
Dragged Into a Fantasy World

Nytri was just minding her own business on her way to work when a large black portal-like thing appeared under the feet of a group of 6 students walking to school. Unfortunately for her, she was right beside them and was dragged into a new world with them, but was sent somewhere different from them. This is her story of how she survived in a deadly fantasy world with death everywhere.

ReiqiMufa · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Nytri was a 26 year old woman, who while not the most beautiful was definitely above average. As a result of her constant training of her body as she liked to stay fit, she had a strong beauty about her rather than a feeble one.

She worked at a gym where she helped people find what's right to train their bodies, which is also another reason she loved to train her body constantly whenever she has the chance to do so when she is not working.

Anyways, back to the story. As Nytri was walking down the street to head to the gym she works at, she passes by a group of 6 students who seem to be in high school, but when she was walking past them, a large black portal-like thing appeared under their feet, surprising everyone around.

As she was right beside them, the black portal-like thing managed to reach the edge of her foot, just barely touching her shoe, but that was enough to screw her over as she was dragged into the portal along with the 6 students before losing her consciousness.

When she came to, she found herself in what seems to be an old wooden house. She tried to sit up to look around and see if anybody is around, but her body suddenly hurt extremely, causing her to hiss out in pain.

"Tch, what the heck happened? Why is my body in so much pain?" Nytri whispered in a small voice, gritting her teeth against the pain as she lay back down.

A few seconds after she lay back down there was the sound of a door opening to her left, causing her to look over. Coming through an old wooden door was an old man with a head full of grey hair and loads of wrinkles on his face. Looking at him, Nytri figured he was about 70 or 80 years old. He was wearing an old formal kimono that seems to belong to a few hundred years ago.

Following this old man were two small children, seemingly around 10 years old. They seemed to be twins. They both had silky black hair and blue eyes. The male child was wearing a small version of the old mans kimono, while the female child was wearing a female version of it, making Nytri raise her eyebrow, wondering if she was sent back in time or something.

"So you are awake. That's good. According to my grand kids here, they found you bloodied and unconscious about a hundred meters from our house, so they ran back to tell me and I brought you back and changed you out of your odd bloody clothes. Care to explain why you were nearly dead near my house?" Asked the old man in a somewhat stern voice.

'All bloodied and nearly dead? That portal probably recognized I wasn't it's target and just spat me out somewhere, I guess. Well, not like I can do anything about it now as I am obviously going to be in another world now. The language the old man just spoke definitely wasn't one I know, yet I somehow know what he says. Hm, I guess I will tell him the truth, as I want to know exactly what happened to me.' Nytri thought before speaking.

"I have no idea. I was just walking to where I worked before a black portal appeared under the feet of a small group of students and dragged them inside it, with me being unlucky enough to be beside them and being dragged here. I am assuming this is another world because I don't know your language yet I could understand and speak it." Nytri spoke in a clear voice, not minding she just said something odd.

The old man frowned for a moment before easing his brows up and looking at Nytri clearly. Remembering her odd clothes and the fact she appeared without him noticing it and there being no footprints near her when he found her, he believed her. Another factor in his believing her is that there are occasionally people who get summoned from other worlds and get turned into slaves to fight for the summoners.

"I see. Well, I can believe you due to this type of thing happening plenty before. You are just lucky you ended up here nearly dead instead of where the portal would take you. There have been countless people from other worlds summoned to this one to fight as slaves for those who summoned them, so you not being sent there is your luck. Anyways, this is a world called Kal, and according to an otherworldly man I spoke to a few decades ago, he called this world a fantasy world, a term from your world. I believe you should understand it from that. He also said your world didn't have magic or anything of the likes. This world has a System that everybody has when they are born and become unlocked when they turn 12, where they can finally use it properly. You can access it by just thinking about it and the options for it will appear in your mind." The old man said more kindly than before.

'Fantasy world, huh. I figured it would be like that. Still, people getting summoned as slaves, huh? Those 6 students will have it hard, but it's not like I can help them at all. Maybe if I see them in the future and I am stronger, but not now that's for sure. Still, he said to think about a System and it would appear in my mind...' Nytri thought of the word System with focus and words appeared in her mind.


'So those are the three options this System gives me... Let's check out the Status first to see my situation. I have played a few games and read a few manga so I can't guess what this does.' Nytri thought.

[System Status:

Name: Nytri

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Title: Otherworldly Being(+)

Level 1(0/50)

Health: 220/220(+22/M)

Mana: 180/180(+18/M)

Strength: 17

Agility: 15

Vitality: 22

Intelligence: 18

Stat Points: 0

Points: 0

Skills: Universal Language(MAX)]

'Hm, just like a few manga and games I played, it tells me my stats and skills, which is all I need. It has health and mana, telling me it's like a game, but I don't know if that's just for me or for everyone. Hm? What's this plus sign beside my title? Maybe it tells me what it does?' Nytri thought before mentally pressing the plus sign.

[Otherworldly Being: A title granted to those who come from another world. It gives them the ability to understand every language in Kal, as well as letting them obtain loot from killing monsters or humans. All loot obtained will be automatically sent to the Inventory for safekeeping.]

'Well, that's good. No wonder I can understand the old man. Not only that, I can understand all languages, meaning I can probably talk to demons and stuff, which sounds dangerous yet cool. I can even obtain loot from killing monsters or people just like a game. It doesn't say anything about the health or mana, so I guess that is something for everyone in this world.' Nytri thought to herself.

"Are you done? Young miss it's not good to ignore an old man like this." The old man suddenly said to her, seeing her in a trance.

Snapping out of her trance, she awkwardly looks towards the old man with an apologetic look. Sighing to himself, the old man just shakes his head and finds a chair to sit down on in the room, his two grand kids sitting themselves in his knees as he looks at her.

"Well then, you are quite injured, due to the portal I assume, and you won't be able to heal for a week or two, assuming your vitality isn't too low, but it shouldn't be as you are quite fit. Having a fit body will let you have higher strength and vitality, so yours shouldn't be that low." The old man said, to which Nytri nodded.

"As you are not from this world, I will let you stay here for the time being, in exchange I want you to look after my grand kids for me. I will let you stay here in exchange for that, but if you do anything that harms them I will kill you." The old man said, and a type of pressure formed over Nytri's body, causing her face to pale a little more than it was before it disappeared.

'Was that his mana or a similar type of energy? I nearly suffocated from it!' Nytri thought to herself with sweat falling down her forehead.

Nytri nods her head in agreement, as she was actually going to ask if she could stay here for a while to learn about this world. She doesn't mind looking after the two kids as she used to take care of her sisters daughter a few years ago.

"Well then, I propose you get some rest as you seem exhausted, not to mention you need a lot of sleep when you are injured for your wounds to recover faster. I will explain matters about the world to you tomorrow." The old man said before standing up and leaving through the old wooden door with his two grand kids in tow, leaving Nytri alone.

Nytri had wanted to ask about this world, but when the old man said she seemed exhausted, she finally noticed how tired she seemed. Recalling what the old man said, it seems you are always tired when you are heavily injured so you can sleep and heal quicker. Nytri closed her eyes and relaxed, resulting in her instantly falling asleep.