
Douluo Dalu: World Tree, Plant Godking

In the world of Douluo Dalu, an extraordinary event unfolds as a researcher from Earth's memories was infused within a colossal ancient tree known as the World Tree, Verdalor. He aspires to become the World Tree Emperor, a Plant Spirit Beast Godking. ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Discord: https://discord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


The Star Dou Forest stood witness to an unprecedented spectacle, a display of power and unity that would etch itself into the annals of history.

In the heart of the verdant expanse, Verdalor, the World Tree, stood amidst his companions.

Verdalor's gaze shifted towards his friends, his World Tree form emanating an aura of determination.

"World Tree Domain: Realm Devour!"

He declared, his voice a resonant chord that seemed to reverberate through the very earth beneath them.

Rokhanth's scales flickered with anticipation, his thunderous voice rumbling in awe.

"Aye, Verdalor. Let us peer at your strength!"

With a silent understanding, the companions extended their consciousness towards the land that cradled them and shape them to a powerful spirit beasts.

As their power flowed, the very earth responded, yielding to their command.

Mountains trembled, rivers diverted, and volcanoes stirred as the landscape shifted in response to their mastery.

Verdalor's treant form extended its limbs, its roots burrowing deep into the earth. With a surge of power, he uprooted Rokhanth's volcano, Thalindra's and Likapa's mountains, and Aqerion's river, each symbolize their elements, floating like a celestial orb within the grasp of his essence.

As the elements converged around Verdalor, their presence melded into a harmonious chorus of energy.

"We shall bring our domains within," Verdanth declared, his voice carrying the weight of purpose.

"Your mountains, rivers, and volcanoes shall become a part of my inner world temperorily, a sanctuary where growth and transformation shall flourish with stronger elements."

Rokhanth's blazing approval was met with Thalindra's deep rumble.

Likapa's howling and Aqerion's laughter were filled with excitements.

With a collective surge of power, the elements merged into Verdalor's being, their essences fusing with the Nexus of the World Tree.

In the wake of this convergence, a sense of unity settled upon the companions.

They stood amidst the transformed landscape, their power a testament to the toppling acts of transformation they had orchestrated.




With a nod of agreement, they turned their gazes towards the horizon, their purpose clear - the journey to the Sunset Forest.

As the migration began, the Star Dou Forest bore witness to a procession unlike any other.

Verdalor, already change to his treant form led the way, his presence towering above the surrounding trees.

At his side walked Rokhanth, Thalindra, Likapa and Aqerion, their essence resonating with an aura of authority and power.

Behind them, their clans and descendants followed, a symphony of growth in motion.

The patriarchs and matriarchs of each clan carried the weight of responsibility upon their shoulders, their strength and stature a testament to their leadership.

Verdalor's essence pulsed with determination as he glanced over his shoulder, his voice carrying through the air, "My brethren, we carry within us the legacy of unity and purpose.

Together, we shall forge a path towards the Sunset Forest, a realm that will become our sanctuaries for time immemorial."

Rokhanth's scales gleamed with approval, his voice a thunderous rumble that carried through the assembly, "A realm of growth, a sanctuary of transformation.

Our journey shall define our legacy."

Thalindra's deep resonance held a note of contemplation, "A convergence of power, a testament to the bonds that unite us."

Likapa's howls with rush of excitement, "Then, we will known as the five Divine Beast.

Human will tremble upon reaching our territory!"

Aqerion's joyful laughter completed the quartet, "And here, in this symphony of harmony and chaos, our destinies shall intertwine."

As the procession continued, the Star Dou Forest seemed to part before them, a path forged by unity and ambition.

At times, the patriarchs and matriarchs of the clans would kneel, allowing their descendants to ride upon their backs or harness their power to traverse the terrain.

It was a sight of profound unity, a symphony of strength and leadership that pulsed through the very air they breathed.

Vedalor's treant form stood at the forefront, his gaze fixed upon the horizon, a realm that beckoned with promise.

"Onward, my brethren, don't stop as we're still far from our destination," he proclaimed, his voice a symphony of determination.

"To the Sunset Forest, where our legacy shall take root, and growth shall know no bounds."

And so, amidst the embrace of the Star Dou Forest, beneath the open sky, the convergence of titans continued their journey.

Each step resonated with purpose, each heartbeat echoed with never-ending joy.

As the Sunset Forest drew nearer, the companions' essence pulsed with anticipation, for within its embrace, a symphony of growth and transformation awaited, a legacy that would forever shape the destiny of Soul Land.




The journey through the Sunset Forest had been an arduous task for the young spirit beasts but they preserved as they believe this will be a historical moments that will be told for generations!

The companions, their clans, and descendants stood within the sanctuary of the Sunset Tree, its aura intertwining with their essence, promising a future ripe with potential.

As the procession neared its destination, the vibrant hues of the Sunset Forest seemed to deepen, a harbinger of the challenges that awaited.

Verdalor's treant form led the way, his gaze fixed upon the horizon, where the realm of the Sunset Forest beckoned with an ethereal allure.

Rokhanth, Thalindra, Likapa and Aqerion moved with unwavering determination by his side, their presence commanding respect and awe from the clans and descendants who followed.

The air was charged with anticipation, each heartbeat echoing with the promise of growth and transformation.

Yet, as they drew nearer to the borders of the Sunset Forest, a formidable presence manifested itself, casting a shadow over their path.

A figure emerged, his presence powerful and imposing, his aura resonating with authority. It was Dugu Bo, a Rank 92 - Titled Duoluo.

