
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Clapping some Demonic cheeks

Namek-- Destroyed Namekian vilage- Zarbon's Pov

I hastily placed the clothes of one of the Slug-jins in a strategic location, ensuring they would be easily visible. With caution, I concealed myself in a nearby house, carefully positioned to maintain a clear line of sight to where I had hidden the clothes. Crouching down on the ground, I diligently decreased my ki to an incredibly low level, rendering myself undetectable. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Krillin, who had taught me this valuable technique.

With determination burning in my eyes, I silently vowed to protect Krillin from Frieza's wrath, should the opportunity arise. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I shifted my gaze towards the apparel of the deceased slug-jin , still visible in the distance. It wasn't long before I noticed an approaching figure, adorned in the same outfit as the slug-jins but in contrast to them, this individual exuded a powerful ki. Standing tall and muscular, their face was hidden by a helmet with a purple visor, It appeared similar to my current ensemble.

As the individual grasped the garment, they surveyed their surroundings, audibly expressing their dissatisfaction with a disdainful "tch" sound. Although their words reached my ears, their meaning remained indiscernible due to the distance. Soon after, he removed his helmet, only to quickly put it back on while exclaiming something about the damned relentless Namekian suns. In that moment, I recognized the formidable figure standing before me - Commander Zeuun, one of Lord Slug's loyal henchmen, who had met an untimely demise after mistakenly referring to Slug as "Aged." This grave misstep had enraged Slug himself. With this newly added level of detail, the scene was perfectly set, and my anticipation grew for the imminent confrontation that loomed ahead.

After finally recognizing the figure in the distance, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. With a mix of surprise and determination, I hastily ran out of the house I had been hiding in, feeling the power within me slowly building up. As I sprinted closer, my voice cracked with intensity as I let out a desperate scream, "Commander Zeuun!"

Startled, Commander Zeuun turned around, his expression tinged with wariness, instantly preparing himself for battle. However, upon catching sight of the armor I was adorned in, his guarded stance seemed to relax ever so slightly. Gathering my courage, I continued speaking, relaying the harrowing events that had unfolded moments before. "Sir, a ghost attacked my squad mates, wiping them all out," I revealed, desperation lacing every word.

But Commander Zeuun's reaction was far from understanding. With a mix of disappointment and anger, he scoffed, "You coward! Did you hide in this house while your fellow Slug Jins were being annihilated?" His accusatory finger pointed directly at the very house I had emerged from moments ago. Fear visibly trembling through my entire being, I inched closer to him, my voice now a mere whisper as I mustered the last ounce of strength. "Sir, please spare me. I was just too overwhelmed by fear to even think straight, so I took refuge here with the intention of reporting later."

In that moment, the air crackled with tension, my fate hanging by a thread as I awaited Commander Zeuun's decision. With a slow and deliberate approach, he muttered, "I see," as if contemplating his next move. But then, without warning, his demeanor shifted entirely. In a sudden burst of power, he lunged towards me, delivering a forceful left hook that struck with breathtaking impact. The sheer force propelled me sideways, crashing through a nearby Namekian house. I exited out the back wall and skidded across the ground, my body in motion, until finally coming to a dramatic and bone-jarring halt.

With swift and agile movements, I executed a kip-up, swiftly springing back onto my feet. Thankfully, I had already unleashed the full extent of my power before his attack even had a chance to connect. As he materialized a few feet away from me, he arrogantly remarked, "Did you really think I wouldn't notice you raising your ki while closing in on me?"

Rather than dignifying his taunt with a response, I maintained a calm exterior, silently preparing myself for the intense battle that lay ahead. He continued his words, boasting, "Don't you dare compare me to those pathetic slug-jins who can't even control their own ki properly. I exist on an entirely different plane of power."

My focus remained unyielding, undistracted by his brash words. Deep within, I knew that actions spoke louder than empty claims, and I was determined to prove my strength without uttering a single word. As the air crackled with charged energy, the clash between our contrasting powers seemed inevitable, and I was more than ready to rise to the challenge.

