
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

oni_Wolf · 映画
50 Chs

I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 41

Lu Yuan has been sleeping in the core of the sun for 100,000 years. He really knows a lot about various elements related to the core.

So I didn't use Howard's film 06 and the information left, etc. Lu Yuan gave some pointers here, and Tony immediately lit up.

He seemed to already know what to do.

This is Tony, such a genius.

And after asking for news about the new elements as he wished, Tony ran to the studio to beat it up.

And Lu Yuan got up and walked out of the door. Since Tony is so busy now, he won't bother.

"Speaking of which, should I buy a house of my own?" With this thought, Lu Yuan left Tony's house.

But before leaving, Lu Yuan quickly changed his clothes.

During the few months he stayed at Karma Taj, he had to wear Karma Taj-style training clothes because he hardly brought any change of clothes and only wore a suit at that time.

But now that I'm back in the city, I have to change back to the original clothes, otherwise it will look out of tune with the surroundings.

As for the changed clothes, they were thrown directly into a space by Lu Yuan.

In fact, in the past half a year, Lu Yuan not only learned magic from Gu Yi and flipped through those magic books, he also studied all the Infinity Stones again.

Before, he had initially been exposed to the power of space law because of studying the law of time and observing the time gem.

Now that he has obtained the space gem, he has a new concept and understanding of the laws of space.

At least Lu Yuan can use his own power to perform space teleportation, teleportation and other superpowers in addition to using Kama Taj's hanging ring to open the portal.

Even, he also created a space of his own, which is very convenient to store some things at ordinary times.

There are other Infinity Stones.

Soul Stone and Mind Stone will undoubtedly increase the strength of his soul and spirit.

And the two gems themselves have terrifying powers.

Chief among them is the Power Gem.

Power gems are the purest form of power, and can give power to other gems and even make other gems more powerful.

Originally, reality gems can only temporarily turn thoughts into reality, but after a period of time, including if the caster's consciousness loses control, those thoughts will return to virtual thoughts.

But if there is the blessing of the power gem, at least the reality gem of the comic universe in the main world can really turn ideas into reality.

Coupled with Lu Yuan's identity as a fifth-dimensional person, he can almost reach the level of the creator **** and the creator. It is no wonder that even the OAA and DC gods are optimistic about him.

And now, Lu Yuan has begun to master the power of the universe heart, and can gradually understand the mysteries of the universe and the concept of the universe through the universe heart.

What is the universe? What kind of elements, principles, and even the power of laws it contains, as well as various concepts.

The most important thing is, what are the most basic requirements for the existence of a universe.

Even how big is the universe? Is there a so-called edge of a universe, and can the barrier between the universe and the universe be broken to enter other universes?

Lu Yuan felt that if he completely mastered the heart of the universe and the power of the Infinity Stones, he could try to create his own universe. At that time, he could really reach the level of OAA and become an omniscient and almighty creator.

It is a pity that the information of the universe is too mysterious and complicated, even for him, it is difficult to complete it in a short time.

While thinking about these messes, Lu Yuan came to a housing agency center.

Generally speaking, whether it is a house for rent or a house for sale, information will be placed here.

Lu Yuan also quickly found a more satisfactory house.

It was a villa with a small courtyard, but the location of the house was relatively remote, in the suburbs.

After all, this is New York City, not to mention whether there is a villa area in the city center, even if there is such a villa area where the super rich live, it is impossible to hang here.

And it's still rented out, not for sale.

Lu Yuan didn't care, he rented it with a wave of his hand.

And he also carries his own salary card with him, no matter how much salary he has received from Tony in the past few months, at least he cheated Obadiah 130 million before.

The total cost of renting this villa is 5 million, and the rent for a total of ten years is a total of 500,000 per year.

You must know that this was in 2008, and it cost 500,000 yuan to rent a house a year?

However, Lu Yuan's generosity also stunned others, and the people in the agency looked at Lu Yuan in a stunned manner, renting for ten years in one go? And not even blinking the eyelids?

Even Lu Yuan's original plan was to rent for 60 years.

Anyway, he has 30 million 'fractions'. If it is 500,000 per year, 340 in 60 years is 30 million, right?

The people at the agency were sweating coldly, thinking that if they really wanted to rent you for 60 years, it would be no different from selling it to you, right?

30 million to buy a villa, if you count various taxes, etc., it is not too expensive, right?

If you count the value-added and other conditions, it is really not expensive.

Again, this is New York, after all.

It's just that I've never seen such a big deal before. Thirty million is a fraction? Who is this big guy?

In short, the agency really can't be the master, and can only sign a ten-year rental contract first.

Lu Yuan completed the payment and signing process according to the procedure, and then he could go to his new home.

When he was personally driven by the agency to the villa, he only felt that he had earned it.

It was a large three-story villa, which itself should have an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

Secondly, it has a small independent yard by itself. The front yard has a very flat lawn, and there is a warehouse and garage in the back yard.

Because the yard is very large, if you have a car at home, you can leave from the front yard or the back yard.

It is a pity that there is no swimming pool in the courtyard, but there are two huge open-air baths on the balcony on the second floor and on the roof on the third floor.

Simply fantastic.

By the way, I forgot to mention that, since it is a suburb, Lu Yuan's residence is actually located in the forest area of ​​Bunaru.

74. Lu Yuan's nickname, Mr. Bulb?

Perhaps it was because the money came too easily and simply, so Lu Yuan didn't care too much, and spent five million casually.

It would be better to say that he has never had the opportunity to use the money before, so what is the purpose of making money so hard?

