
Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

[DROPPED] A Douluo Dalu Fanfiction in the timeline of DD3 (The Legend of the Dragon King). Follow Sheng Feilong, a young boy from the Sheng Clan, on his way to become a powerful Soul Master. Watch him grow up, train, make friends and enemies alike, in, arguably, one of the most interesting worlds of chinese webnovels. Will the outcast of a small Clan be able to break through humanity's limit and ascend to become a god? --- This is my first time trying to write something with more than like 1.000 words, so please bear with me! Release schedule: 1 chapter/day

Yozuka · 書籍·文学
248 Chs

Blood Energy Vortex

Mu Ye, She Meixiao and Song Weihan hurried to the quiet room where Zhen Hua had been resting after an attendant informed them that the latter had woken up. His injuries were rather heavy, yet with the resources of the Body Sect, he had woken up after just two days.

Seeing his friend calmly sitting on a chair, Mu Ye was overjoyed. He ordered the people who had been watching over Zhen Hua to leave, including the attendant who brought them here, leaving only She Meixiao and Song Weihan in the room with him.

"How are your injuries?" Mu Ye walked up to Zhen Hua, inquiring as soon as everyone else had left. Zhen Hua frowned, though his mood didn't seem to be too bad. "Worse than I expected..." He pressed a hand on his shoulder, which was clad in bandages and looked at Mu Ye. "What happened after the Evil Spirit attacked me? Did they continue to strike at me?"

Mu Ye shook his head and started to explain how he had brought Zhen Hua to the Body Sect and that he asked Daedalus for help. He also introduced Song Weihan and She Meixiao to Zhen Hua, who the latter hadn't paid attention to until now. Zhen Hua nodded at them with a smile, recognizing She Meixiao. "It has been a while, Miss She."

She returned the greeting with a smile and asked if there was anything else she could help him with. Zhen Hua shook his head, still smiling at her. "No, no, you have already helped me enough by expelling that Evil Spirit. If there is ever a problem with your Battle Armour, please don't be reserved and come to me directly, I'll gladly help."

Unconditional help in regards to her Battle Armour, promised by the continents sole Divine Blacksmith; One could imagine how thankful Zhen Hua was for the timely help, yet She Meixiao shook her head lightly. "It wasn't me who helped you, Sir Zhen. In fact, the healer I had brought failed to help you in any way. Fortunately, though, I had brought Song Weihan's and my disciple with me; He was the one who managed to exterminate the Evil Spirit."

She smiled somewhat wryly, looking at the wounds on Zhen Hua's body. "Though I also have to apologize for his... crude methods." Zhen Hua was somewhat taken aback, not having thought that She Meixiao's disciple had helped him; He didn't even know who that disciple was supposed to be! Glancing at Mu Ye for confirmation, he saw the latter nod his head and turned back to She Meixiao. "Then, it seems I owe your disciple some thanks. Where might he be?"

"He is currently training here at the Body Sect; We've just sent him off minutes ago, before we were informed that you had woken up. Though, there is no need to personally thank him..." She Meixiao smiled, though her last words hinted at something rather than being just some formal words. Zhen Hua laughed lightly, understanding her meaning in an instant. "I see you haven't lost your shrewdness at all, Miss She; Do not worry, though, saving this old life is definitely worth getting me to work a bit."

"Then, I will gladly accept Sir Zhen's generous offer in my disciple's name." Her smile turned a bit sweeter, to which Zhen Hua only nodded again. ""Once I'm all healed up and things at the association have calmed down, you may come to look at me whenever you wish. Speaking of which; What did you say your disciple's name was?"

"It's Sheng Feilong. Though Sir Zhen might have heard of him under the alias of 'She Feilong' before." Her words caused Zhen Hua's brows to rise a bit. "The young lad that crushed the Star Luo Empire's pride some years ago? He is your disciple? I thought he belonged to Shrek."

She Meixiao nodded her head. "He was a student there before I met him. A few things happened and he left the academy." She glanced at Song Weihan when she mention 'a few things happening', which Zhen Hua also noticed. He rose a brow once again. "Right, I remember... The Spirit Pagoda's Spirit Flamingo Douluo was waging war against Shrek all be himself for his disciple's sake... So that disciple is the same Sheng Feilong, how interesting, ha, ha."

Song Weihan nodded in response, answering with a wry smile as well. "Yes, it was indeed the same Sheng Feilong. Though, I it would be more fitting to call me Daedalus' Spirit Flamingo Douluo by now; Not that I'm a huge fan of such formalities."

