
Dragon Ball Alternative

"If there's a world like Dragon Ball out there, then I was born in the wrong world." That was the thought Ajax has had all his life. The boring, normal world he lives in is a far cry from the world of Dragon Ball that he adored as a child. Shackled to a monotonous existence, he had expected to live out the rest of his days with little to hope for. Little did he expect that destiny had a different path in mind. In a twist of fate, Ajax found himself thrust into the fantastical realm he had dreamt of! The downside? He’s nine years old, essentially penniless, and has no system whatsoever to help him. Fantastic. Great! He’ll beat Frieza by making him laugh to death! What's worse, the universe he landed in doesn’t seem to adhere to the canon he remembers… Disclaimer: Dragon Ball, DBZ, DBGT, DBS, and other DB spin-offs are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Any content and references made belong to their respective owners. Anything original in here that I wouldn’t get sued for belongs to me. :) Cover image belongs to Ispeakforf2p!

Equuleus_Nox · アニメ·コミックス
112 Chs

Chapter 73 – Dodoria, the Spiky Kirby

The wind fiercely tugged at Ajax's clothes, yanking them taut against his body as if it were a maiden begging him to stay, but he dared not to. Instead, each gust, accompanied by the jackhammer-like pounding of his heart, had felt like a reminder of the terror he was fleeing from.

Ajax gasped for air, his breaths jagged as he struggled to maintain his pace. Warm, viscous blood seeped profusely from the grievous wound that pierced through his entire body. The once comfortable fabric, now soaked by his blood, was freezing cold as it clung to him like a second skin. Lightheadedness washed over him, fueled by the horrifying blood loss.

Even as the life drained from him, he could feel his body's frantic efforts to adapt to the fatal injury—fatal for most, but not for him.

However, his body's adaptation just wasn't fast enough. The intense movements and furious Ki expenditure had significantly exacerbated the injury, stretching his adaptation to its limits and hindering his ability to function at full capacity.

Ajax cursed under his breath. His current circumstance was beyond abysmal, but it was the inevitable outcome when you try to fight the final boss during the opening act. Naruto did not face the Juubi fresh out of the academy, Tanjiro did not confront Muzan upon becoming a Demon Slayer, Midoriya did not challenge All for One right immediately after inheriting One for All, and so forth.

And then there he was, attempting to pull a fast one over Frieza mere hours after arriving on Namek.

However, he had no choice, not when it came to Dende.

Speaking of Dende, the duo hadn't calmed down ever since he essentially abducted them from the village. He clenched his jaws in pain as he adjusted the two screeching and struggling Namekian children beneath his arms. Now that he was a safe distance from Frieza, he reckoned he could provide some explanation.

After a snippy telepathic message, the pair finally settled down.

It was fortunate that they did, as Ajax had no time to attend to them beyond that.

With his Ki Sense, he detected another presence, distinct from Frieza's chilling menace, closing in behind him. Thankfully, Frieza had chosen not to pursue him directly as he had expected. He doubted he had pissed Frieza off enough to merit a personal pursuit, especially considering his relative weakness. He would be quite screwed if Frieza had decided otherwise, so he tried to find solace in small victories. Silver linings and all that.

This meant either Zarbon or Dodoria was on his tail, but it mattered little which had been dispatched to hunt him down, as both outmatched him, especially in his current weakened state.

Normally, he wouldn't be worried, because given his enhanced speed from his ability to manipulate air density, Dodoria and Zarbon would be left eating his dust. However, with his injury, just staying conscious was a struggle, let alone maintaining the concentration required for intricate tasks like external Ki manipulation.

It's a familiar pattern, he noticed. During moments of extreme pain or intense emotions, performing delicate techniques like Ki manipulation becomes nearly impossible. Unfortunately, it's not something he can remedy. Ever tried to paint, compete in a sport, or play a classical instrument while having a bad cramp? Yeah, it's like that.

Deprived of his external Ki manipulation, Ajax was restricted to his ordinary speed, which meant…

Ajax threw a quick glance over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of a fleeting pink dot.

…that Dodoria was faster.

