This is a story about a 15 year old teenager named Richard Draco who will soon realize that he has the ability to transform into a anthropomorphic dragon to become...Dragon-Man.
This is a Marvel superhero fan story. The official Marvel characters belong to Marvel Studios.
Marvel Superhero
Chapter 5: Dragon-Man's first heroic mission
Somewhere outside of the Kazumi Corporation building within L.A the five groups already set up cubes around the building preparing to begin there mission to obtain the money and the highly advanced ship.
Boris: Is everything ready?
Iv'an: The cubes are all set.
Boris: excellent work....Phil prepar to activate the robots.
Phil: Already on it boss.
As he was typing the keyboard on the device to activate all of them and when it did the cubes transformed into weaponized robots preparing to take commands.
Phil: The robots are ready boss.
Boris: Fascinating...With these machines we can be able to complete this mission in no time.
Phil continues to use the device to command three robots to carry them and fly towards the top floor to seek out Yasushi Kazumi and Kiyohsi Ichiro.
Boris: Carlos, Garry you two head inside and make sure no one leaves the building and find the people who have the key codes. Me Iv'an and Phil will take care of the rest. The robots will do the rest by distracting the police.
Garry: Sure thing boss.
As both Garry and Carlos they got there Guns ready and when he rushed in the building the three robots carried Boris, Iv'an and Phil and began flying into the air looking for the main office of the top floor and waited for the right moment to strike. Meanwhile Inside the building of Kazumi Corporation many of the adult were already inside wearing fancy clothes for the party of Yasushi Kazumi's 50th anniversary especially Jen Ichiro's dad Kiyohsi Ichiro who is already meeting up with his boss to greet him.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: Mr Yasushi Kazumi it has been a great honor meeting you here today.
As he bow to him and as sign of respect and honor.
Yasushi Kazumi: It is an honor seeing you as we'll Mr. Kiyohsi how have you been?
Kiyohsi Ichiro: I'm doing just fine Mr. Yasushi.
Yasushi Kazumi: And how about you're family?
Kiyohsi Ichiro: Thay are doing just fine. I had a few conversations with my son not too long ago. It's nothing serious just a father and son conversation.
Yasushi Kazumi: Sound to me that it's going quite we'll.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: There is something I wish to discuss with you in private if that's okay with you Mr. Yasushi.
Yasushi Kazumi: Of course.
Then they walked toward the elevator to head towards Yasushi's office. Right when they left one of the employees named Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Caroline and Mr. Miller we're having a conversation with one another as both Yasushi and Kiyohsi entered the elevator.
Ms. Caroline: And there goes Mr. Yasushi and Mr. Kiyohsi.
Mr. Miller: That's Kiyohsi for ya always coming up with new ideas even during Mr. Yasushi's anniversary.
Mr. Tomas: Well whatever it is it has to be something important.
The party seems to have been going on for what seems like a few minutes but soon enough the criminals entered the building preparing to point there weapons at the civilians and capturing them as hostages. Moment later Kiyohsi and Yasushi were already on the top floor discussing something interesting that Kiyohsi had shown him. It was a blueprint of one of Kiyohsi's latest invention of silk.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: I wanted to show you my latest inventions. It's a special kind of silk that can revolutionized clothing that is flexible but also comfortable to the is also bullet proof and can resist pretty much everything like water, fire, air, cold and even electricity. Imagine having hundreds if not thousands of police officers wearing this type of material and can save thousands of lives not to mention sports clothing like skydiving or perhaps making it into a bullet proof vest or even normal clothes itself the possibilities are endless.
Yasushi Kazumi: How interesting...hmmm...yes I believe this could very well be an excellent opportunity to revolutionized this type of silk.
As he was pretty interested. And as Yasushi continued to look at the blueprint Kiyohsi check his pocket to take out a small peace of a black fabric.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: This here is a prototype of the fabric I've mentioned but with you're help we can reproduce this into hundreds.
Yasushi Kazumi: very fascinating...I'll see if I can arrange this for further testing.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: Thank you Mr. Kazumi I am grateful.
Suddenly out of nowhere both Kiyohsi and Yasushi heard rapid gunfires and screaming coming from the 1st floors.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: *gasp* what was that!?
Yasushi Kazumi: I'll call the police right away!
Yasushi quickly picked up the phone and called 911 to send help and as it rang the police answered the phone.
Police officer: 911 how can we help you?
Yasushi Kazumi: Hello police we need help Immediately our companies is under attack! There's been a shooting coming form the first floor our location is the Kazumi Corporation!
Police officer: Stay right were you are and locked the doors. The police will be on your way.
Yasushi Kazumi: Please hurry! And with that the phone hang up.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: What do we do Mr. Yasushi? you think the others are okay?!
Yasushi Kazumi: I'm not sure....all we can do is wait for the police to arrive.
Kiyohsi felt the sense of dread knowing that he's in a situation that he may or may not surviving if these intruders finds them before the police arrive.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: we need to find a place to hid before....
Suddenly out of nowhere two large weaponized robots broke through the windows and pointed there lazer weapons at them however they haven't fired them just yet for three more robots appeared as we'll and it appears that they can fly but are also carrying two people that are Boris, Iv'an and Phil and as they landed Iv'an pointed the gun at them as a way of telling them not to move. Soon both Kiyohsi and Yasushi put there hands up in the air.
