
Dragon Incarnation

(TEST) RELEASE RATE INFO BELOW... Tyler has never had an easy life ever since he was in elementary school, it was even a little unfair. One day his bad luck finally breaks and he discovers AlKo online. A massive fantasy world filled with magic and mythical beasts awaits him. Numerous unfathomable threats and catastrophes stalk this world with ravenous eyes. A new powerhouse is born and the major powers can't ignore him. His great ambition, which was suppressed in the real world, runs wild and his strength expands rapidly. Absolute power... Overwhelming strength... Unshakeable influence... Vast wealth... Endless knowledge and potential... Beautiful women... His ridiculous growth speed startles the gods and devils alike as he obtains everything and anything. All who threaten or get in his way are brutally put down. All who aid him only see great benefits and a bright future. A legend is birthed... Tags: Romance//System//Action//Harem//R-18//Adventure//Fantasy//Game//Ambitious MC//Cunning & Smart MC//Comedy//Polygamy//Overpowered MC//Fantasy//Prodigy MC//Strong from Start// Non-human MC//Hidden Gem Infrequent Tags: Tragedy//Strategy//Yuri(rarely)//War//Politics//Economics//Gore(sometimes extreme)//Modern//Urban//Sci-fi//Futuristic//School//Psychological (This means they might not be frequent or will appear much later on) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {TEST RELEASE RATE} FRIDAY: 2 chapters This is my TEST release rate to see if I can handle it. I'm still a new author so need to see what I can handle. I will try hard to abide by this release rate but I do have the stuff to do in real life so please bear with me if I’m late or I miss it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {COMMON QUESTIONS} NOVEL’S FUTURE: This story is quite special to me because I’ve loved reading my whole life and I thought I’d give it a try. This is my first novel and I have big (and I mean BIG) plans with a really solid storyline planned out for its future. I truly don't plan on dropping this book or leaving it alone for unreasonable periods of time because I feel like I’ve invested too much of my energy and emotions to just give up on it. FAKE WORLD CONCERN: Some people are discontent with the fact that the world that the MC focuses on is all fake and virtual, but all I can say is that you shouldn’t be worried about that!! After all, I’m a reader too..... I know how you guys tick because I’m one of you so I would have similar feelings. Just wait and see what happens. MORAL ALIGNMENT: I believe readers get a little confused on the MC’s moral alignment (at least in the beginning) and I don't blame them, he’s a complicated fellow. He usually does whatever he wants with little care for the other party unless they interest and/or benefit him and his ambitions, or his principles or bottom-line get in the way. When he makes decisions, he can respond like a ”lawful neutral”, ”neutral good”, or ”chaotic neutral”. I would say he’s morally grey… His strong views on matters such as slavery and extremely unethical organizations such as the Archaic Church stem from past experiences in real life that will be explained. I’d have to say that the MC is in between an ”anti-hero” and an ”anti-villain”. The main force that drives him is his unnaturally large ambition and yearn for power, which strengthens his end game goal… world domination. OCCASIONAL NAUGHTINESS: Concerning the (+18) scenes and chapters, I don't go heavy on them. I mainly focus on the storyline with the occasional scene or chapter as a cherry on top! They’re short and sweet and I try my hardest to not let them be lacking, but also not dwell on them. SINCERELY hope that you enjoy it!!!!! (The title image isn't mine and if the original creator wishes to have the credit or for it to be taken down, please contact me through comments.)

TitanicApex711 · ゲーム
98 Chs

A Bad Feeling

Kyren was still in his dragon form, curled up like a lazy cat, as he watched the sun go down over the horizon. Flying snake looking creatures flew in front of the setting sun like a flock of birds. Even with the tense atmosphere of the outer wall, a great sense of calm passed over him.

'This world truly is a masterpiece...'

He honestly wouldn't mind living in this place forever despite the dangers at every corner. His life in the real world already went sour so might as well start a new one... right? If only he could discard his body and live here.

As he was deep in his internal thoughts, the massive front gate slowly opened and a luxurious carriage rolled out.

When Maya and Rayna walked out with the negotiators, waves of relief befell the entire human crowd. These monsters were finally going to leave and let peace return to the capital.

Kyren immediately stood up and stretched out his wings as he readied himself for the ride back.

Maya turned around to the negotiators before they reached the giant dragon hand, "Thank you for the files on the nearby dragons... remember to fulfill those two requests of mine."

"I will do my utmost your excellency Cerulean Dragon."

"Good, farewell for now."

The girls got onto the hand of Kyren's and he lifted them up on to his back. After they were secure, he thrusted his monumental wings and lifted off. The gusts of wind sent some of the weaker guards flying while the others hung on for dear life.

Kyren picked a random direction that wasn't heading toward Kassio and travelled that way.


As they flew over some lush mountains, Kyren talked for the first time in a very low voice, "I don't know if we're being followed but as a precaution, I plan to use my void magic to teleport us out of here. Be ready if there's danger on the other side."