Redirecting his focus, Ajax pushed himself to the limits of his endurance, knowing there was no time for hesitation. He had to maintain his momentum to outpace his pursuer. As he did so, his mind raced furiously, frantically seeking a solution to the deep shit he found himself slowly sinking into.

Well, he could resort to the good ol' Solar Flare. It worked like a charm for Krillin the first time around in canon, and there was no reason it shouldn't work for him. Ajax drew in a deep breath, preparing himself for the upcoming maneuver. He glanced down at the two Namekian children in his arms, their wide, frightened eyes staring back at him.

'Listen to me carefully,' Ajax transmitted telepathically. 'When I give the signal, I need the two of you to lower your power levels as much as you can. You'll recognize the signal when you see it, trust me.'

Despite their fear, Dende and the other kid nodded their heads silently but fervently, having realized by now that Ajax had no intention of harming them.

Ajax slowed his pace subtly, biding his time.

Meanwhile, Dodoria accelerated, sensing weakness as her prey slowed down. She closed in, a sinister grin plastered on her face.

Just as Dodoria was mere moments from taking action, Ajax spun around, facing his pursuer while flying backward.

"Solar Flare!" he shouted, unleashing a blinding burst of light directly into Dodoria's eyes.

Without pausing to assess the outcome, Ajax immediately changed directions and sped away, his heart pounding in his chest. Both Namekian children decreased their power levels, cooperating seamlessly. Ajax, too, diminished his own power level to its minimum, hoping to evade Dodoria's non-existent ki sense.

As the seconds ticked by, Ajax remained vigilant, his Ki sense locked onto Dodoria's distant signature, awaiting the outcome of his gambit. Tense seconds dragged by, each passing moment feeling like an eternity.

Then, suddenly, Dodoria's signature began to move.

In the same direction they were traveling.

Ajax's eyes flew open in disbelief, shock coursing through him. How the fuck?! Hoping it was just shitty luck, he altered his course sharply, veering from their original path.

But once more, Ajax sensed Dodoria adjusting his trajectory accordingly, mirroring his new direction.


Ajax scowled. It wasn't just chance then—Dodoria was somehow actively tracking him. But it didn't take long for Ajax to piece it together: scouters.

Although only being present in Moori's village for mere moments, he had already noticed subtle differences. Could it be that Moori hadn't destroyed the Frieza Forces' scouters this time around? Did this mean that Dodoria still had his scouter? Shit! How had he missed such a critical detail, even in his panicked haste?

Ajax exhaled shakily. This was bad. If he couldn't shake Dodoria off, then a confrontation was unavoidable. Damn it, where was Vegeta when you needed him?

Actually, on second thought, Vegeta wasn't the answer, as there was no guarantee the Prince of All Saiyans wouldn't just eliminate him after.

Time passed and Dodoria's presence grew nearer, but Ajax was no closer to a solution. The best idea he had so far was to attempt the multi-form technique, but doing so required him to also account for his two passengers. He had no doubts that forming THREE additional multi-form clones in his current state of health was no different than committing suicide.

As his time ran out, Ajax gradually resigned himself to his grim reality. He had exhausted his options, having been unable to conceive any escape plan capable of fooling Dodoria's scouter with the resources available to him.

Gritting his teeth, Ajax made a split-second decision, his resolve hardening like steel. With a sharp motion, he released his hitchhikers and hurled them forward. The Namekian children, taken aback by their sudden ejection, floundered in midair before they regained their balance. As they stumbled through the air, Ajax barked a command.


The Namekian child clad in blue hesitated, indecisive. However, before he could act on his doubt, his companion in red grabbed his hand and took charge, deciding for both of them.

"But we have to hel–," was all the child in blue managed to say before he was forcibly dragged away.

Ajax watched as Dende and his friend disappeared into the distance, their forms growing smaller with each passing moment. It was hard to admit, but for the duration of the Namek campaign, Dende's value eclipsed his own. It was a bitter truth to swallow, but the team simply needed a healer more than another DPS.

In the worst-case scenario, should he die, he supposed the Z Fighters could wish him back to Namek as they did with Piccolo. Ajax tucked that notion away as a last resort since he much preferred not dying at all.