Boris: You must be Yasushi Kazumi of the Kazumi Corporation...I must say it's been a pleasure meeting you in person.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: What have you done to the people you monsters!?
Iv'an quickly punched him in the face to shut him up.
Iv'an: I suggest you keep your mouth shut...
Boris: Enough Iv'an we need them alive and as for you're question...well...I can assure you that everyone is perfectly fine...well...for now at least.
Yasushi Kazumi: What is it you If it's money you want I can assure you that we can negotiate this peacefully If you let the hostages go.
Boris: I'm afraid it's not that simple you see....we want more then just you're money.
Yasushi Kazumi: What do you mean?
Boris: What I'm saying is that not only that you have 150 point billion dollars in your vault but you also have a highly advanced chip that can revolutionize technology like these robots for example. Imagine having an entire army of these machines that are ten times smarter, faster, stronger and deadlier then ever before. We can bring about new world order!
Yasushi Kazumi: You're're nothing more than terrorists!
Boris: Hehehehe call me whatever you like it makes no difference.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: You'll never get away with this the police will come after you!
Boris: Oh yes about that...I'm afraid that's not going to happen and even if they do try to get inside they won't be able to stand a chance against my twenty mechanical robots and they will eliminate anyone that tries to stop us. They are built for war and not even normal weapons will penetrate there indestructible armor. There outmatched and outgunned so you might as well give me the key codes while you're at it.
Suddenly Boris got a message from his walkie-talkie that was connected to one of his teams that are back downstairs on the first floor.
Garry: boss we got the two key codes from one of the CEO's managed to slip away in one of the elevators. He could be anywhere boss.
As Boris was listening Garry from the walkie-talkie.
Boris: Keep looking he couldn't have gone far.
Garry: Roger that boss!
Then the walkie-talkie disconnect as Boris was done using it for now.
Boris: *sigh*....It appears we already obtain two of the key codes that we've been looking for. Unfortunately one of the CEO's managed to escape but I can assure you we will find him one way or another. Now then....if you please...give me...the key codes....
As he pointed the gun at Kiyohsi Ichiro.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: I....I don't have it with me...
Boris:...let me left it back home didn't know....I'm actually quite impressed someone like you are this cautious of keeping it well hidden from me...unfortunately you're foolishness will cost you the loss of your loved ones...perhaps your wife and son for example.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: *gasp*...NO YOU LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS!!
Boris: Unfortunately....that is not possible....
Boris then use a device to command one robot to go look for his wife and son to eliminate them at there house and retrieve the key code.
Kiyohsi Ichiro: !!NO JEN, AKARI!!
Boris: Consider this as a reminder of you're foolish choices Mr. Kiyohsi.
As he laughs evilly while Kiyohsi was on his knees in defeat knowing that his entire family is about be killed. Meanwhile somewere in another location Vincent Cornell is watching everything that's happening within the building from the big screen especially one of the robots heading to look for Kiyohsi's family. As Vincent was watching Lilith was poring what appears to be red wine in a fancy glass cup.
Vincent Cornell: It appears that this mission will take longer than I thought...not that I was expecting it but I had a feeling would happen.
Lilith: Are you sure you're going to allow Boris to just kill his entire family...seems a bit too overboard don't you think?
Vincent Cornell: It dosen't really matter of the casualties he makes. As long as I get what I wants the mission will process as plan but just in case I'll make sure that my creation checks the house for that key code.
As he adjusted the commands with his device.
Vincent Cornell: Boris mybe a psychopath in his own ways but he's also very predictable and not very smart when it comes to missions not going his way which is expected. The chip will be mine regardless and soon...I will have full control of this city with my newly advanced technology and soon....the world.
Meanwhile back at Richard house he was still watching some anime (MHA) while eating cake but eventually the first season was already over.
Richard Draco: Aww man and it was getting good too...oh well...guess I'll have to wait for a few months for a season 2 to arrive.
As he turned off the tv.
Richard Draco: Man I'm bored....hmmm....we''s pretty dark outside so I guess it wouldn't hurt to fly around again. I can use some fresh air....literally.
As Richard went upstairs to toward his room he once again removed his clothes again and transformed into a dragon or rather...transformed into Dragon-Man and opened his window that leads to the backyard and flew away up into the sky once again.
Dragon-Man: Man this feels great to be out flying again. And to think I used to be scared of flying when I was little but not anymore. Hmmm...I wonder how Jen is doing?...mybe I should pay him a visit just to chat a bit...I just hope his mother dosen't see me though.
As he went to the direction to go see his friend. Meanwhile Jen was in his room drawing some cool superhero outfit idea sketches for his friend Richard. There were at least 3 different types of design that my or may not work. One of them is him wearing a green suit with long sleeves from the arms and legs with green stripes in it but he dosen't think it would work. The second one was a all red suit with long sleeve on the legs but no sleeves on the arms but it also seem a bit too bland with just one color. The 3rd one was the best one he has come up and it was a black suit with no long sleeves on the arms or legs and had two shoulder pads that have a fire like design that is orange and legs pads that also have a fire like design that is also orange. It even has fingerless gloves that look more like a gauntlet but with a fire design as well with orange and black color.
Jen Ichiro: this looks perfect now all I need is too add the final touch.
Jen then added what appears to be a dragon simble on the chest coloring it orange to complete the design.
Jen Ichiro: Aaaand this looks pretty cool! I can't wait to show it to Richard.
