
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

oni_Wolf · 映画
50 Chs

I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 27:

Lu Yuan stood up and subconsciously shouted, "Hulk?".

48. Sudden green fat and hatred?

Hulk, Hulk Hulk.

Lu Yuan looked at the big green man who broke in with surprise and puzzlement. Why is he here?

And Lu Yuan has actually noticed that the Hulk Hulk didn't break in by himself, it was more like being thrown in by someone, like being kicked into the air, and then forced to break through the wall of the bar, flying upside down for a long time. It stopped when it hit the opposite wall.

Since the Hulk is known as the Hulk, it is not necessary to say much about his body and physique. After the transformation, his height is more than two meters away, and his weight can reach more than 500 kilograms, which is close to half a ton.

And the Hulk is not fat, it is really full of tendons, and the bulging is full of large muscles.

As a result, such a Hulk was actually beaten and flew in?

What exactly is going on?

Although Lu Yuan has all kinds of super powers including super hearing and super vision, he will not open it all the time all day long, otherwise the sound of the whole world will pour into his ears together, which is more disturbing than any noise. irritable.

So even Lu Yuan didn't know what happened, until he turned on super hearing and super vision at this time, and he looked thoughtful.

It turned out that when he didn't know it, there was already a mess outside.

I don't know what happened, even the army and tanks drove on the street, and a huge monster covered in bright red was rushing towards it.


The next moment, the monster also rushed in with Hulk, and he really broke in.

"What's going on?" Natasha and Barton hurriedly stood up and made a vigilant gesture, but they looked at the two monsters that suddenly appeared, and invariably looked at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan was angry, these two monsters had nothing to do with him.

Well, he did transform in front of them.

But can it be the same? His prototype is five meters high. Whether it is Hulk or Hate, it is far from an opponent, right?

That's right, the red monster who came in later was abomination.

It turned out that when Lu Yuan helped Tony the Iron Man get back on track, other plots were also being staged on the other side.

It's the Incredible Hulk.

General Ross has devoted his life to hunting down the Hulk for some reason, and it is clear that Hulk's human identity, Dr. Banner, and General Ross' daughter, Betty, are lovers.

But he didn't care, and he didn't care that Dr. Banner didn't want to become the Hulk himself. In short, he always wanted to capture the Hulk.

In fact, General Ross has his own selfishness. He wants to capture Hulk as part of his medal, and he also wants to develop a way to make super soldiers from Hulk.

The Super Soldier Project, that's the secret plan that created Captain America.

Originally because the doctor who made the super soldier serum has died, that plan can only be shelved.

But General Ross didn't plan so, but to use the formation factors of Hulk to create a Hulk army loyal to a certain country.

Sure enough, a country is not credible.

So what happened at this time was caused by General Ross in order to capture Hulk, and even he created the abomination monster.

Abomination was originally a subordinate of General Ross, named Emile Bronsky.

But when he turned into hatred, he lost control. Bronsky was already addicted to the pursuit of power, especially after seeing the power of Hulk, he was even more obsessed.

Now that he got the power he dreamed of, he just went out of control and ran out of control.

Lu Yuan noticed that the street outside was already in chaos, and after the terrible battle between Abomination and Hulk, the entire Manhattan area was about to be destroyed.

The power of these two big guys is very terrifying. If they continue to fight recklessly, it is possible to destroy Manhattan.

By then, there will be countless casualties.

At this time, General Ross was also panicked. He had no way to control the situation. Even a weapon that could kill an elephant with one shot was useless to the Hulk and hatred.

No amount of narcotics can do anything to them.

Even the military's tanks and armored vehicles are like toys in front of the two monsters, and they all kick you away.

They can even pick up a car and throw it a few hundred meters away.

This kind of battle has gone beyond the common sense and scope of ordinary people. General Ross regrets it. What kind of two demons and monsters did he release?

How to stop them now?

Just as General Ross was sitting in a plane hiding at a high altitude, watching nervously below, he didn't know what kind of disaster would turn into next.

Suddenly, the wall of the bar that was about to be shattered completely collapsed. Then, a huge body rushed out. In his left and right hands, he was holding a huge green body on the left. Who else is Hulk?

But that huge body is not hatred, because hatred is also pinched by the right hand of the huge body.

That huge body was none other than Lu Yuan who showed the prototype of the Doomsday.

Standing in the middle of the street, raised his head, Lu Yuan opened his mouth wide and roared: "Roar."

The terrifying sound waves even produced sonic booms and shock waves, and the cars on the surrounding streets were instantly blown away. The terrifying sonic boom was even visible to the naked eye, soaring into the sky, and almost knocked down General Ross's plane.

Lu Yuan found General Ross. He planned to kill General Ross, but there was Betty on it, which was Dr. Banner's girlfriend and lover, so he showed mercy.

Bowing his head, Lu Yuan looked at the two big guys in his hands.

Whether it's Hulk or Abomination, both guys have huge bodies of more than two meters.

But Lu Yuan is more than five meters, and his body is even more terrifying.

The body full of terrifying muscles is also covered with a layer of bone armor and spikes that glitters like steel. In the huge hands, Hulk and Abomination are like two children being pinched by an adult. firmly.

It was as if the two little chicks couldn't move.

Originally, Lu Yuan didn't intend to get involved.

But he called Hulk's name subconsciously, and the hatred who came in heard it, and the hatred turned his attention to him.

