
Douluo Dalu: Spirit Hall's Demonic Son

In a world governed by martial souls and spirit beasts, Zeng Wei stood apart as an enigma. Possessing not one, but two remarkable martial souls - the Death Aura Axe and the Life Wine Gourd. As an orphan in Spirit City. he immediately grab Spirit Hall's attention. He joined Spirit Hall at the same year with Bibi Dong, herald as the Holy Son and Holy Maiden. After years of cultivation, tempered by fire and blood, life and death, fortune and misfortune, Zeng Wei envisioned the day where he become the sole ruler of Douluo Continent! ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Dis cord: https://dis cord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Qian Daoliu

As the Supreme Pontiff began to speak, Zeng Wei and Bibi Dong listened with rapt attention. He started by giving them a small lesson.

The Supreme Pontiff spoke of the paradox of genius, how it was both a blessing and a burden. He explained that being a genius often meant standing out and excelling, but it also came with tremendous pressure.

The world would expect greatness from them every time, and the weight of those expectations could be crushing.

The Supreme Pontiff's words resonated deeply within Zeng Wei and Bibi Dong as they continued to absorb his wisdom. His insights into the nature of genius struck a chord with them, and they marveled at the depth of his understanding.


He said with a knowing smile.

"Tend to be both arrogant and lonely. Arrogant because they are accustomed to being the best, and lonely because they rarely find peers who can match their caliber."

Zeng Wei and Bibi Dong exchanged knowing glances, understanding the truth in his words. They had felt the weight of expectations on their young shoulders, and the pressure of being exceptional.

Then, he told them an analogy that resonated with the term geniuses. He likened it to a double-edged sword, a blessing and a burden intertwined.

"In the grand history of the world's existence itself."

He began.

"Genius is like a brilliant star that illuminates the night sky. It stands out amidst the darkness, a beacon of extraordinary talent and potential.

Those blessed with such brilliance possess a unique gift, a rare ability to grasp the intricacies of the world."

He paused, as if searching for the right words to convey the complexity of the matter.


He continued.

"Genius also carries a weighty mantle. When one shines so brightly, the world expects greatness with every endeavor.

It's as though they are eternally held to the highest standard. The pressure to continuously outdo oneself can be overwhelming, like Atlas bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders."

Both of them listened intently, the analogy of Atlas resonating with them. The Supreme Pontiff's words painted a vivid picture of the delicate balance between exceptional talent and the heavy demands it placed upon the bearer.

He concluded with a philosophical reflection.

"In the end, it is the genius who must navigate this paradox, to find purpose and fulfillment in their remarkable abilities while enduring the burden of expectations.

It is a journey of self-discovery, a path fraught with challenges and triumphs, but one that ultimately defines the essence of their existence."

His words carried the weight of experience, and they absorbed his insights like sponges soaking up knowledge.

The Supreme Pontiff's gaze shifted between them, and he continued.

"However, you are fortunate. You have each other—colleagues of equal talent. This rivalry can be a powerful motivator, driving you both to greater heights."

Zeng Wei and Bibi Dong exchanged amused glances, realizing that their unique partnership could be their greatest strength. But like a pair of twins, they synced up and suddenly turned to face each other. Zeng Wei sported a sly smirk, while Bibi Dong couldn't help but emit an exasperated snort.

After more pleasantries and light-hearted conversation, the Supreme Pontiff Qian Daoliu smiled warmly. He called their names and posed a question that would change their life.

"Zeng Wei, Bibi Dong, would you like to become my disciples?"

The atmosphere in the palace was laden with anticipation as the Supreme Pontiff's question hung in the air. Zeng Wei and Bibi Dong exchanged glances, their hearts pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

They had dreamed of this moment, but the reality of it still felt surreal.

Zeng Wei was the first to speak, his voice steady but filled with earnestness.

"Your Holiness, it would be an honor beyond words to become your disciple. I promise to dedicate myself fully to the path of the Spirit Hall and uphold its values with unwavering loyalty."

The Supreme Pontiff nodded, his eyes filled with approval.

"Very well, Zeng Wei. I sense great potential within you, and your determination is commendable.

Now, tell me, what do you enjoy most in life, and what do you dislike?"

Zeng Wei didn't hesitate to answer.

"I find the most joy in combat, Your Holiness. The thrill of battle, the rush of adrenaline—it's when I feel most alive.

As for dislikes, I have a strong aversion to monotony and boredom. Life should be filled with excitement and challenges!"

Bibi Dong, her playful smirk now replaced with a composed expression, stepped forward.

"Your Holiness, I too would be honored to become your disciple. I have a deep love for gardening and make beautiful flower arrangement with my matron!

There's something serene about tending to plants and flowers, watching them thrive. However!"

She added with a sly grin while turning her head towards Zeng Wei.

"I must admit that I have a particular dislike for a certain smelly boy."

Zeng Wei made an exaggerated dissapointing comment.

"Ehh? I thought our relationship was close as siblings, no?"

The Supreme Pontiff chuckled at her candidness.

"Your passion for gardening is a cute one, Bibi Dong. And I appreciate your honesty.