As he was happy with the result. As he was finished he herd his mother knocking at the door.
Akari Ichiro: Jen are you in there?
Jen Ichiro: Yeah the doors open.
As Jen's mother opened the door for her to come in.
Akari Ichiro: Jen I'm heading to the store right now to buy some groceries and I was hoping if you can help me along the way.
Jen Ichiro: Oh umm...yeah sure thing mom just give me a moment and I'll be right there.
Akari Ichiro: I'll be waiting outside for you when you're done.
Meanwhile back in the sky Dragon-Man was still flying towards the direction of his friends house.
Dragon-Man: I wonder what my super suit would look like once Jen comes up with a design for me I'm actually kinda curious too see it.
Suddenly he spotted something flying in the sky.
Dragon-Man: huh?....what the heck is that thing?
As he was curious from that strange light coming from a distance. He then used his abilities of his Super Sight to zoom in on this mysterious flying object and when he got a better look he saw what appears to be a robot.
Dragon-Man: No way is that a robot? I've never seen anything like that before but we're did it come from and what is it doing out here of all places?...wait a minute.
He looked down still zoomed in and what he found shocked was heading straight towards his friend Jen and his mother Ms Akari Ichiro's house. Meanwhile Jen and his mother got out of the house to lock the door and walked straight towards the car.
Jen Ichiro: Will this take a while mom?
Akari Ichiro: We'll I do have a list of foods and ingredients I need to get so it should take a while.
Jen Ichiro: Can I get something for myself while we're there?
Akari Ichiro: *giggle* will see son.
Suddenly just when Jen and Akari were close to the car a strange blast hit the car causing an explosion with a loud boom with enough force to push back Jen and his mom but not enough to harm them.
Akari Ichiro: OH MY GOD!
Jen Ichiro: MOM ARE YOU OKAY!?
Akari Ichiro: I...I'm okay but what just...
Suddenly a large robots landed in front of Jen and his mother looking right at them.
Jen Ichiro: What the hell is that!?
The robot then changed one of his arms into a weapon and then pointing it at Jen to get a lock on his head with it's target lazer.
Akari Ichiro: JEN!!
Jen: *gasp*!!
Jen wanted to move out of the way but his body wouldn't let him but it was at that moment Jen knew he was about to die along with his mother but just when the robot was about to shoot him something swooped in and tackled the robot right back up into the sky saving both Jen and his was none other then his friend Richard aka Dragon-Man who is now sending it somewhere far away from Jen and his mother.
Akari Ichiro: W....what in the world was that!?
Jen Ichiro: (was that....Richard just now?)
Jen couldn't think about that for now and instead check to see if his mother was okay.
Jen Ichiro: Are you okay mom?
Akari Ichiro: Y...yes I'm okay son but what was that thing?
Jen Ichiro: Whatever it is it just saved our lives.
Akari Ichiro: We need to get back inside and lock the doors before it comes back.
Jen Ichiro: Sure thing mom. (Richard...please be careful...)
Moment later Dragon-Man was still holding on to the robot as it was still tackling it to find someplace to land. Fortunately he found an open area that seems empty and away from danger so he push the robot downward toward the ground and prepared himself for a crash landing with a loud boom. He landed soo hard to the ground it released a debris of dust which is mainly dirt and soon enough Dragon-Man flew out of the debris and landed back on the ground to see if he had destroyed it but unfortunately when the dust was beginning to clear up the robot was still intact and fully functional.
Dragon-Man: Who are you!?....and why are you after those people!?
He demanded the robot but was unable to respond. Meanwhile back at his lair Vincent Cornell was shocked at see what attacked his creation right when he was about to eliminate Jen and Akari.
Vincent Cornell: Is that....what I think it is?...
As his eyes was wide open.
Vincent Cornell: It's a dragon...I thought they we're extinct centuries ago...
Soon enough he began to grin with a sinister smile.
Vincent Cornell: How interesting...let's see how much this dragon can handle my creations.
As he began to command the robot to eliminate the target. Meanwhile back to Dragon-Man he was still trying to get answers from the robot who was attacking Jen and Akari.
Dragon-Man: I'm going to say this one more time who are you and why are you after those people!?
The robots still couldn't respond but instead it began its fighting stance and changed his arm into a blaster again and pointed it at Dragon-Man.
Dragon-Man: Not gotta talk are you that's fine by me!
He then spread his wings and flew straight at him head on and the robot began to fire right at him with rapid shoots of his lazer blaster but Dragon-Man quickly dodged it and began to fly away from getting him.
Dragon-Man: (Crap this thing shoots lazers I better be careful!)
As he was dodging the lazers left and right trying to figure out a strategy.
Dragon-Man: (I can't keep dodging like this forever. There has to be some way get around it. Come on think....)
Dragon-Man quickly looks around for something to use as a weapon and the only thing he can find what's a few trees.
Dragon-Man: (Well I guess that will have to do)
He quickly flew down still avoiding the lazers but the robot kept on following him and when Dragon-Man landed he quickly used his super streath and tried to pull out the tree off the ground with all his might.
Dragon-Man: *hrrmm* (come on come come...on!)
As the robot was getting closer to Dragon-Man to prepare to fire again he successfully pulled out the tree and hit the robot with a tree soo hard it send it flying backwards and into the ground.
Dragon-Man: Got em!
Dragon-Man quickly lifted the tree and threw it at the robot like a spear.
