
Today is better

"OK stop messing with me right now, it not funny cut the crap out" she said sitting on the floor.

Then everything started to blur out slowly she tried to get up from the floor but can't.


I got up with beads of sweat on my forehead.

My bed was covered with sweat, so I was dreaming, it was horrible because it looked so real, maybe my mom is haunting me because I haven't been to her grave for a long time now.

Getting up I checked the time and it was three minutes past five, nice I said to myself.

I went to the toilet to ease myself after which I brushed my teeth before I took my bath.

I went back to my room holding a body cream to moisturize my skin.I know still I have time on my side but if I cook that will take time so I promised myself to get a meal.

Then l took a dress out to wear because I'm planning to go for a job interview, before wearing shoes.Since I'm not much of a makeup person I apply balm on my lip to moisturize it.

Checking the time, now it was 7:23am.

As soon as I left my apartment I went to a coffee shop nearby for some cookies and a cup of coffee due to my late night sleep.

Boarding a taxi I start mulching the things that I have bought.

I look out the window of the car since I got nothing else to do.

I was dropped in front of the famous ČŔĔÁM restaurant 'wishing you luck selfie'I said to myself.

I entered the place and I was directed to where I was to be interviewed.I met three people already seated joining them we were four.

Am not anxious or scared because I'm used to doing it anyways.

The person who was at the front was called upon after forty-five minutes he came out.

The branch here has just been built Two months ago so they are still looking for staffs.After another forty-five minutes the next person came out.

Standing up the the next person before me entered the room where she was to be interviewed.

Having nothing to do I brought out my CV to cross check it.There is nothing much about it anyways because I didn't go to college and the only working experience I have is been a nanny and I am still one I only go there on Fridays and Saturdays and waitress before I got fired or can I say resign because before my stupid boss could fire me i tend in my resignation letter so as to get a job, after cross checking it, I put it back in the file holder.

The person who had entered left frowning so I guess she didn't get the job, what a pity.

I entered the room where everyone has been entering,I won't lie though,I'm a little nervous because it's a big company.

The person who is interviewing me is sure a talkative because he has been questioning me nonstop but who am I to complain.

After the interview the man affirmed that I have been employed by the company.

I was happy but I kept it in making a straight face.

I left the place and went to the park again today 'I pray there won't be bad luck today' I murmured to myself.

People are not as much as yesterday in the park today, I sat down lost in thought when a little girl sat next to me smiling at me making her face more cute than she already is. "How are you little girl?" I asked smiling.

"Fine" she replied blushing "The man over there said I should call you" she said pointing to a man wearing a gray coat and black pant.

"OK thanks" I said smiling at her cuz she is cute.

I stood up walking to the direction of the man she pointed at earlier because I don't snub people who know what he called me for.

"Good afternoon what can I do for you" I asked offering him a smile.

"I wanted to give you this you dropped it yesterday while you where sitting there I couldn't find you so... " he pointed to the spot I was sitting yesterday giving me my laptop charger which I didn't know was missing.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate it" I said 'yesterday was just a bad day uh!' I said to myself.

"Yeah, you are welcome" He replied.

Leaving the park I went home since there was nothing else for me to do.

Getting home, I kick off my shoes before picking up my laptop for me to charge since I had watched two movies the previous night and there is not much percent on it.

I went outside to pick up the clothes that I had spread the previous night before I ironed it and place it in the cupboard.

"Ok now, what are we doing today" I asked no one in particular.

I sat on my bed staring at the space then and idea popped up in my head.

How about going to Mrs luke house to hear the neighborhood gist from her since she is always home anyways.

Getting up I picked my flipflop and my keys heading to Mrs luke house.

It not like I'm a gossip but I'm bored and having nothing to do that the only thing that I can come up with.

I knocked on Mrs Luke door three times before she opened it. "Good afternoon Mrs Luke" I greeted waving my hand and smiling like an idiot.

"Hello Haley, how are you doing?" She asked offering me a smile.

"Fine" I smiled "can I come in?" I asked.

"My bad come on in my dear" she said gesturing her hand towards herself.

I entered locking the door behind me.

"I followed Mr Luke to the supermarket this morning and he had forgotten what he went to get there, such an old man right, oh and that reminds me how was the job hunt you went for this morning, you seem to be home early".

"Yeah the interview was pretty easy" I said sitting on the couch.

"Thank goodness let me get you a cup of milkshake and something to munch on while you are here."

She turned around before I could reject her offer well that Mrs Luke for you, she is always having all sorts of homemade snacks for visiting people well I can't really blame her since she doesn't have anything to do but then she is not a idle person so she will always always find something to do.

After a while Mrs Luke came back with a bowl of homemade French Fries and a cup of milkshake.

"I'm sorry I was using the microwave to warm the fries" she said giving them to me.

"Oh Mrs Luke you don't have to bother" I said.

After hearing all the gists I wanted to hear I went back to my apartment then I remembered I needed to do some groceries.

I went to the grocery store down the street, it's at least one hundred foot away from my apartment.

I noticed a man wearing a black hoodie following me but then I didn't think much about it, it could be a coincidence after all.

I decided to pass a shortcut where there are people so as to know if the know if the man really was following me.

Just as my instinct told he was following me, I decided to mix with the crowd so he would lose sight of me which worked.

I went to the grocery, got what I needed and left.

As I was going, I noticed a car was following me. 'not again' I murmured under my breath.

Hugging the things I bought, I started running.

"We are losing her" I heard someone shouted. So they are really chasing after me but then why I asked myself.

Since cars can't pass through building conners I headed there I place my goods somewhere safe before I started running.

"Oh lord God I know that I've sinned a lot please have mercy this one time and I will stop sinning" I prayed as I was running.

Two men were running after me, seems like this people are all over the area, I increased in my speed running like my life depends on it. Being truthful it does, I can't imagine what they will do to me if they catch me,after a while I lost them.

Checking my surroundings well to know if they are still following me or if there is anything suspicious but there was none.

"Thank you God" I breath a sigh of relief. I went to the coffee shop I had got a coffee earlier in the morning so that even if they are following me they won't know my apartment.

I bought a cup of coffee to relief myself, it is actually shocking that I did not pant at all. I do a little bit of jogging, yes but I don't run at all and I don't do any other exercise other than jogging.

After a while, I mean a very long while I went back to my groceries, thankfully they didn't do anything to it. I checked around again before finally going home.

I opened my door, dropped the groceries in the kitchen before heading to my bathtub. "At least today is better than yesterday" I told myself.

I filled the tub with warm what before pouring some soap in it. My legs ached from all the running and everything, taking off my clothes I wore a robe before going to the kitchen again to get a glass of juice.

I entered the bathroom again taking off the robe.