
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · アニメ·コミックス
87 Chs

CH 67: Two Divine Beasts

(A/N: Yo, guys, sorry for not updating for a while. I was busy reading some mangas, manhuas and manhwas. I was bing reading Omniscient reader Viewpoint, and I gotta tell you, it's awesome. Definitely check it out. By the way, can you recommend me some good dungeons and things manhuas/manhwas?)


"(Sigh, this is going to be troublesome.)" Ah Li sighed while gently rubbing the 1,000,000-year Plant-type Soul Beast's petals. It was only that old in cultivation base though. When it came to mind and maturity, it was like an actual newborn.

When he got close, it didn't act like how many of them had expected. They had thought it would attack or be wary, but instead, it acted like it was curious. But what was really surprising, was that it didn't know how to speak. Not as in speak in human language, but as in literally converse in any way. It couldn't speak to any of the Soul Spirits either.

It just looked like it was curious. The moment Ah Li got close, it started to sway towards him, as if to touch him. When he did so, it immediately started to feel his hands and fingers. And when he started caressing it, its petals shivered. The only way Ah Li had any way of knowing what it was saying or feeling was by reading its Spiritual Power waves with his own.

And when he did, he was surprised to find that it was excited and curious about the new sensation it was feeling. It didn't take long for him to find out that the Soul Beast, despite having a 1,000,000-year cultivation base, was just like an actual child.

"It can't be helped, boss." Skydream hummed, looking at the rose :"It seems like this Soul Beast was born and has lived here all this life. And considering how not even most 100,000-year Soul Beasts and Titled Douluos can't come this deep, it means that it has never had any kind of contact with any other being. So it makes sense that it doesn't know how to talk with even Soul Beasts, since it has never seen one to begin with."

Ah Li :"(Sigh... alright now? Am I supposed to spend months or years teaching her everything to later on convince her into becoming my Soul Spirit?)"

Bibi Dong :"Her?"

Ah Li :"(Yeah, it's a girl.)"

Ice Empress :"(Why would you need to do that?)"

Ah Li :"(Hm?)"

Ice Empress :"(I'm saying instead of wasting your time here for who knows how long, why don't you come back here later when you've reached the needed Soul Power Level and make her your Soul Spirit? Since she doesn't have intelligence at the moment, it will be easier.

And she won't be sad about it later on either since it's the best thing to do as a Soul Beast. This just makes it easier since we don't need to try and convince her. There's no chance of her disagreeing in this case.)"

Ah Li :"(Well... it's true, but it does make me feel a bit weird to take advantage of her not knowing anything.)"

Ice Empress :"(I understand, but even if she wasn't like this, you were planning to convince her into becoming your Soul Spirit anyway. This just makes it easier, and we can tell her why you did it in the future. What do you all think?)"

Skydream :"I think Bing Bing is right. If she questions why we did it, we'll just tell her why."

Nightmare :"(I agree too, Xiao Li.)"

Qian Renxue :"(If we can put a word in, then I say you should go for it.)"

Hu Liena :"(Hm, they're right. The opportunity of getting a 1,000,000-year Soul Beast is too good and too rare to miss out on.)"

Bibi Dong :"I agree too, Li'er. I understand how you feel since it feels like we're going to take advantage of a clueless child, but we're definitely not doing anything bad to her. In fact, I'm sure she'll understand in the future."

Ah Li :"(Oh, well, if everyone's agreeing, I gotta agree too. Then I'll come back later on and turn her into a Soul Spirit.)"

Qian Renxue :"(Wait, hold on! Why can't you just take her with you like you did with me and Nana?)"

Ah Li :"(That's because of what this Soul Beast is. Taking her will be very dangerous.)"

Qian Renxue :"(Dangerous? How could it be dangerous to you of all people? And why would it be dangerous anyway?)"

Ah Li :"(Because this Soul Beast isn't just a normal Soul Beast. It's a seal. Tell me, why do you think this kind of magical place where Immortal Herbs can grow exists? It can't be random, so how? Because of what is under the soil and has been acting as the fertilizer.

Under this lake are two beasts so powerful that just the wisps of their Soul Power escaping has created such a heavenly place. If I'm correct, this Soul Beast here has been restraining those energies from going out of control and has been absorbing it from day one. It makes sense how none of us know about this Soul Beast since it has come to exist because of these two energies.

The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well enhances the growth of Immortal Herbs and Plant-type Soul Beasts ten folds, and combined with the absorbed energy escaping, it's no wonder this Soul Beast has managed to reach 1,000,000-years.)"

Ice Empress :"(Ten folds... this place is heaven for Plant-type Soul Beasts.)"

Bibi Dong :"So the reason why you can't take this Soul Beast yet is because you're worried about the energies running wild? It won't be dangerous to you at all anyway though."

Ah Li, serious :"(I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. Do you have any idea how rare and amazing this place is, Sister Goddess? In the 30,000 years of Douluo Dalu, there has only been one Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and it is this one.