Zhen Hua laughed laughed a bit, then shook his head. "That is good to hear! I've heard what happened back then, roughly. I still can't quite belief that the Spirit pagoda would abandon someone like you, who did so much for them..."

"Well, let us not talk about that any longer. Rather, I'm curious as to what Feilong is doing... You never know what happens when he's left on his own... Especially when it comes to cultivation." Song Weihan voiced his concerns with a light frown, mostly so as he didn't know the Body Sect's Innate Secret Technique; He had only heard bits and pieces of what it's supposed to be, but also didn't wish to pry into the sect's matter, thus refraining from asking.

Surprisingly, the first to agree with him was Mu Ye, who nodded his head. "I'd also rather watch over him. The Innate Secret Technique's is rather peculiar and it's better to watch that he doesn't try to force it's success."

"You taught him the Innate Secret Technique?" Zhen Hua was surprised and stared at Mu Ye, who waved his hand at him as if to say he shouldn't ask. Zhen Hua held his curiosity back, but was now even more intrigued with meeting Sheng Feilong.


"Continue like this; You're doing well." The old lion king supervised Sheng Feilong's attempts at creating a pseudo-Soul Bone for himself; The latter projected himself into his spiritual consciousness while still manipulating his physical body. He had spent a while until he managed to do that, but with the old lion king's instructions on how to connect his physical body with his spirit, it wasn't too hard.

The concept was similar to how he fused his Spirit Power and physical strength together to fight, though the concepts were applied backwards; Using physical strength to fuse it into his spirit, or Dantian in this case.

After a few tries, Sheng Feilong had established a connection between his Dantian and his blood's natural flow, slowly condensing his bloodlines power into a core inside the Dantian. While his goal was to form a Soul Bone, he had to get the required energy into his Dantian first and was using the concept behind a Soul Power Vortex to draw the energy from his blood in.

While that all looked just somewhat strange for the old lion king, who didn't know too much about human cultivation, f an outsider who knew both sides were to see Sheng Feilong now, they would probably shudder at the abomination Sheng Feilong was creating; The result might work, who knows, but the methods Sheng Feilong used were truly too weird.

"That strange vortex you're creating; The idea behind it is marvellous... That way, you can form your energy into a core much faster." The old lion king watched Sheng Feilong excitedly, not imagining to see him use such an interesting technique.

Even for Soul Beasts, the base from which they created their Soul Bones was a ball shaped mass of energy, which they would then model into whatever shape they wanted the Soul Bone to be, before then infusing it with their spirit and life force over a long period of time. Usually, Soul Beasts would start to form their cores once they pass the 1.000 years boundary, but would need years if not decades or even centuries to create the core shaped base.

Yet, Sheng Feilong was using an incredible technique to form the core at a speed visible to the naked eye; If he continued like this, he would finish the formation of the core within a single day! However, after a while, the old lion king noticed something strange: 'The energy... is not condensing into a core? What is Sheng Feilong doing?'

The vortex Sheng Feilong had created was spinning faster and faster, drawing more energy from his bloodline into his Dantian, yet it didn't form into a core, but was contained into the vortex. Once the speed the vortex was spinning at stopped increasing, Sheng Feilong breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew... Finally! The vortex stabilized!"

"Sheng Feilong, what have you done? Why isn't the energy forming a core?" The old lion king questioned out loud as soon as Sheng Feilong stopped meditating. He turned around, somewhat surprised, but answered the question nonetheless. "I've used a method us humans usually use to control our Soul Power. Once a human becomes a Soul Emperor, they start created a so-called Soul Power Vortex to condense and gather their Soul Power and the Origin Energy from the air. I've done the same with my blood's energy."

"...Why? You need to form it into a core to create your Soul Bone, not a vortex." Flabbergasted, the old lion king questioned him further; It simply didn't understand why Sheng Feilong thought the spinning vortex in his Dantian was a success. "It's still spinning, see? I'm not doing anything, yet the blood energy is continuously drawn into it and condensed. Like this, it'll be much easier to form the core. Moreover, as long as I regularly fill the energy in my body up again, the vortex can draw in a virtually unlimited amount of energy."

Understanding dawned on the old lion king and its eyes widened slightly while Sheng Feilong smiled at it. "The more energy it draws in, the stronger the core I create will become... Human's don't live as long as Soul Beasts, so I can't slowly form my core over the course of many years; I'll gather the required energy and will then form a perfect core all at once!"

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