned from middle-age adults to fourteen-year-old teenagers and along with their younger appearance and a tail to define their Saiyan race, the clothes changed to a simple white shirt with black jeans.

"Ethan, wake up! We need to wash up and get ready for the party."

While kicking Ethan to wake him up Alex got up and went towards Ox-king's new house in the village.

"It's party time already? I didn't even find any nice shoes to match my new pants yet."

Ethan grumpily replied as he rolled around lazily before sitting up while scratching his back full of grass and pulled the grass that was stuck in his pants.

In the time it took for everyone to gather around for the party, both of them washed up and had breakfast.

"Alex your plan to bury me in the grass failed but it sure gave me quite the itch. You'll have to take responsibility to scratch my back from time to time now."

"Sure, I'll prepare some sticks with barbed wires or nails on it then."

"Yeah and I'll make sure to properly shove them down your backside."

On one side, Alex and Ethan were having their usual squabbles as they helped with the arrangements, while Goku and his newly married wife Chi-Chi were getting ready for the party.

In the afternoon all the guests had arrived and were enjoying the feast while sending their greetings to the newlyweds while enjoying the food and entertainment prepared.

Around a big table, Goku and his friends were chatting while enjoying the mountain load of food placed in front of them.

Alex and Ethan were sitting in one corner of the table away from Goku, Chi-Chi, and Bulma who was sitting next to them. While on one side of Alex Tien and Chiaotzu sat side by side the other side had Ethan who glanced at Bulma and Launch from time to time while eating.

"So the Feeza guy was strong enough to destroy the whole planet in one move. Wow! I wonder how much power that would be."

While Goku was wondering about Frieza's power, other fighters around him were pale from fright listening to Alex's story of how the great warrior race of Saiyans was annihilated in one move.

"I don't know whatever you said is true or not but if the chances are that we have to face something like that in the future, then we might as well enjoy the time till he comes to destroy us."

Master Roshi replied to Alex as the mood turned solemn with no one speaking up or retorting to Master Roshi.

Looking at the mood around him and the dense Ethan and Goku who were still stuffing their mouth while Chi-Chi passed dishes one after another to her husband with an affectionate gaze, Alex felt a bit awkward.

"Actually the situation is not as hopeless as you think Master Roshi."

When Goku introduced the two Saiyans to the group of friends and their situation Bulma was the first to react as she was the most knowledgeable about life outside of planet Earth.

They talked for a long while as Alex explained the facts about Saiyans that he knew from the anime and situation in which they had to follow Frieza.

At first, everyone was surprised by the difference between the culture and nature of Saiyans but soon the mood got serious as they found out about the existence of Frieza and his father.

By the end of it, Bulma had some sympathy as well as anger for the Saiyans while the fighters understood why Goku always got excited by the strong fighters he met.

"What do you mean by 'not as hopeless' it's completely hopeless to think we would have to face Frieza someday."

Yamcha replied while Krillin nodded from the side in approval of what Yamcha said.

Alex looked at the empty plates and bowls before raising his head looking towards Master Roshi as he spoke about the legend which caused the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

"Saiyans grow in power after every battle they fight and according to legend, there is a stage in our lives that we reach a power level so overwhelming that we have to transform into a Super Saiyan to maintain it. This same legend with the facts we Saiyans were getting stronger by the time as we fought led Frieza to become paranoid about the Saiyan's strength and his decision to destroy Planet Vegeta."

After speaking till here Alex took a deep breath and looked at Master Roshi as he continued,

"I'm not sure if the legend is true or not, but Saiyan's growth was fast enough to scare Frieza. So I think the hope lies with the limits of what we can reach before Frieza find us."

Everyone was silent for a moment when Goku broke the silence with a burp as he spoke,

"I don't know how strong the Fizza guy is but we all got stronger as we trained till now and if we continue to train we will be much stronger. So let's just get stronger and deal with Feerza guy when he comes after us."

"Get the name right before you speak about defeating the guy."

Krillin retorted as the atmosphere calmed down a bit after hearing Goku speak.

Alex's eyes shined for a moment when he heard Goku as he finally decided about something in his mind to follow through.

After the serious discussion mood was relaxed, Roshi tried to move near Bulma and got punched about three times and shot by Launch who sneezed from all the dirt that blew when Master Roshi fell near her.

"So, where were you guys all this time after being sent into space-time rift?"

Bulma asked as she moved near Alex.

"Ugh! We were unconscious most of the time and the time we were awake is just blurred to us by now."

Alex replied as he was holding hand near his mouth while he tried to move away from Bulma. Looking at his strange behavior Bulma got curious about what happened and tried to check if Alex was alright.

The result was Alex suddenly vomited blood and fainted, which surprised everyone present.

"He has this weird sickness from when he was young. He is really sensitive to female perfume, so he tries to stay as far away as he could from all the ladies."

Ethan explained as he dragged the unconscious Alex by the collar and threw him near a tree to breath fresh air.

"Whereas I have a sickness which lets me be at my peak condition if I'm close to cute girls. The closer the better, now then please be my cure and hug me right now so I can grow strong enough to defeat Frieza."

While finishing his words Ethan jumped towards Bulma but before she could react to his perverted actions Yamcha moved and kicked Ethan in the face while stopping him.

"Aaahh!! Which bastard doesn't know the rules of gentlemen?"

With a howl of pain, Ethan jumped back up as he questioned furiously. His face was red with a shoe print on the right side of the face and another side was ruined by the mud.

"What rules of gentlemen? You sick pervert stop playing the victim after trying to harass Bulma."

"Is she your sister?"



"Doesn't concern you."

"Then is she your wife or mother?"

"Do I look old enough to be the mother of this idiot to you!"

Bulma yelled in the middle when Yamcha and Ethan started arguing over her and punched both Ethan and Yamcha out cold on the ground.

As Ethan got up rubbing his face, he looked at Yamcha coldly and challenged Yamcha to a fight while cracking his fingers.

"There are two things I hate the most and you just had to hit a jackpot with both of them. A dumb minor character like you should just stick to the sidelines when a hero claims their love, I'll beat it in your thick skull today."

Alex who was lying on the ground near the tree opened his eyes and supported his back on the tree to sit while looking at the two who were about to fight with calm eyes.

I'll be leaving most of the character descriptions and their facial features for the time being as most of us already know of them from the anime. Describing a character with how they look and what they wear as soon as they appear is like appraising every stone and tree when you just start a game just so you can pass the time.

If you guys like me to add some details anyway just comment as so. I'm thinking about presenting my characters and all the necessary characters as the story progresses.

Thanks for reading.

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