
Douluo Dalu: Spirit Hall's Demonic Son

In a world governed by martial souls and spirit beasts, Zeng Wei stood apart as an enigma. Possessing not one, but two remarkable martial souls - the Death Aura Axe and the Life Wine Gourd. As an orphan in Spirit City. he immediately grab Spirit Hall's attention. He joined Spirit Hall at the same year with Bibi Dong, herald as the Holy Son and Holy Maiden. After years of cultivation, tempered by fire and blood, life and death, fortune and misfortune, Zeng Wei envisioned the day where he become the sole ruler of Douluo Continent! ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Dis cord: https://dis cord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Blazing Demon Lion Pride

The trio ventured further into the unfamiliar territory outside the Great Star Dou Forest, their path guided by Jin Louyu's extensive knowledge of the region.

He led them through the gradual transition from the dense undergrowth of the forest to more open grasslands and rugged rocky outcroppings.

The terrain change was a welcome sight, providing a reprieve from the perpetual twilight of the forest and allowing them to breathe in the crisp open air.

With each step they took, a sense of anticipation built within them. Their senses remained sharp, attuned to the slightest hints of powerful spirit beasts that might lurk nearby.

Each rustling of the wind and every echoing call of the wildlife could be a potential encounter.

Zang Wei's excitement was evident as he exclaimed, "I can't believe we're finally setting out to fight spirit beasts, Dong Dong. I'm so excited! I hope they will not be defeated too quickly, hehe!"

Bibi Dong couldn't agree more, her enthusiasm matching Zang Wei's. "I have to agree with that, Smelly Wei."

"Our martial spirits have so much potential, and I can't wait to see them in action against real spirit beasts! It's time to put our skills to the test."

Jin Louyu chuckled at their youthful enthusiasm but then took a moment to remind them, "You two are quite the lively pair, but remember, it's not just about defeating spirit beasts."

"The real treasure lies in what you learn from the experience. Battle experience is essential, and every fight should be a chance to hone your skills and uncover the depths of your martial spirits."

"Understand that, Little Wei? Little Dong?"

Both of them nodded in unison. They replied together, ""Roger that, Grandpa Louyu!""

As the trio continued their journey, anticipation hung in the air like a storm on the horizon.Zang Wei and Bibi Dong couldn't contain their shared enthusiasm for the impending encounters with stronger spirit beasts.

They were well aware that Jin Louyu wouldn't lead them to single encounters due to the overpowering nature of their martial spirits, so their next challenge was deciding who would get the honor of the stronger opponent.

But as they bickering to decide the allocation of opponents, Zang Wei suggested a solution to determine who would claim the honor of the first battle against the stronger spirit beasts.

With a sly grin, Zang Wei proposed, "Rock, paper, scissors?"

Bibi Dong, her competitive spirit shining through her eyes, accepted the challenge with a confident nod, "Sure, Smelly Wei, you're on."

They stood face to face, hands poised in the familiar formation, ready to clash in this playful battle of wits. The countdown began, and their hands moved in perfect synchronization to reveal their chosen signs.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

The outcome was a moment of delight for Zang Wei as his paper covered Bibi Dong's rock, rendering him victorious in this lighthearted showdown.

His laughter was infectious as he couldn't help but gloat, "Haha! Looks like I get the first shot at the strong spirit beasts! Get ready for a quick battle, Dong Dong, because I'll finish it in seconds!"

Bibi Dong, though clearly annoyed by the twist of fate, couldn't help but harrumph at Zang Wei's boasting, her competitive spirit still ablaze despite her initial loss.

The fiery exchange between the two friends only added to the excitement of what lay ahead.


They had observed Jin Louyu in action against the fearsome Three-Headed Black Hydra and witnessing the ethereal Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew earlier, was a profound and transformative experience for both of them.

This firsthand encounter not only provided them with invaluable insights into the intricacies of combating spirit beasts but also served to fortify the theoretical knowledge they had acquired.