With a heavy heart and a steely resolve, Ajax squared his shoulders and turned to confront Dodoria alone.

Moments later, Dodoria halted a short distance away, her fat rippling as she terminated her momentum. Due to her scouter, Dodoria's gaze briefly flickered toward the fleeing children before settling back on Ajax. Slowly, a cruel and repulsive smirk crawled up her grotesque features.

"Finally realizing how futile it is to run from me, little twerp?" Dodoria jeered. "Seems you're finally beginning to know your place: groveling and prostrating before me!"

Dodoria cackled, her blubber quivering and wriggling in tandem with her mirth.

Though she laughed, Dodoria's eyes promised agony for any opponent who dared to stand against her. Lord Frieza's unwarranted reprimand still echoed in her ears, igniting the fires of resentment that burned within her. Lord Frieza is untouchable, so she decided then and there to use this insignificant pest as a toy to vent her frustrations!

Ajax swallowed nervously as Dodoria's energy surged, manifesting in waves of pink energy that crashed against him like a physical force. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, falling drop by drop as he faced the pressure of an opponent whose power dwarfed his own.

So, this was what a power level of 22,000 felt like. On the other hand, he was at a meager 12,000, possibly 13,000 if he were to be optimistic. And to make matters worse, he was already gravely wounded.

Fantastic! You just gotta love these odds!

Anticipating the battle's imminent start, Ajax seized the opportunity to extend his Ki sense outward but detected nothing of note apart from himself and Dodoria. At that, he felt a faint sense of surprise. Dende and the other kid had really high-tailed it out of here, didn't they? To exit his range that fast required some absolutely absurd speed!

Maybe a little too absurd.

However, Ajax had no time to dwell on such spare thoughts. For him, the absence of any other presence in his sensory range meant there would be no reinforcements; no allies to intervene if things took a turn for the worse. Ajax closed his eyes and took a deep breath, Dodoria's mocking laughter ringing in his ears.

It was just him versus Dodoria.

However, there was no use in wallowing in self-pity. Dodoria would not show him mercy simply because he felt sorry for himself.

With renewed determination, Ajax reopened his eyes, his gaze sharp and focused. He banished all traces of uncertainty from his mind and powered up to his maximum, his aura howling around him like a tempest. Dodoria may be formidable, but he had come too far to let fear dictate his actions.

His eyes narrowed as a glimmer of a plan began to take shape in his mind. He would first distract Dodoria and engage him in a brief skirmish to buy some time for Dende to flee. Then, at an opportune moment, he would destroy the scouter and make his bid to escape.

In mid-air, Dodoria and Ajax locked eyes, metaphorical sparks flying between them. Then, Ajax vanished from his spot, his speed so astounding that the blood dripping from his grievous wound scattered into a faint mist behind him.

A fraction of a second later, Ajax's forearm crashed into Dodoria's thunderously, the two fighters struggling against each other as they vied for supremacy through physical strength. Ajax winced when Dodoria's arm spikes dug into his forearm, piercing through skin and drawing blood.

But Ajax was not one to back down easily. All this was nothing compared to the Ultra Divine Water.

The two escalated into a flurry of exchanges, a whirlwind of fists and limbs crashing together with explosive force as they probed each other's limits and capabilities. They flashed through the air, sending low booms echoing through the serene Namekian sky.

Ajax narrowed his eyes, analyzing Dodoria's fighting style, bad habits, and patterns according to Master Roshi's teachings.

Even an untrained observer could see that Dodoria possessed immense physical power, far surpassing Nappa, even with the Stormforged Mantle. Dodoria's superior speed had been evident in his earlier pursuit, and his defense proved formidable, as each of Ajax's semi-serious strikes barely fazed the Frieza Force elite.

However, Dodoria was not all-powerful. While his enemy boasted superior physical attributes, it became apparent that Dodoria's mastery of ki control, and thus his acceleration, left much to be desired! If Ajax was a rapier, slicing through the air with blinding speed and precision, then Dodoria was a cannon, slow to maneuver but devastating when properly positioned.

