
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

oni_Wolf · 映画
50 Chs

I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 5:

Tony subconsciously folded his arms and blocked his body, looking at Lu Yuan with vigilance.

Lu Yuan found it funny: "Even if I want to see it, I'll see that Miss Potts (Little Pepper), I really have no interest in you. And I have to state that my perspective is like an X-ray, it doesn't mean that I can do whatever I want. See through clothes according to your own ideas, if I use see-through for humans, I can only see your bones and blood vessels."

To put it bluntly, you can't see the skin on the surface, only the bones and flesh and blood come into view. The picture is not too beautiful.

Tony was relieved.

But how does he know that Lu Yuan has actually reached the high dimension of the fifth dimension, or even the ceiling of the fifth dimension. If he wants, he can adjust his abilities at any time.

For example, the perspective function, you can really perform perspective at will, and even the weakness of lead can be avoided.

It's just that Lu Yuan hasn't fully grasped the power of himself that he is now after sleeping for 100,000 years.

Because he only woke up today after all.

"That's it," Tony raised his hand and stretched out in front of Lu Yuan: "From today onwards, you will be my exclusive bodyguard."

Lu Yuan and Tony shook hands: "No problem. Happy cooperation."

In this way, Lu Yuan and Tony reached an agreement and temporarily became Tony's bodyguard.

08. Go to the Stark Building

Tony is very smart. He took advantage of Lu Yuan's lack of a foothold and a place to stay, and reached an agreement with Lu Yuan in one fell swoop, trying to turn Lu Yuan into his bodyguard.

Now he only values ​​Lu Yuan's power and possible alien high-tech.

But later he will understand how wise the choice made today.

Even the origin story of Iron Man will be related to Lu Yuan.

After all, the origin of the original Iron Man has been completely mixed up by him. Originally, Tony would have been captured by the previous group and locked up for three months before he developed the first generation of Mark's armor to escape.

Now there is no chance to play.

Also because Tony was a near miss and didn't suffer any injuries, naturally he didn't attract any attention.

It was as if this matter had passed so peacefully.

The next morning, Tony took Lu Yuan and drove himself to the Stark Building.

Lu Yuan was the bodyguard, but it was enough for Tony to be the driver.

This work does.

Of course Lu Yuan wanted to drive, but when Tony asked him that he didn't even have a driver's license, he had only one idea, and it would be strange if he dared to let him drive.

Tony didn't want to be killed by bodyguards.

When they came to the company, the two also met Happy.

Happy squinted Lu Yuan, looking a little hostile.

Maybe he already knew that Tony wanted to hire Lu Yuan as his bodyguard.

"Hey, what do you guys know?" Happy asked provocatively.

Before Tony could stop him, Lu Yuan reached out and held Happy's shoulder, turning his hand.

Happy flew out.

Before Lu Yuan came, Happy was both Tony's driver and his bodyguard, so he came to find fault, feeling that Lu Yuan threatened his status.

Tony covered his face. His reaction was slow. His new bodyguard could lift an armored car with ease, let alone a person.

"Happy, are you alright?" Tony asked concerned.

His relationship with Happy is more than just bosses and subordinates, and Happy is one of the few people he can trust.

Happy let out a painful cry, he was just an ordinary person, and he didn't even have any fighting power at all. This fall was not light.

Lu Yuan let out a sneer: "If you don't have strength, don't provoke others. It's still light. If you are in an illegal place, you are already dead."

What he said was true, and Tony strongly believed that Lu Yuan could do what he said.

This is an extremely dangerous guy, so he has to keep him by his side, otherwise if someone hires him to kill him in turn, who can stop him?

Tony quickly helped Happy, let him go to rest, turned around and came to Lu Yuan.

"Dude, you also know that this is not an illegal place, so don't be so overbearing, okay? And Happy is my friend, remember you are my bodyguard," Tony couldn't help but get a little angry, glaring at Lu Yuan angrily .