Moreover, it instilled in them a newfound sense of self-assurance, equipping them with the necessary confidence to confront even more formidable trials and adversaries in the future.

Zang Wei's excitement was matched only by his growing confidence. The recent battles had solidified his theoretical battle knowledges.

The formidable Death Aura Axe in his possession continued to evolve, becoming increasingly potent in its destructive capabilities.

Meanwhile, the remarkable Life Wine Gourd, known for its exceptional medicinal properties, had undergone a remarkable transformation as well.

No longer limited to merely mending the physical damage inflicted upon his physique, it had also acquired the extraordinary ability to mend any injury sustained within the intricate recesses of his mindscape.

This dual enhancement not only enhanced his combat prowess but also fortified his mental resilience, making him an even more formidable and well-rounded spirit master.

He couldn't wait to test their combined power against formidable opponents, pushing the limits of what he could achieve.

Bibi Dong's eagerness to continue on this journey was palpable, with her fiery determination shining like an unquenchable flame.

It had been quite evident during the recent sparring sessions within their esteemed academy that her Death Spider Emperor martial spirit possessed exceptional potential.

Now, with the enhancement from getting the spirit ring the Death Spider King, she wanted test her first spirit ring's skill prowess against spirit beast!

This promising glimpse into its capabilities only fueled her insatiable curiosity, and she harbored a fervent desire to delve deeper into her martial spirit mysteries.

She firmly believed that by confronting increasingly formidable spirit beasts, she would unlock and unravel previously hidden dimensions of her martial spirit's strength, ultimately propelling her toward greater heights of mastery and excellence.

As Zang Wei, Bibi Dong, and Jin Louyu ventured beyond the boundaries of the Great Star Dou Forest in pursuit of challenging spirit beasts, they found themselves meeting fellow Spirit Masters who shared their quest for hunting spirit beasts.

Serendipitous encounters with these individuals were not uncommon along the way, leading to the exchange of friendly nods and acknowledgments between the passing spirit masters.

It was evident that most of the young Spirit Masters they encountered had enlisted the guidance of older, more experienced spirit masters to ensure their safety during these demanding hunts.

However, despite their enthusiastic pursuit of power and knowledge, the majority of these Spirit Masters did not possess the overpowering aura of a true expert.

So, Zang Wei and Bibi Dong didn't give them any attention.

(A/N: They started to become more prideful. Sigh.)

But Zang Wei couldn't help but ponder about some research from this observation.

Within the confines of his thoughts, he mused, 'Hm, it's possible that they don't have a perfect spirit configuration. I should consider researching methods to increase the age of spirit rings absorbed by other spirit masters.'

'But that will be a tremendously challenging endeavor. There are no existing tomes or books that discuss such techniques. I'll inquire about it with my master later.'

'For now, let's focus on the upcoming battle!'

While the passing spirit masters observed Zang Wei, Bibi Dong, and Jin Louyu with inquisitive gazes, their eyes often bore a distinct blend of reverence and fear.

They couldn't help but recognize the overwhelming and potent aura that radiated from Jin Louyu, an aura that spoke of a powerful, seasoned Hyper Douluo, leaving a lasting impact on those who encountered it.


During their extended expedition, the invaluable guidance and wisdom that Jin Louyu shared with them proved to be an invaluable asset.

His vast reservoir of knowledge concerning the spirit beasts they were likely to cross paths with wasn't merely informative but also deeply enlightening.

He regaled them with tales of spirit beasts unique to the terrain they ventured into, recounting their behaviors, strengths, and peculiarities.

Such insights into the creatures that roamed the landscape gave them a profound understanding of the challenges that lay ahead.

As he expounded upon the intricacies of spirit battles, he delved into the nuances of strategy, highlighting how each encounter would contribute to their growth as Spirit Masters.