I could feel the tension in the air, thick like a heavy fog, as both of us braced ourselves for the impending clash. Every muscle in my body tightened, ready to unleash its full strength. It was a battle of wits, where power, skill, and strategy would become the decisive factors between triumph and failure. The weight of the moment was palpable, as if the entire universe held its breath in anticipation. Deep down in my heart, I knew from the very core of my being that this was a fight that I simply could not afford to lose.

Namek-- Destroyed Namekian village-- Narrator Pov

Zarbon and Zeuun, their power surging like a blazing inferno, began to charge up with an undeniable force. A radiant, flame-like aura ignited around their bodies, extending outward with an awe-inspiring brilliance. The sheer intensity of their ki resonated, crackling with undeniable electricity that permeated the atmosphere, creating visible shockwaves that rippled through the air. Every tremor in the ground beneath them served as a testament to the extraordinary power they possessed. The energy in the air was thick and tangible, a palpable force that enveloped them as they elevated their ki to its utmost limit, channeling their innermost strength.

With an explosive burst of speed, Zarbon launched himself towards Zeunn, his fist connecting solidly with Zeunn's jaw. The impact sent Zeunn staggering backward, disorienting him for a brief moment. As the echoes of the impact faded, Zeunn's determination shone through as he swiftly regained his composure, his eyes hidden by an helmet narrowing with fiery resolve.

Undeterred by Zarbon's pursuit, Zeunn propelled himself upward through the sky with determination and a surge of adrenaline. The wind rushed past his face as he plotted his next move. With precision and agility, Zeunn unleashed a devastatingly powerful kick, the force of which collided with Zarbon's chest, causing him to lose his footing momentarily. As Zarbon stumbled backward, his lungs expelled a mixture of saliva and breath, and he desperately tried to regain control. However, fate had a different plan in store. The momentum from Zeunn's kick sent Zarbon hurtling uncontrollably towards a rugged cliffside, located dangerously close to the peaceful Namekian village. Dust and debris filled the air as Zarbon collided with the unyielding cliff surface, leaving behind a noticeable dent that bore witness to the sheer intensity of the impact. The silence that followed was broken only by the fading echoes of the collision, leaving Zeunn in awe of the force he possessed.

A mischievous smirk played at Zeuun's lips, revealing his satisfaction as he observed the devastating aftermath of his meticulously planned attack. Taunting Zarbon with an air of triumph, he raised his voice, throwing down an audacious challenge, "Surrender now, Imposter, and experience the mercy of a swift and painless death!"

As Zarbon picked himself up from the fall, feeling a stinging sensation in his mouth, he quickly wiped away the small trail of bluish liquid that trickled down his chin. His voice filled with a hint of challenge, he turned to Zeunn and questioned, "Is this the best you can do?" With astonishing speed and precision, Zarbon swiftly phased behind Zeunn, his movements almost blur-like, as he delivered a powerful strike with his elbow to the back of Zeunn's neck. The force of the blow sent Zeunn tumbling several meters through the air, his body twisting and turning in an uncontrolled descent. Despite the disorienting impact, Zeunn miraculously managed to regain his balance mid-flight, panting heavily as he struggled to steady himself in the midst of the chaos.

Fuelled by intense anger and unwavering determination, Zeunn unleashed two incredibly powerful ki blasts towards Zarbon. The furious energy surged forth, crackling with unstoppable force. But much to Zeunn's surprise, Zarbon, with lightning-fast reflexes, swiftly crossed his arms in front of his face, adeptly transforming into an impenetrable shield against the fierce onslaught.

Undeterred and believing Zarbon's defensive move to be nothing more than a foolish gesture, Zeunn's elated expression intensified. Igniting his ki with renewed vigor, Zeunn continued relentlessly firing ki blasts, each one resonating with raw power and detonating upon impact. The explosive onslaught illuminated the battlefield, shrouding Zarbon within a swirling vortex of smoke and chaos, temporarily obscuring his figure from sight.

Once the thick plumes of smoke had dissipated, Zarbon emerged, his figure hovering in the air. His body suit and chestplate armor bore visible damage, their once-imposing presence now marred. The sturdy shoulder guards of the armor had fractured under the relentless onslaught, leaving fragments and shards scattered in their wake. One could observe the devastating result of the powerful blasts, a large chunk of the once-pristine armor decimated beyond recognition.

