
Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

[DROPPED] A Douluo Dalu Fanfiction in the timeline of DD3 (The Legend of the Dragon King). Follow Sheng Feilong, a young boy from the Sheng Clan, on his way to become a powerful Soul Master. Watch him grow up, train, make friends and enemies alike, in, arguably, one of the most interesting worlds of chinese webnovels. Will the outcast of a small Clan be able to break through humanity's limit and ascend to become a god? --- This is my first time trying to write something with more than like 1.000 words, so please bear with me! Release schedule: 1 chapter/day

Yozuka · 書籍·文学
248 Chs

Mistakes and a New Technique

Jian Wang was still sweating and fearfully stared at Sheng Feilong. Song Weihan was right and if he hadn't stepped in, Jian Wang might have lost his head! Meanwhile, Sheng Feilong didn't even seem to realize that until Song Weihan pointed it out! He was about to say something when Jian Wushuang put his hand on Jian Wang's shoulder, slightly smiling at the latter.

"Alright, stop looking like a scared rabbit, Wang'er. You fought with sharp weapons and were evenly matched, so it's only natural that you get hurt. Where's that pride and confidence from before gone?"

Jian Wushuang than looked at Sheng Feilong who was shaking and staring at Jian Wang with a pleading look.

"Still, what your Master said is right, little Feilong. Even in the heat of battle, it's essential that you remain calm and rational. Moreover, take it easy on Wang'er. He might not look like it, but he's a little sentimental sometimes. He might cry if you do something like that again, ha, ha!"

Jian Wushuang said the second half of that with a amused and slightly mocking tone, causing Jian Wang to blush and furiously glance at his father.

"Who are you calling a crybaby!?"

He swung his head around looking at Sheng Feilong again, his face red from blushing.

"Feilong, let's have a rematch! You just got me by surprise! As if I would be scared, don't listen to that old fart- Ugh!"

Jian Wushuang hit Jian Wang in the back of the head before the latter could finish his sentence.

"You little brat! I dare you to call me that again! And don't just randomly challenge anyone like that. Didn't you say Feilong had some extremely strong illusion ability? He didn't even use that against you, but still beat you easily! Get stronger before you start boasting. We'll leave now, to get that cut checked by a doctor."

He than pulled Jian Wang behind him and threw Song Weihan a meaningful glance before leaving the training hall despite his son's loud protests. Song Weihan was grateful for what Jian Wushuang did. With just a few words he dispelled the tension and distracted Jian Wang, causing the latter to calm down and forgetting his fear. Sheng Feilong had also considerably calmed down, even tough he still clutched his fists, he stopped shaking and his breathing also became more controlled.

Song Weihan looked at Sheng Feilong, pondering about something for a moment before taking a look at the clock and turning back to Sheng Feilong.

"We still have about one and a half hours left. Might as well teach you something new."

His words instantly roused Sheng Feilong's interest. He stopped shaking and looked at Song Weihan who lazily stretched and walked towards the training hall's exit.

"Follow me. We'll go to the terrace. I'll show you there."

They took the elevator to a higher floor, walked through the hallway into a restricted area and there through a door to the terrace. Song Weihan casually sat down on one of the chairs and mentioned for Sheng Feilong to do the same. They were a few dozen meters above ground and had a nice view over the whole city while not being disturbed by its noise. Sheng Feilong sat down on a chair next to Song Weihan and both of them just enjoyed the scenery for a while.

A light breeze blew across them and the sun slowly set at the horizon. As it was already nearing summer, the temperature was pleasant despite the late time of day. Song Weihan turned towards Sheng Feilong after a few minutes and lightly smiled.

"Calms you down, right? I like going up here when I have a lot on my mind. It's quiet and not many people come here."

Sheng Feilong nodded without saying a thing, blankly staring over the city while lost in thought. Song Weihan continued to look at him before speaking up again.

"Today wasn't the first time you lost yourself in battle. Though it didn't matter much when we were sparring and instead greatly helped you advance in your techniques, you have to keep perceptive at all times. When you get really focused, you automatically cease more and more unnecessary movements and your attacks and senses become sharper. However, your temperament also turns much colder and more ruthless. Outside of battle, you often get distracted by your emotions, as well. When you think about something you want or like, you focus on obtaining these things, when you don't understand something, you hole yourself up and work on it until you get it right without asking about it and when you can't get it done right, you get flustered and depressed."

He stopped for a moment and observed Sheng Feilong again, who had his head hanging down, not knowing what to say and not daring to meet his Masters gaze. Song Weihan let out a sigh which Sheng Feilong couldn't hear.

"Just like now. I'm telling you a few facts and you get flustered, don't know what to say and hole yourself up. Don't get me wrong, being emotional is a good thing, however, you seem to focus way too much on negative aspects instead of positive ones and you always try to please others and not bother them, even if they want to help you, like I do... I know of a technique that will help you. It's an old technique the Spirit Pagoda created to specifically train Spirit Power and to calm the users emotions, called the Spirit Heart Doctrines. It'll help you to gain better control over your emotions, it even is highly compatible with your cultivation technique, but it is extremely difficult to get used to. It's an ethereal technique that focuses on finding ones self to temper the Spirit. I myself use it, too, but I only obtained it a few years ago. I already knew who I was and I had no problems with my emotions. You, however, are just 6 years old. You haven't matured to the level where one would usually use such a technique. So the question is; Do you want to learn it?"

Sheng Feilong had stopped staring into the distance. His gaze was focused on Song Weihan but his eyes had lost their usual brightness and instead looked rather hazy. For a while, the two silently looked at each other, before Sheng Feilong spoke up first.

"I don't know why it's like that. I never felt anything was wrong with my emotions... Even when I fought Brother Wang today, everything felt natural and I only realized what happened when you told me... If you hadn't stepped in, I would have killed Brother Wang..."

Sheng Feilong paused for a moment. By now, he was shaking again, his fists tightly clamped together.

"I don't want to lose control like that... I don't want to hurt others because I couldn't control myself... And if the technique can really stop me from losing control, then I definitely want to learn it as soon as possible!"

Song Weihan nodded and comfortably sat on his chair again.

"Go home for today. Speak to your father about what happened today and what we talked about here. When you return tomorrow, I will teach you the technique. And... Make sure you don't let Jian Wang down. You need friends like him, trust me."

That evening, Sheng Feilong didn't talk much when he and Sheng Lingtian returned home. It didn't take long for his father to ask what was wrong today. Sheng Feilong told him about the match against Jian Wang, that he couldn't control his emotions and nearly killed the latter and about the technique Song Weihan had told him about.

Sheng Lingtian listened silently with a calm expression and waited for his son to finish. After hearing it all, he stayed silent for a little longer before nodding his head.

"If you wish to learn that technique, I will not stop you. But you have to remember what your Master said. Don't let your friends down. And when you apologize to him, you have to promise him to do better the next time."

Shorter chaptertoday and a time skip's coming up.

Please let me know if you spot any mistakes in spelling or grammar, I'll fix them asap!

Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section!

Let me know what you think of it so far!

Discord link: https://discord.gg/keWSXKE

Yozukacreators' thoughts