Jin Louyu underscored the pivotal importance of accumulating battle experience, emphasizing that it was an essential preparatory step for confronting the daunting trials that loomed on the horizon.

These trials, he explained, also included the potential face-offs with adversaries as formidable as the great clans residing in the Heaven Dou Kingdom and the Star Dou Kingdom.

He shared tales of renowned Spirit Masters from these kingdoms, their formidable powers, and the tactics they employed in battles.

It was a reminder that their journey went far beyond personal growth; it was a quest to uphold the honor and reputation of their Spirit Hall in the face of adversaries who wielded influence and power on a grand scale.

With every word he spoke, Jin Louyu instilled in them the urgency of being prepared to confront such formidable foes.

He believed in the untapped potential within Zang Wei, Bibi Dong, and himself and knew that they had a critical role to play.

The weight of their responsibility loomed large, and they understood that only through unwavering dedication, unyielding spirit, and relentless determination could they hope to stand tall in the face of the formidable challenges that awaited them.


After hours of venturing into the periphery of the Great Star Dou Forest, Jin Louyu's keen senses finally detected a presence that piqued his interest.

His instincts as a Hyper Douluo told him that he had found the perfect opponents for Zang Wei and Bibi Dong to test their newly acquired spirit skills.

A wide, knowing smile spread across Jin Louyu's face as he guided his young students toward the source of his discovery. The trio moved with a calculated stealth, ensuring that they didn't alert the spirit beasts to their presence.

What they found was indeed a pride of Blazing Demon Lions, led by the formidable Blazing Demon Lion King. These majestic creatures were a sight to behold, their fiery manes and regal posture marking them as kings of their domain.

The Blazing Demon Lion King was the most imposing, boasting the power equivalent to a thousand-year soul beast. Its mane seemed to be ablaze, and it radiated an aura of intense heat and power.

The remaining lionesses, though not as ancient as the king, were no less formidable. Each of them possessed the cultivation of a hundred-year soul beast at least, if not approaching the rarefied level of a thousand years.

It was evident that these Blazing Demon Lions had thrived in the forest for generations. With very few natural predators that dared to challenge their fiery prowess, they had grown into a dominant force in their territory.

Jin Louyu turned to Zang Wei and Bibi Dong, the excitement in his eyes reflecting their shared sentiment.

He whispered softly, "These Blazing Demon Lions are the perfect candidates for you to test your newly acquired spirit skills."

"Their mastery over the fire element will provide you with an incredible challenge and an opportunity to showcase your abilities."

The young Spirit Masters nodded in agreement, ready to face the pride of Blazing Demon Lions. They had come a long way on their journey, and this moment presented them with an opportunity to measure their growth and prove their readiness to face more formidable adversaries.


  Jin Louyu turned to Zang Wei and Bibi Dong, his expression serious and his voice laced with a tone of challenge.

"It's time for you two to put your skills to the test. I want you to deal with the pride of Blazing Demon Lions on your own."

Bibi Dong, always the tactical thinker, immediately whispered to Zang Wei, "We need a plan, Smelly Wei. These Blazing Demon Lions are formidable. We should coordinate our efforts to ensure success."

Zang Wei, however, couldn't resist the urge to jest.

He flashed a mischievous grin at Bibi Dong and said, "Well, Bibi Dong, I've got a fantastic plan. I'll distract them by dancing a jig and singing a song, while you sneak up and take them out one by one!"

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Bibi Dong's reaction was swift and merciless. She pinched Zang Wei's waist, causing him to wince in pain, "You're impossible, Smelly Wei. We need a real plan."

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Zang Wei playfully exaggerated his pained expression before nodding seriously, "Alright, alright, we'll go with the real plan."

"We'll follow the initial allocation. I'll initiate the attack by surprise, and you'll follow suit. I'll focus on the Blazing Demon Lion King, and you'll handle the rest of the pride. Agreed?"

Bibi Dong nodded in approval. "Agreed. Let's do this, Smelly Wei."

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