
Douluo Dalu: World Tree, Plant Godking

In the world of Douluo Dalu, an extraordinary event unfolds as a researcher from Earth's memories was infused within a colossal ancient tree known as the World Tree, Verdalor. He aspires to become the World Tree Emperor, a Plant Spirit Beast Godking. ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Discord: https://discord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Sunset Forest Transformation

The symphony of unity and purpose continued to resonate through the Sunset Forest as Verdalor's treant form led the procession deeper into the heart of the realm.

The companions, their clans, and descendants moved with a sense of anticipation, their essence intertwining with the very fabric of the land they tread upon.

The encounter with Dugu Bo had forged an unexpected alliance, one born from respect and understanding.

As they journeyed onward, Verdalor's treant form emanated an aura of contemplation, his gaze fixed upon the horizon where the sanctuary of the Sunset Tree awaited.

It was within this moment of reflection that Dugu Bo's presence once again materialized before them, his aura resonating with a mixture of respect and gratitude.




Verdalor in his treant form extending a branch in greeting.

"Dugu Bo," Verdalor acknowledged but his voice carrying a note of confusion, "why do you come here so soon?."

Dugu Bo's expression held a mixture of sincerity and appreciation, his aura resonating with a newfound camaraderie.

"Verdalor ," he began, his voice a resonant chord that seemed to echo through the air, "I have given thought to our previous exchange."

Verdalor's gaze met Dugu Bo's, his essence emanating an aura of understanding.

Dugu Bo's voice held a note of contemplation as he spoke, "You offered a solution that goes beyond the ordinary.

You shared wisdom that allowed me to comprehend the implications of retaining my poison in my spirit bone while it will provide a temporary solution, the pitfalls of a corrupted bone marrow will make the poison far worse."

Verdalor's eyes hid a sly thought, "It is the symphony of unity and growth that guided our exchange, Dugu Bo.

I'm just sharing what will happen, you better find any external spirit bone BUT not within Sunset Forest!"

Dugu Bo's expression held a newfound warmth, his aura resonating with appreciation,

"Indeed, for your wisdom and assistance, I am grateful.

Don't worry, my connections told me that there will people that possess it."

Verdalor's treant form stood before Dugu Bo, his essence intertwining with the authority and respect that emanated from the Titled Duoluo.

"Dugu Bo, your gratitude is humbling.

Our purpose is one of growth and transformation.

But don't forget that within your lands, which possess a garden of herbs and remedies. I'll take that garden as the payment for the wisdom I shared with you."

Dugu Bo's gaze shifted towards the horizon, his voice carrying a note of contemplation,

"Verdalor, you have my gratitude. I am indebted to you and your companions.

It just some garden, take it if you want." Dugu Bo commented while laughing.

As their exchange concluded, Verdalor's treant form turned towards the Sunset Tree, its presence an ethereal reminder of the sanctuary that awaited.

It was then that Verdalor's gaze shifted towards the horizon, a sense of urgency settling upon him.

"Dugu Bo," Verdalor began, his voice carrying a note of concern, "you mentioned that our migration to the Sunset Forest could attract the attention of powerful human clans and the Spirit Hall.

I expect this long before the migration, but then again amuse me.

What do you foresee?"

Dugu Bo's expression held a mixture of gravity and caution, his aura resonating with a sense of foreboding.

"Verdalor, your presence, along with that of your companions and the clans you lead, is a force that cannot go unnoticed.

The allure of the Sunset Forest's potential shall undoubtedly attract the curiosity of those who seek power and dominion.

The amount of spirit beast that migrated here can satisfy a lot of clans!"

Verdalor's treant form stood with unwavering resolve, his essence intertwining with a sense of determination.

"Dugu Bo, we seek not conflict, but growth and transformation.

We aim to create a sanctuary that harmonizes with the essence of the Sunset Forest.

But if those human tried to hunt in Sunset Forest, they will be in for surprised."

Dugu Bo's voice held a note of warning, his presence a reflection of his concern.

"Clans, sects, families, and organizations for example the Spirit Hall are entities of power and influence.

Their powers are beyond our comprehension!"

Verdalor's treant form emanated an aura of contemplation, his gaze fixed upon the Sunset Tree.

"Then we must tread carefully," he declared, his voice a resonant symphony of determination.

'After my friends consume the immortal herb, there will be five 100,000 years old spirit beast!

In addition to that, all of them has quite a powerful bloodline.

Lastly, there's me! 100,000 years old WORLD TREE!

Nevertheless, it's not like any of them will know that there's one.

I already hide my 100,000 years old cultivation aura using my Nexus and only Dugu Bo know this now.

I already plant my parasitic seed inside his brain, it'll disallow him to betray me without him knowing.

Hm...he can be useful later on.'

Dugu Bo's expression softened, his aura resonating with understanding.

"Verdalor, you possess a strength of spirit that is matched by few. May your sanctuary will hold through the trials that await."