It's just that Tony is also a little guilty. He doesn't know how Lu Yuan's reaction will be. This is equivalent to confronting the Hulk after his transformation, and he is very likely to die.

Lu Yuan looked at Tony in silence, and finally sighed: "Okay, you are the boss, you decide. But I'm hungry."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief secretly. It would be good for Lu Yuan to give him face, and he quickly agreed: "I will take you to dinner when I do something. I really don't know who is working for whom. Am I your nanny?"

Even when he went out this morning, Tony had to prepare new clothes for Lu Yuan.

Where does this make sense.

Does he really want to take care of Lu Yuan's food, drink, Lhasa, clothing, shelter, and transportation?

Lu Yuan held back his smile. In fact, he wasn't that unreasonable. Except for showing his hand a little when he was provoked by Happy, he was still very easy to get along with.

After all, he is not an irrational monster, even if it is Doomsday, he still retains his sanity.

So he is an ordinary person, not the kind of monster who can't control himself, the Hulk can't compare.

So Tony's worry is a bit unnecessary, if it wasn't for Happy to stop pestering him, he wouldn't take action.

But Tony was a little too careful, worried that Lu Yuan would turn into a monster at any time and go berserk. If a laser destroyed the Stark Industrial Building, it would be over.

After comforting Happy, Tony took Lu Yuan to his exclusive elevator and went straight to the top floor.

Tony has an office on the top floor, and even later he transformed the top floor into his own room, and often moved directly here to live.

I came here today for two things. One is that no matter how unreliable Tony is, he will also come to the company to report. Didn't he just go to discuss a deal not long ago? Asian guy explain it.

Another is to sign a contract with Lu Yuan.

On the surface, the contract Lu Yuan signed was just Tony's personal bodyguard, with a monthly salary of $100,000.

But secretly he and Tony had their agreement, not so simple.

This is just to give Lu Yuan a proof of identity, one is to allow Lu Yuan's identity to be authenticated within the Stark Industries Group, and he can freely enter and exit this building in the future.

Another point is that the official will definitely suspect Lu Yuan, so it is equivalent to Tony being the guarantor for Lu Yuan. Once something happens, if Lu Yuan is not caught, Tony will have to take responsibility. Even if Lu Yuan is caught, Tony will escape. It doesn't matter.

This is based on if Lu Yuan is really a spy, of course he is not.

"Okay, you wait for me here first, and I'll go and have a few words with the guys on the board," Tony said without a formality.

Or because of Lu Yuan's relationship, he saved Tony, which caused Tony to lose a chance to grow up. Now Tony is the same as before, still the playboy, uninhibited.

There's no way around it either, Tony's upbringing and his desperate experiences, and being in the cave with that important friend.

But now it's all gone, it won't happen.

"So this has a lot to do with me," Lu Yuan took the initiative to take responsibility, this is his relationship.

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan honestly pulled away Tony's chair and sat on it.

Look, whose bodyguard is so arrogant?

Suddenly, the door opened, and Little Pepper in a capable OL outfit walked in with the document in his hand: "Tony...how is it you?"

Little Pepper was surprised that it was not Tony who was sitting in Tony's seat, but Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan also had his legs crossed naturally, leaning against the chair, almost putting his legs on the desk.

Little Pepper looked at him with a weird expression, only to think that he and Tony were very similar in some respects, they were both so self-righteous and only concerned with their own minds, doing whatever they wanted.

And Lu Yuan is also looking at Xiao Chili, because she is very beautiful.

09. Iron Overlord? Obadea

Because Tony was away, Pepper left immediately and went to Tony to sign the document.

Lu Yuan was the only one left in the room. In the end, he simply put his feet on the desk and lay down on the back of the chair.

It looked like he was doing nothing, but Lu Yuan was actually calculating something.

For example, he can hear the slightest movement in the entire building with his super hearing. Even in the best soundproof room, even the slightest sound of a needle falling can't escape his ears.