Dragon-Man: Take this!
The robots quickly reached and switched both of his hands into a glowing purple blades that can cur through anything. As the tree was about to hit the robot it sliced the tree in half like it was nothing.
Dragon-Man: Oh you gotta kidding me!
Then the robots charge right at him in attempt to stab him but Dragon-Man quickly dodged it. The robot continued to swing its blade like arms at him left and right until Dragon-Man finally caught both of its arms and they were beginning to struggle like a game of tug-of-war. The robot was strong but Dragon-Man was stronger despite the struggle so the only thing Dragon-Man could end this fight is by using the robots own weapon against him by forcefully ripping out one of it's arms and quickly pierce it through its robotic chest causing it to malfunction too the point of falling to the grand. Meanwhile Vincent was speechless as one of his robots that he sees on the camera was showing signs of Errors and soon enough the now destroyed robot has shut down completely making one of the cameras go off which now leaves to only 19 robots remaining.
Vincent Cornell:.....This could be a problem....
Meanwhile back to Dragon-Man he got a good look at the robot trying to find some kind of clues as to we're it came from.
Dragon-Man: We'll...that ended quicker than expected but I'm still trying to figure out why this one is after Jen and his mom?...hmm...maybe if I.
Suddenly he heard a beeping noise that sounded like a countdown.
Dragon-Man: Oh crap that doesn't sound good!
Dragon-Man quickly flew away from the robot and when he did the robot exploded with a loud boom.
Dragon-Man: *whew*...that was too close...looks like whoever built that thing really dosen't want anyone to find out.....clever.....I better check on Jen to see if he's okay.
And with that he flew straight back to Jen's house. Meanwhile back at Jen's home he was looking up at the back of his window hoping for his friend to come back.
Jen Ichiro: (we're can he be?....I hope he's okay out there fighting that thing.)
Suddenly he heard his mom panicking.
Akari Ichiro: Oh my God!
As Jen hear her screams he quickly went downstairs to check on his mom.
Jen Ichiro: Mom are you okay did something happen!?
Jen saw his mother looking at the news on the TV and when Jen was was looking at the news as well he was shocked to see what appears to be the same company that his dad was working. As he watched one of the anchorman was talking about the attacks going on at The Kazumi Corporation.
Anchorman: We Interrupted this breaking news. The company known as The Kazumi Corporation is under attack by a group of terrorists and they appear to have some kind of unintedified robots surrounding the building. The police forces are doing everything they can to rescue the hostages by bringing in reinforcements of the swat team however these robotic weapons are preventing them form getting closer to the building and they have already destroyed a few tanks and vehicles. Meanwhile the commissioner is trying to make contact with one of the terrorists leader for a negotiation to set the hostages free but there appears to be no complie.
Hearing this Jen was shocked and scared that his farther could be inside the building.
Jen Ichiro: (Oh my god....Dad!)
Jen quickly ran toward the backyard while his mother was still watching the news horrified for his husband. As Jen walked outside of the backyard he yelled at his friends name hoping he would hear him.
Jen Ichiro: Dragon-Man!.....Dragon-Man can you hear me!?
Meanwhile Dragon-Man was still flying in the sky to check on Jen and his mother but fortunately his Super Hearing was able to hear his friend calling out to him.
Dragon-Man: That sounds like Jen.
He quickly picked up the pace and was able to return back to Jen house seeing him in the backyard and began to land in front of him.
Dragon-Man: I got here as quickly as I could are you two okay?
Jen Ichiro: I'm fine but you gotta help me my dad is in serious trouble!
Dragon-Man: Trouble....what kind of trouble?
Suddenly Jen's mother Akari walked out of the backyard door to check on his son.
Akari Ichiro: Jen...who are you talking to and why are y....OH MY GOD JEN LOOK OUT IT'S A MONSTER!!
As she was frightened at the dragon standing next to Jen.
Jen Ichiro: No mom he's one of the good guy's he's on our side and he won't hurt us!
As he tried to defend his friend.
Jen Ichiro: Mom listen he's the same guy that saved us from that robot that tried to kill us.
Dragon-Man: Hello there sorry if I look scary and all but I'm actually quite friendly and I'm also his new friend. I'm Dragon-Man by the way.
As he introduced himself in a friendly manner.
Akari Ichiro: can talk...and you say you're name is Dragon-Man?
Dragon-Man: Yep that's me I'm the new superhero although...I may not look much at the moment but I can still help others in need.
Akari Ichiro: So you are the one that saved us...thank you Dragon-Man.
Dragon-Man: No problem it's what I do but what I don't understand is why is that robot after you two?
Jen Ichiro: I have no idea but I gotta feeling I know we're it came from. My mom was watching the news just recently and there are a bunch of robots surrounding the Kazumi Corporation building.
Dragon-Man: Kazumi Corporation?
Akari Ichiro: It's a company we're my husband works but I have a bad feeling he's still in there.
Jen Ichiro: You have to save my dad or he's gonna die!
Dragon-Man: Don't worry Jen....I'll go rescue him you can count on me.
Akari Ichiro: Wait before you go I believe I know what they are after.
Dragon-Man: What is it?
Akari Ichiro: I usually keep this secret but I believe they are after a key code that he had hidden in his's more of an office but there should be a safe that only I know the combination. Give me a moment I'll be right back.
A few minutes later Dragon-Man and Jen we're still waiting for Jen's mother to come back with the key code.