As the confrontation continued, Ajax quickly realized that Dodoria was no martial arts master. Instead, the Frieza Force elite fought with the instincts of a savage brawler, relying on his size, speed, and raw brute force to overwhelm his opponent.

Unlike the graceful movements of martial arts masters like Goku or Master Roshi, Dodoria's attacks lacked finesse and style. There was no fluidity in his maneuvers, no continuity in his patterns, no intricate sequences or deftly executed combos. Instead, Dodoria's assaults were a chaotic barrage of raw power, each strike a standalone attempt to crush his adversary into submission.

However, this isn't to suggest that Dodoria lacked technique altogether. On the contrary, each of Dodoria's strikes was meticulously adjusted to inflict maximum physical harm, and he also possessed a dangerous level of skill at delivering devastating counterattacks.

Now, this vulnerability would be perfectly exploitable if Ajax weren't dealing with a big ol' hole in his body. The fact that his power level barely exceeded half of Dodoria's didn't exactly work in his favor either.

After exchanging blows for a few more moments, both combatants seemed to come to an unspoken agreement. Their eyes locked, each glowing with an intense, fiery power. In an instant, they unleashed their full-powered strikes simultaneously, their fists hurtling toward each other's faces with bone-crushing force.

Dodoria's blow, aided by her superior reach, crashed into Ajax's face first with a resounding impact. Despite the ferocity of the attack, Ajax's expression barely shifted.

Ajax would admit that Dodoria might be the most formidable all-around opponent he had faced thus far, but when it came to sheer physical power, Dodoria still fell significantly short compared to Great Ape Vegeta!

Moments later, Ajax's fist also slammed into Dodoria's cheeks with a satisfying thud. Ajax's eyes immediately widened in surprise. Despite striking with full force, Dodoria's cheeks merely rippled, the fat on his face absorbing the force with unsettling efficiency. It was as if he had punched into some kind of non-Newtonian liquid, his fist sinking into Dodoria's flesh but without the anticipated impact.

A smug smirk curled across Dodoria's lips. Taking advantage of the opportunity presented by Ajax's momentary shock, Dodoria launched a vicious headbutt, the spikes adorning her face adding an extra layer of brutality to the blow.

But Dodoria was not finished yet. As Ajax reeled backward, Dodoria rose a scant foot above Ajax, the air crackling as she began to coat her arms in energy.

In an instant, visible waves of pink energy began radiating from Dodoria's arms, wrapping around her limbs to form a thick, gum-like armor. With a grunt, the energy solidified into heavy vambraces bristling with a horrific number of irregular spikes, resembling an iron maiden coffin flipped inside out.

"Scream for me!!" her voice boomed with sadistic glee.

With a grin full of malicious glee, Dodoria clasped her hands together before slamming the spiked monstrosities straight into Ajax's hastily crossed arms.

The impact was tremendous, a bone-rattling collision that sent Ajax hurtling downward with uncontrollable force. He crashed into the unforgiving earth below, a plume of dirt and dust erupting around him as his body skidded across the ground.

High above, Dodoria cackled with glee. With a triumphant smirk, she admired the blood staining the spikes of her energy vambrace before bringing it to her lips.

With a flick of her tongue, Dodoria licked the blood off the spikes, the red liquid staining her purple, meaty lips bright crimson. Her eyes rolled slightly in pleasure at the taste of her victory, as if it was ambrosia.

Eager to see the results, Dodoria descended roughly, her landing sending a small shockwave that dispersed the dust. Before the debris had cleared, she scanned the battlefield with her scouter, her eyes locking onto her adversary with ease thanks to its guidance.

Through the haze, Ajax was already on his feet, though shakily. His determination to continue was on clear display, but so was his suffering. His arms were a gruesome sight, bleeding profusely from numerous large holes that punctured his flesh. Dodoria's spikes had ravaged his limbs, tearing through muscle and sinew alike.

Ajax scowled when he realized he was rapidly losing sensation in his left arm. The limb, having borne the brunt of the spikes, now hung limp and unresponsive at his side. With each passing second, it became increasingly clear that his left arm would be little more than dead weight.

'Fuck. The spikes must've hit a nerve. I'm down an arm.' Ajax thought.