It seems the two of you have a unique dynamic, hahaha."

As the conversation continued, the Supreme Pontiff Qian Daoliu shared some of his own likes and dislikes. He revealed that he found solace in the art of calligraphy and enjoyed spending quiet moments by the Spirit Hall's sacred lake.

His dislikes were few, but he held a distaste for a certain man.

The meeting between the Supreme Pontiff and the young talents extended into a more relaxed and personal discussion. They talked about their aspirations, their favorite foods, and even their dreams of reaching new heights as Spirit Masters. 

Zeng Wei, his eyes lighting up, chimed in.

"You know, Supreme Pontiff, I've always been fascinated by the fusion of different martial techniques and spirit abilities. It's like cooking, where you mix various ingredients to create something incredible."

Bibi Dong, a mischievous glint in her eyes, added.

"And I've always loved spicy food! The spicier, the better.

It's like a challenge to my taste buds, just like facing formidable opponents. Isn't it right, Zeng Wei?"

The Supreme Pontiff chuckled warmly, appreciating the enthusiasm of his new disciples.

As the sun began to set, painting the palace in hues of orange and gold, he asked.

"Zeng Wei, Bibi Dong, from this day forward, you are my disciples. Welcome to Spirit Hall!

I had asked someone to prepare something for us to eat, are you guys hungry?"

Zeng Wei's stomach chose that moment to audibly rumble, and he grinned sheepishly.

"I guess that's a yes!"

Bibi Dong laughed, her voice like tinkling bells.

"Count me in too! I can't wait to taste the culinary delights of Spirit Hall."

With that, they continued their pleasant conversation and went towards dining hall to fill their hunger.


After their enlightening conversation with the Supreme Pontiff, Bibi Dong and Zeng Wei were led to a grand dining hall. Qian Daoliu had already instructed the palace chefs to prepare this lavish meal for them, a gesture of hospitality that spoke of his intentions as their master.

The Supreme Pontiff Palace's dining hall was a testament to opulence and grandeur, a chamber where culinary mastery met architectural splendor. As Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong, and Zeng Wei entered the hall, they were greeted by a sight that left Bibi Dong, and Zeng Wei in awe.

The hall was vast, with soaring ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes depicting scenes of spiritual significance. Elaborate crystal chandeliers hung like constellations, casting a warm and inviting glow over the surroundings.

Long, polished oak tables stretched the length of the hall, draped in rich, embroidered tablecloths and adorned with silver candelabras that flickered with golden flames.

The walls were adorned with tapestries that told stories of the church's history and its enduring commitment to spirituality. Stained-glass windows, each a work of art in itself, filtered the fading sunlight into a breathtaking spectrum of colors, creating a kaleidoscope of beauty.

At the head of the hall was a raised dais where a massive, intricately carved throne-like chair sat. It was the seat of honor, reserved for the Supreme Pontiff. The backrest of the chair bore the emblem of the church, a symbol of divine authority.

As they approached the table, they were met with a breathtaking display of culinary artistry. Exquisite dishes were meticulously arranged, each a masterpiece of taste and presentation.

The aroma of the feast filled the air, a tantalizing blend of herbs, spices, and succulent ingredients.

There were platters of succulent roasted meats, garnished with fragrant herbs and accompanied by rich, savory gravies. Delicate pastries filled with savory fillings sat alongside bowls of vibrant, fresh salads.

A rainbow of fruits and cheeses adorned the table, providing a sweet and tangy contrast to the savory dishes.

A team of skilled chefs and servers stood ready to attend to their every need, their uniforms immaculate and their demeanor professional. It was a feast fit for royalty, a testament to the palace's commitment to excellence in all things.

As they prepared to partake in this culinary masterpiece, they couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the hospitality and warmth extended to them by the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

Seated at the elegant dining table, Qian Daoliu continued to engage his new disciples in conversation. He was genuinely interested in understanding them better, as this knowledge would help him craft a suitable training regimen tailored to their unique needs and aspirations.

Qian Daoliu, a seasoned and knowledgeable Limit Douluo, began to introduce them to an important part about the diverse systems that categorized spirit masters. With patience and clarity, he delved into the intricacies of each system, shedding light on their unique characteristics and roles within the world of spirit masters.

As they gathered in the serene surroundings of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, the mentor began to elucidate the intricate systems that categorized spirit masters.

Qian Daoliu smiled warmly and guided them.

"Little Dong, Little Wei. Let's delve into the diverse systems that define the world of spirit masters. It's essential to understand these systems as they will shape your journey as spirit masters."

Bibi Dong was curious.

"Please, Master Qian, enlighten us. We're eager to learn."

While Zeng Wei was nodding enthusiastically.

"Yes, we're ready to absorb all the knowledge you can impart!"

"Very well. Let's begin with the Control System, shall we?"

"Control System? Sounds intriguing."

"What's its specialty?"

"In the Control System, spirit masters excel in manipulating various aspects of combat. They have abilities that can disrupt the flow of battle, such as binding opponents or creating disturbances on the battlefield.

