
Dovahkiin Starting in Harry Potter(AU)

After dying in and accident and meeting an interesting R.O.B our MC Hadrian got 5 wishes that he had no idea would turn the world he chose to go upside down. [Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of Harry Potter except my characters]

HerrSpawn · 書籍·文学
12 Chs

Chapter 11

After the long drive from the train we finally arrived at the train station near Hogsmeade and im surprised that Ron didn't appeared once while we where on the train, i suppose the ward i put in place worked.

We got out of the train and there it was Hagrid and he was as big as it gets yelling "First years this way... FIRST YEARS OVER HERE! We are going by boat no more than four per boat come on."

We got on the boat with Hermione, Susan and Harry cause Daphne went with Tracy..

"All aboard!? Onwards!" yelled Hagrid again after checking a little, and as we where advancing some ripples came from the water scaring some of the newbies.

"It's the giant squid that lives in the black lake, my mom told me that its pretty friendly and helps kids that fall on the water. And those placed on Slytherin can sometimes see it on their common room cause its all glass and you have an underwater view of the lake." I told the girls and Harry with a laugh from stopping them being all twitchy.

"Watch out lower your heads!" came Hagrid's shout from the back, giving me a chuckle cause only he is big enough to bump it with the wall, and then we got to the entrance of the castle, causing all sorts of 'woah and oooh'.

After everyone got out the little boats, Hagrid knocked the door "First years professor McGonagall"

"Thank you Hagrid. Come on now come in," Said McGonagall as we where guided to the chamber of reception for new students, where first years wait before getting sorted.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. As first years you dont have a house yet, which is why the first thing all of you are doing is getting sorted into your houses." she was about to continue seeing some confused looks from what i gather are the muggleborns but was interrupter mid-speech

"Professor my brothers told me we would have to fight a troll to get selected! Is that right?" and as everyone looked at the the one who spoke, some giving frightened looks, other astonishing, most of in the know where sniggering

"Red head, dirty second-hand me downs. You're a Weasley for sure." Typical Malfoy, earning stares of all types.

"Mister Malfoy silence! And mister Weasley, no there is no troll fighting. The sorting ceremony is a long tradition here at Hogwarts. Once you are sorted into your house by the sorting hat, you'll be with that house until you graduate. They will be your family while at Hogwarts. So be mindful not to make enemies in your own house, the 4 houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Your triumphs will earn you points, and any rule-breaking you will lose them. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will begin shortly." And she turned around and led us in to the great hall.

As we entered, the hustle of the other students died down a little, every new student was taking in the sight of the great hall in awe, "I read that the celling was enchanted to look like the one outside" typical Hermione

"When i call your names you would come up this stool and i will be placing the sorting hat on your head, which will decide the house all of you are going to be sorted"

"Hanna Abbot"


"Susan Bones"


"Hadrian Dovah" as my name was called i casted a wandless Scourgify at the hat

"Thank you child, it has been a few years since i had a good cleaning!

"You are welcome Hat"

"Hohh it has been a few centuries since i had the pleasure of sorting one of your line who could speak the tongue of the Dragons, Salazar and your Ancestor used to have spirited duels between his spells in Parseltongue and your ancestor's 'Dragon Shouts' or 'Thu'um' as he called them, they destroyed a few pieces of the castle earning and earful from Rowena and Helga. Godric was all the more happy trying to join those two in the duels though. Let's lets see, you have the bravery, daring and nerve of a true Gryffindor, loyalty for those close to you and friends very well for a Hufflepuff, you have intelligence, knowledge, curiosity, creativity and wit that would leave any half-assed Revenclaw to shame, and more ambition, cunning and resourcefulness than Salazar would know what to do with.. i think that you will do great there, SLYTHERIN!"

And after a moment of silence from students and professor alike to digest that which the hat spoke, the Slytherin table gave its round of applause while i was walking towards the table thinking of burning the hat for airing all that

While i was watching the other get sorted i started to think about a few plans that i didn't implement yet and i will be starting with this year until i was interrupted out of my musing by a total silence from the hall which just like i thought was because Harry's name was called

I really didn't know which house the hat would put him, as compared to the movies he didn't have the Slytherin bias and if i have to bet it would go to either of the houses really, it surprised me and many other really when the hat yelled


Our table was shocked but gave a little applause, Gryffindor table was silent, the ravens and badgers gave a normal applause too as Harry came to sit next to me. The professors took their time to process what just happened and Dubledork had his weird twinkle watching Harry, fucking pedo. No doubt thinking of a way to move him out of that house and to his lions.

