
Dr. Stone: Nanami Yukihime

An ordinary young man died due to multiple factors and got another chance at life. He... or more specifically she thought that this world is the same and that she just went back in time or is in an alternate universe. She would later learn the truth... moments before her- ====================== This is a AU fanfic of Dr. Stone. Just read it to know more. ====================== Author's Note: I will try to at least release a chapter per week. If you're lucky maybe three chapters, but I will try posting chaps here every week. ——PS: The cover photo is not mine so don't sue me. ——Another PS: This story is 'extremely' slow paced. Like you won't see any main cast aside from Ryusui and Sai even after 25 chapters. Read at your own discretion, if you don't wanna read, okay.

VerzVerx · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

C4 Guevara Twins

|——•Alexa PoV•——|

I am currently watching Nathalia's stream with my brother as usual. We always watch her streams as she has quite funny reactions whenever she's startled. Also to support our friend Nathalia.

"S-She's really g-going? Can we not sis?" I heard my little brother timidly ask me when he heard Nathalia talking about the paranormal investigation.

I looked at my cowardly brother with deadfish eyes as I questioned how could I have such a timid and scaredy cat of a brother. "We promised to go with her so we will go."

"C-Can I not go? That hospital is so scary I— ouch!"

I cut off my brother as I pinched his ears and said to him, "Don't you have a backbone, bro?! How can you be this cowardly when Nathalia herself isn't even scared? If you continue being a coward, Nathalia would not like—"

"I know, I know! I'll go sis, let me go!" He then shook my hand off his ear and touched it in pain.He then murmured under his breath, "At least I understand her theories and you don't."

"Huh??? Did you say something? Are you calling me dumb???" My face darkened hearing this and I menacingly stared straight at his soul.

Seeing his sister's scary look, Alec knew that he needed to say something or else he would not see daylight tomorrow.

"A-Ah... umm... Y-You're so smart s-sis..." Alec averted his gaze and looked sideways to avoid Alexa's soul piercing gaze that bore a hole through him.

"Hmph! Did you finish the thing she wanted?" She asked her derpy brother.

Alec smiled a bit and replied as he reached in below their bunk beds, "I finished making it yesterday. It was quite easy because it's just incorporating thermal scanner and night vision camera mode to the drone and upgrading it's maneuverability."

He then took out a drone from below their bunk bed and showed it to his sister.

Alexa grinned and asked, "That's good, but what about the music box thingy?"

"Oh that's even easier! I just attached a motion sensor to a music box and it's done!" He then ran to the other side of the room and took the music box from above their cabinet and showed it to her.

Alexa laughed at his brothers excited look whenever he's talking about things he made. She remembered back then when she met Nathalia for the first time at the beach.


Five Years Ago...

"Hey Alec, how many shells have you found?" I yelled at my brother in the distance who was collecting sea shell with me in the beach.

As soon as he heard me, he ran back to me and showed everything he collected. "I collected about thirteen of them. Though these are the beautiful ones and I already threw the trash earlier.

"Hahaha! Good job bro!" I ruffled my brother's hair as I hugged him while laughing in joy.

"Hahaha, stop! Why would we collect sea shells all of a sudden though?" He asked curiously. His sister was not the type of person who likes sea shells or any girly stuff. Why would she suddenly want them?

"Hehehe, you see that?" Alexa pointed at a far away location where a girl can be seen to be... practicing some stances. "I'm gonna give it to her."

Alec was shocked and said, "Her? Do you want to be friends with her?"

Alec's reaction was really understandable. That girl, Demon Nathalia, was infamous here and there were rumors of her being a monster in the city. They also heard about her beating other kids and eating them afterwards.

"You believe those nonsense? Monsters aren't real and if she's a monster then she's a beautiful monster worth befriending." Alexa said with a beautiful smile.

Her brother looked at her with an odd gaze seemingly weirded out by his sister's behavior. "Didn't expect you to be onto girls now."

"Shut up you dog." Alexa said coldly and then looked at Nathalia who was wiping off her sweat with a towel. "Let's go now bro, she's done practicing and I bet she would leave anytime now. Now's our chance!"

Alexa then dragged Alec with her to the direction of Nathalia. Hearing his sister's words, Alec just rolled his eyes in his mind and thought, 'You mean your chance'.

When they got closer, Nathalia noticed their presence and looked at them curiously. Without any hesitation whatsoever, Alexa jumped up in front of Alexa and enthusiastically introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Alexa and this is my brother Alec. What's your name?" Even though she knew her name, she still tentatively asked her to show her sincerity.

"Name's Nathalia, why'd you come to me though?" Nathalia introduced herself and asked as she was curious as to why they would approach her suddenly. All the ones who came before were all asking for a beating. She hoped they're not one of those.

"Oh, I was just curious about what you were doing and thought it was interesting." Alexa said.

Nathalia looked at her and smiled as she answered, "I'm just doing basic karate stances. It's nothing much."

"I see. Right, I saw these seashells and thought that they were beautiful. I'll give you all of them as a sign of friendship. I wanna be your friend." Alexa then handed all the seashells to Nathalia with a smile.

Nathalia was stunned and then asked her, "Why do you want to be my friend though?"

"I see you here everyday, practicing those same stances every time and thought that you're quite cool. Also, I heard that you beat those bullies who always occupied the beach back then. Those guys deserved to be beaten." Alexa said.

Hearing the reason why these two suddenly approached her, Nathalia chuckled and said, "Thank you, Alexa. I can use these shells to make so much stuff, they're not bracelets or necklaces though."

Hearing her words, Alec became curious and spoke for the first time since their meeting, "What else would they be used for making aside those things?"

"Hehe," Nathalia darkly grinned and said with a deep voice, "What else? Gunpowder!"

The two were shocked and Alec couldn't help but exclaim, "B-But how can you make that from seashells?! Also, isn't making gunpowder illegal?!"

"Hehehe, as long as you don't get caught then it's all good," Nathalia chuckled darkly and continued, "Who would expect a child to make explosives anyway? No one!"

==\Flashback End\==

After that they accompanied Nathalia in making the gunpowder. That made Alec admire her because of her intellect, though Alexa didn't entirely understand everything they said.

Anyways, from then on they became friends with Nathalia and they experienced various things together. Tonight also, we would go with Nathalia in her paranormal investi-whatchamacallit or what I like to call ghost hunt.

But looking at my timid brother who kept saying he didn't want to go. I gave him a taste of the Fist of Love, as Nathalia calls it, and said to him, "No matter what, you're going to come with us!"