
Dragon Ball Impact

Dragon Ball but with extra steps

LordSanctify · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Goku Black Arc

The scene opens at Capsule Corporation where Bulma is showing Tsukasa how to use the communicator.

Bulma: "Just press this button and it'll connect you to Whis and Beerus. But, I warn you, they're not the easiest people to talk to."

Tsukasa: "Don't worry, Bulma. I've got this."

Tsukasa presses the button and the communicator starts to ring. Whis answers the call.

Whis: "Hello, this is Whis. How may I assist you?"

Tsukasa: "Hey, Whis. It's Tsukasa. I was wondering if I could come over and bring some new foods and drinks for you and Beerus to try."

Whis: "Oh, Tsukasa. That sounds delightful. Please come over. We would be delighted to have you."

Tsukasa: "Great! I'll be there in a jiffy."

Tsukasa heads over to Beerus' planet and is greeted by Whis and Beerus.

Beerus: "Tsukasa, what brings you here?"

Tsukasa: "I brought some new foods and drinks for you and Whis to try. I thought you might like them."

Beerus: "Hmph. I suppose we can try them. Whis, get us some glasses."

Whis brings out glasses and Tsukasa serves the food and drinks.

Tsukasa: "So, how do you like it?"

Whis: "This is quite delicious, Tsukasa. You have quite the culinary skill."

Beerus: "Hmph. It's not bad, I suppose."

Tsukasa: "I'm glad you like it. I was hoping to get your opinion on something."

Beerus: "What is it?"

Tsukasa: "I was wondering if you could teach me some of your techniques. I'm impressed by your power and I want to get stronger."

Beerus: "Hmph. You're quite bold to ask for my techniques. But I suppose I can teach you something. Whis, show him that new move we've been working on."

Whis demonstrates the move to Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: "Wow, that's amazing! I'll definitely have to practice that."

Beerus: "Hmph. You have potential, Tsukasa. Keep up the training."

As Tsukasa leaves Beerus' planet, the scene changes to Universe 6 where a new Saiyan named Riku is introduced. Riku is sitting with Caulifia, Cabba, and Kale when they notice something.

Caulifia: "Hey, who's that?"

Cabba: "That's Riku. She's a new Saiyan that just arrived."

Kale: "She's really strong."

Riku introduces herself to the group.

Riku: "Hi, my name is Riku. I'm a Saiyan from Universe 6."

Caulifia: "Nice to meet you, Riku. I'm Caulifia. This is Cabba and Kale."

Riku: "It's nice to meet you all. I'm looking forward to fighting in this tournament."

The scene switches back to Capsule Corporation where Tsukasa is having a conversation with Bulma.

Tsukasa: "Thanks for letting me borrow the communicator, Bulma. I really appreciate it."

Bulma: "No problem, Tsukasa. Just don't break it, okay?"

Tsukasa: "Don't worry, I'll be careful. Hey, do you want to try some of the food and drinks I brought?"

Bulma: "Sure, I'll try anything once."

--------------------End of Filler #1------------------------------

The scene starts with Tsukasa flying towards Gohan's house, where he sees Piccolo and Videl standing outside with Pan.

Tsukasa: Hey, guys! How's everything going?

Piccolo: It's been pretty quiet around here, but that's always a good thing.

Videl: Hey, Tsukasa! We're just trying to keep up with this little one.

Pan giggles as Tsukasa walks up to her.

Tsukasa: Mind if I take her for a bit? I love kids.

Videl: Actually, that would be great. We've got some errands to run.

Piccolo: Make sure you keep her entertained, or she'll start crying.

Tsukasa: Don't worry, I got this.

As Videl hands over Pan, Tsukasa sees Goku, Chichi, Goten, Erasa, and his own family, Katsuo and Freya, walking up towards the house.

Goku: Hey, Tsukasa! What brings you here?

Tsukasa: Just came to hang out and give you guys a break. Plus, I thought it'd be nice for our kids to play together.

Erasa: Speaking of which, Katsuo and Freya are dying to see Pan!

Tsukasa: Well, let's not keep them waiting then.

As they all head inside, Tsukasa makes silly faces and funny noises to keep Pan entertained while the others chat and catch up.

Chichi: Tsukasa, I hear you're quite the chef. Can we expect some of your delicious food?

Tsukasa: Of course! I've got some new recipes I've been dying to try out.

Goku: Yes! I can't wait to taste them.