After the sorting finished and then we had our feast, Dumbledore stands up and gives the welcome speech and all then talking about the third floor being forbidden if you don't want certain death, that the forest outside is forbidden for a reason and the shit filch always complains about

After the feast we follow our prefects towards the dungeons to our common rooms we get the rundown of things about our rooms and the normal stuff and they told us that since tomorrow is Saturday and we have no classes its normal when that happens that firsties go around the castle to know the layout and how to get to classes and stuff, as it almost 9 pm they show us to our rooms and since it is Slytherin, each student has his own room. I look for mine and close the door and put some defenses on the door, since i dont want anyone to enter.

After having all sorted out and now that i have some breathing room i wait till its a little later while reading a book after some time i cast a 'Tempus' and seeing its 11pm i get up and really hope this works "I would like the help of a Hogwarts elf"

And lo and behold one pops in front of me "What would master be wantin' from Iggy?"

"Hello Iggy, you see there is a man that is transformed as a rat in one of the Gryffindor rooms of the first years, i would like you to stun him and put him in a cage and bring him to me so that i can give him to the authorities."

"Iggy be doing that right away" she disappears and in a moment comes back with a rat in a cage that is missing a toe or finger or what ever is called when a man transforms into a rat and has 1 finger less. "Thank you very much Iggy!"

"Master is nice, master be getting more desert at dinner all time"

"Hahaha thank you again, you are the best Iggy"

And she pops away, ok now i have completed part 4 of my plan to fuck everything up now lets see if i can do this next "Aurora!" fwosh she teleported to me in a bout of fire and perched on my shoulders "Hello girl, its not like we haven't seen since a year" she trilled and kept rubbing her head against my face, "Okay girl this is my room, you can come whenever you like you know that, but now i need your help, i would like that you take me somewhere but first" i cast a muggle-repelling charm on myself and her and "now take us to the address grimmuald place 12 please girl"

And as she fires us away we appeared in front of the Black family home, i go outside the door and and knock the door and yell for Kreacher, who opened the door "Who are you?"

"Hello Kreacher my name is Hadrian Dovah, i would like permission to enter the house and talk to the portrait of Lady Walburga"

"Wait here" and he closed the door on my face. "Come inside"

After i entered the house and being led by Kreacher, i see that it is almost in ruins, i was led to where the portrait of the old hag was.

"Hello Lady Walburga."

"What do you want kid?"

"Well this was certainly not what i expected but well, i came here in an effort to destroy a Horcrux really, i just wanted your permission to get the item in question from your house."

"What?! How do you know about such foul magic at your age? And what are you doing at this hour outside of Hogwarts?"

"Well to answer your question, i came here with the help of my Phoenix, it is pretty easy for moving around Hogwarts anti-apparition wards. And about Horcrux, i already destroyed 2 of them, this would be my 3rd. Your son, Regulus sacrificed himself to get it out of the place it was and gave the last order to Kreacher to destroy it, pity that he could not do it."

"Whose is it kid?!"

"Oh funny thing, they belong to one Tom Marvolo Riddle, you know, the son of a squib of the last Gaunt line, and a Muggle man by the last name Riddle."

"I dont know any muggles!"

"Oh but you do Lady Walburga, you do, maybe not but that name but by his make believe name you do.."

"NO! It cant be!"

"Yes, it can be. All that preaching about pureblood was hogwash, he was just a madman, in case you didn't know, he made 7 Horcruxes.. You should know what that does to a person, he was crazy from kid. His mother was a squib and a Gaunt on top of that, you should know how they lived in a shack with nothing as her father died and brother went to Azkaban she used that chance to brew a love potion which she gave to this Riddle muggle, after a time of being dosed on potion little Tom came to be, when she thought that by having a son with him would make him like her she stopped dosing the man, which in turn led to her getting kicked out and after giving birth she died of grief.

Tom was raised in an orphanage, but he had one big problem, as he was conceived with love potions he didn't have any emotions a normal person would, so from the start he was broken already..."

And i told her the whole story of tommy boy, she just couldn't process everything so while the crazy hag sat there in the painting i asked Kreacher to bring me the Locket

I did the same as with Harry's and the Ressurection stone/Gaunt Ring, i separated the part of the soul and put it in a container, cleansing the Locket.

"Why are you doing that kid? Destroy that thing already!"

"Oh no no, Lady Walburga, if i destroy it he will know, as it is a part of his soul it is connected to the main one, i would be giving my cards away. I need to collect all the parts and do it at once. I also came here to rescue and let recuperate Sirius, seeing as he was kidnapped and put in Azkaban without a trial."

"What?! Why would you rescue that disgrace?"

"Well, seeing as that 'disgrace' as you would put it, was the only thing that could bring the name of House Black into some good i dont really see the problem. And also seeing as that would fuck all of Malfoy senior plans to continue using the Black votes as regent and make his spawn heir of House Black illegaly all the more fun, no?

Aurora girl, i need you to bring Sirius Black here from Azkaban please."