Jen Ichiro: So Richard umm....what happened to that robot that attack us.
Dragon-Man: Oh that thing...You don't have to worry about that I destroyed it or destroyed itself.
Jen Ichiro: you mean it self destruct?
Dragon-Man: pretty much....I was going to find clues as to we're it came from but know. But at least we know now that it came from those other robots surrounding the building. Whoever is controlling those robots wants you both dead so they can take the key afterwards.
As his anger began to grow.
Dragon-Man: I swear I'll make them pay for that. No one hurts my friend's and gets away with it!
Jen Ichiro: It's gonna be tough though remember there are hostages in there as well especially my dad. Are you sure you can handle all those robots on your own?
Dragon-Man: I don't know....I haven't fully mastered my powers yet but I'll give it all got.
Suddenly Jen's mother came back with the key codes.
Akari Ichiro: I got the key.
As she revealed what appears to be a key card.
Dragon-Man: So this is what there after?
Akari Ichiro: yes I'm sure of it.
Dragon-Man: then you should give it to me. It's the codes there after so as long as I have it you two should be safe.
Akari then put a neckwear which is attached to the key codes around Dragon-Man's neck.
Akari Ichiro: Please Dragon-Man....please save my husband and be careful.
Dragon-Man: Don't worry I will...I won't let anything bad happen to your husband I promise.
Jen Ichiro: Go get em Dragon-Man!
Dragon-Man simply smiled with a thumbs up and began to fly away heading straight toward the Kazumi Corporation building from L.A.
Jen Ichiro:.....Be careful buddy...
Meanwhile back at the Kazumi Corporation outside of the building the police officers are firing there guns at the robots including the swat team with there rifles but proven to be unaffected by normal bullets due to there forcefields that the robots have activated as shields but soon enough they began to fire back with their lazer blasters aiming at the police officers. The reinforcements were taking cover at the blast shooting at them while most of the vehicles were blown up. Many of them were injured by the crossfires and was pulled back to get to safety while others tried to cover them like it was an all out war of man vs machines...and they were losing to the machines. Meanwhile a Police Commissioner of the L.A.P.D named Joseph West was taking cover from the blast who is further away from the danger but still in a bad situation.
Joseph West: Dammit!....this situation is getting a lot worse than we thought and our weapons are just not working. What's even worse is that we can't get anywhere near the building let alone not knowing who's controlling these things?
Suddenly one of his team stepped in with a cellphone.
Police Officer: Sure there's someone who want to speak to you I think it's the leader who's behind all this!
Joseph West: What!?
He quickly took the cellphone to listen who was in charge and it turns out it was Boris.
Boris: Is this The Commissioner I'm speaking?
As he was speaking to Joseph on the phone.
Joseph West: Who is this!?....are you the one controlling these machines!?
Boris: In a matter of speaking yes...
Joseph West: And what of the hostages!?
Boris: They are still alive....for now at least.
Joseph West: what is it you want?....what will it take for you to let the hostages go?
Boris:...If you're smart you'll will bring us a helicopter for us to escape. If you ever want to see them alive you will do as I say. You have but one hour to deliver the helicopter at the top of the building and if it dosen't show up at that time I'll kill everyone within the building. have one hour....
And with that the phone hang up.
Joseph West: Dammit....we have no choice...get someone who can bring a helicopter on top of that building!
Police Officer: Yes sir!
Police Officer 2: are you sure about this?...what If he's lying?
Joseph West: at this rate we have no other choice. Some of our men are injured and getting inside seemed impossible!...*sigh*...There are innocent people trapped inside and we can't afford to let anyone get killed...
Meanwhile inside the building of the top floor Boris who have already hung up the phone was smiling evilly at his plane to escape.
Boris: It seems they already have there hands full with our army. Phil how close are we to opening that vault?
Phil: I should be getting close.
As he was attempting to hack it without the use of the key codes.
Phil: So far we already managed to get two key codes which leaves us to only eight more digit numbers but if I'm lucky I might be able to figure it out without the two remaining key codes but it might still take some time.
Boris: then we must find that person that got away quickly...we only have one hour before the helicopter arrives.
Boris then picked up his walkie-talkie to speak to Garry.
Boris: Garry have you found the one that got away?
Meanwhile in the 11th floor that looks mainly like a huge computer room Garry was searching the area with an assault rifle he's carrying.
Garry: Not yet boss I'm still looking.
Boris: we're running out of time. You need to find this person before the helicopter arrives in one hour. If you find him kill him and take the key code and return it to me.
Garry: understood boss.
And with that the walkie-talkie hung up. As Garry continued the search around computer room a man who so happened to be the one that got away is hiding underneath one of the computer desk staying perfectly quiet without making any noises shaking in fear of what will happen if he was discovered.
Garry: You can't hide one is going to save's only a matter of time before I find might as well give up and hand over the key codes.
The man hiding under the computer desk slowly began to crawl out of the desk to get the the door leading to the next floor upstairs but just when he was about to get there his foot hit the chair hitting the desk making the cup filled with pen and pencils fall over hitting the ground.
???: *gasp*!
As the cup fell to the ground Garry quickly turned around and began firing his assault riffle at that direction. The man quickly crawled away from the shots being fired trying desperately to avoid getting hit. Meanwhile Dragon-Man was getting close to his destination to save the hostages until suddenly he heard gunfires from a distance thanks to his Super Hearing.