In the face of the maddening attack of hatred, Lu Yuan had to consider Natasha and Barton around him, as well as other people in the bar.

So he could only fight.

Even Lu Yuan simply showed his own prototype and slapped his hatred down with a slap in the face.

This is hatred for having a terrible self-healing power, otherwise his facial bones would have been smashed by Lu Yuan in the house.

Then Lu Yuan decisively rushed out with Hatred and Hulk in one hand, and stood on the street. Lu Yuan mentioned the two of them separately, and said with a grin, "I'm not referring to anyone alone, you two are trash."

The hatred has gone completely mad.

Hulk also resisted because of Lu Yuan's ridicule.

Suddenly, two lifelong enemies joined hands.

It seems that they plan to solve Lu Yuan first and then decide the winner.

Looking at Lu Yuan again, he smiled, took the initiative to let go of the two, and hooked his fingers again: "Come on, let's see how I kill you.".

49. Take the lead in killing hatred

Because of the sudden and horrific destruction, the streets were already in a mess.

People were running around screaming and crying, cars had been abandoned, and the streets on the left and right were blocked.

And in the middle of it, three terrifying giant monsters stood opposite each other.

Lu Yuan stood here alone, while Hulk and Abomination stood opposite each other with a distance.

At this time, Hulk and Abomination stopped, but they temporarily abandoned their hostility and looked at Lu Yuan together.

Lu Yuan casually pushed the car beside him a little further. He just lightly pushed the car out of the entire street behind him.

In the bar, even Natasha and Barton didn't dare to act rashly at this time.

Not to mention that they don't have equipment and weapons on them. Even if they do, they seriously doubt that the current human weapons are still meaningful to these three monsters?

Even weapons that can pierce tanks can't hurt them at all, right?

Barton smiled bitterly, not to mention that he was still using a bow and arrow.


Abomination suddenly roared and roared.

He was originally General Ross's capable subordinate Bronsky, but this time, in order to capture Hulk, not only was he injected by General Ross first, and he obtained something called super soldier serum.

That's what made Captain America, but according to the setting of the movie universe, after the death of the doctor who created the super soldier serum, only a few samples were left, and they were robbed.

Including Howard also died in that incident.

So how did General Ross get it?

Perhaps it is inferior quality, so Bronski is far inferior to the US team.

Moreover, Bronsky also threatened others to inject himself with genes extracted from Dr. Banner's blood. The two things were mixed together to create this ugly monster of hatred.

Therefore, hatred can suppress the Hulk in a short time.

However, hatred does not have the setting that Hulk can rely on anger to infinitely increase his strength.

So he won't be Hulk's opponent after all.

Of course, the current hatred is still very terrifying, and the mess on the streets is basically caused by him alone.

So the hatred was a little confused about the situation, yet dared to provoke Lu Yuan?

Not to be outdone, Lu Yuan opened his huge arms, opened his mouth wide, and let out a terrifying roar: "Roar."

Abomination's roar was completely suppressed, and even Lu Yuan's roar triggered a terrifying air cannon. Hulk and Abomination were fine, but the cars behind them were all swept away.

In front of Lu Yuan, these cars were as thin as sheets of paper.

In the plane in the sky, General Ross watched all this in shock.

He had already guessed that the hatred was Bronsky, but where did the third monster come from?

And it seems that the third monster is the most terrifying, otherwise Hulk and Abomination will not show a joint posture.

The development of the situation has far exceeded the control of General Ross, and even he can only maintain a wait-and-see attitude.

Looking at the street below, the three giant monsters will definitely not just stare.

Still disgusted, he was the first to start, with unwillingness and fury, waving a huge iron fist, taking huge steps, and ran straight to Lu Yuan.

Hulk on the side didn't plan to join forces with Abomination, but after Lu Yuan had controlled Abomination before, he even pinched and dragged him out.

Lu Yuan was actually worried that Hulk would be out of control, and it would be bad if he hurt the people in the bar.

And Hulk didn't know Lu Yuan, thinking that this monster, like hatred, was a product created in this incident, so he felt obliged to be responsible to the end.

So Hulk also rushed over with hatred.

The three monsters suddenly fought together.

"Boom boom boom."

Accompanied by their fist-to-meat fights, the terrifying sound was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and it seemed like a bomb was constantly being set off.

But unlike before, the three monsters only fight on the spot, unlike the abomination that can knock the Hulk flying, causing terrible damage to the surrounding buildings.

This is because Lu Yuan, while he was under the attack of Hulk and Abomination, controlled his own power, so as not to slap them all to death with one slap.

He's not fighting, unlike the Hulk and Abomination, he's enjoying.

"Hahaha," Lu Yuan laughed and shouted happily, "That's the truth."

Only a monster of this level can make him feel like he is fighting, no, it is fun.

Compared to this, the previous Iron Overlord was just a piece of paper, which was torn to shreds by him.

"Roar," Lu Yuan's ease provoked hatred, he roared angrily, and slapped Lu Yuan in the face with his iron fist.

With Lu Yuan's height, hatred was barely able to reach his face.

Abomination and Hulk had been beating Lu Yuan's chest before, and Lu Yuan could completely ignore their attacks and strength.

But at this time, Lu Yuan's smile was put away, the fist of hatred meant nothing to him, but Lu Yuan couldn't accept being slapped in the face.