
Dragon Online

Kyle Turner is a teenage boy who has always felt out of place. Unlike his peers, he doesn't possess any special abilities or magical powers. While others around him are accepted into the prestigious Mage Academy to train and one day defeat the tyrannical Beast King, Kyle is left feeling inadequate and alone. One day, as Kyle was going about his mundane life, a strange screen suddenly appears before him, displaying a starting message: [Dragon system online] [You have tamed the blue dragon] [New user details are now valid] [All abilities currently (lv1)] [New ability gained: Blue dragon flame] "What in hell is going on? A screen?" Kyle muttered in bewilderment, unsure of how to process this unexpected turn of events.

Danespl · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Training and VR Games

The blue dragon emerged from the flames, its body glowing with a bright blue light. Its scales were a stunning azure, reflecting the light like shiny gems. The dragon was sleek and muscular, with a long tail that moved gracefully behind it. The wings were large and beautiful, with thin membranes that let light shined through, creating patterns on the ground. When spread wide, they looked delicate. The dragon's head was shaped elegantly, with sharp features. Its eyes were big and deep blue. Above its eyes were two curved ridges, adding to its regal look.

The snout had frills that fluttered as it breathed. When it opened its mouth, sharp, pearly teeth showed. As the blue dragon settled, it radiated power and calm. It curled its tail around its body and rested its head on its forelimbs.

Kyle moved back a little. He was shocked at the sight of the dragon. He couldn't belive it. "I have a soul beast?. The system gave me a soul beast, and i have to train with it. But how?" Kyle thought. He wondered how he could control the dragon. The dragon focused it gaze on him like it was waiting for a command. Kyle walked back and front, thinking of what to do. An idea struck him. He raised his hand with a hint of inspiration in his eyes.

"Let's try a little command. down." Kyle commanded. The dragon immediately lay down awaiting the next command.

"That worked!!. Fly then breath out fire." 

The dragon spread its wing and flew around the training ground causing a large gush of wind and fire came out of it mouth. Kyle amazed by this.

He continued to try different commands. Once he was done with training the dragon. He decided to name the dragon, Kerg. He couldn't think about any other name. The system screen displayed once again:

[Quest completed]

[30 Exp rewarded]

[Exp: 35/100]

"That it. Am done." Kyle said. The dragon immediately vanished into thin air. Kyle decided to return back to the hostel, and forget about Eddie and Jake in the library.

When he arrived at the hostel. He met Jake and Eddie in the room, playing games on their tab. "Why!?, whatever." Kyle thought. He checked the time on his wristwatch. "9:30pm". Kyle jumped on his bed, and called it a day.

In the morning, classes will be held where various mages would demonstrate and teach them how to control their abilities. The main goal was to gain full control and reach the full potential of their ability so they can one day defeat the beast king.

On the second day of class, they had a ability test. This in itself demonstrated what height their ability could reach. Each students had the chance to reawaken their mage seed and go up in ranks.

After classes, students would spend time on the training ground while some would challenge each other to a spar. Afterwards students could do anything they wish. Typically, many went to the arcade. While others including Eddie, Jake and Kyle would spend time in the training hall or library.

As each day passed by, Kyle would spend time training with Kerg and reading digital books in the library to gather information about abilities. He waited for the system to give him quests. So he could level up faster.

He needed to figure out his fighting styles. The system was a great advantage to him because it could copy others fighting skill, making him as good as the opponent. Kyle went into a spar challenge after training.

Eddie and Jake stood at the training ground door, cheering Kyle on. He had got to like them a little. So he waved back at them before the match would progress.

[New quest: Defeat the enemy]

[Enemy count: 1]

[Soul beast: None]

[Skils: Wind]

[Reward: 20 Exp]

"Exactly what i want." Kyle thought as the system screen closed. The boy launched a wind blast at him. Kyle managed to dodge the blast, moving to the side. He engaged into a hand to hand battle with the boy. The wind ability was a useless ability once the user his engaged in a close range battle. The system had copied Eddie whack fist battle skills. But it was enough to defeat the boy in front of him.

Kyle threw a kick at the boy, which made the boy move back a little. The boy managed to gain his footings. He now had a little distance away from Kyle. He fired another blast. The system deployed the invisible shield. But the wind blast managed to go through it somehow. It sent Kyle flying backwards, and crashing onto the ground. Kyle stood up immediately, and dodged the second blast the boy launched. The boy continued to launch attacks.  Kyle dodged it swiftly.

When he got up close to the boy, he threw a few punches in, which made the boy unable to react. Kyle moved back a little, and formed a fire ball. He launched it at the boy, he couldn't react fast enough so he was hit by the fire balls, causing a little burn on the boy's cloth. He immediately surrendered to Kyle. Meanwhile, it was a false retreat. The boy launched another wind blast at Kyle, which caught him off guard.

"Kyle. Watch out!!" Eddie said. Suddenly, a wall came up from the ground in front of Kyle, which blocked the wind blast. Jake was the one who used his ability for the first time. He protected Kyle.

Kyle was furious at what the boy did. He dashed towards the boy, and gave a kick on the face. The boy passed out from the kick. "Not cool" Kyle said as he rejoined Eddie and Jake. He thanked Jake for protecting him.

[Quest completed]

[20 Exp rewarded]

[5 bonus point rewarded]

[Exp: 60/100]

"Am getting closer to leveling up." Kyle thought as a wide grin appeared on his face. The three headed towards the arcade room for some leisure time.

The arcade room featured an expansive open layout. The walls were lined with interactive OLED panels that displayed stunning visuals, shifting between vibrant colors and immersive game art, enhancing the overall ambiance. At the center, a circular hub housed cutting-edge gaming pods, each equipped with full-dome holographic displays that enveloped players in 360-degree environments. These pods featured biometric sensors that adapted gameplay based on individual heart rates and reactions, creating. Surrounding the hub were sleek, modular gaming stations with touch-sensitive surfaces, allowing players to select games by simply swiping their hands in the air.

In one corner, a VR arena featured multi-user setups where players donned lightweight, haptic feedback suits, enabling them to feel every impact and movement in real-time.  Advanced motion tracking systems captured their movements, allowing for seamless interaction in virtual worlds.

The arcade also boasted a dedicated area for esports, complete with high-performance gaming rigs and large, transparent screens that displayed live matches. Automated drones zipped around, delivering snacks and drinks to players as they engaged in intense competition.

The three of them were confused. They didn't know which game to play. Later on, Eddie and Jake decided to play the gaming stations. While Kyle went for the VR pod. He really wanted to try a virtual battle with other players. He payed 10 teras for an hour with the pod without thinking twice, and that was the last money he had on him.

He entered into the pod. He was immediately transported into a white open space. The game tab displayed before him.

<Create account Login>

Since Kyle had never played virtual reality, he didn't have a account on it. He created an account instantly by filling his name and nationality, Kingdom of Tara. He set his username as "Kingslayer." He always used the username in all his games.

<finding match..>

<Rank A fighter>

<Gender: Female>

<Goldenlilac >

<Battle Begins!!>

He was immediately transported to a battle ground. The other player stood before him. The battle ground was similar to the training hall but it resembled a temple. The player wore a silk golden robe, she held a soul weapon on her hand.

"Soul weapons and abilities can be used in here? Amazing." Kyle thought. He recognised the player immediately. It was the same Rank A girl with the fang of Zyrax soul weapon.

Don't worry. He will soon level up. continue reading.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! Like it ? Add to library!Leave a comment.

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