Dragon-Man: That dosen't sounds good.
As he made it towards the building he uses his Super Sight to find out we're the shooting was coming from until he spotted it coming from the 11th floor.
Dragon-Man: there you are.
Meanwhile the man was still being shot at trying to get away from him until finally Garry ran out of bullet. The man quickly took this opportunity and ran toward the door to get away but the door was locked and he tried desperately to open it.
???: oh God no not like this.
As he was beginning to panic.
Garry: Hehehehe...looks like you're luck finally ran out.
???: *gasp*
Garry: I gotta say you're one slippery sun of a bitch you know that?
???: p...please...don't kill me!
Garry: sorry kid just following orders.
As he was reloading his assault riffle.
Garry: I'll be taking that key code from you so....time to die.
As Garry pointed his riffle aiming right at his head and just when he was about to pull the trigger Dragon-Man broke through the window shattering the glass and hit Garry with his tail knocking him further away from the hostage then quickly hid himself in the dark since no lights were turned on the 11th floor.
???: w....what was that?!
Dragon-Man: you there...don't just stand there find a place to hide.
As he was talking to the hostage in the dark and with that he did as he said and went into hiding once again. Meanwhile Garry slowly got back up from whatever hit him.
Garry: ohh.....what the hell hit me?
As he was picking up his assault riffle. He looked around to find his target but was nowhere to be found. He did however see the window completely broken as if someone or something got inside the building.
Garry: What the hell?...
Dragon-Man: Whatever it is you're looking for you won't find him....he's already long gone....
Garry: !?....(what the....that sounded like a kid).
Dragon-Man: I suggest you surrender now. You don't wanna see me on my bad side...
Garry: Is that so?...are you a little too young to br playing the hero? You're in no position to give me orders in fact it is you who should surrender so you might as well just show yourself now and join the others.
As he was smirking knowing full well that he's just going to kill him.
Dragon-Man: Sorry but I'm not planning on surrendering to the likes of you so you have two options. surrender and tell me we're your boss is hiding or two.....I'll make you...
Garry: Bold words coming from you who's about to die.
Then he started shooting his riffle were the voice is coming from but due to it being soo dark he couldn't tell if he was hitting the target or not. Dragon-Man however managed to slip away from the shootings since he was missing a lot. Eventually he stopped firing his riffle to look around while still pointing his weapon just to be safe.
Garry: you can't hide forever whoever kid!...when I find you you're dead!
While the criminal was still pointing at the direction we're he was firing Dragon-Man was right behind him preparing to attack him while he was distracted however...Garry had a bad feeling that someone was behind him and when he slowly turned around he saw two green glowing eyes that isn't human which put him in a panic.
Garry: A..Ahhhhhhh!!
Garry quickly aimed his assault riffle at him to
shoot him but Dragon-Man quickly grabbed the front of the tip of the assault riffle and lift it upward to avoid getting shot as Garry was firing his weapon. Dragon-Man then bend the tip of the assault riffle rendering it completely useless then he punch Garry in the face and yanked the assault riffle from his hands while he was knocked down and broke it in half to make sure it's not used again but Garry on the other hand was still conscious. As he quickly got back up he noticed that his nose was broken from that punch he took but he was still freaked out at what he saw was not a kid...but a monster.
Garry: w....what the hell are you!?...some kind of mutant!?
Dragon-Man: that's none of you're business now tell me we're you're keeping the hostages and we're you're boss is hiding!!
Garry: As if I'm gonna tell you freak!!
He quickly grabbed a pistol hidden in the back of his pants and quickly fired him directly in the chest. Dragon-Man's eyes widen and didn't have time to react in time feeling that this might be the end for him knowing that he was going to get shot and killed from his first day as a superhero the three bullets were about to pierce Dragon-Man's didn't actually hurt him...instead the bullets actually deflected from his body completely unharmed and the bullets fell to the ground completely bend and broken.
Dragon-Man:...well....what do you know...looks like body really is made of steel (Holy crap that was close I thought I was going to die just now. I should probably let Jen know that I'm bullet proof).
Garry: N...No freaking way!!
He then started firing again at him but Dragon-Man quickly used his wings as a shield to charge at him to grab him. As he grabbed him Dragon-Man then too the gun away from him and crushed it completely.
Dragon-Man: that's enough of're weapons are useless against me so let's try this again on the top.
As he flew out of the building with the criminal he's grabbed and into the sky.
As he was panicking and as Dragon-Man was high in the air he dropped him and quickly grabbed his leg to put him upside down with just one arm holding him.
Dragon-Man: If you wanna live you will tell were you're keeping the hostages and we're you boss his hiding!
Dragon-Man:'re not gonna talk are you...okay let's try this then!
Dragon-Man then went even higher in the air and was flying all over the place by doing a lot of loops and turns while still holding on to him listening to him screaming In fear.
Dragon-Man: Whats that!?....I can't hear you from the sound of you not telling me we're the hostages are and you're boss!
As he was beginning sarcastic.
Dragon-Man: First tell me we're you're boss is hiding and we're the hostages are THEN I'll consider putting you back down!
Garry: Okay okay....the boss is hiding in the 30th floor in Yasushi's office! As for the hostages there being kept in the first floor but you'll never be able to save them! The building is surrounded by our machines and even if you get there they will tear you apart!
Dragon-Man: that's funny because the last time I checked I've destroyed one of them.