Observing the sorry state of Zarbon's battle gear, Zeunn couldn't help but mock him, a hint of satisfaction in his voice, "You fool! How naive to neglect the simple art of evasion or deflection. Truly, an amateur in the realm of combat!"

With an unwavering determination, Zeunn propelled himself towards Zarbon, his movements infused with unparalleled speed that made him seemingly disappear from his original position. In a matter of moments, he emerged right before Zarbon, using his lightning-fast reflexes to unleash a rapid succession of powerful punches and swift kicks. However, Zarbon's exceptional skill and expertise effortlessly allowed him to block each strike, establishing his formidable prowess.

Creating some distance between them, Zeunn swiftly took flight, unleashing a formidable energy wave aimed at catching Zarbon completely off guard. The audacious attack collided head-on with Zarbon, delivering a devastating impact that reverberated through the battlefield. However, much to Zeunn's astonishment, the indomitable Zarbon stood firmly rooted in place, revealing an unwavering resilience that surpassed all expectations.

As Zarbon's aura flared, crackling with electric energy and signifying his heightened power, he lunged towards Zeunn with breathtaking speed. With a thunderous strike, Zarbon's fist connected with Zeunn's body, unleashing a torrent of raw force that sent Zeunn hurtling through the air. The impact was so devastating that it shattered the tranquility of the surroundings, causing a section of the nearby cliffside to crumble and collapse into a cascade of rocks and dust. Gasping for breath, Zeunn struggled to regain his footing, his body aching with the wounds inflicted upon him. Despite the pain, he managed to gather himself and, with unwavering determination, declared, "This is not over! This battle has only just begun!"

In a swift motion, Zeunn soared through the air, unleashing a barrage of strikes upon Zarbon, their clash resonating with an eruption of power. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, causing the Namekian village to tremble and the surrounding lands to crumble under the weight of their tremendous energy. As their chaotic energy waves collided, an explosion of devastating force ensued, leaving destruction in their wake. Amidst the mayhem, neither Zeunn nor Zarbon could claim superiority, as they exchanged heavy blows yet failed to emerge as the dominant force, at least for the time being. The battle raged on, the intensity escalating with each passing moment.

Soon, the combatants, their bodies still charged with anticipation and adrenaline, landed gracefully on the ground. Zeunn, fueled by unyielding determination, let out a primal roar "-evil Impact-" that echoed through the surroundings as he launched himself into the air. His powerful muscles, honed through arduous training, propelled him towards Zarbon with an irrepressible force. The impact that followed shook the very foundation of the earth beneath them, causing the lush Namekian vegetation to uproot and sway with the raw power unleashed. As their clash intensified, a billowing cloud of dust enveloped the epic battleground, further amplifying the intensity and mystique of their relentless confrontation.

With unparalleled composure, Zarbon effortlessly sidestepped Zeunn's ferocious attack, his body swaying with grace as he narrowly evaded the vicious onslaught of Zeunn's fist. The sheer force behind the blow reverberated through the air, causing the ground beneath Zarbon to tremble. As Zeunn's fist collided with the earth, a small crater erupted into existence, its jagged edges lined with the shattered remains of rocks that had been forcefully displaced, their fragments spiraling into the air like ethereal dancers in the midst of the chaotic battle.

Reacting with lightning speed, Zarbon swiftly retaliated, his trained muscles moving with precision and agility. He unleashed a devastating punch, connecting directly with Zeunn's face, causing him to reel back in pain. Not stopping there, Zarbon followed up with a powerful kick that sent Zeunn skidding across the ground, leaving a trail of determination and blood in his wake. The taste of his own resilience stained Zeunn's lip as he gritted his teeth, summoning every ounce of strength to gather himself for another imminent onslaught.

Driven by his unwavering willpower and fueled by an insurmountable determination, Zeunn charged at Zarbon. The intensity of his attack caused the very air to tremble and ripple, as if in fearful anticipation of the sheer power behind his fists. Every blow struck by Zeunn unleashed an invisible wave of energy, adding to the mounting chaos that consumed the battlefield. And yet, amidst this chaotic dance of violence, Zarbon exhibited a precise gracefulness that bordered on the realm of art. With deft movements and uncanny reflexes, he effortlessly deflected and dodged Zeunn's relentless onslaught. Each interaction between the two combatants was executed flawlessly, a display of true mastery amidst the tumultuous storms of their fateful confrontation.

