
Dragon Age: Rise of The Warden

Hi, this is my first time trying to write a book so please go easy on me. Prepare yourselves mortal's, for I bring upon you a story untold, of fate we all know of story of old. Gather and hear for The Warden we do cheer, and hope he get's it right this time my dear. Link to Discord site. https://discord.gg/TtBNzBE

Altered_State_127 · Video Games
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8 Chs

Ch.7 Lost and Found

As I woke back up CC was already gone, just remembering the aura he gave off left me petrified. Trying to move past that I looked around my room searching for the slime until I found it in my toy chest seemingly "eating" everything in there.

"Hi there little guy, having fun without me."

As I picked it up I couldn't feel any weight whatsoever, taking a moment to examine the slime, It's color was more of a mercury silver than pure silver. Also it's just as squishy as you imagine, wondering if it is bouncy as well I throw it on the floor. Before it even reached the floor, it had already turned into a ball and bounced back to me.

"Not only can I control you, but you also have some instincts. Well CC did say you would grow with me so welcome." The slime feeling my intention turns into my toy soldier and waves.

"...Okay so you're way more aware than I thought. Can you turn into anything else or maybe show me how you replicate." Turning back to its slime form it doesn't turn into anything else, but within a second it's bulging and then there was another ball laying on my hand. Feeling some magic leave me, I understand how this guy works.

"So you need my magic to work huh, well you're still awesome in my book."

(AN: Pun intended)

Hold on CC said that this thing could make money as if it was nothing, let's test that. "Okay make me money." After waiting a few seconds I tried a different command, each not working, I came to the conclusion that the little guy needs money first and can't just make money appear. Feeling like an idiot I head off to the family vault, as I walk in I see two huge metal doors that have the Cousland history etched on them.

"They are beautiful works of art that represent that the couslands will always be here." Taken by surprise I turn around. " AHHH, GILMORE, "the fuck" can you not scare me like that." Feeling my heart race, I take a moment to collect myself.

"Haha, sorry Sire It is a privilege to stand before you. How may I help you today?"

Giving him the evil eye. "That's easy, I'm just going to see what the vault looks like."[ I can't believe that I haven't been here before now, weird.]

"Sire you're barely even 2 yet, so can you please act a little more childish. Why not go play with some of the other children here?" Seeing the obvious disregard I start feeling pissed off.

"No, I came for the vault of treasure, and i'm not leaving till I see it all. Then after a quick nap on a pile of gold, i'll leave."

"Sire, forgive me but the only way you'll be able to do that today is if you have the Teyrn's key, which I highly dought you do."

Knowing I can't do anything against this grown man I run to the door. "I've come to look at all the cool stuff my parents hid from me, and these doors can't stop me now!"

"Be careful young sire, the doors also have engravings embedded in them."

As I run over to the doors I pull ???, wait you don't even have a name yet, hmm let's go with Omni. I pull Omni out of my pocket. "Omni can you open this for me?" I put Omni in the door lock and the next moment the doors are pulled into the walls.

Not knowing what to expect, I go through the vaultway. I see a very organised vault that has stacks of chest on top of each other. The further in I go the less chests there are but now Armor and swords are sitting on rack after rack as I pass by them. I have Omni copy everything in sight, it only has to touch the item in question to be able to make it later. As I reach the end there is another door, this one however looks very old. As I touch the door it isn't cold but warm, as if the door was alive.

"Well took you long enough." Out of nowhere a voice echoed. "Who's there, show yourself." As I look around there's no one here but me. Remembering the feeling of the door I turn back towards it. "Was that you door that just spoke to me." As soon as the words left my mouth, a face appeared on the door.

"Good job it seems as all your faculties are in order. I've been waiting for ages for someone to talk to me, you would not believe how many of your ancestors run away screaming something maker, or Andraste bless me. It really hurt my feelings the first few times but that I grew used to as well, then over time I made it into a game to see how far I could play with them. The last one, a fellow by the name bryce was talking to an armor for half a day before I grew bored and appeared, then he too ran screaming Bloody Maker. Now we have you short stack, hmm wait you are short. Well I'll be, congratulations you may enter."

(A/N: What do you guys think, I'm adding the talking doors from fable and this guy's quest was for someone under 2ft to talk to him.)

"Ummm what just happened?" As I ask this to the empty air, the door in front of me opens and what I can only describe as a rainbow portal appears. As I walk through, I feel like I'm being dragged into somewhere.

After getting my bearings I start looking around to only see on the other side a great tower that's weathered and aged yet still immaculate. What's inside is a humongous armor standing in the middle of the room giving a pleasant feeling to any who see it. The Armor is silver with gold plates covering the joints. Standing at 7ft it has plate armor covering most of the armor's important areas while leaving some open space in the midriff to be able to turn easier.

(I still suck at descriptions but here's what it looks like. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aREE30 the armor is not mine. I have no rights to it. Let me know if I should keep the doors or not.)

As I look around there isn't much else on the first floor so I move towards the staircase but something stops me from going further. Then a vision of an armored man walking up the stairs enters my mind, turning back to look at the armor. It's the same one from the vision.

I then looked at my body and couldn't help but sigh and admit defeat. Not wanting anyone else to have it, I collect the armor then start looking around the bottom area.

Seeing a chest I walk over to it and open the top. Inside are large books after taking them all out and looking at them I can tell that they are books on magic opening one up the words on the first page say Tome of Flames.

Taking a look back at it's cover I notice it's from Skyrims School of Destruction. Not believing what i'm seeing I start getting pissed again. Shouting out "Damn it CC stop fucking with my world." Not knowing what to expect next from the god I turn back to the chest.

At the bottom is an especially large book. Reading the title "Theda's Alchemical Reagent" I can't help but have my curiosity piqued, trying to lift the book, I Find it to heavy to even pick up. I just put it in my DM for future use.

Not finding anything else I take one last look at my surroundings before going back through the portal.

Sorry about the late drop, I was trying to think of were I want this arc to go to.

Also from now on so you guys can maybe get more Chapters I'll be realesing Ch's with about 600-1200 words so that way I can write more and still keep it detailed without have to bullshit my way up.

Comment let me know what you think of the chapters so far and feel free to ask questions, and if I messed something up point it out to me and i'll try to fix it.

Not sure If this is right but here is the discord I set up.(https://discord.com/channels/711838739277545492/711838792860041246)

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