
Spirit Awakening Ceremony

Since then, 5 more years had passed peacefully. It had already been 6 years since Shuu had been reborn in Spirit Continent.

In the timespan of 6 years, Shuu did not start his martial art and sword art training yet as he knew that his body was still not capable to sustain his training. He, as an instructor and grandmaster of martial art clearly knew that it would certainly burden his young body if he rashly training his body. For him, his body's foundation was the most important thing if he wanted to achieve the highest state of cultivation. He did not want to sacrifice his potential just for short-term benefits. This behavior surely did not suit him.

However, that did not mean he wasted his 6 years doing nothing. In those timespans, he sought his parents to enrich his knowledge about soul beasts and spirit master. He believed that knowing his enemies would save his lives when he journeyed outside of his birthplace. In term of his body, he only did moderate exercises. For a young child, this was a golden time to increase his body flexibility. Right now, his body flexibility had already surpassed his previous 20-years-old body. He could stretch his body to the limit. This would certainly benefit him when he grew older. It also became a routine for him to practice breathing technique and taichi to set a foundation for his body for martial art. Eventhough these practices did not increase his strength by much, he believed that in the future, his path in martial art, without question, would be easier.

"Shuu, have you wake up?" His mom's voice reached his ears.

"Yes, mom! Today is the Spirit Awakening Ceremony, right? How can I miss it?" Shuu was undoubtedly excited as today would be the day he would awaken his Spirit Essence.

"Alright, Shuu let's go. The elder in our sect will conduct the ceremony in about half an hour. All six-years-old children will gather today." His dad, Takashi urged him to hurry. Shuu was accompanied by his parents in the ceremony just like the other children.

The elder of the sect had already arrived and he announced that he wanted to begin the ceremony. One by one, the children gathered there was called out and the elder would awaken their Spirit Essence.

"Ito Hamura. Beast Spirit, The Earth White Tiger. Rank 5 Soul Power."

"Ito Akira. Beast Spirit, The Fire Red Pheonix. Rank 8 Soul Power."

"Ito Yuga. Beast Spirit, The Water Blur Tortoise. Rank 7 Soul Power."

"Ito Kenji. Beast Spirit, The Wind Green Dragon. Full Innate Soul Power."

Shuu was perplexed as the other children in the sect would only one of the mentioned Beast Spirit. From what he knew, his sect was a kind of a hidden sect in the Spirit Continent. His sect would not come to the surface. Very few people knew about his sect's existence. He believed that the 4 beast spirit must be one of the reasons for his sect to be hidden from the world's knowledge. He quickly gave his mind a note to ask his family about this situation.

"Ito Shuu! Come out!" Finally, his name was called out and he made his way towards the elder. "Relax your body and mind," said the elder to ease Shuu. The elder put his hands above Shuu's head. A moment later, he could feel a strand of warm energy flowing from the elder's hands toward his body. His body accepted the energy and circled throughout his body. Shuu felt his body was full of power but at the same time very comfortable as if he was embraced by the world.

In his view, the outline of his Spirit Essence began to materialize in front of him. It became clearer until finally, he could perceive his Spirit Essence. Tears began to drop from his eyes. What he saw had truly brought him to tears. His Spirit Essence was his swords set from his past life. It was his father's gift to him. He was informed in his mind that the pair of katana and wakizashi was called Dragon Sword Set. By then, his tool spirit, the Dragon Sword Set had fully materialized in front of him. In this world, with his Dragon Sword Set accompanying him, he believed he could tackle any obstacle and made a breakthrough in his cultivation. As he felt the energy flowing inside him, he was sure that he had awoken his Spirit Essence with full innate soul power as he was in the same condition as the who awoken his Spirit Essence with full innate soul power.

The Dragon Sword Set was absorbed back into his body and Shuu felt his soul power began to drain out of his body. He could not hold on anymore and he fainted on the spot.