
Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

[DROPPED] A Douluo Dalu Fanfiction in the timeline of DD3 (The Legend of the Dragon King). Follow Sheng Feilong, a young boy from the Sheng Clan, on his way to become a powerful Soul Master. Watch him grow up, train, make friends and enemies alike, in, arguably, one of the most interesting worlds of chinese webnovels. Will the outcast of a small Clan be able to break through humanity's limit and ascend to become a god? --- This is my first time trying to write something with more than like 1.000 words, so please bear with me! Release schedule: 1 chapter/day

Yozuka · 書籍·文学
248 Chs

Demon Subjugation!

Elder Cai, She Meixiao and even Yuanen Yehui quickly noticed the change in Sheng Feilong's demeanor. Although the demonized version of Yuanen Yehui had just been summoned, it seemed like Sheng Feilong was already struggling to keep calm; His reddened eyes fixately staring at the demon were proof enough of this.

Elder Cai glanced at She Meixiao to see if they should already interfere, but the latter only stared at Sheng Feilong with a serious expression. She noticed Elder Cai's gaze and slightly shook her head. Thus, both of them waited for a while longer, not doing anything yet.

The demonized version of Yuanen Yehui still looked around, but upon not finding any enemy, stared at Yuanen Yehui herself with a piercing gaze. Elder Cai, She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong didn't release their Soul Power, so the demon was probably unable to feel how strong they were and was thus quite relaxed.

Across from her, Sheng Feilong was the exact opposite. Just after the demon stepped out of the Gates of Hell, the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon also woke up. It uttered the same ungodly screams as before, unceasingly shaking Sheng Feilong's spiritual consciousness, but it was still bound by the black chains, the 'Chains of Heaven', as Gu Yue called them.

It couldn't move nor stand up from its throne, but that didn't stop it from rampaging around while still seated and the endlessly radiating hatred and murderous intent also affected Sheng Feilong. The latter still found himself inside the hall with She Meixiao and the others, but he could naturally feel the tumult inside his spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, the indescribably hatred was ceaselessly flowing inside his head, trying to corrode him. Sheng Feilong didn't know if it was due to the chains binding the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon or simply because he had already felt this sensation twice before and was thus accustomed to it, but it was easier for him to withstand it.

He took a deep breath, doing his best to suppress the emotions that affected him and his eyes slowly returned to their normal colour. By this time, the demon summoned by Yuanen Yehui also had her eyes fixed on Sheng Feilong; It was naturally able to feel the incredible hatred and murderous intent that where directed at it.

Still, without the real Yuanen Yehui's command, it couldn't directly attack Sheng Feilong and could only stare at him. She Meixiao looked at Sheng Feilong as well with bright eyes; She could feel that Sheng Feilong was keeping control over the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon and was naturally excited.

"Feilong, try giving Yuanen Yehui's demon a command. Let's see if it works." She Meixiao spoke in a quiet voice, but that didn't stop the others from hearing her excitement. In fact, she didn't bother hiding it as she was way too focussed on Sheng Feilong.

Sheng Feilong looked at the demonized Yuanen Yehui, but the latter didn't react in the slightlest to his gaze. He frowned ever so slightly and already had a hunch that it wouldn't work, but still spoke as She Meixiao asked him to. "Go back to Hell. You're not welcome here."

As expected, the demon didn't move. Instead, it looked at Sheng Feilong with an amused gaze as if ridiculing him; It apparently understood what Sheng Feilong said, but wasn't impressed in the slightest.

However, this indifference seemed to have further incited Sheng Feilong, or the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon to be exact. It started rampaging some more, but still couldn't do anything with the black chains binding it down. However, Sheng Feilong could feel its increasing anger quite clearly.

He frowned more deeply and suddenly thought of another approach for this. He remembered Yuanen Yehui and the others being affected when he transformed into the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, but that wasn't the case when the demon only rampaged like it did now. '...What if I use my Spirit Essence and transform?'

Sheng Feilong took another deep breath and ever so slowly and carefully tried to use the power of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon. For a short moment, its ungodly screams stopped and it froze in its spot, before screaming even more frenzied than before, while also recklessly pushing its power unto Sheng Feilong.

The latter was surprised by the sudden increase in power and couldn't stop his body from transformaing; It wasn't a full transformation yet, but the aura and energy e radiated were already clearly of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon. He continued to carefully pull the power out as to not get affected by its emotions, when he heard She Meixiao's concerned voice from the side. "Feilong..?"

