
Don’t Bully Deku Miss Nagatoro!

After defeating All for One, Izuku Midoriya is reborn into the peaceful past of Japan. At least, he think's it's peaceful. How bad can pre-quirk era be? There is this girl that keeps on bullying him though...... -----AN-------- I don't own anything pertaining to either animes or the cover picture. The idea popped into my mind when I realized the voice actor for both Izuku and Naoto are the same person! Take look if you want. I'm just doing this to play out how it would've happened if Deku was in Senpai's shoes.

VenerableFox · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Kites And Yakisoba With Senpai

"Come on! Come on! Hurry up Naoto-nee! The wind is almost gone!"

"Becareful, Souta! You might trip yourself again!"

It's been two weeks since the earthquake disaster took place. And many things occured since then.

He found out this wasn't the place as he previously thought. This was confirmed when Bang, known as Silver Fang, told him how he and many others were apart of a 'Hero Association' that dealt with any disaster or dangers that the common person could not deal with. And that he was invited to join this group.

He declined.

After finding out about the true nature of the Hero Public Safety Commission from his world, his trust towards the authoritarian figures were put in doubt. He didn't know anything about this new group that Bang invited him into. Though Bang was a nice man, it didn't mean others were nice as in this association.

After getting scolded by his parents for arriving home so late during a national crisis, he noticed in the shower that his body changed. If his body was muscular before, now he looked like one of those Greek statues that Midnight-sensei always gushed on about during History.

With One for All, some things changed. If One for All was a lake before, now it felt like an ocean. No matter how far down he tried to tap for power, he could not find the end.

Now that school was shut until next week, he decided to visit the Hori's residence.

"Nee-chan, do you think we can get ice-cream while we fly our kites," the boy asked. He was a boy with messy gray hair and olive eyes.

"Sure, Souta, but not too much, ok?"

Because Souta and Hori-san parents were busy at work, Hori-san and her brother were responsible for cleaning up the house. Souta, seeing that he was inviting him to go fly kites, decided it was better to go out than to clean.

"Last week, I was telling Kei-kun and Mya-chan that about my gundam kite! I told it was cool and they thought it was cool too! But Mya-chan is allergic to grass so her parents won't let her go to park with me to fly kite, but kei-kun can-." Souta kept talking on and on while he would listen and respond every so often.

As they both neared one of the town's bakery, he noticed a group of guys talking to each other. But upon closer observation, he noticed three of them were surrounding one of them.


"Come on, Miyamura, aren't we old friends?" The tall guy said.

"Yea, we go way back. Wouldn't this be under friends and families benefits? We've been hungering for some cake lately. Not that I haven't found any ladies." The short guy said before shoving one in the middle onto the floor.

"I heard you got into that high school with the pretty cute gals. Be a bud and hook us up. You don't want them to find out about your little piercings or tattoos, right?" The one with glasses said.

"...can you guys leave me alone...?"

"Did I hear correctly, f**kin b***h boy mura is finally talking back to me? Maybe I need to remind you your place, dips**t." The boy then threw a hook.

Closing his eyes, the boy in the middle accepted his fate.

'I wish I could just stand up for myself...'

"What do you think you're doing?"

Looking up, he realized the incoming punch never connected. Holding onto the boy with the glasses shoulder was a guy with light brown hair. A little further behind him was a young boy holding a kite.

'This guy looks familiar,' he thought.

"Hey, can't you see we got something going on here? Just leave, its none of your business!"

Looking at the brown-haired boy, he also tried to make him leave. He already appreciated him trying to help, but he didn't want to implicate him any further.

"Really, I'm all right." He said. 'Maybe that make him leave me and these guys.'


The boy then turned to three bullies. "Let's call this a day and leave this matter alone, how about it?"

"Do you think you can take on all three of us?" The short boy said.

"What? Why would I fight you three?" Then the glint in his eyes sharpened.

Miyamura felt like he couldn't breathe. He felt like he was standing in front of a lion or tiger. It was as if his senses were screaming danger. And he was not alone in this feeling because the other boys backed up.

"Everyone is watching us now. I'm giving you a chance, leave."

He noticed that although the ongoing people traffic was light, the people that were out were either recording or watching the scene before them with cautious movements.

Noticing this, the three boys began running away without a word.

Seeing this the brown-haired boy and the child behind began walking down the street as well.

"Wait!" He shouted at the stranger.

"Why did you help me? I said I was fine."

Looking back, the stranger said, "Your eyes."


"They were asking for help, and I couldn't refuse them." With that he left with the young boy.

Miyamura stood there watching the two walk away.

Unnoticed to both was a figure not far away watching their interaction.


It's been a week since the school reopened. The school immediately took action, telling all clubs to clean their assigned classrooms and delegating their members into restoring the school.

Because he was the only active member of the art club, he was responsible for cleaning the mess created from the earthquake. Fortunately, only a couple of books were on the ground and a broken bust.

