
Dragon Ball: The Final Saiyan Saga.

A story centered around the last remaining Saiyan in the Dragon Ball universe, promising a unique and intriguing narrative focusing on their journey, struggles, and ultimate fate.

Daoistbq6CMO · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


Chapter 1:

In a crowded place there's a young boy spikey black hair and around 9-10 years old looking around with confused look on his face.

'Where am I and why am I here? I'm just sleeping at home. Is this a dream?'

The boy closed his eyes because in his mind he was just dreaming, but for some reason he was still here when he opened his eyes.

'WTH, why I'm still here' then he pinched himself so hard that he shouted 'ouch' suddenly he felt that someone was looking at him he looked up and saw that people were looking at him weirdly.


A few hours later the young boy is walking around in different places. Base of what is happening there's only one explanation.

' Transmigration, hah!?'

' Why me? I just graduated in college and finally about to start my path to become a professional! And why in the body of a child around 9-10 year old' he sigh as he remember his past life his only hubby is to sleep, eat, and watching anime.

'Did some god punishing me for being lazy? Sigh!'

As the young boy navigated through the unfamiliar streets, he couldn't shake off the feeling of displacement. Everything around him seemed both alien and strangely familiar, like echoes of a distant memory. The sights, the sounds, even the scent of the air—it all hinted at a world he had never known yet somehow belonged to.

With each step, he pondered the intricacies of transmigration, questioning the cosmic forces that had chosen him for this bewildering journey. Was it fate, mere chance, or something beyond his comprehension? He couldn't say for certain, but one thing was clear: his life would never be the same again.

As dusk began to settle, casting long shadows across the bustling streets, the boy found himself drawn to a quaint park bathed in the soft glow of streetlights. It was there, beneath the swaying branches of ancient trees, that he sought solace in the silence of his thoughts.

With a heavy heart and a mind swirling with unanswered questions, he sank onto a weathered bench, gazing up at the star-strewn sky. And in that moment of quiet reflection, amidst the whispers of a world in flux, he made a silent vow to embrace the unknown and forge a new path—one step at a time.

Morning came and get up up pretty early to find a job but when the people in the stores saw him they're looking at him with distained and disgust. He don't a choice but to leave and find a new way to survive.


Base on the memory from the former owner of this body his name is Tora his an orphan Ang only survive from stealing food, died because of beating he received after he was caught by the people for stealing again.

' Sigh, what a tragic fate he have. I need to find a way to survive in this new world, but first I need to know my appearance look like.'

While Tora is walking he saw something that catch his attention.

Martial arts school is recruiting new disciples

"Martial arts?" Tora said in low voice.

Tora's gaze lingered on the recruitment sign, his curiosity piqued by the mention of martial arts. It stirred something within him, a faint echo of memories long forgotten. Could this be the key to unlocking his true potential in this unfamiliar world?

With a sense of determination coursing through him, Tora made his way to the martial arts school, his steps hesitant yet resolute. As he entered the training hall, he was met with the clang of metal and the rhythmic thud of bodies in motion.

The master, a seasoned warrior with a weathered face and piercing eyes, regarded Tora with a mixture of skepticism and intrigue. "What brings you here, young one?" he asked, his voice carrying the weight of years of wisdom.

Tora swallowed the lump in his throat, summoning the courage to speak. "I... I wish to learn the ways of martial arts," he replied, his voice trembling slightly.

The master nodded, a hint of approval flickering in his gaze. "Very well, but know this: the path of a martial artist is not an easy one. It requires discipline, dedication, and above all, an indomitable spirit."

With those words ringing in his ears, Tora embarked on his journey into the world of martial arts, eager to uncover the secrets of his new identity and forge a destiny worthy of his newfound resolve.