As Tsukasa whips up some food in the kitchen, the kids run around and play together, laughing and having a good time.

Tsukasa: (smiling) It's moments like these that make all the fighting and training worth it.

Everyone nods in agreement as they enjoy their time together, savoring the joy and warmth of each other's company.

-----------------End of Filler #2--------------------------

As the time machine appeared in a flash of light, it crashed onto the ground, and the hatch popped open to reveal Future Trunks and Future Mai, both lying defeated on the ground. Gohan and Piccolo rushed over to help them up, while Goku and Vegeta watched from a distance.

"What happened to you guys?" Gohan asked, concerned.

"It's...it's Goku Black," Trunks managed to say between labored breaths. "He's...he's teamed up with...with an evil version of Tsukasa."

"What?!" Goku exclaimed, surprised. "What do you mean an evil version of Tsukasa?"

"It's...it's hard to explain," Trunks said, wincing in pain. "But this version of Tsukasa is...is...evil. He's...he's teamed up with Goku Black to destroy...destroy everything."

Vegeta's eyes widened in shock. "That's...that's impossible. Tsukasa wouldn't do something like that."

"I know, I know," Trunks said, his voice growing weaker. "But he's...he's different in this timeline. He's...he's evil. And now...now they're after us. We need...need your help."

Gohan and Piccolo helped Trunks and Mai into the Capsule Corp. building to get them medical attention, while Goku and Vegeta exchanged worried looks.

"We have to stop them," Goku said, determination in his voice. "No matter what it takes."

Vegeta nodded in agreement. "I won't let them get away with this. We'll stop them, no matter the cost."

As they flew off into the sky, the ominous presence of Zamasu looming in the air, they knew that this was only the beginning of a dark and dangerous journey.

As Tsukasa arrived, he noticed something was off and stopped in his tracks. He saw an evil version of himself standing before him, but before he could react, Goku Black appeared out of nowhere and kicked him into the ground. Tsukasa got up, visibly irritated, which surprised everyone present.

Tsukasa transformed into his Super Saiyan form and charged at his evil counterpart. The two engaged in a fierce battle, showcasing their impressive skills. Tsukasa even used his godly powers to counterstrike the evil version of himself and blast Goku Black with a ki blast.

Goku Black memorized Tsukasa's attack and retaliated with a ki blade, but Tsukasa quickly analyzed his opponent's skill and copied it, clashing with him once again. The intensity of the fight was palpable, with the ground shaking and explosions happening left and right.

As the fight continued, the others looked on in shock and horror at the intense battle taking place before them. The evil version of Tsukasa taunted his good counterpart, telling him that he was weak and would never be able to defeat him.

Tsukasa replied with a determined look in his eyes, "I may be weak now, but I'll only get stronger. I'll never give up, no matter what."

Goku Black, on the other hand, laughed, "You're wasting your time. You'll never defeat me. I am the ultimate warrior."

The battle continued, each fighter giving it their all. The intensity of their ki blasts and physical attacks was so great that it could be felt for miles around. Finally, with one last blast of energy, Tsukasa defeated his evil version and knocked Goku Black to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Tsukasa looked around at the others, who were all staring at him in shock. He had never shown this level of emotion before, and it was clear that this fight had affected him deeply.

"I'll never give up," he repeated, as he turned to leave. "I'll continue to get stronger, and one day, I'll defeat anyone who stands in my way."

The others watched as he flew off, impressed and in awe of his determination and strength.

Tsukasa stared at his evil counterpart as he transformed into super saiyan 3. "Let's see what you're made of," he said, grinning confidently. His evil counterpart, now in super saiyan 2, charged at him, but Tsukasa easily dodged his attacks.

Tsukasa turned to Whis, the Kais, Goku, and Beerus. "Do you think I could use Kaioken with super saiyan 3?" he asked.

Whis looked at him curiously. "It's possible, but the strain on your body would be immense," he warned.

Tsukasa nodded, and he powered up to Kaioken x5, his aura surrounding him in a fiery red glow. The evil counterpart was taken aback by the sudden increase in power, and Tsukasa took advantage of his confusion to land a series of blows.

As the fight continued, the two versions of Tsukasa clashed in an intense and fiery battle. Despite the serious nature of the fight, there were a few moments of levity as Tsukasa's children, Katsuo and Freya, cheered him on from the sidelines.

