
Bad day

"Get back here bitch" A short potbellied man shouted behind me.

It's not like I stole something anyways, I continued to run until my legs got tired, I sat on a public bench in the park. "Gosh I'm so tired, damn that shorty, I really need to drink water, All I did was destroy the poster and it was even a mistake" Getting up I went to the nearest watershed to get water to drink.

I opened the tap putting a disposable cup beneath the tap, it broke in some way while I was doing that, Sprinkling water here and there, mostly on me, trying hard to close the tap, it continue to spill all over the place.

Finally closing the tap I stepped back all covered in water. "Nice, wanted to drink, ended up being wet ,how nice."

"Today must be a bad day I guess."

Since I was wearing a coat before, I took it off because it has been drenched in water at least my shirt is still better. I look around to see some people staring at me "I'm alright" I said smiling awkwardly.

Getting out of the park I board a bus home, people in the bus were looking at me like I stole their babies, I sat on the nearest sit close to me getting to my bus stop, I got down and started trekking down to my apartment.

Thank goodness the clothes I was wearing had dried, I sighed, Such a bad day, I got fired from my work, ran my life out and got drenched from a watershed.

"Good evening Mrs Luke" l greeted my next door neighbor who has always being like a mother to me.

"Look who it is" she said in her cracked voice making it known that she's old.Offering me a smile she said "it's my very young neighbor, how was your day Hailey?."

"It was horrible I got fired from work" I signed.

"Tell me about it" she said patting me on the back, To me Mrs luke is the best person on earth, she has always been a mother not just to me but everyone in the apartment "I just made dinner, do you care to join" she turned around to enter her apartment as if it was an order.

After we were done eating I told Mrs Luke what had happened earlier today starting from my job to the watershed.

I was harassed today at work by some stupid customer, I slapped him, since nobody was looking but the idiot told a lie saying that I slapped him because he asked for some damn tissue. My boss being a stupid man believed the one sided story but before he could fire me I resigned and here I am in Mrs luke house. 'I will not forget today' I said in my mind.

Mrs Luke came to me handing me a cup of tea "Don't be too hard on yourself dear, everything is going to be alright" she said to soothe me.

Later after the talk with Mrs luke I went to my apartment having a quick bath before washing my clothes since I was jobless it took forty five minutes to wash them since I was using a washer to do that.

I spread all the washed clothes on the drying line outside,I went inside to clean the house after cleaning I checked the time and it was six minutes to nine even though it was late I am still energetic maybe it's because I didn't do anything much than getting into trouble today.

I put on my joggers jeans and a crop top, jogging around the neighborhood when I was tired I went to a coffee shop ordering for a cup of tea since I wanted to fall asleep. Holding the cup I jogged back to my place.

As soon as I entered I drank the tea disposing the cup in a trash can. I opened my laptop to search for jobs to apply for, afterwards I went to Netflix to watch a movie I ended up picking some horror one about zombies. it was going fine until there was a little touch of romance.

As a person I so freaking much hate romance because it not real and then you just end up thinking about some shit. I forwarded the romance stuff. The story end up with the Couple and some people being killed because they were turned.

Others who were not turned were carried out of the place through an helicopter, they were not more than five or six anyways.

I checked the time again, it's now fifteen minutes past twelve in the morning. Nice, just nice I thought to myself.

"Dang" I got up to ease myself after which i was done I went to the kitchen taking a bag of chips and a glass of milk.

I ended up watching another movie which is a complete horror movie this time and it's werewolves story where a weak werewolf boy was been maltreated by his kind. He never gave up though something I picked up from the movie.

The boy's father died leaving the pack in mess, the males were killing each other so as to become the alpha because the boy's father was the alpha though it didn't mean that they maltreated him less.

I finished my chips after a while so I went to get another one then I went back to the movie.

The boy was ordered around by the other strong males but unknown to them the boy has been training to become a leader by one of the elders of the pack who saw potential in the boy.

Even the females were against the boy everyone looked down on him. Such a pain I thought in my head how pitiful but then it's just a movie.

'What if it was a real life story' my mind whispered to me.

'But then I've been through worse isn't it?' I wispered back to it.

Another werewolves group took this has an opportunity to attack the boy's pack since the group does not have a stable leader. The boy has traveled with the elder that was guiding him during the time when the other group came to take over the werewolves crew.

"This is getting interesting" I said munching on the chips in my hand. I'm pretty sure I'm not normal because I'm supposed to be sulking that I lost my job but here I am watching another series of movie after watching the first one.

I could be crazy I know. Then the boy came back fighting all his opponent alone but not without sustaining a injury here or there.

After killing most of his opponent where some had ran away he was made the leader of his pack and the ones who has made fun of him before had to bow down to him.Being a wise ruler the boy who was a man now had cut people off knowing they are after his throne and success.

"How touching now it's time to sleep" I yawned stretching my body "Even though I'm not into romance the boy was supposed to marry right to give it the perfect finishing touch".

I packed the wrapper and the cup,throwing the wrappers into the waste bin I then rinse the cup returning it to the right place.

Going back to bed it was five minutes to four in the morning, putting out all light except my night stand, I tucked myself under my duvet waiting for morning to come "Goodnight selfie" I whispered to myself.

While she was sleeping, a breeze came in through the window which she didn't lock.

Lights from the moving vehicles shone on the curtain in her room.

She felt a little cold drawing her duvet closer to herself.

She got up from her bed hearing noise coming from her kitchen.

"Hello,who is there" she asked turning on the light in her room.

She open the door walking gently to the kitchen.

As soon as she opened the door leading to kitchen something moved very fast in her front.

"Who is there" she asked again she was no scared cat for her to be afraid "don't play with me" she said turning on the kitchen switch.

What she saw made her gulp down the spit in her mouth "mom" she said, looking like she just saw a ghost practically she just saw one because her mom was killed right in front of her when she was sixteen.

"What are doing here?" was it because of the horror movie she had watched earlier she is seeing someone who is dead.

"Help me please" The woman in front of her pleaded moving closer to her.

"Mom" she said again obviously still shocked that the woman in front of her is her mom.

The woman in front of her looked tattered, her face was covered in blood and her body bruised and has a lot of cuts.

"What happened to your face mom and why do you have so many cuts on your body" Hailey asked.

"They are coming for me please help me" the woman said holding her hand tightly.

"Who are they? What do they want from you?" She asked obviously confused because she doesn't understand what the dead has to do with the living.

It not like she doesn't love her mom but this is so weird to her because she was killed.

She doesn't what her emotions which she had kept so well out.It will be too much.

She had fought this emotions for years and she doesn't want them resurfacing back because it will be too painful for her.

"Help me please" The woman said again caressing her cheek.

Okay now she is confused if it was a normal person they would have screamed their life out but then she was used to horror movies where people kill each other. Blood, death, bad ending and everything.

She look at the woman, then she smirked. "Who are you, get out of here else I will sue you" she folded her arm across her chest "if this is some sort of prank you are dead bitch" she turned to get her phone but before she could take a foot she saw everything disappear then she found herself in a black room.

"Ok what going on here, is this some kind of magic let me out of here bitch" she shouted "hey this is not funny let me out."

"Common men are you kidnapping me."

"Hey please open up this door" she said gently moving up and down.

"Fuck this" she shouted out loud rubbing on her hair furiously.

She heard some whispers before the turned white "who is there?" she asked trying to adjust to the brightness. She didn't hear what they were saying.

Things start changing again as if the place was a big screen the image of her mother and father sitting on a sofa chair next to each other appeared on the screen.

"Ok stop messing with me right now, it not funny cut the crap out." she said sitting on the floor.