The battlefield transformed into a tumultuous stage, where the clash between the adversaries was relentless. Each powerful blow they exchanged sent shockwaves that reverberated through the very fabric of the ground, violently shaking the earth beneath their feet. The impact devastated the surrounding landscape, uprooting trees as if they were mere blades of grass, tearing their branches asunder. The rocks, unable to withstand the force, shattered into countless smaller fragments, scattering across the battlefield like fragments of forgotten memories carried away by the winds of chaos.

As the fierce battle raged on, the Namekian village stood at the edge of destruction, its very foundations trembling under the relentless onslaught. The structures, once sturdy and resolute, now cracked and crumbled, succumbing to the unyielding force. Amidst the chaos, Zarbon's voice reverberated with an air of ominous power, his words carrying the weight of the impending doom. "You're strong, Zeunn. But little do you know, you haven't witnessed the depths of my true power," he declared, his words echoing through the battlefield, a chilling reminder of the unimaginable force that lay dormant within him, waiting to be unleashed.

With a sudden burst of raw energy, Zarbon's transformation commenced. As if an invisible force had seized his body, his muscles began to expand and bulge, taking on an intimidating, reptilian appearance with scaly green skin. His once handsome features twisted and contorted, transforming into something monstrous and fearsome to behold.

His newfound power, radiating in waves, caused a powerful aura to envelop him, creating an unsettling atmosphere where the air crackled with electrifying energy. Zeunn, previously composed, stumbled backward, a mask of terror etched upon his face. "This... this is impossible," he stammered, the disbelief evident in his trembling words. "You can't be stronger than me, an elite fighter of Lord Slug!"

Refusing to accept what he was witnessing as reality, Zeunn launched himself at Zarbon, launching a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. Yet, his efforts proved futile. Zarbon effortlessly intercepted every attack, his movements flowing with an uncanny ease and grace. With a mere flick of his hand, he sent Zeunn hurtling across the battlefield, a mere ragdoll in the presence of overwhelming power.

Zarbon, who had transformed into a hulking figure twice the size of his former self, ruthlessly seized Zeunn by the throat, effortlessly hoisting him off the ground. In a desperate bid to escape, Zeunn fought against Zarbon's unyielding grip, his strength waning. Gasping for air, he pleaded, "P-please...have mercy." However, Zarbon's sinister laughter echoed through the air, mocking Zeunn's plea. "Mercy? It is far too late for that, considering the irreversible damage you have caused to my carefully laid plans!"

Zarbon, fueled by an overwhelming cocktail of anger and determination, summoned every ounce of his immense strength and hurled Zeunn with breathtaking force. Like a comet hurtling through the sky, Zeunn's body collided with the remnants of the once-thriving Namekian village, the impact reverberating through the very foundations of the surrounding buildings. The sheer power of the collision reduced sturdy structures to mere rubble, leaving behind a scene of desolation and ruin.

Struggling to regain his composure amidst the wreckage, Zeunn mustered a feeble attempt to rise, his battered form displaying the scars of the merciless assault. Yet, his efforts were swiftly thwarted, as Zarbon unleashed an onslaught of relentless blows, each strike carrying the weight of a celestial body on a crash course with Earth. The sheer ferocity of the pummeling echoed like thunder, shattering rocks, flattening trees, and forcing the very ground to tremble in submission to the intensity of their tumultuous battle.

What was once a pristine landscape, adorned with the beauty of nature, now lay transformed into a grim tableau of destruction, a chilling testament to the fierce clash between two indomitable forces.

As Zeunn lay there, his body battered and bloodied, his consciousness barely flickering like a dying ember, Zarbon seized the golden opportunity that presented itself. With a sinister smile curling on his lips, he firmly grasped Zeunn with both hands, activating a peculiar energy-absorbing technique.

An overwhelming wave of terror washed over Zeunn, his voice trembling and desperate as he pleaded, his words but a feeble whisper, "No... please!" The desperation in his eyes, once filled with steely determination, now reflected the grim realization that his fate had been sealed.

