
Rongrong's awakening

(If this hamster has the capacity to evolve by eating, it's clear what I must do. It's hunt time!)

I run through all the forest that for some reason it's starting to rot, killing every beast that I cross and picking every fruit I find. I start invoking my Oreo and concentrating spirit power. Then, I start eating all of it, for some reason, it seems like my stomach has become a black hole, eating all without any time being full.

Finishing the food, I meditated concentrating in my Oreo spirit, returning to the previous black and white world, the only difference being a mountain made of food at the center of the open aura.

There, the hamster starts to smell the food. After a moment, it does an angry face, turning its head toward one side, not seeing anymore the food. In this instant, all meat food banish and I'm being forced out of the meditation.

"BUARG!" I sense like my stomach is about to explode so I can't stop to start throwing an endless amount of vomit during 5 whole minutes.

After finishing "I though I gonna die" I go to the river to clean myself before returning to meditate, entering the black-white world. There, I can see the hamster eating the last piece of fruit, it sees me and like reprimanding say "EAT!EAT!"

(So the fucker only likes fruits but it seems that normal fruit doesn't gonna have any effect in its growth. I will ask dad and mother later for high source fruits).

I stop meditating "♪Wonder if I gave an Oreo♪" a bright Oreo appears like always. I eat the cream and throw the black cookie and start cultivating.

(Yeah it seems like I there's some kind of improvement but it is so little that is difficult to estimate) Standing up, I observe the surrounding and it seems that all the forest is dying.

(Maybe it for the death of the Tree. I'll ask uncle Bone)

I break the pagoda statue and 3 seconds later, a black hole appears and from it, uncle Bone comes out "Its seems like it's time or your return" he looks at his surroundings "What did you do, little monsters. The natural force of this forest died. In little time, the forest will be an arid desert" say Bone.

"I only killed some beasts" I answer "Extinguishing 2 of them" I say in a low voice that causes Sword to frown "Is it causes because I kill the Demonic Tree? Maybe it was the heart of the forest and killing it the forest die".

Bone answers me explaining "There are documented cases were the Demonic Tree is killed, after some decades, it will grow again returning to be 1000 years old. Did you do something else apart of killing it?".

I remember the two red like-potato, so I take the one I didn't eat and show to Bone "Under the trunk, I found this potato, I don't know what is it but I sensed some special energy from them".

Bone face palm saying "This is a Blood Spirit Fruit! It is a fruit created by concentrating large energy during 10.000 years, so it is very difficult to find one. Its main property is to improve the foundation of the body, to show the greatest results it's necessary to eat it very young"

I can't help to smile and Bone seeing me say "You gonna eat it? It doesn't have any problem even with its great results, the pain caused at eating is very mild so it can be eaten by anyone without previously training".

I answer "How can I eat the best present for my cute little sister?"

At that Bone helplessly sigh creating a black hole "Let's go, tomorrow is Rongrong birthday and I don't think you want to miss it" Then, both of us enter the black hole, appearing at a dining room.

"Big brotherrrrrrrr!" I pink torpedo launch toward me striking me and falling both of us to the ground, obviously the torpedo being Rongrong. "So much time without seeing you, I missed you!" says Rongrong "There's no one to play, only old people".

I pat her head saying "Yeah, yeah. Your big brother also missed you but I needed to go away for training. Also, I brought you some presents".

"Give, Give" she says excited.

"Tomorrow is your birthday and spirit awakening ceremony so wait for it I will give it to you just after breakfast" I explain only to see her pouting.

"Clap!" Turning my head to the clapping sound, I find my mom and dad there looking at me smiling. Mum hugs me saying "I missed you so much. Did you eat well? Did you sleep well? Did you..."

Papa interrupts "You're suffocating Bai. Let him breathe. Also, he must be tired of or his training so it's best that he goes to sleep early. Tomorrow, we will celebrate Rongrong birthday and the next day Bai can explain all his adventures". I nod yawning. After that, I say good night to everyone (even though it was evening) and went to my room. Just laying at my bed, I started sleeping.

The next morning, I wake up seeing the clock and exclaim "Its 10 o'clock I sleep 16 hours! I must quickly go to have breakfast"

I change my damaged clothes (Yeah I didn't even change) I put some white with golden pattern suit. After being dressed, I quickly run to the dining room, finding there my parents, uncle Bone and sister finishing their breakfast

"Good Morning, Big brother" Says my sister happily with a mouth full of food, she is wearing a long pink dress with lots of frills and flowery pattern.

"Good Morning everyone" I say to everyone kissing my sister at her forehead "Happy Birthday Rongrong!" Then I take a golden box and give it to her "That is your present".