As the fight reached its climax, Tsukasa unleashed a powerful Kamehameha wave, which his evil counterpart countered with a mouth blast. But Tsukasa had a trick up his sleeve, and as the two blasts met, he used a time skip technique to appear in front of his evil counterpart, striking him down with a molotov attack.

The evil counterpart fell to the ground, defeated, as Tsukasa panted heavily, the strain of his transformation evident on his face. "Phew, that was intense," he said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Goku, Beerus, and the Kais approached him, congratulating him on his victory. "You really are a force to be reckoned with," Beerus said, impressed.

Tsukasa grinned. "Thanks, but let's not forget the real threat here," he said, turning to Goku Black. "We still have a long way to go."

The air was thick with tension as Goku Black's ki blade pierced through Tsukasa's chest, causing him to let out a gut-wrenching scream of pain. The other Z-fighters could only watch in horror as the dark version of Goku calmly pulled the blade out, smirking at his handiwork. Tsukasa's body fell to the ground, unmoving, as the others rushed to his side.

"Goku Black, how could you do such a thing?!" Vegeta shouted, his anger palpable. "He may have looked like you, but he was not the same person!"

Goku Black simply chuckled, a twisted grin on his face. "It matters not. He was weak, and I have no use for the weak. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to."

With that, he vanished into thin air, leaving the group in shock and disbelief. As they looked down at Tsukasa's lifeless body, Whis approached, his staff glowing with a soft blue light.

"Fear not, my friends," he said soothingly. "I can heal him."

With a wave of his staff, Whis began to channel his energy into Tsukasa's body. Slowly but surely, Tsukasa's wounds began to heal, and color returned to his face.

As he slowly opened his eyes, memories flooded back to him from the past. He saw his family, his friends, and all the adventures they had been on together. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized just how close he had come to losing everything.

"I...I can't believe it," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was so close to death."

"Indeed," Whis replied, "but you were too stubborn to die."

Tsukasa couldn't help but chuckle at that. "I suppose you're right," he said. "I'm just glad to be alive."

The group breathed a collective sigh of relief as Tsukasa sat up, his strength slowly returning. While the scars of his battle with Goku Black would always be with him, he knew that he had to keep fighting, no matter the cost. For the sake of his loved ones, and for the future of the universe.

Goku Black, wearing the Time Ring, smirked at the group before him. "It seems our time is up," he said, looking at them with malice in his eyes.

Tsukasa, injured and barely standing, gritted his teeth in anger. "You won't get away with this," he growled.

But before anyone could react, Goku Black raised his hand and fired a blast at the time machine. The explosion was bright and intense, and when it cleared, there was nothing left of the machine but a few scraps of metal.

"NO!" Future Trunks cried out in despair. "How are we supposed to get back now?"

Goku Black simply chuckled. "That's not my concern," he said, as he activated his Time Ring and vanished in a flash of light.

The group was left standing in shock and disbelief, staring at the wreckage of the time machine. Tsukasa, still wounded, stumbled forward and collapsed to the ground.

"We'll find a way back," Goku said, trying to reassure Trunks. "We have to."

Tsukasa groaned in pain, but then he started to laugh. "You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad I got to fight alongside you all," he said, his voice weak but determined.

Whis stepped forward and placed his hand on Tsukasa's chest. "Don't worry, my friend," he said. "I will heal you."

As Whis began to heal Tsukasa's wounds, the injured warrior's mind began to drift. He saw memories from the past flashing before his eyes - moments of training with his father, battles with his friends, and the first time he transformed into a Super Saiyan.

When he came to, Tsukasa was surrounded by his friends, all of them smiling and happy to see him alive and well.

"We won't let Goku Black get away with this," Trunks said, determination in his voice. "We'll find a way back to the future, and we'll put a stop to him once and for all."

Tsukasa nodded, a fierce fire burning in his eyes. "Let's do it," he said. "For the future."

The scene starts with everyone gathered in the courtyard of Capsule Corp. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Whis, Beerus, and the rest of the gang are all there, along with Tsukasa, who's rubbing his head.

Vegeta: "What were you thinking, Tsukasa? You could have died!"

Piccolo: "You were reckless and put us all in danger."

Whis: "I must say, that was a rather foolish decision on your part, Tsukasa."

Tsukasa: "I know, I know, I messed up. I just couldn't stand the thought of letting Goku Black get away."

Goku: "It's okay, buddy. We're all glad you're safe."

Beerus: "Don't be too hard on him. He did manage to hold his own against that evil version of himself."