He was currently starting on another penciled still-life. Drawing a couple more strokes, he stopped to admire his work.

"That looks good." He said. Just as he was about to continuing on with his work, a voice called out to him.


From the classroom door, a girl zoomed in class with a hoo-la-hoop, shaking her hips with ferociously that was only matched to her excitement, if her face said anything. She circled the clubroom so fast, it seemed as if the she kicked up a trail of dust clouds. She kept doing so before stopping near him, still hoo-la-hooping.

"What do you think of my hip motions?" She asked happily, raising both her hands behind her head. "Come in, now!" Seeing that he was shocked at her antics, she pushed on.

"Find the right moment and slide in! Come on, hurry up!"

Sweat dropping at the scene, he sighed internally, but giving in.

"No, but when?" Seeing no response, he decided just to try and crawl in from underneath. In all honesty, his only attentions was just to enter the hoo-la-hoop with her in hopes that would make her leave quicker. So when he looked up and saw her cotton, white underwear, he felt his mind turn static, leaving him frozen and staring at the sight before him.

Curious as to why her senpai was taking so long to jump, she looked back at him. It was then that she realized that he was staring at her panties. Her face quicken turned red.

"You're such a pervert!" She said while violently hitting him with the hoo-la-hoop. Her assaults managed to break him free of his paralyzed state, leaving him to protect his head.



Inside the clubroom, he sat alone eating his yakisoba while watching the Man of Steel on his phone. He was hyped for the movie because he found out it was the same director who made Watchmen. But all of the sudden he felt chills travel down his spine.

Looking behind him, he saw the door slowly slide open. Through the creak showed a shadowed face of the one and only Nagatoro.


'No! She's going tease me about being alone to watch superhero movies!' Acting fast, he paused his phone and quickly flipped over before putting his yakisoba tray over it.

Fully, sliding the door open, Nagatoro posed at the door frame with a peace sign over her head and a leg raised.


Quickly making sure his food was behind him he replied back. "Er, 'sup?"

She walked in and approached him. He could see that she was holding a small plastic bag. Most likely whatever she had for lunch.

"What were you eating all by yourself?"

"Oh-oh, you mean this? It's yakisoba, want some?"

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say because she gave him a deadpan stare.

"Why would you offer that to a girl? That's why you're not popular with girls."

He smiled at her and said nothing. He really didn't know how to respond to that super effective move.


Looking up, he noticed that she was sporting a sadistic grin.

'Oh no, I don't like that smile. I really don't like where this is going.'

"Was it just me, or did you have a sketchy look in your eyes earlier?"

Sweating now, he tried to deflect the topic.

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

Getting in up to his face, she widen her eyes and put a surprised face on.

"You were making a face like a deer in headlights. I seriously got creepy vibes from you."

'Ok, calm down.'

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

He could still salvage this situation. No doubt his kouhai would look on his table first and inevitably find his phone. Using his hands behind his back, he slowly grabbed his phone form under his food tray. He then began to slowly lower them into where his bag should be behind him. He was so focused on his task that he didn't notice a certain someone come right up to his ear.

"Whatcha got in your hands there, senpai?" She whispered into his ear. The wind from her mouth tickling his ear and frightening him into dropping his phone on the floor.


"Let me see!"

Both teenagers were playing a game of tug-of-war with his phone.

"It's nothing pervy!"

Of course, he could've easily snatched it back, but he didn't want to take any risks. As responsible as he and his parents believed him to be, he had a bad history with phones. Well it mostly his part for not securing his phone enough to prevent it from falling into a lake multiple times.

"You're so obvious." Luckily, the phone was facing down, preventing it from being exposed.

"I'm betting it's something really pervy. You're a closet pervet that's secretly into sexy stuff, aren't you?"

"Wh-wh-what?! I'm not like that!"

Seeing, that she was getting nowhere with this tug-of-war, she tried a different strategy. She took her left hand and started at the fingers, slowly caressing down his hand before gently rubbing his wrist.

"If that's what you want, I can let you do it."

A girl was touching him. No, she was FEELING him.

'AHH What do I do? What does she mean? This is too much for me to take in!'

"Do-do it?!"


Wait, it was a trap! He could still recover from this. What could she really get from a superhero movie anyways?

"You're so easy, senpai. No way I'll do it with you." She said as she began giving him head pats. "You need to know your place, pervy senpai. Now let's see what you've been hiding from me."

"Ah ha! I knew it was something really pervy!"

Confused, he looked on his phone screen as well. To his utter embarrassment and dismay, the phone was paused on the scene where Lois Lane fell on to floor, with the camera getting dangerously close to seeing her breast and underwear.

Waving his arms frantically in the air, he tried to explain himself. "Those type of sexy scenes have always been a staple in superhero movies! I always buy it for the story! And the, uh, director, was changed...! Yea, and, um..."

But she only smirked at him more. "Now you're fast talking all of the sudden. You're so gross, senpai."