At this point he heard Tony's conversation with the Obadiah on the board.

Obadiah Stane, one of the largest antiques in Stark Industries, is also the top executive. He even founded the company with Tony's father, Howard Stark.

Therefore, Obadiah has a high status in the company and high qualifications, especially after Howard died, he once became Tony's mentor.

But Lu Yuan still knows a real face of Obadiah. Obadiah is still the villain Iron Overlord, but he must not have developed Iron Overlord yet, because Tony has not developed Mark Generation, right?

Iron Overlord was developed based on the principle of the Mark generation.

There is no Mark generation now, so whether it is Iron King Obadiah or Iron Man Tony, there is no possibility of moving forward.

But this did not prevent Lu Yuan from planning any plans in his heart.

And Lu Yuan also knew that the mastermind behind Tony's trap this time was designed by Obadiah.

That's right, that group of enemies are also Obadiah's people, they are secret trading partners, Obadiah sells weapons to those people, and those people help him get rid of Tony.

As Tony grew more mature, and displayed talent and so on, Obadiah found himself out of control of the kid and the company.

But he was not reconciled. Obadiah had great ambitions and believed that this company was built by him and should belong to him.

However, Obadiah has no self-knowledge. In fact, from the very beginning, Howard's mind and technology supported the company.

Now it's Tony's turn again.

From beginning to end, Obadiah is just a shareholder, only responsible for investing and making money. As for the company's core technology, it has always been 'Stark'.

He couldn't see these clearly, and he thought that as long as he grabbed the company, it would be smooth sailing.

"Why don't I help him?" Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had already thought of a plan.

Iron Man needs a different origin story and an opportunity to grow, and Obadiah is a perfect fit no matter what.

"Oh, use people's money to help people eliminate disasters. After all, I'm their bodyguard now," Lu Yuan said to himself insincerely, but now there is still a problem, and that is how to approach Obadiah.

At this moment, Tony suddenly pushed open the door and walked in. After seeing Lu Yuan's appearance, he leaned against the door frame with his arms folded, and complained, "You still know it's my bodyguard?"

He had never seen such a bodyguard.

Lu Yuan put down his feet indifferently and asked, "Can we go out to eat?"

"It's uncle, let's go," Tony shook his head, unable to do anything about him.

Lu Yuan then stood up and followed Tony to the outside.

On the way out of the company, in Tony's exclusive elevator, to Lu Yuan's surprise, they bumped into a bald old man.

"Hey Tony, is this the bodyguard you said saved you?" The old man embraced Tony's shoulders enthusiastically and looked Lu Yuan up and down.

Lu Yuan was also looking at the man, and suddenly he smiled, Obadiah.

That's right, this old man is Obadiah, with a smile on his face, who would have thought that he has a vicious heart, and even the son of a friend wants to kill him.

Tony didn't even know Obadiah's true face, and was still talking to Obadiah about Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan has been looking at Obadiah, wanting to know what he is thinking now.

It's a pity that although Lu Yuan has many superpowers, he doesn't have the ability to read minds, at least not for the time being.

Obadiah asked Lu Yuan strangely: "Why are you staring at me all the time?"

It turned out that Lu Yuan's performance was too conspicuous, causing Obadiah's strangeness.

"It's nothing," Lu Yuan pretended to have nothing, and said with a smile: "I just feel that I have a fate with you, and I can chat when I have time."

Tony was surprised. He always thought Lu Yuan was a dangerous person, and he could even put up a sign that said 'Aliens are infested, be careful approaching'.

How did he feel like a different person when he met Obadiah?

This is because Tony doesn't know Lu Yuan. If he is familiar with him, he will know that this is Lu Yuan's plan to deceive people.

But now he can't do anything, after all, in front of Tony.

It seems that he is planning to even pit Obadiah with Tony, so when the two of them are together, they can't make small moves.