Tsukasa: "Thanks, Beerus."

Chichi: "But you should be more careful next time, Tsukasa. You don't want to give me a heart attack."

Tsukasa: "Sorry, Chichi. I promise to be more careful."

Everyone nods in agreement.

Krillin: "Hey, Tsukasa, how about we spar later? It might help you work out some of that pent-up energy."

Tsukasa: "Sure, that sounds like a good idea."

As everyone disperses, Tsukasa turns to Goku.

Tsukasa: "Hey, Goku, can I ask you something?"

Goku: "Sure, what's up?"

Tsukasa: "When I was knocked out earlier, I had this weird dream. I saw all these memories from my past, like when I first met you and everyone else. It was strange, but it felt... nice, somehow."

Goku: "I know what you mean. Sometimes, when I'm training or fighting, I see flashes of my past too. It's like my memories are calling out to me, reminding me of why I'm doing this."

Tsukasa: "Yeah, that's it exactly. It's like my memories are my source of strength, you know?"

Goku: "I do. Memories are a powerful thing. They can give us hope, courage, and determination when we need it most."

Tsukasa: "Thanks, Goku. That really means a lot."

Goku: "No problem, Tsukasa. We're all in this together."

The scene opens up with Bulma, Future Trunks, Future Mai, Erasa, and Videl standing in front of Tsukasa. Tsukasa looks down, clearly ashamed of his actions.

Bulma: "What were you thinking, Tsukasa? You could have gotten yourself killed!"

Future Trunks: "You can't just go charging into a fight without a plan. You're lucky to be alive."

Future Mai: "And what about us? We had to come all the way here to save you!"

Erasa: "Yeah, you really put us in a tough spot, Tsukasa."

Videl: "You're lucky we were able to help you out, but don't think this is okay. You need to think before you act."

Tsukasa hangs his head low, feeling the weight of his mistake. But then, he looks up with a determined expression.

Tsukasa: "I'm sorry, everyone. You're right. I need to be more careful and think things through. I won't make the same mistake again."

Bulma, Future Trunks, Future Mai, Erasa, and Videl all smile and nod, happy that Tsukasa has learned from his mistake.

Bulma: "Good. And just so you know, I'm going to be keeping a close eye on you from now on."

Tsukasa: "Uh, thanks, Bulma."

The group shares a laugh and the scene ends with Tsukasa feeling grateful for his friends and their support.

The sky turned dark as the evil version of Tsukasa slowly stood up, his body radiating with an ominous crimson aura. Everyone could feel the overwhelming power emanating from him as he slowly transformed into his Super Saiyan Crimson form.

Vegeta stepped forward, ready to finish the fight once and for all. "This is it," he muttered to himself, "I'll put an end to this once and for all."

The evil Tsukasa smirked, his eyes flashing with an evil glint. "You're too late, Vegeta," he said, "My power has grown too strong for you to defeat me now."

Vegeta just glared at him, his eyes narrowing in determination. "I won't let you destroy everything we've fought for," he growled.

The two warriors charged towards each other, their attacks colliding with a deafening roar. The force of their collision created a massive shockwave that shook the entire area.

The evil Tsukasa laughed maniacally as he gained the upper hand, his power overwhelming Vegeta's. "Is this all you've got, Vegeta?" he taunted, "You're nothing compared to my power."

Vegeta gritted his teeth, refusing to give up. He pushed himself to his limits, his aura flaring brighter and brighter. "You may have the power advantage," he yelled, "But I've got something you don't."

With a sudden burst of power, Vegeta broke through the evil Tsukasa's attack, shattering it to pieces. He unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, each one hitting its mark.

The evil Tsukasa screamed in pain as he was pushed back, his aura flickering. With one final blow, Vegeta delivered a powerful punch that sent the evil Tsukasa flying into the air.

As the evil version of Tsukasa flew into the air, Vegeta gathered all his energy into one final attack. He unleashed a massive energy blast that obliterated the evil Tsukasa, reducing him to nothing but ash.

Vegeta landed back on the ground, panting heavily. The sky cleared up and the sun shone once again. Everyone cheered, grateful that the evil version of Tsukasa was finally defeated.

"That was incredible," Goku exclaimed, "You really saved us, Vegeta."

Vegeta just grunted in response, a small smile forming on his face. "I couldn't let him win," he said, "Not when there's so much at stake."