Rongrong very exited opens the boxS seeing the present inside it, she makes an angry face and starts hitting me "Your present is only a potato. Bad big brother doesn't love me" She starts crying.

"No, no Rongrong is the best, the cutest little sister that exists. How can I not love you?" I try to defend "This is a very special fruit, very sweet and delicious. Moreover, I have another gift" I say giving her a golden diadem decorated with some yellow flowers.

Rongrong quickly takes it, happily wearing it on her head saying "I can forgive you, but only this time". After that, she takes the red potato and eats it "Yummy! Big Brother do you have more?".

I answer "It's very precious and strange so it will be almost impossible to find another, sorry. But try this" I give her an enveloped Oreo cream previously made {It has a duration of 10 min after made}. She eats quickly saying "It's sweet! I like it, do you have more?" she asked hopefully.

"Too much is bad for your health so only 1 every day".

My dad interrupts our conversation saying "It's time for the ceremony. We must start walking to it".

We leave the dining room, walking toward the church outside the mansion. While walking dad ask what were the food that I had given to Rongrong. I answer saying it was a Blood Spirit Fruit and a normal cookie that I bought and really like it, causing a very surprising reaction to the fruit.

The church didn't change in these 2 years, being completely the same even, with the same hateful elders. Entering elder Zhong, the same that tried to not teach me any clan techniques, says mocking me "Oh is not the pitiful sword mutation, how are you going with your little toy, it can cultivate?"

My dad looks threatening at him, changing his way to speak more politely "I'm only saying, why do we need to spent resources and teaching main techniques to this child? It will be better to concentrate on someone like my grandson Fong there" He points a black haired boy "He is a genius at only 10 years old he is rank 18, his future is limitless".

(I had enough of this shit!) I say "Oh the great genius! Why don't we have some spar so we all can see your excellency? Of course, I know you are a support type so I will permit you to fight with your usually supporting partner, your guardian. If You win, I'll renounce all my privileges and the future heir will be him. If I win, you will shut up always in my and my sister's presence and your rank of elder will be lost, returning to a normal clan member. Do you accept?".

Elder Zhong turns to my father "You agree with your son?" my dad only nodding causing Zhong to grin "I accept my grandchild and his guardian will fight you".

All the people at the church go to the courtyard outside. I stay at one side of the yard, being on the other side one boy and one girl.

The boy has black hair and haughty face with a smirk that seems like a rat, he presents himself "Ning Fong, 10 years old support system, rank 18 Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda spirit" invoking his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda with 1 yellow ring.

The girl has a bright blond hair and a beautiful and fine face she walks at the front of Fong, protecting him saying "Rei Xengfi, 12 years old power attack system, rank 24 Straw Tiger spirit" manifesting her spirit, changing half of her hair black and gaining some muscles, with 2 yellow rings around her.

Then I step forward "Ning Bai, 8 years old control defense system rank 22 Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sword spirit" I invoke my sword showing two yellow rings (There's no need to show them the truth).

Another elder lift his arm shouting while lowering his arm "Fight!".

At the signal Xengfi charges at me, activating one of her spirit ring "<Wild charge>!" Being supported by the spirit skill of Fong <Power amplification>.

When she arrives at 5 m of me, I pierce forward "<Fire Power>" "<Intent: Remote protection>!" Launching a white and red aura in front of me. The aura goes through Xengfi, ignoring her and hitting Fong who was situated behind her.

Fong is pushed by the aura 10 m, finally falling to the ground unconscious. This, cause Xengfi to stop and stare surprised at Fong.

I say "I only want to protect this beautiful princess from an evil rat" making Xengfi blush and me taking advantage of it. I dash toward her, knocking her out with a simple hit at her neck saying "I'm very sorry hitting some beautiful lady but I can't lose this fight" I turn to ex-elder Zhong "Now shut up ex-elder, we have more important things to do like my sister awakening".

We all return to the church leaving alone the ex-elder and his grandson. Inside, my dad activates the formation and my sister walk in it. After 3 seconds of lights, my sister opens her right hand manifesting an Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda with an innate full spirit power. She happily grins toward us saying "The same as Papa!".

Tomorrow I won't post any chapter. And for the argument at the comments last chapter I only say that I respect the criticizing if it do it with coherence and explain the errors, anyone can express himself respectfully. And for the unrelated spirit beast I think that the pagoda can absorb any spirit beast that is specializes in one property gaining and augment of this property his sword is the same. Gaining the biggest property of it target. He doesn't has any special affinity with any of the element is only that in my opinion the elements excel in some property

picacocreators' thoughts