
Dragon Age: Rise of The Warden

Hi, this is my first time trying to write a book so please go easy on me. Prepare yourselves mortal's, for I bring upon you a story untold, of fate we all know of story of old. Gather and hear for The Warden we do cheer, and hope he get's it right this time my dear. Link to Discord site. https://discord.gg/TtBNzBE

Altered_State_127 · ゲーム
8 Chs

Party Crashers

As I exit the portal I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I wasn't transported elsewhere. Taking a moment to chill I head back to the entrance where my parents are already waiting for me. 

Knowing what comes next I lower my head and walk towards mom. As I'm nearing, mom stoops and picks me up looking me over every which way.

Not seeing any sign that I was hurt, she pulls me close and hugs me. 

Knowing that I probably scared them I hug mom back and say sorry. 

"It's okay Zayn so long as you're not hurt but next time please do let someone come with you, after you entered the vault Gilmore sent someone to inform us. Now young man pray tell how did you open the vault when your father and I carry the key needed?"

Not wanting to tell them about Omni, I come up with a lie "Well Master Solas taught me a really cool spell that could unlock anything, and I remember dad speaking about how no one can open the vault but him or you so I wanted to try it out and see if it worked and it did."

Seeing the look on my parents face, I can't help but feel sorry for Solas. Unable to stand the silence I ask "Why? Isn't it good that I'm able to open doors by myself?" Not wanting to push them too far I hug mom tighter and say i'm tired, which I kinda am, and start to drift off while holding on to mom. Next thing I know I'm in bed being tucked in, while mom lays with me till I fall asleep.

-One Month later-

"Yawn" [Oh man that was an awesome nap, I've got to have more of these added to my daily routine. Now then let see, wake up, eat, bug brother, nap, train, nap, have lessons with solace, nap, be cute and adorable at all times (even during naps), try to figure out how toilet paper was made, eat, mess with Nan, act like an assassin by jumping everywhere, punch Gilmore in the crotch, nap, go to library to read and nap, find a way to get to the mabari hound pin and set them free, cuse out god, nap, eat, nap, make a get well bomb for Howe, send said Get well bomb as present, be cranky that I haven't had a nap, run away from chantry cause I stole a templars helmet, make a joke that this is a part of the assassin's creed series, take a bath with someone I find sexy, eat, then sleep. Nope my day is full and I can't insert anymore naps. Maybe I can skip out on how toilet paper was made. No, that's a priority, after I get that I can finally poop in peace.]

"Wake up Zayn." Not knowing when, Eleanor entered the room and picked me up out of bed. "Hi there handsome, look at you, you're getting so big. I can't believe my little man is already two years old. Oh how the time just flies by, before you know it you'll be grown and I won't even be able to pick you up anymore. That's all in the future though, because right now you're just my adorable small little treasure and nothing will change that my darling, nothing at all. Oh if only there was a way I could capture this moment."

Feeling that somethings off I have to ask. "I know mom, but why are you telling me how much you love me when I love you even more?"

Eleanor, not able to hold back, squeezes me even more then says. "It looks like you'll be having a little brother or sister soon darling. I just wanted to let you know that even though I'll have to spend a lot of time with them I love you all the more, and that you are my most treasured gift, you and your brother both."

Not knowing how to feel, I just hug Mom back letting her know I love her.

"Okay Zayn come, Let's get you ready for your big day. Today will be an ultra special day, because King Marric and Teyrn Loghain will both make an appearance and they've also brought their children along. So make sure that you don't attack the cake this time. (Under her breath) The last thing we need is to save the king from suffocating under a cake."

Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm going to be a big brother and that this is now my reality instead of a game in which anything goes. I wasn't paying much attention to Eleanor.

Eleanor looks down at Zayn and squeezes his hand smiling at the distracted boy. As Zayn is led off by his mother, Solas sneaks into his room and only comes out several minutes later with perspiration clinging to his forehead. 

-Later that day-

As everyone was gathered in the great hall to celebrate the Couslands youngest birthday, no one seemed to notice the flickering shadow that would grace Zayn's surroundings from time to time.