They both nodded in unison as Rayna readied her weapons and Maya gathered some water magic into her hands.

Kyren used his void mana to teleport out of the Merfolk city after he went on a rampage so he knew his abilities to a certain extent. Since he didn't know any proper spells, when he attempts to teleport, he will appear in a completely random location within a couple mile radius depending on how much mana he used.

To pull something like this off, Kyren had a high luck attribute so he was confident nothing too bad would happen. The last time, his luck lead him to somewhere he knew (Dragon's Breath testing field).

Out of all the hidden attributes, luck was the hardest to obtain. It was also the most valuable so when Kyren figured out that the talent [Glimpse of Lady Luck] was basically a god level talent, he was relieved because he took a massive gamble when he chose it.


The atmosphere got stifling as horrifying amounts of dense mana enveloped Kyren's continental body.

Less than a second later, the mana burst and a blinding purple light covered the sky. When it cleared, they disappeared into the night without a trace.

The veteran adventurer with tracking and stealth abilities were dumbfounded. Not knowing what to do, they turned around to report back.


A blinding purple light similar to a star appeared and out flew the dragon. He quickly checked the area before setting the two down and changing back. After he got dressed, he looked around at the scenery and was disappointed to see that his luck failed him.

They were inside a wide canyon that had many large roots crossing to either side above them, making it impossible to fly out without cutting the roots. They were on one of the ledges and there were two directions they could take to the left and right.

Maya was the first to speak, "Should I shoot down those roots with a spell?"

"That looks like our only choice..." Rayna agreed as she observed the endless abyss below.

<Somethings off about those roots...>

'Why? Is it a monster or something?'

<No, due to your high affinity for life magic, I detected abnormal signatures in the veins of that plant. A significantly weak flow of mana is heading in one direction to the right but the mana... has no purpose?> Leo was confused by his own words as he didn't understand.

'No purpose?' He told the girls to stop what they were doing as he continued the conversation with Leo.

<The mana isn't doing anything. Its acting like wasted electricity as it has no purpose. Its not even transporting magicules, just wasting them.>

'Is it man-made?'

<Looks to be that way.>

'What happens if we force our way out?'

<The mana vein is severed and the roots will die.>

Kyren knew there was some hidden meaning to this... but what? If the roots die, what will happen?

'Are the roots holding the canyon together?'

<No, the canyon is fine without them.>

'Better safe than sorry.'

Kyren told the girls of what he learned and they headed into the direction of the mana's source.


After a while of walking, there were lights in the distance. By now they were in a cave that split off from the canyon. Two human bodyguards were stationed at the end of the cave, guarding a thick metal door.

The guards were B~grades so Kyren's group was easily noticed before they saw the door. When they came near, the guards put on confused expressions.

"Are they buyers? Why have I not recognized them before?"

"Was the tripwire broken? They don't seem to be hostile."

"No it wasn't, they must've used the legit entrance."

They didn't attempt to hide their conversation from the group so they heard them ramble on about what to do about them.

<Tripwire... that's it! The roots were acting as a tripwire in case someone entered the canyon. This organization could've used trap spells but those are easily disarmed by certain classes and abilities.

Instead they ingeniously used the roots to discreetly monitor any intrusions. *sigh*> Leo let out a great sigh of satisfaction as the mystery had been solved. He didn't like not being able to solve something.

Maya and Rayna stood behind him acting as servants with their disguises still on. Kyren also had a mysterious hood on, so of course their group was suspicious. He put all the information he got from Leo and the guards to use and activated his "super" acting skills.

"Yes, we are here to buy."

"Do you have proof of your high status?"

Kyren dug into his pocket and retrieved a platinum coin. After showing them, they immediately bowed and opened the door.

Wealth was the easiest way to show ones status. Commoners usually had copper to silver. Nobles and true nobles had gold. Usually only high nobles or higher would own a platinum coin.

He used this method to get into the shop where he bought Maya's dress in the Noble District.

When they were inside, the door immediately shut behind them. The world inside the door was vastly different than the cave.

The walls were now man-made as overly luxurious decorations were everywhere. This was obviously some kind of shady business and the girls were spooked.

"W-Why did we come here?! We could've headed back to the canyon since we figured out the roots source!" Maya's usual arrogant and courageous demeanor was crumbling as she felt the unsettling atmosphere.

"I'm now confident that my luck sent me here for a reason and I want to get to the bottom of this. If anything bad happens then it's totally on me. Plus we've gone past the point of no return when we entered that anti-magic door."

Leo notified him as soon as he walked in, instantly regretting his decision to enter. The only reason he was so confident in entering was because he could teleport them out of there. But now he couldn't.

When they came out of the hallway, they were greeted by some sort of reception room. A sign saying "We'll be with you in a moment" hung on the doorway. They all sat down on some nearby couches and waited in deafening silence.

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