
- Little Monster

Coldin remained calm, this was one of the things he learnt through the years. A calm mind came up with a better plan. Simple as it may sound, it works.

Summoning his spirit Coldin felt nothing change with his body and could not see any tool. His guess was correct. He had a mutated spirit. After spending a few minutes to make sure nothing changed he moved on.

Closing his eyes he focused and willed his first spirit ring out behind him. Slowly a yellow light streamed out from Coldin, taking the form of a ring decorated by what seemed to be a moon cycle.

En Ci was stunned at Coldin's ring, while it wasn't anything special with its age alone there was something different about it. In the middle of this ring was a wolfs head, not a realistic version more of a tribal version in its simplicity.

Coldin opened his eyes to inspect his ring and saw the wolf's head. To him it felt oddly animated and without a second thought he activated his first ring. As he sent spirit power into the ring the wolf's head began to stretch out, first a head then a leg slowly followed by the rest of the body.

Stood in front of Coldin was now a wolf made of spirit power with a yellow colour. It looked at him and he instantly felt a connection to it. This was he first ability, Soul Guardian: Moonlit Fenrir.

The wolf moved towards Coldin and bowed its head to him while it's 'eyes' continued to look at him as if waiting form him to do something.

Looking back at the wolf in front of him Coldin lowered his head. Both their foreheads lined up and at the same time both their eyes closed.

En Ci watching this remained quiet, for him Coldin was becoming more and more of an enigma. Sure En Ci has heard of tamer spirits but they all had one thing in common they literally tamed spirit beasts and their spirit rings only increased their chances or in some cases gave equipment to help tame beasts. What Coldin was doing could be seen as something new.

The yellow spirit power making up the wolf slowly began to flow from its body along to its head and then around Coldin, until it's entire body was no more.

Coldin could feel everything to a new higher level. Curious at why the wolf wanted this he opened his eyes and looked around. Upon not seeing the wolf anywhere in the cave Coldin checked to make sure his spirit ring was still active and it was, so what changed?

Well Coldin did. When the spirit power flowed to Coldin from the wolf his body changed. His head now had a pair of white wolf ears on top of it, his body became leaner making him seem like a agility type spirit master...that is if he wasn't still 3m tall, his arms lengthened To reach almost to his knees and his nails extended into claws, his legs seemed to almost snap at the shin bending backward and finally his eyes took on a primal vertical pupil.

As Coldin slowly came to realise what had happened and how his body changed. He looked around seeing that none of the group where looking at him and that En Ci was sleeping against a wall he decided to run and test something. Coldin spirited outside in his new form, nothing changed in the cave, no noise no image of a huge beast running through it, only a light breeze.

En Ci's eyes illuminated. -w-what was that?- while Coldin was testing his spirit and his spirit ring, he had been watching to see what he would do. At first his abnormal ring threw En Ci into a pondering state, then his wolf and now his werewolf looking form. Sighing En Ci gave up -little monster-

Chloe was the first to spot that Coldin had seemingly vanished from the hall and began to panic until she heard her grandfather say "relax child, he's just gone out to test something. Even if you wanted to find him he's already outside"

This time he didn't restrain his voice, so everyone could hear him and both the twins and the green haired woman looked around the hall surprised to not see Coldin. This sent a shiver down their backs, when had he moved? And how couldn't they feel him.

Let it be know that while they have been shocked this entire day it doesn't mean they are weak in any way. The twins where rank 50 spirit masters and shared the same spirit Iron Hide Bear, on the other hand the green haired woman is also a rank 50 spirit master, her spirit being a Everwind Swallow that increases her sight, speed and overall reactions but even she couldn't figure out when Coldin left. They all shared the same thought -what a monster-

I was thinking of leaving this chapter for tomorrow but realise that might be a bit mean plus I did say 2 chapters on weekdays and I plan to stick to it. :P

KuxLikesNovelscreators' thoughts