
Dr Blush (Dragon Ball Fanfic)

An old genius scientist cannot wait any longer and pushes forward with testing the serum on herself which results in her death and a large problem for humanity. She wakes up in a new strange world but why does the name of the doctor sound so familiar? Born as a half-demon and half-human named Blush, she begins her new life full of challenges and discoveries. I do not own Dragon Ball and the characters but the original characters and plots written are of my own making or have been derived from events that have happened in the original. Kofi Link to donate and join monthly for early chapter releases: https://ko-fi.com/dancematdan Dr Blush Gene Side Story Link: http://wbnv.in/a/7diUgg5 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ehdpPFzrFF Novels under my account Bodyguard of a Villainess in an Apocalyptic Revenge Novel Tiny Terror of the Aether Era Kan-Gar-Chu! (One Piece Fanfic) Pi-Gar-Chu! (One Piece Fanfic) Bombyx: Return of the Vengeful Eldest Daughter (Ongoing) Dr who is where now? (Dragon Ball Fanfic) Apotropaic of Danmachi Holy Beast Saintess (Dropped)

dancematdan · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Crazy old lady

Within a dark and poorly lit room, there was lots of weird looking equipment laying around.

Some looked very old while others had looked very clean and new as if they have been regularly cleaned and reused.

Among them was an old woman who despite her wrinkled appearance, she looked very fit and full of energy as a crazed light appeared in her eyes when she was going over the results of her latest experiment. "Ahahaha! I have done it! Now I should be able to fight death and be reborn as a greater life form!"

If anyone was to hear her then they may dismiss her words as if they were said by a crazed and demented old lady or a person with six grader syndrome but she seemed perfectly sane even if she did have a slightly crazy look in her eyes as she gazed over the research.

[Recent test subjects have been successful as they have been able to be transformed and rejuvenated. The cells have been deconstructed, rejuvenated, reformed and strengthened to produce a stronger life form while the serum has provided effects to make them start again from a very young age. After further testing, once the host has reached their mature stage their ageing is halted. It is recommended that further testing is done on humans to see if it will work on them.]

A rat was sitting within a cage by her and it looked youthful and full of energy but as it nibbled on its food, it effortlessly tore into it and its movements were very fast and full of strength as it caused the cage to shake on the table.

If the cage was not strengthened then perhaps the rat would easily be able to escape after biting through the cage that trapped it.

The old woman contemplated for a while before finally coming to a decision. 'I cannot have this leaking out to somewhere else so I must be secretive about finding test subjects.. if I choose wrongly then I could potentially be releasing a disaster or villain on the city. Forget it, that is too much hassle! I will do it myself! My time is running out and I cannot wait much longer and without taking risks, there will not be any rewards!'

She took out a sealed box and carefully removed the seal after she had typed in the password and confirmed it. "Now the time has come to achieve true perfection!"

The old woman had lived a very long life and she was very interested in biological research from a young age.

She had joined many pharmaceutical and other types of groups as she had been part of many teams that worked on many advanced projects but as she had attempted to bring up ideas of her own which were out of the norm, she had been fired each time.

Tampering with human genetics always came with huge risks and it could change the world for better or worse even if it succeeds so many had great aversions to many of her ideas and could no longer put up with her.

Nobody could refute her genius and abilities but her way of thinking was just not accepted by the current society so she was pushed out of the scientific community.

In truth, she had been a nerdy youth who enjoyed all kinds of comics and stories that involved mysterious powers and super powers, she had always dreamed of having them herself.

As she grew older, she had started to grow even more restless as her resources had lessened and the support she had received had become even less which had only made her desire stronger to succeed so that she could prove the world wrong and so that she could restore her lost youth.

She was already approaching the age where she was expected to die or had already surpassed it thanks to her healthy diet, regular training of the body to keep herself fit and her efforts in teaching herself combat techniques from young so that she could keep herself safe but she knew that if she stalled the research, she may not have another opportunity.

She did not wish to die without her achievements being known to the world so she decided to take the risk as she pierced her arm with the needle and a strange looking serum had entered the blood in her veins.

Her body had begun to increase in heat as she could feel herself undergoing a great change and the pain started increasing from an irritating feeling to what she believed to be the next level as if she was being pierced by many tiny needles all over her.

The pain increased and she struggled violently as the cage fell to the ground.

The lock on the door had been damaged a little by the fall and had been brought closer to the space between the hard metal bars so the rat had started to go crazy as it started to bite into it.

"Aaaaaah!" The old lady started tearing into her clothes as she tried to endure the pain and heat but she ended up knocking more things over and ripped her clothing off her body a little at a time.

As if time had stopped, she had paused in place for a couple of seconds as she stood silently and motionless before her entire body had broken down and fell to the ground.

Her entire body had turned to a black sludge like substance that lay on the ground.

That day the old lady had died due to the failure of her experiment and had released a disaster on the world due to her carelessness and impatience as she had failed to restrain herself before rushing to inject herself with the serum.

The rat had escaped some time after her death and had consumed the leftover residue from her body like it was eating a great tonic before it escaped the laboratory.

It then found a new habitat where it was free to breed and a large rat army which had a large lifespan and increased capabilities had begun to rapidly spread around the country.

Humanity had started to excavate her research in the hopes of finding a way to combat the mutant rats but they had to brave the dangers that came with it.

After many trials, they were able to get to it but they were unable to find someone that had the skill to reproduce it so they settled on making a weapon that was capable of destroying the mutant rats on mass whether it be a type of virus, chemical weapon or just a special type of large range destructive or flammable type that could kill a large amount in one shot.

Meanwhile, the soul of the old lady was carried away as it left the body that had failed to reform after being reconstructed and had arrived in a new unknown place.

This is purely something that I was working on during my free time so it is unknown if this will be continued as I have other projects to work on.

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