
Dragon Ball Genesis (rework)

A boy got reincarnated as goku. Warning this is a wish fulfilment story. Although the main character will not be busted at the beginning he will be the fourth strongest character by the end of the story(behind two Zeno and Grand priest) Slow harem. Most characters will not have a romantic interaction until they have at least 30 chapters of screen time with a few exceptions.R18 chapters are absent until goku reaches the age of 16 in the story (age of consent in my area) Not I do not own the art. If the artist wants to take it down just notify me in the comments. Much appreciated.

Feverflow · アニメ·コミックス
136 Chs

Chapter 50 Bulma goes to space

Goku went back to Bulma's house to notify her that he will be training under a fortune teller baba. But what he sees surprised him.

Bulma was packing her clothes.

Then she saw goku and greeted him.

"Hey goku. I was just going to look for you."

She said.

"I am going to the space patrol headquarters with Jaco. Want to come with me?" she asked.

Jaco asked bulma for her and goku to come with him to the galactic patrol headquarters. He thought that seeing the space police's elite warriors might persuade them to join in. One of the surviving Saiyans and supergenius were goods that the galactic patrol could not miss out on. Bulma agrees to come with him to the headquarters thinking that she might be able to find her dream boyfriend there. So she started packing her things.

"No, I will pass on that" goku refused as he wanted to train under baba. He noticed that he was not using magic in the future vision that she showed so it's likely that he went with bulma in that timeline.

"Well suit yourself. I am going to meet my prince charming"

"Well good luck with that"

"Tights my sister will be staying over while I am gone. If you need anything you can just ask her."

"Fine anything else"

"Here catch "

She throws a small capsule toward goku.

"What is this?" goku asked.

"It's a transmitter"

"But why do I need it"

"So that I can communicate with you in case of an emergency "

"Thanks" goku then leaned forward to kiss her on the cheeks. He knows that she won't take it so seriously since she show no interest in him during the time they were together. A kiss on the cheeks is more of like a greeting, thanks or goodbye in his previous world.

But to his surprise, bulma blushed.

And then she shut herself in her room for some time before leaving the earth. She didn't say goodbye to goku before she left.

"Well that was weird "

Goku said to himself.

"You sure are popular aren't you"

Goku heard a voice. He looked in the voice's direction and saw blonde hair launch.

"Oh it's you"

"It's been a while. It's it you bastard" she greeted goku.

Goku was able to befriend the blonde launch by encouraging her antics. He thought that befriending someone like her is not a wrong move.

"How are things working out for you?"

"Not good. Those fuckers still haven't stopped searching for me. I still need to lay low for another while."

"You do you. I am going to pack my thing now. See you."

"Where the hell are you planning to go?"

"I am going to train. Want to come?"

"Not my style."

"Then later"

Goku says goodbye to brief family and went to baba's mansion.