Garry: w..wait what!? That's impossible those robots are indestructible!
Dragon-Man: Seems pretty breakable if you ask me.
As he smirked.
Garry: Ha!...So what if you'd destroyed one of them big won't be able to destroy all of them there are still 19 robots patrolling the area keeping the police at bay! And another thing you're so call pathetic attempts of stopping "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"
As Dragon-Man was getting bored at listening to him rambling a lot he noticed a walkie-talkie still strapped to his belt and decided to take it from him by using his tail.
Dragon-Man: (Aha a walkie-talkie...this should come in handy.)
As he grabs it with his tail.
Garry: "blah blah blah blah" and be hunted like a d-hay what are you doing!?
Dragon-Man: Yeah I didn't catch all that so I'll be taking this instead. Oh and FYI...I lied about putting you back down...
Garry: Wait wha-
Dragon-Man quickly punched him again in the face knocking him out unconscious this time.
Dragon-Man: the only place you're going is in prison...
And with that he flew straight back down looking for the nearest police officers he could find that's further away from the Kazumi Corporation building. Fortunately he was about to spot a police vehicle near a fast food restaurant most likely taking there lunch break. Meanwhile a Police officer was waiting for his partner to arrive with his order but luckily for him his partner showed up right on time.
Police Officer 1: Took you long enough I'm starving.
Police Officer 2: Sorry about that it was a bit busy in there.
As he handed him the bag of food he ordered picking up what appears to be a hamburger.
Police Officer 1: finally I've been craving one for a while now.
As he begins to eat it including his partner who got himself a club sandwich.
Police Officer 2: Hay have you heard that the Kazumi Corporation is under attack a few hours ago?
Police Officer 1: Yeah something about the hostages being kept there or something.
Police Officer 2: Not only that but a bunch of robots are surrounding it as well. Shouldn't we head over there for backup?
Police Officer 1: We could but I think they got plenty of reinforcements as it is. I'm pretty sure they got this under control.
Police Officer 2: Oh I don't know about that man...
Police Officer 1: Look...everything will be fine. The professionals already got this under the bag. I know you want to make a name for yourself but you're still just a rookie.
Police Officer 1: I know...I just wanted to do some good in this city like capturing real criminals...not parking duties...
Police Officer 2: Don't worry rookie you'll get your chance someday. It not like there gonna pop out form the sky or anything.
Suddenly Dragon-Man got close to the police vehicle and dropped Garry on top if the front of the car braking his fall.
Police Officer 1: HOLY CRAP!!
Police Officer 2: OH MY GOD WE'RE DID HE COME FROM!?
the police officers quickly got out of car and saw a man lying there still unconscience but very much alive. The two police officers looked up to see were the man came from and what they saw shocked them seeing what appears to be a dragon flying I'm the air.
Police Officer 1: What the hell is that!?
Dragon-Man: He's all you'rs officers.
As with that he quickly flew back to the building leaving the police officers to take care of the first criminal.
Police Officer 1: That thing can talk!...and what did he mean by that!?
Police Officer 2: *gasp*....oh my're not gonna believe this!
Police Officer 1: What is it rookie?
The rookie got his IPad showing him the picture of Garry who is a wanted criminal.
Police Officer: It's him It's Garry one of the world's most wanted criminals!
His boss got a good look at him then looked back at the picture.
Police Officer 1: My god.....It is him!
Meanwhile back at the 11th floor the man slowly opened the door checking to see if the coast is clear.
????: A...are they gone?....oh thank god...I gotta get out of here somehow.
Suddenly Dragon-Man was behind him.
Dragon-Man: I can help with that.
The man quickly turned around and saw a monster right behind him.
????: A...ahhhhhh!!
He then quickly began to run away form the creature.
Dragon-Man: Wait hold on I'm not going to hurt you I'm here to help!
Just when he was about to open the door to make a run for it he stopped and heard him speak.
????: w...wait you can talk!?
Dragon-Man: Of course I am I'm Dragon-Man and I'm here to rescue you.
????: Dragon-Man?...are you some kind of superhero?
Dragon-Man: We'll yeah it's kinda my first time actually. I may not look like much but I'm working on it. I did take care of that one guy that was trying to kill you. Don't worry he's not dead I just handed him over to the police to take care of him.
Mr. Thomas: Oh....well....I guess I should thank you for saving me. The named Mr. Thomas by the way.
Dragon-Man: Don't mention it Tomas it's what I do but we're not out of the woods just yet I still need to save the the rest of the hostages that's on the first floor.
Mr. Thomas: you mean there still alive?
Dragon-Man: yes I got a few info form that guy I took care of but the question is WHY is he trying to kill you?
Mr. Thomas: I know why....
As he pulled out something around his neck.
Mr. Thomas: This is way thay were after me...they were after the key codes.
Dragon-Man: you mean like this one?
As he showed him the kay codes that was also wrapped around his neck.
Mr. Thomas: Wait...we're did you get that!?
Dragon-Man: let's just say a friend of mine gave it to me after I saved him.
Mr. Thomas: But why do you have it?
Dragon-Man: I wanted to figure out why they are after it and what it's used for?
Mr. Thomas: *sigh*....well....the key codes are used for opening a vault hidden within Mr Yasushi's office on the 30th floor.
Dragon-Man: And what's in the
Mr. Thomas: that...and a special chip.
Dragon-Man: Chip....what chip?