With a sense of gratitude and resolve, the companions and Dugu Bo parted ways once again.

Their essence resonating with shared purpose.

As the procession continued towards the heart of the Sunset Forest, the Sunset Tree loomed before them, a sanctuary of growth and transformation that held the promise of a future defined by the symphony they had forged.




As their exchange concluded, Verdalor's treant form turned towards his companions, Rokhanth, Thalindra, Likapa and Aqerion.

With a sense of purpose and anticipation, he conveyed the news of their upcoming collaboration.

"Dugu Bo has granted me his garden as payment for solution to his predicament."

Verdalor announced, his voice a resonant symphony that seemed to carry through the air.

"With these, we shall further evolve and will be the Five Divine Beast!"

"Aye!" shouted his friends together.

As the companions stood together, their essence resonated with a shared understanding and determination.

"Now, let's modify and improve Sunset Forest just for a little bit, shall we?" Verdalor's voice was welcome with his friends howl and roar of acknowledgement.




The realm of the Sunset Forest lay before them, a canvas ripe with potential and awaiting the touch of transformation.

Verdalor's treant form stood at the forefront, his essence resonating with a mixture of determination and purpose.

Rokhanth, Thalindra, Likapa and Aqerion moved by his side, their presence a testament to the unity that bound them.

As the companions surveyed the expanse of the Sunset Forest, Verdalor's gaze shifted towards the remnants of the uprooted volcanoes, mountains, and rivers that lay in his Nexus.

With a sense of purpose, Verdalor's treant form extended its roots towards the displaced elements, its essence intertwining with the very fabric of the land.

The earth quivered beneath their presence, a symphony of transformation that resonated through the air.

Slowly and deliberately, the uprooted volcanoes, mountains, and rivers began to merge with the land of the Sunset Forest.

The earth embraced them, its essence merging with theirs to create a landscape that spoke of unity and growth.

The Sunset Forest, once a realm of vibrant hues and ethereal allure, now bore the marks of an even greater destiny.

The volcanoes rose like majestic sentinels, their fiery essence contained within a harmonious balance.

Mountains stretched towards the heavens, their peaks kissed by the sky's embrace.

Rivers flowed with purpose, weaving a tapestry of life that echoed with the rhythm of nature's heartbeat.

Verdalor's treant form stood at the center of this transformed landscape, its essence a beacon of power and purpose.

"Behold," he declared, his voice a resonant symphony that carried through the air, "the convergence of nature's might and the symphony of unity.

The Sunset Forest shall embrace the element of fire, earth, wood, metal and water, a sanctuary of five-element!"

Rokhanth's scales shimmered with approval.

His thunderous voice echoing through the newly shaped landscape, "A landscape shaped by the forces of nature, a testament to the power we seek to pursue."

Thalindra's deep rumble held a note of contemplation, "A symphony of elements, a legacy woven within the very fabric of Soul Land."

Likapa voice filled with ambition, "The Five Divine Beast!

We will create our own legend!"

Aqerion's sang which shows her happiness, "And here, amidst the embrace of the Sunset Forest, our destinies shall intertwine, a symphony of transformation that resonates through time."

With the transformation of the landscape complete, Verdalor's treant form extended its essence towards the Sunset Tree at the heart of the realm.

The full might of Vedalor's cultivation resonated with the Domain of the World Tree, their essences merging in a moment of unity.

As the two entities converged, the Sunset Forest seemed to shift and divide into five distinct sections, each radiating with its own essence and potential.

Verdalor's treant form stood at the center, Vedalor's presence a testament to the harmony that bound them.

The first section of the Sunset Forest was imbued with the essence of fire, a realm where the volcanoes blazed with controlled intensity.

The second section bore the mark of earth, its mountains reaching towards the heavens with an air of strength.

The third section resonated with the element of water, rivers flowing with grace and purpose.

The fourth section held the vitality of wood, its essence carrying changes, growth and prosperity.

The fifth section filled with crevices and hills that filled with ores, the aura of different ores radiated throughout the land.

And at the heart of it all, Verdalor as the connector the five sections, a testament to the power he held.

Verdalor's treant form surveyed the divided landscape, his essence resonating with satisfaction.

"The Sunset Forest, divided by the essence of elements, yet united in purpose.

Each section shall bear the legacy of nature's might, a sanctuary of growth and cultivation."

With unwavering determination, Verdalor's treant form extended its roots towards the trees and flora of the Sunset Forest.

Its essence intermingled with the vitality of the land, infusing it with a potent energy that pulsed through every leaf and branch.

The trees, once vibrant and ethereal, now bore an even greater vitality, their leaves shimmering with an otherworldly radiance.

The air itself seemed to hum with energy, carrying the promise of transformation and growth.

As the companions stood within the transformed landscape, a sense of awe settled upon them.

The Sunset Forest bore the mark of their unity and purpose, a sanctuary of growth and transformation that held the promise of a future shaped by their symphony.