As the group gathered around, Bulma excitedly held up a small capsule in her hand. "I did it! I finally fixed up the time machine!" she exclaimed, tossing the capsule to the ground with a loud clank. Instantly, a sleek and futuristic vehicle appeared before their eyes.

Tsukasa, Future Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku all looked at the time machine with a mix of awe and trepidation. They knew what they had to do - travel to the future and take on both Zamasus - but the thought of it made their stomachs churn with anxiety.

"We have to do this," Future Trunks said with a determined look on his face. "We can't just sit by and let them destroy everything we know and love."

Vegeta, although stoic as usual, nodded his agreement. "I will not let these two deluded gods bring shame to the Saiyan name."

Goku grinned. "Hey, I'm always up for a good fight. Let's go kick some Zamasu butt!"

Tsukasa, although apprehensive, couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. This was their chance to make a real difference, to save their future and the future of everyone they cared about.

With one last look at the time machine, the group climbed inside, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As the group emerged from the time machine, they were immediately confronted by the sight of their evil counterparts. Tsukasa, Vegeta, Goku, and Future Trunks all bristled with anger and fear as they faced off against twisted versions of themselves.

But their attention was soon drawn away by the appearance of Goku Black and Zamasu, standing before them with smug expressions on their faces.

"Welcome to the future, Saiyans," Zamasu sneered. "I hope you're prepared for the end of your kind."

Goku stepped forward, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. "We won't let that happen. We'll stop you, no matter what it takes."

Zamasu laughed coldly. "You are welcome to try. But you cannot stop us. We are divine beings, chosen to bring about the end of mortal life."

Tsukasa gritted his teeth, his eyes flicking from Zamasu to his evil counterpart. He knew that this battle would be difficult, but he was ready to face it. With a fierce determination in his heart, he charged forward to meet his enemies in battle.

As Fused Zamasu emerged from the fusion of Goku Black and Zamasu, his immense power overwhelmed Goku, Vegeta, Tsukasa, and Future Trunks. The air around them crackled with energy as they braced themselves for the fight to come.

Fused Zamasu began the assault with a barrage of energy blasts that sent Goku and Vegeta crashing into the ground. Tsukasa, who had tried to dodge the blasts, was hit by one and sent flying into two abandoned buildings, creating a huge cloud of dust.

Meanwhile, Future Trunks was fighting with all his might, but his attacks were barely making a dent in Fused Zamasu's armor. The god-like being grabbed Trunks by the leg and slammed him into the ground before delivering a series of brutal kicks that sent him flying into the destroyed Capsule Corp building.

Goku, Vegeta, and Tsukasa were quick to get back on their feet, but Fused Zamasu was already upon them. The four warriors traded blows with the god-like being, but they were quickly overpowered. Fused Zamasu was too strong, too fast, and too skilled for them to keep up with.

The fight was intense and grueling, with the sound of metal clashing against metal echoing through the air. The ground shook with every punch, and the air was filled with energy blasts of every color. It was clear that Fused Zamasu was a force to be reckoned with.

Despite their best efforts, Goku, Vegeta, Tsukasa, and Future Trunks were all sent flying by Fused Zamasu's devastating attacks. They crashed into buildings and rubble, coughing up blood and struggling to stand. It seemed that all hope was lost.

But even in the face of such overwhelming power, the four warriors refused to give up. They knew that they had to keep fighting, no matter what. They gathered their strength and prepared to make their final stand against Fused Zamasu.

As Goku and Vegeta struggled against Fused Zamasu, Tsukasa turned to Future Trunks and said, "Trunks, do you know about the Potara earrings?"

Future Trunks shook his head. "No, I've never heard of them before."

Tsukasa smiled. "Well, they're a way for two warriors to fuse into one being. Let me show you."

Tsukasa reached into his pocket and pulled out two Potara earrings. "Here, put one of these on. We'll fuse together and create a new being."

Trunks hesitated for a moment before taking the earring from Tsukasa and putting it on. Tsukasa did the same, and as the two earrings glowed, Trunks felt his body begin to merge with Tsukasa's.

Meanwhile, Vegito had formed from the fusion of Goku and Vegeta. With their combined strength, they were able to fight back against Fused Zamasu, but they were still evenly matched.

As Trunks and Tsukasa's fusion completed, they emerged as a new being, taller than either of them had been before. They looked at each other in amazement, feeling the power coursing through their body.

"Whoa, this is incredible!" Trunks said, awestruck.