"No, I..."

Giving up, he let her have this while a depressed aura hung on him.

"You say all that..." Scrolling back and forth on his phone, she showed him another scene. "...But this is what you like, isn't it" In front of him was another scene where somehow, Lois Lane was yet again in another compromising situation. Curse you, Joss Whedon! (I made it so Man of Steel had, uh, fan service)

Blushing heavily, he kept silent as to prevent himself from digging a bigger hole than the one he was already in.

"What is this? Accidentally lucky? So that you'll get lucky enough to do pervy things to girls?"


Grabbing her own boobs, she began fondling them in front of him. "You want to play with someone's boobs right as you're saving them, don't you, senpai."

"St-stop confusing fiction and reality. N-no way that really happens." All he need to do now was forget and bury the numerous compromising situations he somehow found himself in with the opposite sex.

Sounding out each word, she continued. "Sen~pai, you per~vert."

"I-I just ignore those scenes. I-It's the story about Superman's beginnings that I want to watch."

"Superman, huh?"


After watching the rest of the movie together, Nagatoro was drinking tomatoe juice while contemplating what she saw.

"It was pervy, but it was actually pretty good."


"Love and romance with a super powerful person from another world. It reminds me of my love for vampire stuff." She said appearing as if she was daydreaming.

"But you know, in this manga I read, you remind me of a certain someone is always running around, trying to use garlic to ward off the vampire, only to get sucked dry in the end." As she said, this she gave her tomato juice box a hard squeeze before slurping the rest away.

He didn't like the way that she was looking at him. Making sure to give himself some distance from her, he stepped back a little.

"H-He's nothing like me at all."

"You'll be alright if you were to be attacked by a vampire, though."

Perplexed, he looked at her curiously. "Huh? Why?"

Pointing at him, she said, "Because you're a virgin."

He was now confused. He didn't remember anything about vampires that required someone to be a virgin to be protected. He was constantly attacked by Toga so he knew what he was talking about.

"If you weren't a virgin...You'd end up a ghoul, a mindless ghoul!" Now placing a hand on his shoulder, she winked at him. "Good thing you're a virgin, huh?"

'Wait a minute, -'

"-How do you know that I am a virgin? By your logic, you'd have to be a vampire or something."

"That's true."

Suddenly thunder echoed from outside.

'Huh, that was strange, he was pretty sure the weather forecast said it was going to be sunny today.'

"Want to find out, then?" Nagatoro said as she gave him a scary grin.


"I'm kidding."

"...then why are you staring at my neck?"

Standing up from her seat, she continued staring at his vulnerable neck.

"Can I try...?"


"...taking a bite?"


"I won't suck. I just want to try biting down."

"Wh-what is wrong with you?! Are you giving up on being a human?"

"I'm just pretending to suck your blood, just pretending." Pulling the upper side of her mouth back, she revealed to him her canines. "See? My canine teeth are pretty sharp. I just want to try giving you a prick with this."

She then began slowly approaching him. "I feel like I'm actually a vampire."

"Cu-cut it out!"

It was then that she pounced on him. He was presented with two options. Option A was to dodge her attack. The only problem with that was that she would fall on to the ground and most likely hurt herself. Or option B, catch and break her fall. Seeing that option A was out of the picture, he was left with no choice but to catch this wannabe vampire.

But as he was going to catch her, he stepped on one of the pencils on the ground, slipping as he caught Nagatoro. Laying on the ground, he looked up at the girl who was straddling him.

'Ok, this is getting out of hand.'

"Ca-can you please get off me?"

"Nope. You're my prey now, senpai."

"S-someone would get the wrong idea if they saw us. Is that what you want?"

Leaning closer down, he could see the natural blush on her face and the smile she was sporting.

"What do you mean, the wrong idea?"

"W-well, things and stuff."

Pushing forward, she unbuttoned his top two buttons, revealing his neck and some of his pectorals.

'His body is really firm and his chest is so nice,' she thought while licking her lips.

Reaching up to his neck, she grabbed it. "You have a nice, juicy neck, senpai."

"Stop! Stop it!"

"Why don't you shove me aside if you don't like it senpai?"

Of course, he did have the ability to shove her aside, but his body did not listen to his mind, succumbing to the girl's influence over it. She then leaned down in preparation to take a bite.

"Stop it!"

But before she could take a bite, she smelled something foul.

Jumping off, she covered her nose. "Eww, gross! Garlic breath!"

'I'm free!' As long as he escaped the isolation of the clubroom, there was no way that she would continue doing her antics in the general public.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere." With that, she jumped on him from behind.

Sitting on the floor, she realized she was grabbing something soft and long. Looking down, both parties were shocked to see her hand grabbing at his crotch.

Immediately she brought her hand far as possible from what it grabbed. Blushing, she turned away. 'It's so large...' But then, smiled after realizing what had happened.

"You got your wish, senpai! You got accidentally lucky!"

"That's not how it works!"