When it came time for Zayn to open presents a loud explosion rocked the northern wing of the Castle, as the guest scrambled and panicked the kings elite guards moved in and surrounded the king forming a golden wall keeping the crowd away. 

As commands were issued to quell the people, and Teryn Cousland is finally able to take stock of the situation it would seem other than some of the Guards that were protroling in the northern wing everyone else is fine.

"Eleanor, are you alright?" Bryce asks a panicked looking Eleanor. "Yes Bryce, but I can't find Zayn anywhere!" Hearing the emotions in Eleanor's voice, Bryce's heart starts to wildly beat. Trying to stay calm Bryce orders his men to start looking everywhere for Zayn to no avail.

Feeling a sense of dread sneaking up on him, Bryce turns to the king and kneels, he begs the king to send some of his men to look for his child. Marric does so, but even they come up short, not being able to find a single hair from the youngest Cousland.

That night and the ones following it would go from being a happy occasion, to one nightmares feed from. They searched and searched, but could find nothing of young Zayn. A very distraught family could be seen hugging one another as they all broke down into tears. They would continue to search for years after, never giving up hope.

-Right after the explosion happened-

When I heard the explosion I knew something wasn't right. I looked every which way to try and find something out of place only to feel a set of hands wrap around me. One covers my mouth while the other hoists me and we disappear into the shadows.

I try struggling and using some of my power, but I can feel nothing from it. I toss and flail about trying to escape from the kidnappers grasp only to come up short. When I stop fighting back, I can see we are farther from the Castle than I've ever been before.

The kidnapper moves at a high speed running into the nearby forest. Before I can see more I lose consciousness.

The kidnapper places the young Cousland into a burlap sack and throws him over shoulder. He runs and at specific locations he makes a mark. Soon they come upon another person and the kidnapper hands the sack over to the other. 

This trend repeats itself all through the night into the next day. At one point the sack is opened and a postion is forced down the young one's throat. The kidnapper runs long into the night before he is met with an accident. Before they can administer the potion to the child, The kidnapper runs afoul of a Darkspawn the likes of which he has never seen.

A small figure moves at high speeds and cuts open the sack making the boy inside tumble out. Before the figure can grab him, they are blocked by a dagger from the kidnapper. The blades sores out of their hand, but they manage to pull a sword out in the nick of time to block a fatal blow. 

The duo fight and move further away from the child. The child slowly begins to awake before they stand up and stumble around. He accidentally steps on the dagger and decides to pick it up. The pommel is shaped in the figure of a howling wolf with some runes written on the blade.

The child clutches it for dear life before running in the opposite direction of the sounds of conflict. He stumbles from time to time and rips some of his clothes in the process of running away. He soon feels tired and finds somewhere to hide, hoping he won't be found.

Back at the fight the small figure is dancing around the kidnapper. They only commit to some small cuts and feints stretching the battle into one of attrition. The kidnapper is already fatigued from running for some time and is slowly losing the battle. They try to gain advantage but are given another cut for their effort.

The battle goes on for another eight minutes before the Darkspawn commits and feints an array before they twirl around and plunge their blade into the back of the kidnapper. Continuing with their advantage they strike and lop off the kidnappers head.

They leave the body and return to were the child should be only to find an empty sack and some footprints. The Darkspawn tries to feel the enticing spark that drew them there in the first place, but can't find it. They make their way towards the footprints before stopping and growling at something in the dark.

Looking at where the trail leads, they turn away and continue with the task charged to them. Slowing slinking away into the dark. When the Darkspawn leaves a figure emerges and follows the trail the small child left behind. It found some ripped fabric along the way and eventually finds the child curled up inside a hollowed out log in a fetal position clutching a dagger to its chest. Waving its hands a few times, some colorful light flows out and surrounds the child bathing it in its colors.

The child seems to relax a bit before their breathing evens out and they enter a deep sleep. The figure picks the child up and carries them away. On their way past the dismembered body the figure waves it hands once more and the body is dragged far below the earth where none may find it.

They then walk away with the child held to their chest slowly brushing his dark black hair in a way only a mother could. To be continued…