Yet, despite the heartfelt plea, it was already too late. In a cruel symphony of malevolence, a macabre dance between predator and prey, Zeunn's life force began to gently ebb away, seeping into Zarbon's outstretched hands. Each passing moment brought Zeunn closer to eternal darkness, his life essence consumed voraciously, leaving nothing behind but his lifeless clothing, a haunting reminder of the vibrant existence that once was, floating down slowly and gracefully to kiss the cold ground below.

Rather than reveling in his victory, Zarbon cast a somber gaze upon the desolation left in the wake of their battle. The Namekian village lay in ruins, houses collapsed, the once-lush grass field scorched, trees uprooted, and several cliff sides obliterated. With purposeful strides, Zarbon made his way towards one of the village houses, its structural integrity barely holding up against the wrath of their clash. There he found his capsule, containing his original attire as well as the garb of a slug-jin. Donning the newly acquired slug-jin uniform, Zarbon took to the skies, leaving behind the scene of devastation, soaring towards an uncertain future.

---Namek--- Earthlings former cave-- An unknown Pov

I woke up in a somber, dimly lit cave, the faint flicker of light casting eerie shadows on the rough stone walls. Surprisingly, despite the brutal beatdown I had endured, a surge of invigoration coursed through me. The excruciating pain that had tormented me moments ago seemed to fade into the recesses of my memory. As I took a deep breath, determination swelled within me like an unstoppable tide.

Donning my Saiyan pride , a symbol of my identity and heritage, I swore to myself that I would extract revenge on my opponent for the humiliating defeat. The thought of his disbelief when he realized that his actions inadvertently contributed to my rise in power brought a sly chuckle to my lips. Little did he know, the dormant strength within my Saiyan physiology was awakened, surging to new heights that even I had yet to comprehend fully.

During my recovery, as I regained my strength, bits and fragments of my adversary's plans drifted into my ears. The midget and Kakarot's child were relentlessly searching for the grand elder, while Zarbon, in his meticulous manner, was investigating a mysterious spaceship that had miraculously landed amidst the chaos. The arrival of unknown entities on Namek quickly sparked curiosity within me, only to be dismissed hastily as I refocused on the one objective that consumed my thoughts.

The quest to collect the seven dragon balls and attain eternal life became my raison d'être. It was my desire to wield such unfathomable power that none across the vast expanse of the universe would ever dare to challenge my might. Such a goal firmly entrenched in my mind,With a burst of energy, I harnessed my ki and took flight, soaring upwards to make my escape from the cave. As the power surged through me, the cave trembled and crumbled, collapsing in on itself, a testament to the force unleashed by my determined action.

As my eyes gradually adjusted to the blinding light emanating from Namek's suns, I couldn't help but survey the destruction littering the once serene landscape surrounding the cave. The small craters carved into the earth, the lingering scars of my defeat, served as a constant affront to my wounded pride. An infuriated scoff escaped my lips, a testament to the smoldering fire that burned within me.

In a deliberate display of slowness, as I ascended into the vast sky, the ethereal glow of my ki resonated in harmony with the rhythm of my accelerated heartbeat. Each surge of pulsating energy saturated my being, building up to an astonishing peak. And in that awe-inspiring moment, with unmatched power, I propelled myself forward—an electrifying blur of sheer speed, blazing through the resplendent hues of the Namekian sky, leaving a trail of wonder in my wake.

With each passing moment, the intensity within me grew, fueled by the burning desire to reclaim my honor and establish my dominance over those who had dared to cross my path. Determined, I set out on a mission to retrieve what was rightfully mine - the five dragon balls. I had cunningly acquired them from Frieza, executing a brilliant and elaborate plan that would befuddle even the most astute minds in the universe.

As I soared through the air, an idea struck me like a lightning bolt. Zarbon, Frieza's trusted advisor, had recently betrayed him. Could I exploit this newfound knowledge to my advantage? Considered it briefly mid-air, but soon discarded the idea. Frieza's unpredictable cruelty posed a significant risk - one that could cost me my life. So, I focused on the task at hand, continuing on my cruising flight with unwavering determination, keeping my dragon balls safe and secured.