Dugu Bo's gaze fixed upon the procession, his voice a deep resonance that seemed to carry through the air, "Halt. State your purpose, spirit beasts!"

Verdalor's treant form came to a halt, his aura pulsating that demand respect.

"Dugu Bo," he began, his voice shows the immense vitality that he possessed, "we come in to build a sanctuary within the Sunset Forest, a realm where growth and transformation shall flourish."

'Most of our descendants will perish to his Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor's poison, it's better to offer him cure to his poison and slowly make him my servant.'

Dugu Bo's gaze narrowed, his perception keen as he surveyed the companions and their clans.

"Powerful auras," he mused, his voice tinged with suspicion.

"What guarantee do I have that your presence will not disrupt the balance of these lands?"

'I think this treant is 100,000 years old spirit beast, I'm not his match but that's not the case with the others.'

Verdalor's voice radiated with earnestness as he spoke, "Our purpose is to migrate here and make the Sunset Forest as our land.

We seek to forge a sanctuary within the embrace of the Sunset Tree, it might beneficial to you too, Dugu Bo."

Dugu Bo's expression remained stern, his presence an unyielding force.

"And if your intentions prove false?" he inquired, his voice a rumble that seemed to echo through the very earth.

Rokhanth's scales glimmered with a glint of determination, his thunderous voice carrying through the air, "Our purpose is just to make Sunset Forest our home, don't seek death human!"

Thalindra's deep resonance held a note of contempt, "A convergence of our power will kill you faster than you think."

"Fool! We will rip you apart, puny human!" Likapa's howl reverberate slicing through the air.

Aqerion laughed, "Are this human dumb or what?

He will not escape if that's what he planning in his mind."

Then, Vedalor's ancient voice calmed his friends.

"Brothers! Stand down, we're not here to make enemy with this human."

Dugu Bo's gaze shifted from one companion to another, his perception assessing their threat.

"Dugu Bo, we'll not disturb you or your kin! Let us pass through and your grand daughter will still have a living kin."

Verdalor tried reason with him veiled by a slight threat to his only living kin, his grand daughter.

"You bring an army of beasts with you," he noted, his voice carrying a tone of skepticism.

"Why should I allow these creatures near my lands?"

Verdalor's eyes shone with a mixture of empathy and cunningness.

"Dugu Bo," he began, his voice carrying a note of earnestness, "we understand your concerns. However, we offer a solution that shall benefit us both."

Dugu Bo's interest was piqued, his presence leaning forward as he inquired, "And what solution might that be?"

Verdalor's gaze held a glint of resolve as he spoke,.

"Within my essence lies the wisdom of the World Tree, a power that can counter even the most potent of poisons.

I possess a unique knowledge of herbs and remedies.

We offer you a way to cleanse the poison that courses through your veins and the veins of your grand daughter.

In return, we want to establish our sanctuary within the embrace of the Sunset Tree without any obstruction."

Dugu Bo's expression remained guarded, his aura a tempest of conflicting emotions.

The notion of a cure seemed to stir a glimmer of hope within him, yet his skepticism held firm.

"And what guarantee do I have that this is not a ruse?"

Verdalor's voice resonated with sincerity as he offered his assurance.

"Our words can be taken as it is.

It's your choice either to shed blood with us or you can be free of your poison."

The tension in the air seemed to waver, a delicate balance between skepticism and possibility.

Dugu Bo's gaze bore into Verdalor's eyes, his voice a rumble that carried the weight of decision, "Very well. Show me this power you claim to possess."




Verdalor's treant form extended a branch towards Dugu Bo, his aura pulsating with a mixture of wood and life.

Dugu Bo's expression remained guarded as he allowed Verdalor's branch to come into contact with his own hand.

As the branch wrapped his hand, a surge of power flowed through Dugu Bo's veins, his aura trembling as the World Tree's detoxification power make contact with his poison.

A sense of clarity washed over him, the potent energy a testament to the authenticity of Verdalor's claim.

Dugu Bo's gaze met Verdalor's, his voice carrying a note of reluctant respect, "You do possess the power to cure me!"

Verdalor's face pulsed with pride as he withdrew his branch, his treant form emanating an aura of sincerity.

"Dugu Bo, we seek not to disrupt the balance of these lands, but to forge a legacy that harmonizes with the essence of the Sunset Forest."

Dugu Bo's expression softened, his skepticism giving way to a glimmer of acceptance.

"Very well, old Shu!" he conceded, his voice a resonant chord that seemed to carry through the air.

"I hope you will form your sanctuary happily within the embrace of the Sunset Tree."

A sense of relief washed over the procession, the tension that had lingered dissipating like mist before the morning sun.

Verdalor's treant form extended a root towards Dugu Bo, his essence resonating with gratitude.

"We thank you, Dugu Bo, for your understanding and wishes."

Then, Dugu Bo intermingled with Verdalor and his friends for a few minutes, his presence carrying a note of reluctant camaraderie due to Verdalor's power to cure his poison.

"May your sanctuary bring the growth and transformation you seek."

With a sense of mutual understanding, the companions and Dugu Bo parted ways, the procession continuing towards the heart of the Sunset Forest.

The realm seemed to welcome them, its vibrant hues and ethereal aura a testament to the convergence of power and purpose.

As they journeyed deeper into the Sunset Forest, Verdalor's treant form stood at the forefront, his essence radiating with determination.

The Sunset Forest stood before them, its branches reaching towards the heavens, a sanctuary of growth and transformation that awaited.