
Dovahkiin Starting in Harry Potter(AU)

After dying in and accident and meeting an interesting R.O.B our MC Hadrian got 5 wishes that he had no idea would turn the world he chose to go upside down. [Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of Harry Potter except my characters]

HerrSpawn · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

A few had passed since the trip to Diagon Alley and my trip to get one of the Hallow and the Noseless Horcrux, as we where having breakfast Missy appeared next to the table to give my father the newspaper, and i caught him staring at it gawking which made me think that maybe Rita published the story after getting some more information as i was waiting for it.

"Dad, look at this" said my father, passing the ns to my grandpa, who also looked at it read and started laughing "Ohh nono this is too good hahaha, this just made my day" and soon we all read the newspaper from the Daily Prophet


' Dear reader, you wouldn't believe what we uncovered. The real name of the Dark Lord, after countless investigations we came to the conclusion and even we, with all evidence presented before our eyes couldn't believe it. Now it is your turn to know what we know:

Tom Marvolo Riddle 'I Am Lord Voldemort' he's real name was an anagram! If you switch the places of the letters you get it! So after more digging on our part, we discovered that this man, this murdered who preached about the blood superiority along with his monsters, the one that wanted to make it so that only people of pure blood where left on the magical world is the son of a Muggle name Tom Riddle Sr, and the Squib Merope Riddle (neé Gaunt). He was the maternal grandson of Marvolo Gaunt who died soon after being released from Azkaban, where he was briefly imprisoned for assaulting Ministry personnel.

He was abandoned in an Orphanage, where stories told that he never had any emotions, attended Hogwarts between the years 1938–1945. Where in 1943 there where a series of attacks at school, he became a "Hero" for stopping them at the time earning an engraved trophy for Special Services to the School. He went to became Prefect and Head Boy of Slytherin during his last years. After leaving Hogwarts he worked a few years at Borgin and Burkes, right on Nocturn Alley, and then his trace disappeared, which is when he started showing himself with his moniker we think, one he was already using in his last years as a student at Hogwarts.

Which begs to question, Dumbledore should have known his real identity so why did he never revealed who he was? What was the need to mystify his name? Was he perhaps having other aims in the war? Is he really the "Leader of the Light" all believed? That is for you to think our readers.'

-Rita Skeeter

"Oof the sick bastard and his fart eaters might be rolling on their asses from rage and shame now that this information came to light" i said causing everyone to laugh.

A month passed after that article and we are going to start school today, Harry and I already prepared our trunks with all the stuff we need and more too. The trunks dad got for us where enchanted like a fortress, only us can open them, they have 5 rooms in them, a common room where there is a separate door where we could enter each other's trunks with permission from each other and a big library with sofas, tables, a kitchen, and a fridge, it is almost like a house.

"Boys lets go! You don't want to get late to get your compartments on the train" yelled at us mum from downstairs, Harry was already running there while i said goodbye to Aurora and that i'll call her to play sometimes on the castle when i can.

"Okay grab my hand we are going to be apparating again kids."

"Ugh aunty thats the worst, i hope i dont get the urge to puke again."

"No, Harry it is only the first time generally. After that your body gets accustomed to it"

And so we apparated to the designated place on the platform 9 3/4 where people with a portkey or license to apparate appear from.

"Well babies have lots of fun at school and dont forget to study also, if i found that you are not its not going to be pleasant, you hear?"

"Yes mum!/aunty!"

"Give me a hug and then go search for a room to sit on the train. I love you both, be safe."

"By mum, see you by christmas"

And so we went to the train looking for a compartment to sit, passing a few that where occupied we found an empty one, lifting my trunk i sit down and pull a book on transfiguration to start reading same with Harry getting another one which i didnt see when we where interrupted by the door of the compartment opening by 2 girls

"Hadrian!" yelled one with a faint blush on her face

I looked up from my book surprised to see these two together "Hey Daphne, Hi Susan, how are your girls?"

"Very good, um can we sit with you two? The others compartments are mostly empty and we would get bored" asked Susan

"I've got not problem, Harry?"

"Yeah sure"

"Hello im Daphne Greengrass and this is Susan Bones"

"Hi im Harry Potter"

The girls where surprised the boy who lived was here too and started to ask him some question like ive told him everyone would, then we started talking about normal stuff about Hogwarts and such that we didnt even noticed that the train left the station. We started playing with Harry a game we invented with transfiguration on the table having fun with the girls where we make animals of stuff and have them fight, we where way over the course from Hogwarts on most of the subjects theoretically but in practice we where 6th to 7th year.

Daphne was cheering for me while Susan for Harry in the little fight when the door to the compartment was opened again by Hermione who was looking at us stupidly. Daphne, not so happy to be interrupted asked her with her icy queen look "Yes?"

Harry and I greeted her, "Harry, Hadrian , hi, i was looking for a frog of a boy who lost it"

"Hey there Hermione, is the frog Neville's?"

"Yes, do you know him? Also how are you guys doing that? That is not on the books i got"

"Yeah could you call him please? Well, we have more books at home than Hogwarts probably and we practiced wandless magic since young."

That left her stunned "But that's not fair, and isn't underage magic at home illegal?"

Daphne almost burst out laughing at that if the smirk she was holding was anything to go by, Susan didn't laugh but also didn't said anything, "Nothing is fair in life, and yes it is illegal but it depends who you are. Daphne, Susan, Harry and I come from long lasting families with magic from hundreds and some thousands of years, and we are not the only ones. A lot of families teach some of their members magic when they are young, and the illegal part is mostly for muggle families that live on the muggle world where doing magic is out in the open even if you are in your home, our houses are mostly hidden from the normal world and only magical's can see them so the law doesn't apply there."

"How can that be? But if that is true the students from magical families have an advantage over normal people!"

"I already told you, nothing is fair in life, my family is older than Hogwarts itself for example, we have more books than the school library, i was raised with magic around me so why would i not take advantage like most others like me? Harry and i for example are already above and over the complete Hogwart syllabus theoretically, some problems here and there with practical but its nothing impossible. This transfiguration we where doing is almost for 7th grade students."

And with that i think i short-circuited her brain, she seems to be having trouble accepting reality, i don't want to be mean, truly i really liked the woman that she would become but she had her problems with reality of the magical world and if by telling her how things where it broke her fairy tale and she viewed things how they really where would be much better. And while she was having a mini meltdown, Neville appeared at the door too

"Hey Nevi! I heard you lost your toad?"

"Hadri!! Yeah could you help me find him?"

"Yeah sure, tell me how does it look like and its name"

Although he was not sure why I asked, he told me anyway, i told him to lift his hand and pulled out my wand and Accioe'd Trevor who landed on his open palm. Stunning him and again Hermione.

They then helped themselves and sat with us, Harry and me not having a problem, Susan didn't seem to either but Daphne was looking at the bushy haired girl like she was a Neanderthal not that she knew what that meant tho.

We started talking about the school again and which houses we wanted to be in, Daphne said she will be in Slytherin probably like most of her family, Susan wanted to be in Hufflepuff like her mother, Neville didn't know and Harry the same

"I dont really have a problem with any of the houses really, but i would like to be in Reavenclaw for the library they have in the common room, i heard that most graduate students from there leave their books or notes and it always kept increasing so maybe i could get a thing or two from innovartors there, or Slytherin for the common room that has the view of the lake and the giant squid there could be fun. Also that i know that both of those houses have private rooms and i enjoy my personal space"

Hermione only knowing what was on the books, as always, started asking more questions of what we knew about the houses and gaining a better picture of things.