After a brief yet exhilarating flight, I arrived at the location of the legendary dragon balls, nestled between two small hills that formed a perfect U shape. The sun's golden rays bathed the sacred artifacts, imbuing them with an ethereal glow. It was a sight that filled my heart with a mix of anticipation and relief, for I knew that Frieza's relentless soldiers had not yet discovered their exact whereabouts. As I descended gracefully, my eyes scanned the landscape, taking in every detail. There was an air of tension that enveloped the place, creating an atmosphere of mystique and intrigue.

Standing just centimeters away from the radiant and awe-inspiring dragon balls, their iridescent glow captivating my senses, I felt an electrifying surge of determination coursing through my veins. These mystical orbs held an immense power, rumored to possess the ability to grant any wish, whether it be for vast riches or eternal life. I knew that to safeguard their safety and prevent that tyrant Frieza from attaining his malicious desires, a clever and strategic plan was required. With utmost precision and secrecy, I carefully buried four of the dragon balls, concealing them within a discreet hole, ensuring that no traces of their existence would be left behind. Every speck of soil meticulously covered, every sign of disturbance meticulously erased, leaving no hint of the hidden power that lay dormant beneath the Earth's surface.

With one dragon ball in my possession, I felt the weight of my destiny resting in the palm of my hand. I knew that even if Frieza were to discover the ones hidden here and the two possessed by those pathetic earthlings, his grandest wish would forever remain out of his reach, I lightly cackled at the thought of that.

Whispers of the earthlings' discussions about a mystical artifact designed to locate the dragon balls reached my ears, when I was held captive, piquing my curiosity. It seemed that they possessed a dragon radar, a sophisticated and advanced tool capable of tracking down the dragon balls. The intricate design and complex mechanisms of the radar fascinated me, as it incorporated cutting-edge technology Which I did not believe earth possessed. Realizing the urgency to locate the earthlings swiftly, I made it my top priority to secure my wish before Frieza.

Perched atop the solitary dragon ball, the one I deliberately chose not to bury, I closed my eyes, allowing the tranquility of the moment to engulf me. With my focus honed, I delved deeper into the recesses of my senses, attempting to connect with the unique energy signatures emanating from the earthlings. As my consciousness sought to sense their elusive ki, a sudden surge of immense energy electrified my being, surpassing even the formidable power of Frieza. In stunned awe, I stood petrified for a fleeting moment, yet my warrior instinct quickly prevailed, acknowledging that the time for reckoning would come later. For now, the location of the earthlings stood as my unwavering priority, pushing the enigmatic presence to the periphery of my thoughts. With renewed determination, I redirected my attention, laser-focused on the task at hand. After what seemed like an eternal few seconds, I triumphantly pinpointed their elusive direction—just ahead, far beyond the reach of Frieza's ominous vessel. Thankfully I did not sense Zarbon's ki around them. Undeterred and fueled by an unwavering resolve, they forged ahead, propelled by an amalgamation of speed, audacity, and insurmountable determination.

Undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead, I took solace in the immense power I had gained from my recent battle with Zarbon. The intense clash of our energies, the sweat dripping down my forehead, and the adrenaline coursing through my veins; it was a defining moment in my journey. This encounter had not only tested my strength, but it had also fortified my resolve. With newfound confidence and determination, I knew I had the ability to navigate through any obstacle that stood in my way. A sense of elation surged through every fiber of my being as I swiftly reached out and grasped the dragon ball in my hand, feeling its pulsating energy resonate with my very essence. In that moment, I knew I was one step closer to achieving my ultimate goal, and I was ready to face whatever came next with unwavering determination and unwavering spirit.

With a surge of adrenaline and ki, coursing through my veins, I launched myself into the vast sky, propelling forward with astonishing speed. Every muscle in my body engaged as I soared higher and higher, defying gravity with each leap. The wind whipped against my face, creating a symphony of exhilaration that echoed in my ears. I could feel the power of the chase consuming me, a primal energy that drove me closer to my goal.

My senses heightened as I honed in on the earthlings' ki signature, like a predator tracking its prey. My heart pounded in my chest, a steady rhythm of anticipation and determination. I knew that within my grasp was the sacred power of the dragon balls, said to grant the possessor eternal life. The thought of such an immense reward fueled my every movement, adding an extra surge of intensity to my pursuit.