Rather than engaging in direct combat, they often employ secondary means, like erecting defenses or utilizing chemical releases. Even at ranks below 60, Control System spirit masters can defeat opponents who are ten ranks higher when they skillfully employ their powers.

Notably, they hold an advantage over Power Attack System spirit masters."

Bibi Dong asked him a question while Zang Wei wanted know more about the other systems.

"So, it's about strategic manipulation in battle?"

"Interesting. What's next, Master?"

"Next, we have the Power Attack System."

Both of them was excited as this kind of system was the most recognizable one if you're in a team.

"Ah, power and strength, my kind of system!"

"Power Attack, I like the sound of that."

"Indeed, in the Power Attack System, spirit masters specialize in dealing substantial damage and taking on the frontlines as main attackers. They typically possess exceptional vitality and can be influenced by other systems.

Some attackers exhibit remarkable mobility, akin to the Speed System, while others display endurance similar to the Defense System. They hold a notable advantage over Agility Attack System Spirit Masters.

Additionally, within this system lies the Strength System, where spirit masters focus on maximizing their physical strength to its absolute peak."

"So, it's about being the heavy hitters of the group."

"And there's even a Strength System within it? That's fascinating!"

Qian Daoliu nodded.

"Precisely. Now, let's explore the Defense System."

"Defense System, as in shields and protection?"

"Sounds like the guardians of the group or should I say the meat bag of the group? Hahaha!."

Qian Daoliu was shaking his head at Zang Wei's additional remarked.

"Indeed, spirit masters in the Defense System are known for their innate defensive capabilities. They often bond with defensive spirits like shields or resilient creatures such as turtles.

Most Defense Systems are effectively immune to attacks from systems two ranks below them. While they primarily serve as protective barriers or blockers for other spirit masters, it's crucial to note that they possess offensive capabilities as well."

"So, they're the ones who shield us in battle?"

"But they can also pack a punch when needed."

Qian Daoliu smiled, appreciating their enthusiasm.

"Excellent, you two catch on quickly. Now, let's journey into the realm of the Auxiliary System."

"Auxiliary System, Master? What's that all about?"

"Yeah, I'm curious about this one too."

"In the Auxiliary System, spirit masters form partnerships with spirits possessing supportive abilities. These abilities range from providing regenerative sustenance to enhancing one's attributes.

Some even grant immunity to specific conditions like poison or confusion. However, it's essential to remember that certain support abilities may come with side effects or consequences.

Spirits from the Food System also fall under the Auxiliary System, but they are notably more challenging to cultivate compared to other systems. Spirit Masters within this system often lack direct combat abilities, though there are exceptions."

"So, they're the ones who boost and assist the team, right?"

"Support specialists, I presume. So, my Life Wine Gourd will be under this system, huh?"

"Indeed, you're both correct. But please remember that it's a taboo for Auxiliary System spirit masters to provide support to one another, as it can lead to dangerous repercussions, or even fatal outcomes."

"Wow, there's quite a risk involved."

"We must be cautious when dealing with them, then."

"Exactly. Now, moving on to the Agility Attack System."

"Agility Attack? Sounds like speed and precision."

"I bet they're the nimble assassins and scouts."

"You're both spot on. In the Agility Attack System, spirit masters master the fusion of speed and attack power.

They excel in reconnaissance, agility, and lethal strikes. Even the weakest agility-type spirit master with a seven-ring rank can surpass the speed of sound.

Some possess mobility akin to the Speed System, while others exhibit endurance similar to the Defense System. Their critical strikes and unpredictability make them adept at scouting, spying, assassinations, and surprise attacks."

"So, they're the ones who keep our enemies on their toes."

"Masters of stealth and assasination."

"Now, we reach the Healing or Cure System."

"Healing, Master? Sounds like they mend our wounds."

"They're like the medics of the team, right?"

"Indeed, in the Healing or Cure System, spirit masters specialize in mending injuries and alleviating abnormal conditions. They function much like doctors, focusing on providing care rather than engaging in combat.

While some may possess limited offensive abilities, these are primarily reserved for specific situations and enemies."

"They're our lifelines in times of need."

"And they ensure we stay in fighting shape. Wait! So, I alone can cover the Power Attack and Healing systems for any team!"

"Hahaha, yes, you can Zang Wei. Lastly, the Spiritual System."

"Spiritual System, Master? What's unique about it?"

"Sounds profound and spiritual."

"Indeed, in the Spiritual System, spirit Masters with spiritual-type martial spirits fall under this category. These types of spirits require spiritual power to use. Spirit System Battle Soul Masters were one of the rarest type of Soul Masters.

These spirits often possess specialized abilities that can be truly extraordinary."

"So, it's about using weird attack that tap into our spiritual energy. Got it!

I think my Soul Devouring Spider Emperor is depend on my spiritual energy, hm."

"A different kind of power altogether. Hm, it's a bit intriguing and got potential for research in the future."

As their conversation continued, Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong, and Zeng Wei delved deeper into the intricacies of each system, uncovering the richness and diversity that defined the world of spirit masters. They shared insights, asked questions, and expanded their understanding, setting the foundation for their remarkable journey within the realm of spirit mastery.

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