"Everything's alright, Master. I'm trying to use the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's power and that seemingly excited it out of nowhere." His half-transformed state continued to grow for a few more seconds until it became the normal, fully transformed state. However, it wasn't the normal transformation, but one that radiated much more power than before; Probably because the demon itself wanted Sheng Feilong to take its power.

By now, even She Meixiao felt her heart tighten by the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's appearance; Her Spirit Essence was shivering again from something that under normal circumstances would have been called Bloodline Suppression. She Meixiao knew it was something different, as she didn't feel her Spirit Essence being suppressed, but only instinctual dread, but it was essentially the same in that she wouldn't be able to unleash her full combat potential in front of Sheng Feilong.

Still, her strength was vastly superior to Sheng Feilong, thus she was only mildly effected, enough for her to clearly feel it, but nothing more. Yuanen Yehui on the other hand was in a much worse situation. The aura Sheng Feilong radiated alone would be suppress her with her lower cultivation base, but the 'Bloodline Suppression' and the incredibly dread her Fallen Angel Spirit Essence signalled her caused her face to turn ghastly pale and send shivers down her whole body.

However, Yuanen Yehui herself didn't seem to be the one being affected the most. Just a single step away from her, the demon summoned from the Gates of Hell was staring at Sheng Feilong with a soulless expression; Its skin so pale that it looked as if it would fall over dead at any second. Moreover, its body was shaking without stop and it looked as if it was barely able to keep standing; It's whole appearance was pitiful.

Sheng Feilong opened his eyes and carefully moved his hands, trying to get a feeling for how much his strength has increased in contrast to a normal transformation. 'Incredible... It's at least twice as powerful when compared to when I used its power against Long Yue...'

The increase in power was quite frankly ridiculous, so much so that even Sheng Feilong himself barely believed it. 'Could it really be a weapon made for destroying demons..? How else could I explain this nonsensical power.'

Sheng Feilong soon got a good grasp over it's power and turned to She Meixiao. The latter flinched ever so slightly because of the violent reaction her Spirit Essence was showing and stared at Sheng Feilong with astonished, but sparkling eyes, while encouraging him to give Yuanen Yehui's demon another command. "Try making it submit to Yuanen Yehui, would help her best."

With a light nod, Sheng Feilong turned around to face the demon, who's body instantly shuddered even more, looking like a broken rattle drum. Feeling curious, Sheng Feilong took a single step towards it and the demon instantly collapsed, prostrating itself on the ground in front of him, still shaking violently without stopping.

Sheng Feilong didn't have the leisure to feel interested in this as the single step he took forward was enough for the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon to go completely nuts. It's rampaging increased several fold and it completely ignored the black chains binding it. The murderous aura it was radiating, combined with the incredible hatred invaded even Sheng Feilong's heart.

His body shook lightly, and it took as of his effort not to rip the demon in front of him into pieces. Veins could be seen protruding on his neck as if to demonstrate how much he had to hold himself back. He stared at the demon, speaking in a low, nearly otherworldly cold voice. "Raise your head."

The demon shuddered violently once more and ever so slowly raised its head, still not daring to meet Sheng Feilong's gaze. She Meixiao and Yuanen Yehui also felt a tuck from their Spirit Essences and unconsciously stared straight at Sheng Feilong now. She Meixiao quickly snapped out of it, but her pupils constricted. A simple command was all it took to make her submit unconsciously, even if just for half a second.

Yuanen Yehui wasn't as lucky and could only continue to stare at Sheng Feilong while her body shook from fear. Elder cai stepped in, using her Soul Power to quickly shield Yuanen Yehui. Only then did the latter snap out of her daze and stopped shaking, though once again looking at Sheng Feilong in shock.

Sheng Feilong still stared at the demon on the ground and spoke in the same otherworldly cold voice again. "Your Master is Yuanen Yehui. You will come to her beck and call without the slightest delay and obey her every command. Am I understood?"

The demon shuddered violently again, but didn't give any answer, only lowering its head unto the ground again. Still ,Yuanen Yehui's face showed a slight surprise and she looked at the demonized version of herself. Summoning a demon with the Gates of Hell had certain side effects connected to it, but she could clearly feel all of these side effects stop their function as soon as Sheng Feilong finished his sentence.

Sheng Feilong didn't know that, but still assumed the demon's submissive gesture of lowering its head again as it following his command. He didn't move, but only gave the demon another command, the same he gave it before. "Go back to Hell. You're not welcome here."

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