Mr. Thomas: A highly advanced super chip that can further enhance technology but if on the wrong hands they will use it to create weapons of mass destruction like a nuclear missiles.
Dragon-Man: Oh my god....
Mr. Thomas: You have to stop them Dragon-Man! They must not get that chip!
Dragon-Man: Don't worry they won't but you should give me the key codes. As long as you have it they will come after you. You'll be a lot safer without it if you give it to me.
Mr. Thomas: A..are you sure?
Dragon-Man: trust me I got this. All I need to do is rescue the hostages, distoy his robots then capture the main boss.
Mr. Thomas: Well alright....I really hope you know what you're doing Dragon-Man.
As he gave Dragon-Man the second key codes.
Dragon-Man: I'll be just fine Mr. Thomas but first...let me take you somewhere we're it's safe.
And with that Dragon-Man picked Mr. Thomas up and flew away to another building away from the Kazumi Corporation. As he landed on the top floor on another building he carefully dropped Mr. Tomas safely.
Dragon-Man: You should be safe here.
Mr. Thomas: thanks again for saving me Dragon-Man.
Dragon-Man: No problem but you should get out of here while you still can. There should be a few police officers nearby so you should go to them so they can keep you safe.
Mr. Thomas: thanks I will and good luck out there Dragon-Man.
Dragon-Man simply gave him the thumbs up and flew back to the Kazumi Corporation once again. Meanwhile outside of Kazumi Corporation Joseph West was still pondering of a plan to somehow prevent the criminals from escaping but it seems pretty impossible due to the robots still blocking there path.
Joseph West: There's gotta be something we can do...time is running out and it's only a matter of time before the helicopter arrives and there's no telling if the hostages are even alive...
Suddenly one of his men got a message from the two police officers who happens to capture one of the criminals far away from the Kazumi Corporation.
Police Officer: Boss you might want to hear this! One of our members captured a wanted criminal that mybe connected to this attack!
Joseph West: What!?...give me that!
As he took the walkie-talkie from him.
Joseph West: This is Commissioner Joseph West what's you're status?
As he was using the walkie-talkie
Police Officer 1: Hello commissioner you're not going to believe this but we have one of the criminals named Garry in custody. We have reasons to believe he is connected to the attacks of Kazumi Corporation.
Joseph West: what really!?....but if he's one of the guy's how did he get way over there!?
Police Officer 1: We're not to sure commissioner but someone or something flew by at our location and just dropped him there....and it dosen't look human.
Joseph West:.....What do you mean dosen't look human?....
Police Officer 1: looked like a monster with wings...reptilian even.
Joseph West: Wait....are you describing it as a..
Police Officer: Commissioner look!
Suddenly Joseph West looked up in the sky and saw a shadowy figure flying inside the building.
Joseph West: what the hell is that!
Meanwhile at the 30th floor Boris was looking at the window keeping an eye out for the helicopter to arrive while two hostages Yasushi and Kiyohsi are still tied up.
Boris: We have less than an half an hour before it arrives...soon we will get what we we're looking for and soon....everything will change.
Phil: Um...boss....I think we have a problem...
Boris: Huh....what problem?
Phil: We'll....remember that robot you sent to kill Kiyohsi's family to get the key codes?
Boris: Yeah what of it?
Phil:'s not responding in fact it mysteriously went offline.
Boris: Offline!?....that's impossible how can it be offline!?
Phil: Well...I can think of two can either be a glitch could be destroyed entirely. I'm trying to get it back online but it's no good.
Boris: it can't be...destroyed!?...impossible!
Boris quickly picked up his walkie-talkie to contact Garry.
Boris: Garry what's you're status? Do you have the key codes.....Garry what's going on down there did you find him or not!?
Dragon-Man: Sorry but I don't he's going to answer you anytime soon...
Boris:...who the hell is this!?
Dragon-Man: Me....we'll....let's just say I'm someone you don't wanna mess around with or simply put're worst nightmare.
Phil: I don't know about you boss but that sounded like a kid.
Boris: Quiet!!.....Who are you really?....aren't you a bit young to be playing the hero? Someone who watches too many superhero movies or whatever you kids watch these days?
Dragon-Man: you'd be surprised scumbag...because I am a superhero.
Boris: You do realize that you won't be able to walk out of this alive right?...
Dragon-Man: Don't count on that...because when I find you...I'll see to it that you'll be put to justice! Let the hostages go and I'll go easy on you...but if you don' will regret the hard way...
Boris: Oh...Is that a threat?
Boris then gave Phil the signal to send in ten robots after the target.
Dragon-Man:'s a promise.
Meanwhile back at the 11th floor Dragon-Man was still talking to Boris from the walkie-talkie.
Dragon-Man: If you're smart I suggest you turn yourself in while you're at it. You don't wanna make this more difficult as it already is.
Boris: Unfortunately for you I'm not the kind of man that will willingly turn myself in all because you somehow taken out one of my men because you forgotten one thing...
Dragon-Man: Oh yeah and what's that?...
Suddenly ten flying robots appeared right behind him.
Boris: Hahaha.....I have an army.
Dragon-Man quickly turned around and saw that he was surrounded by ten robots targeting him.
Dragon-Man: !!
Boris: Hahahahaha!!...let's see how much of a hero you truly are against my advance technology!
And with that Boris hung up.
Dragon-Man: Grrrr....Dammit!....not good....
To be continued....