
Draco - 18+

a bit fun .... a bit sex ... enjoy

Ash_5303 · 映画
5 Chs

chapter -1


(yn is a mud blood .she have a secret crush on Draco and somehow even Draco has )

He sat in the common room, still angry from what happened on the quidditch field, he soon saw you and glared "sodd off you mudblood!" he sneered

"uhm ok" *she stands as she does her breasts big bounces inside her shirt*

"Oh really? You're gonna leave?" he said *He stood up and walked over to you. "Well then..." he smirked "I guess I'll just have to show you."

yn-"huh what?"

*he grabbed you by the waist and lifted you up against his body. His hands went around your chest and squeezed your boobs gently while he leaned in close to your face "what are you going to do about it?"

*she was speechless*

"Good answer" he grinned mischievously "Now let me go or there will be consequences."

*as she was wearing skrit.. Her soft skin was touching his hands*

he looked at you confused "What did you say?" his grin grew wider as he stared at you with a look that could only be described as lustful

"nothing"she replies

"Nothing my dear? Really? Or are you just too scared

to speak?" he chuckled softly, he started rubbing his thumb across your cheek

"shut"yn answers

"Fine" he smiled and released you. He turned away and began walking towards the door "See ya later mudblood." he laughed mockingly and left.

after leaving Draco returned home and entered his bedroom, he took out a small vial filled with some sort of liquid and poured it into a cup of water "It seems like she likes me after all." he chuckled darkly

a few days had passed since the incident where he tried to seduce you. Today was Saturday and you were spending the day at Hagrid's hut playing games with him and watching movies. It was a nice relaxing afternoon and you didn't even notice when Draco came to sit next to you

*you were currently watching a movie called 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' which you really liked because of its unique story line.* You also loved how Tim Burton made it look so beautiful.*

when the scene ended you sighed in disappointment before looking over at Draco who seemed bored. He wasn't paying attention to what you said but he suddenly spoke up "Hey... I'm sorry about yesterday..." he sounded sincere

"it's alright"she said

Really? Are you sure?" his voice had a soft tone to it and he looked genuinely concerned for your well being


"I don't want to make things awkward between us..." he paused as if thinking of something "Do you wanna hangout sometime? Just the two of us?"

the boy smiled brightly at you "Great! Let's go now!" He got up from his seat and grabbed your hand leading you outside


towards an empty park bench near a pond "So

once outside they walked what did you think of The Nightmare Before Christmas?" he asked curiously while sitting down

yn said "I don't like it" *whereas in brain she loved it*

"Why not?" said Draco sounding confused, he would've thought that such a classic would be enjoyable for anyone

"becuz i didn't like it"

"Oh okay." he replied back sounding disappointed. He hadn't expected you to enjoy it anyway since it was just some generic old cartoon movie

*hm she blushed as he started taking his hands towards her things*

as soon as you felt his hands on your chest, you could feel him begin to rub your nipples gently through your shirt "What are you doing?" you asked nervously as you felt his fingers graze across your neck and collarbone.*

she blushed and she was speechless

"Well?" said Draco in a teasing manner, clearly enjoying himself as he played with your body.

Hmmm~" said Draco in a mocking tone, he knew exactly how much you liked this sort of thing

... mhm

"Mmmhmm?" asked Draco in a demanding voice, he wanted confirmation before continuing.

"hm"yn replied with a nod

"Good girl." smiled Draco as he continued playing with your body, rubbing your shoulders and breasts gently

*her breasts were soft*

"I bet they're sensitive too right?" asked Draco in a curious voice as he ran his thumb over one of your nipples making it harden more.

she takes a deep breath

Are they sensitive? Tell me if they are or don't tell me either way~" said Draco playfully as he rubbed your other nipple between his thumb and index finger.

her body was freezed...

"Hmm.. I think that means yes~" smirked Draco as he saw you freeze up from all the pleasure he was giving you.

"Oh come on! Don't be shy!" said Draco mockingly as he leaned down to kiss you passionately while still fondling your breast.


"See what I mean?" said Draco smugly as he pulled away from the kiss and looked at you with a smile.

So now what do we ao next?" asked Draco curiously as he stared into your eyes. He had a hungry look in his eyes like he wanted to continue but didn't know where to go from here.

"it's your choice"

"What do you want to do first?" asked Draco in an excited voice as he started rubbing your thigh again.

"it's your choice"she says again

Then let's just see how far we can take this shall we?" said Draco teasingly as he kissed your neck softly.

"ah ok" she says in low voice

"Good girl." said Draco as he grabbed your hand


"Something wrong?" asked Draco as he locked the door behind them and turned around to face you. You could tell by the expression on his face that he wasn't happy about something.


"Alright then." said Draco as he walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. "Come sit beside me." he said as he gestured for you to join him.

*she decides to let him countinue*

"I'm glad you decided to stay." said Draco as he wrapped his arm around you and laid you against his chest. His other hand rested on your cheek as he stared into your eyes lovingly.

"mhm so beautiful" said Draco as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. As soon as he did so, you felt his tongue darting inside your mouth eagerly searching for yours.

"You're mine now" said Draco as he pulled away from the kiss and looked at you with pure lust in his eyes.

And I intend to use you properly" said Draco as he stood up and dragged you towards the bed.

"So are you ready to be my little toy?" asked Draco as he climbed onto the bed and lay down next to you, looking deep into your eyes.

"Then lie still while I have some fun with you~" said Draco as he reached down and placed his hands under your armpits lifting you off the ground before laying you gently on the bed.

"That's it, just relax and enjoy yourself~" said Draco as he moved closer to you, pressing himself against you. He was breathing heavily as if he had been running all day had been running all day or maybe even fighting someone.

she was also breathing deep breath*

"Do you like that? Do you feel safe with me?" said Draco as he began kissing your neck softly.

she nods

"Good, because I'm going to take good care of you~"

said Draco as he continued to kiss your neck and nibble on your earlobes.

"Tell me what you want~" said Draco as he trailed kisses down your chest and stomach until he reached your crotch where he began teasing you by licking your inner thighs.

*she stayed silent during this*

*she moaned when he inserted his finger instead*