Tsukasa grinned. "We need a name for this fusion. How about... Tskunks?"

Trunks rolled his eyes. "That's terrible. How about... Trusaka?"

Tsukasa laughed. "Trusaka? I like it. Let's go, Trusaka!"

As Vegito and Fused Zamasu continued to battle, Trusaka stepped forward, ready to join the fray.

As Vegito and Trusaka landed their final blow on Fused Zamasu, they could feel their fusion time limit drawing near. They put all their remaining power into the attack, hoping to vaporize their enemy before they defuse.

As their combined blast struck Fused Zamasu, the god let out a bloodcurdling scream. The attack began to consume him, and for a moment it seemed as if they had succeeded.

But then something changed. Fused Zamasu's body began to twist and contort, the dark energy of his immortal half pushing back against the attack. As the fusion of Vegito and Trusaka watched in horror, Fused Zamasu's body split in two, with one half of him being consumed by the attack, and the other half still standing.

The corrupted god let out a maniacal laugh, his body crackling with energy. "You fools!" he shouted. "Did you really think you could defeat a god?"

With a sudden burst of speed, Fused Zamasu slammed Vegito and Trusaka into the ground, creating a massive crater. The two fusions lay there, stunned, as Fused Zamasu began to slowly walk towards them, a look of triumph on his face.

The scene starts with Vegito and Trusaka standing up after being thrown into the ground by fused Zamasu. They are both heavily injured and their fusions have run out. But they refuse to give up.

Vegito: "We can't let him win! We have to push past our limits!"

Trusaka: "Right! Let's do this, Vegito!"

Vegito and Trusaka stand side by side, their auras merging together into one powerful force. They raise their hands up and charge their energy, creating a massive ball of light that engulfs them.

Trusaka: "Burning Attack!"

Vegito: "Final Shine!"

Both of them shout in unison as they release their attacks, combining them with a Kamehameha wave, creating a massive beam of light that heads straight towards fused Zamasu.

Fused Zamasu tries to counter the attack, but he is overwhelmed by the sheer power of the attack. He screams in agony as the beam clashes against him, but he refuses to give up.

Fused Zamasu: "I am immortal! You cannot defeat me!"

Trusaka: "We'll see about that!"

Vegito: "Final Kamehameha!"

The beam of light intensifies, and Trusaka and Vegito pour every ounce of their power into the attack. Suddenly, the beam breaks through fused Zamasu's defenses, and he is engulfed in a bright light.

After a few seconds, the light fades, revealing that fused Zamasu has been vaporized by the attack. Trusaka and Vegito fall to the ground, exhausted but victorious.

Trusaka: "We did it, Vegito!"

Vegito: "Yeah, we make a great team!"

The two fusions separate, and Goku, Vegeta, Tsukasa, and Trunks stand up and walk towards them.

Vegeta: "Good job, Vegito. I knew you could do it."

Goku: "And you too, Trusaka. That was an incredible attack!"

Tsukasa: "I'm proud of you, Trunks. You learned how to fuse on your first try."

Trunks: "Thanks, Tsukasa. And thanks for teaching me how to do it."

The group shares a moment of relief and celebration, knowing that they have saved their future from the destruction that fused Zamasu would have caused.

As Tsukasa, Vegeta, Goku, and Trunks arrived back in the main timeline, they were met with cheers and applause from their friends and family. Bulma had prepared a feast in celebration of their victory, and everyone was eagerly waiting to hear about their adventure.

As they sat around the table, Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, and Tsukasa recounted their battle against the evil versions of themselves and the intense fight against fused Zamasu. Everyone listened in awe as they described their impressive displays of power and strategy.

After the meal, everyone moved to the living room to continue their celebration. There was laughter, music, and dancing, and even Yamcha showed up to join in the fun. Tsukasa was overwhelmed by the love and support from his friends, and he felt grateful to have them in his life.

As the night went on, Future Trunks and Future Mai quietly slipped out of the party. Tsukasa and the others knew it was time for them to return to their own timeline, and they wanted to say their goodbyes in private. Tsukasa and Future Trunks shared a heartfelt hug, and Tsukasa promised to visit him in the future sometime. Future Mai gave Tsukasa a shy smile and thanked him for all he had done.

As Tsukasa, Vegeta, and Goku said their farewells, they couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that they had saved not just one, but multiple timelines from destruction. They may have faced unimaginable challenges and difficult battles, but in the end, they had emerged victorious.