Through the haze of pain, Ajax saw Dodoria raise an eyebrow, a smug look of amusement spreading across the fat alien's face.

"Well, color me impressed, twerp. Yer not a pincushion yet! Most would be dead by now!"

Ajax was surprised he survived Don Krieg Jr's attack too. The spikes should have easily pierced through his defenses and penetrated far deeper into his body than just his arms.

Actually, never mind, it made sense in hindsight. After all, what purpose did spikes serve if not to inflict piercing damage? Fortunately for Ajax, and unfortunately for Dodoria, he had already developed some level of adaptation to piercing attacks.

Well, what do you know? Tanking that Special Beam Cannon with his hand during the fight against Raditz had its benefits after all!

Ajax rapidly refocused on the battle. Wary as he was, he was still caught off guard by this novel ability Dodoria had displayed. His memory of Vegeta's battle with Dodoria was spotty at best, the details blurred by time and the relative insignificance of the encounter. But what he did recall was Vegeta's sheer dominance, crushing Dodoria with ease. The spiky Kirby had served as nothing more than a foil to highlight Vegeta's newfound strength after his defeat on Earth.

Unfortunately, Ajax was not as powerful as the Prince of All Saiyans, so he couldn't dominate Dodoria in the same way. Consequently, this gave Dodoria the opportunity to showcase his true capabilities. At least, that's the ten-second theory Ajax's pain-addled brain managed to cook up.

Speaking of abilities, though—holy shit, spiked Ki armor? What a concept.

During this chaotic mental rambling, Ajax maintained his vigilance on Dodoria, his muscles tense and ready to react at a moment's notice. His mind raced, searching for any possible way to escape from this dire enemy.

Ajax was so focused on Dodoria that he almost missed it—a faint string of orange and green energy snaking toward him in the air from a small distance away. It curled and writhed like a worm, inching ever closer from behind ominously.

Startled by this weird thing, Ajax immediately directed his Ki sense to the far end of the inexplicable string.

To his bewilderment, there was nothing there.

'What the...??'

What the hell was this thing? It seemed to materialize out of thin air—no, it literally did! Was this some sort of covert attack? Or perhaps a Namekian creature he was unaware of? For obvious reasons, this was rather alarming!

Suddenly, the image of Cell's tail flashed through his mind, and he remembered that one disturbing scene of the salaryman being absorbed, leaving nothing but a pile of clothes behind. After that flashback, the idea of the string making contact with him sent a shiver down his spine, amplifying the unease within Ajax.

He knew the last thing he wanted was to find out what would happen if it burrowed into him.

However, Ajax's attention abruptly snapped back to Dodoria as the alien resumed speaking.

"Ya know, punk, you're quite durable. Most people don't live long enough to remember I have this ability." Dodoria smirked, her voice filled with perverse enthusiasm as an eager grin spread across her face. "I think I'm going to add you to my collection. I'll enjoy shattering your spirit!"

Dodoria's words struck a deep nerve within Ajax, igniting a blazing inferno of fury. He abhorred the very concept of treating someone as an object, reducing them to a mere trophy or plaything. That, along with things like mind control, he hated. Just you fucking wait, Babidi.

"Shut up, you disgusting blob," Ajax snarled, spitting out his words with uncharacteristic venom.

Dodoria's face contorted with anger at the brazen insult, her feminine dignity tarnished. "I can't wait to have you writhing in pain beneath me!"

With a flicker of movement, Ajax vanished from his position, skillfully evading the encroaching worm-like string of energy, which had been inching alarmingly close to him. In one motion, Ajax simultaneously widened the gap between himself and the energy tentacle while closing in on Dodoria.

Then, with no hand signs, sound, or warning, Ajax unleashed a blinding flash of light—a fully silent Solar Flare!

Dodoria winced as the light of the Solar Flare assaulted her senses, and she instinctively raised her spiky ki-vambraces to shield her head in defense.

In the brief respite provided by the distraction of the Solar Flare, Ajax propelled himself forward even faster toward Dodoria as fast as his injuries would allow, blood trickling from the corner of his lips like All Might as he did so.

His target? The scouter!