As I neared my objective, I could almost taste the power that awaited me. The dragon balls, shimmering with an otherworldly glow, seemed to hum with ancient knowledge. I extended my hand, a tremor of excitement coursing through me, as I prepared to claim the ultimate prize—eternal life itself. The world around me seemed to fade into the background as my focus sharpened on the upcoming culmination of my journey.

In that moment, suspended in the air, surrounded by the anticipation of what was to come, I felt an indescribable thrill. The prospect of eternal life was within my grasp, and I was determined to seize it. Nothing could deter me as I raced towards my destiny, ready to unlock the secrets of the dragon balls and bask in everlasting glory.

--Namek-- Unknown Location-- A few minutes

Gohan and Krillin, the two formidable earthlings with unmatched power, raced across the vast expanse of the Namekian sky. Their agile forms resembled ethereal shooting stars, gliding effortlessly through the celestial atmosphere.

Driven by an unwavering determination and fueled by the anticipation of reaching their destination, the duo's bodies moved with remarkable swiftness. Every muscle in their bodies worked in perfect harmony, propelling them forward in a display of sheer athleticism.

Their ki, a vibrant energy pulsating within, radiated with intensity and purpose. The aura surrounding them crackled with an electric energy, casting a brilliant glow that illuminated the darkened sky. The winds whispered tales of their heroic journey, carrying the echoes of their indomitable spirit.

As they soared higher and faster, the harmonious symphony of their movements played out against the backdrop of yellow clouds and mesmerizing mountains below them. With each passing moment, their anticipation grew, driving them closer to their ultimate goal.

Together, they embarked on this daring adventure, ready to face any challenge that stood in their way. Guided by their unbreakable bond, Gohan and Krillin's extraordinary journey continued, a testament to the power of friendship, determination, and unwavering spirits.

As they ventured further on their journey, an overwhelming sense of exhilaration began to fill every fiber of their beings. The anticipation grew with each step, as if the universe itself held its collective breath in eager anticipation. And just when they thought their spirits couldn't soar any higher, a miraculous sight emerged in the distance - a namekian house, gracefully materializing as if it were a harmonious union between nature and architecture. The house was perched atop a slender mountain pillar, reaching towards the heavens with an almost ethereal presence. The sheer grandeur of the scene brought a surge of excitement to their faces, their eyes gleaming with wonder and awe, and their smiles reflecting the joy that emanated from within. It was a moment frozen in time, forever etched in their memories, where the beauty of the world and the thrill of the unknown intertwined in perfect harmony.

With his youthful voice filled with boundless curiosity, Gohan turned to Krillin and asked inquisitively, "Krillin, could that be the Grand Elder's House over there?" He pointed towards the magnificent abode, its intriguing structure looming before them, seeking confirmation and validation from his trusted companion before embarking on their next adventure.

Krillin, with his bald head shimmering under the bright suns, nodded affirmatively, his knowing smile revealing his unwavering faith. As he gazed at Gohan, his eyes sparked with a mixture of confidence and pride, reminiscent of the battles they had fought side by side. "Yes, Gohan," he replied, his voice carrying a sense of assurance that mirrored the unyielding spirit within him. "Once the Grand Elder unlocks your untapped potential, you'll ascend to new heights of strength, surpassing all limits. You might even be stronger than Vegeta."

Their hearts filled with anticipation and determination, Gohan and Krillin continued their journey towards the Grand Elder's House, their spirits soaring alongside them, ready to embrace the immense power that awaited them.

Bonjour Bonsoir, my dear readers! Firstly, I hope you're all doing well. Today, I wanted to start by asking you a question: how did you enjoy seeing Zarbon skillfully handling those demonic cheeks? If you're not familiar with this, Zeuun, despite is an actual demon, and associated with Slug's notorious demon clan. It's quite an intriguing twist, isn't it?

Now, as we delve into the storyline, you might have noticed that I've been alternating between the first and third person narrative. To be honest, I quite enjoy this style of storytelling, and I believe it adds an extra layer of depth and excitement to the tale. So rest assured, my dear readers, I will continue weaving this intricate storyline in such a manner until its thrilling conclusion. Stay tuned for more captivating adventures!

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