
Doomsday Wonderland

Lin Sanjiu is a normal woman in modern-day society. Everyone admires her outstandingly handsome, gentle, and rich boyfriend. However, Lin Sanjiu feels vaguely afraid of this "perfect" boyfriend. She's always felt that her boyfriend looks at her like she's a tasty piece of meat... The transformation happened one night. Sanjiu got into an argument with her boyfriend, and he finally revealed his true colors. As it turns out, he was a being with special abilities from an apocalyptic world who wanted to eat Sanjiu to help him evolve. To his dismay, he ended up being the one killed by Sanjiu with her hidden abilities instead. However, Sanjiu's troubles don't end with her dead boyfriend. In fact, the world she resides in is starting to go through unusual changes. This world is becoming a scorching hot hellhole...

N.Heller · ホラー
855 Chs

Sit Down, Eat!

編集者: EllisBLV13

It was an overstatement to call that place a village.

After Lin Sanjiu and Ji Shanqing came down from the mountains cautiously, they snuck into the village made of a few dilapidated houses under the guise of night.

Moonlight came down from the clear night sky dyeing everything in sight with a tinge of white. The serenity of the surroundings made them feel as if their narrow escape from the battling gods had happened centuries ago.

The 'houses' were basic wooden huts. Some of them had straw roofs while others didn't even have a roof. When they look into a house, they saw a bed covered with leaves. There were sporadic heaps of ashes near the entrance clearly left behind by previous man-made fires. The door and walls had already been stained black. The few pieces of wood and a saw on the floor hinted that the owner had abandoned them on impulse mid-way through his work.