I'll be damned if I let this place get even a scratch. I'm worried the energies that have accumulated would be strong enough to destroy this place entirely, that's why I'm not planning to take her. Because if this place is messed up, I'll probably be so mad I'll destroy the Heaven Duo Empire entirely.)"

Bibi Dong :"Alright, sheesh, relax. I understand, so no need to go berserk. So is the reason why you came down here because of what's under the lake?"

"(Exactly.)" He smirked, before standing up. But as he did, the rose seemed to panic at losing his warmth. Seeing how her trembling petals grabbed onto his finger, Ah Li's heart warmed up. 'Aww, she's so cute.' Caressing the petals holding him with his free hand, he gently made her let go :"I'm sorry, little one."

The way she tried to hold on even as he pulled away, along with the feeling of loneliness he felt from her Spiritual Power broke his heart. She was like a genuine child. A child that had never met or talked with any other being all her life. Even if her cultivation speed had increased dramatically, that was still tens of thousands of pure loneliness. It was no wonder she instinctively tried to hold on so she wouldn't be lonely anymore.

But he couldn't stay. He had more important things to do. And besides, he was planning to take her if things were solved as well. As he freed his hand, keeping in his guilt as she swayed towards him to hold him, he turned to Bibi Dong :"(Sister Goddess, please go back to my Spiritual Sea. I don't think the beings we're about to meet are completely dead, and considering their relationship with gods, I think it's better for them to not see you first.)"

"Alright, if you say so. But if you need help, don't hesitate to ask." Nodding, she went back. The fact that the beings they were going to meet knew the gods was surprising, but she trusted Ah Li. Once she returned, he got serious.

'Let's see...' Finding the best spot, his Soul Power moved to the ground protected by space itself. The ground wasn't ordinary dirt, it seemed to be the disguised layer of an actual space below the lake. Once he had found the perfect place to open it, he jumped inside.

And for making a good first impression, to not look like a god, he deactivated his Orbs. Just passively active to not be harmed in the space. It was a world of pure whiteness. As far as the eye could see, it was simply white with no ground or such. But not just that, it was filled to the brim with dense Soul Power. If not for his Orbs, he was pretty sure he would suffocate from how dense it was.

The only things that stood out were the two giant, simply enormous skeletons laying on what he assumed was the ground. 10 kilometers in length. 10 kilometers. That was one terrifying size. Even more so from what creature they belonged to.


The thought of a ten kilometer dragon suddenly showing up was pretty freaky. He frowned at the fleshless corpses, wondering if they were actually dead. But a wave of Spiritual Power suddenly escaping them eased him.

"(What's this?)" A beautiful feminine and ethereal voice came, Ah Li trailed it to the blue energy exiting one of the dragons and shaping into a dragon itself :"(We have a visitor? But that shouldn't be possible.)"

"(Yeah, so how come a human of all things is here?)" A male one, sounding like a 30 to 40 year old also spoke, a hint of hostility evident when saying human :"(And one so weak at that. He shouldn't have been able to survive even dipping into that lake above us.)"

"(Fire, calm down.)" The blue one said calmly :"(Although it is true that we have hostility towards those guys, it doesn't mean we should be vicious to all humans. This one seems to be quite young, so don't be so aggressive to a child that doesn't even know anything.)"

"(Yeah, yeah, whatever.)" The red one rolled his eyes, the blue one sighed :"(I'm sorry for his immature behavior, child, we've been through a lot. Tell me, how did you get here? Why did you get into that lake anyway? It should be extremely deadly to people even stronger than you.)"

Ah Li :"It's alright, miss, I'm not bothered. As for why I'm here, it's to make a deal with you two."

Fire, amused :"(Hoooh, a deal? Kid, do you even have any idea who or what we are?)"

Ah Li :"Of course I know, you're the Fire Dragon King and Water Dragon King. Two of the nine Dragon Kings who fell after the battle between Gods and Divine Beasts in the Divine Realm."

They grew wary of him. Even the gentle Water Dragon King got serious :"(Who are you? Why do you know those things?)" He held his hands up in surrender :"Please calm down, I'm not hostile, I come in peace. As I've told you, I'm here to make a deal with you."

Fire :"(How do you know about the war?)"

Ah Li :"I know many things, including the fact that you want revenge against the Gods."

Fire :"(Damn right we do. A day doesn't go by where I don't want to tear those traitors who backstabbed us into pieces! It was a fucking mistake to let traitorous sons of bitches ascend into the Divine Realm in the first place!)"

Water :"(Calm down, dear. Tell me, why do you know about such things? Are you related to the Gods?)"

Fire's deadly glare moved to him.

Ah Li :"No, no, I'm not. The reason I know is because I'm an outsider. A person completely foreign to this world in its entirety. If you would be patient, I'll explain everything and why I know so much."