In other words, if Obadiah and Tony know that he actually thinks that the money he makes is very hard, I am afraid that one will be angry and the other will be angry, right?

Where are you working so hard?

Isn't that just killing Obadiah?

Tony is still beating and beating, and Lu Yuanzhen got this huge sum of money just by playing tricks.

Then again, the five million is very valuable, because the three-story villa has already been decorated, and even the basic furniture has everything.

That is, the lack of some daily necessities, and even some daily necessities.

For example, things in the kitchen, as well as things in the bedroom and bathroom, and so on.

It can be seen that the decoration of this villa is very luxurious. After all, people who can afford such a large villa and yard should also be very rich.

I don't know why the owner rented it out, maybe it's because I don't live often.

Lu Yuan didn't plan to go shopping, but stood in the middle of the room and snapped his fingers.


The house suddenly changed dramatically. All kinds of pots and pans began to appear in the kitchen, sheets and quilts began to appear in the bedroom, and even the wardrobe was full of clothes.

There is also a bathtub on the balcony on the second floor filled with water. Lu Yuan took off his clothes while walking, and sank beautifully into the water, closing his eyes comfortably.

Cool in one word.

This is to enjoy life.

He not only learned the magic of the whole world, but also mastered the Infinity Stones and the Heart of the Universe, which is not a trivial matter.

Of course, only the things you eat and drink don't want to be changed by yourself, and it always feels weird to use your own magic to change things and eat them.

Infinite energy inner loop?

Not bad for money.

In the evening, Tony called and asked Lu Yuan if he really didn't want to go to Washington with him for a meal.

Of course Lu Yuan didn't want to participate in such a troublesome thing, and he was very happy to shirk it.

Tony couldn't do anything about him, but he also brought good news. He has finished building the new element. The next step is to develop a new Mark armor and replace the palladium element to create a new Ark reactor to install it.

Lu Yuan just congratulated him indifferently, not surprised at all.

On the other hand, Tony said again: "Speaking of which, since the battle suits that fought against the Iron Overlord have been idle, they can't be sold as scraps, nor can they just be destroyed, so I plan to give them to Rhodes, what do you think? What ¨'?"

Lu Yuan was very satisfied with Tony's attitude.

Not to mention that he really plagiarized the concept of a battle suit that should have been invented by Tony and then gave it to Tony, mainly because Tony asked himself, which was enough to show that the other party respected his attitude.

Because Lu Yuan has shown more than once his disgust and distrust of the official of a certain country.

And who is Rhodes?

Rhodes is a colonel in the military, serving in an air force.

So what does it mean if you give the Iron Man suit to Rhodes?

Two points, one is that Rhodes is one of Tony's friends, including when he was attacked by the Ten Rings Gang, Rhodes also came to the rescue immediately, and Rhodes is Tony's military advisor, their friendship has been maintained for many years.

The other one is very simple. Tony and Lu Yuan did not intend to hand over the core technology of the Iron Man suit. They reached a consensus on this.

However, you must know that a certain country is a rogue, you live on other people's territory, and Tony's weapons department just said that it will be cut in the future, but it has not actually taken action.

Aren't you afraid of a country's revenge?

Once they play hooligans, it's really amazing, they can use any nasty tricks.

This is also a good sign.

Now Lu Yuan is only worried about one thing.

"Are you sure the core technology will not be exposed?" Lu Yuan only cares about this.

There was a sneer from Tony: "Don't worry, I will set a password. If someone dares to secretly tell the secret of the core, the suit will explode on its own. Also, you also know that no one can reproduce it except me. The Ark reactor. This is the core energy secret. Besides, I have discovered new elements, and my energy technology will always be ahead of everyone. Of course, you cannot deny your help here."

Tony still understands that he is inspired by Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan blushed a little, only he knew that he actually plagiarized the original plot and turned the achievement that originally belonged to Tony alone, and now it is owned by two people, and he is still the one who takes advantage.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan had no choice but to agree with a guilty conscience: "'Since you have already made up your mind, let's do it according to your idea."

Tony was visibly relieved and said with a smile, "Thanks, Mr. Lightbulb."

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows, c'mon, didn't he just disturb him? Does this decide your nickname?

Well, Tony also has a habit of calling people nicknames, whether they are friends or not.

In addition, Tony also has a bad problem that he does not like to take things from others, that is to say, no matter what important things are, he will not take over, unless you put the things down and take them yourself, then it will not received.

Don't know how this came about.

However, Lu Yuan didn't notice that what he handed over, whether it was a wine bottle or something, Tony took it.

This is rare.

Tony once wondered, and it stands to reason that they haven't known each other for a long time.

It may be because in Tony's subconscious, Lu Yuan is his savior and his nobleman. On the surface, many things at present seem to be ⑧5⑥⒈0⒐78②[Linglong] is brought by Lu Yuan, and he has never mentioned asking for it. Remuneration (mainly because Lu Yuan is embarrassed, and he is not so shameless to take other people's things and then use other people's money).

Coupled with that heart-to-heart conversation, they are already friends.

But no matter what, it's a bit too much to call someone Mr. Bulb?

So Lu Yuan got angry, hid in the mirror world, held up the pool of water with his mind, and continued to take a bath like this, and flew to Tony's house without anyone noticing.

Instead, he decided to go with him, didn't he call him Lightbulb? Okay, let's just confirm this title for a while.

I have to say that this magic is too powerful. People hiding in the mirror world can observe people outside, but people outside are completely unaware of the existence of the mirror world.

Fortunately, Pepper didn't come back, and Tony just called Happy and asked him to drive him away and drive to Washington.