
Dominating Realities as Lord of Mysteries

Maximilian Hendrix a man with questionable morals commits suicide after the death of his entire family. He then gets an offer from a very powerful being which he accepts that leads to his reincarnation into the world of Lord of the Mysteries along with his sister. With the power in hand from the seemingly omnipotent being, Maximilian starts on an adventure in the new life with his sister. First World: Lord of the Mysteries (Currently here) Second World: Fate/stay night Third World: Bleach (maybe) ---------------------------------------------- This novel is extreme wish fulfillment in nature with probably a Pokémon harem and incest so if that kind of thing is not to your liking then don't read it. Also, mc is evil so don't expect him to seek justice or something. The updates will be irregular because I am just writing this for fun. Don't expect this to be plot heavy. The cover is not mine.

ImmortalVirgin_0980 · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Worm of Time

After Klein and Dunn enter, they look towards an exhausted but otherwise fine Old Neil and sigh in relief. It's not like they didn't believe in Max, just that any accidents could happen during such procedures due to unforeseen things.

Of course nobody in the room knew that Max saved Old Neil by eliminating the source of the threat entirely, nor would they believe him if he told them as such except maybe Klein.

"Old Neil is fine, he only needs some rest and then he will be good." Max tells this to both Dunn and Klein.

"Yes what His Excellency has said is true, I only feel tired right now." Old Neil also put his two cents and then thanks Max. "Thank you very much for helping me not to stray from the right path."

Old Neil bowed at the end and Max just accepted the gratitude from the old man.

While this was happening, Dunn turned towards Klein and told him to get ready for the mission to retrieve the Antigonus Notebook and that they will be using the help of Sealed Artifact 2-049 for it along with some Backlund Nighthawks.

After Dunn finished explaining everything to Klein.

Max interrupted them by saying, "Are you looking for this Captain Dunn?" After taking out the Antigonus Family Notebook. Dunn is stunned at this development while Klein has gotten used it now.

"Your...your Excellency?" Dunn stutters a bit and looks at Max with questioning gaze.

"Well I came here at Tingen yesterday and destroyed a nefarious plot that might have destroyed the city if come to fruition and some other minor problems. This was one of them, Ince Zangwill was another." Max says while reminding the guy. "Sadly something urgent came up last night, so I had to leave and didn't come in person."

Dunn just nods at this and then says with a grateful expression, "Tingen Nighthawks will forever be indebted to you, if you ever need us for anything you only need to ask Sir Maximilian."

At this Max changes his expression and says, "Actually I do need to talk about something important with you, that's why I came here. Let's let Old Neil rest and talk somewhere else."

Dunn becomes serious after hearing this and then leaves the room after making sure that Old Neil is resting fine.

He asks Max and Klein to follow him and then enters a spare room with adequate furniture. Dunn then asks them both to take a seat and then asks what Max wanted to talk about with a serious expression.

Max being a very straightforward person when the situation demands it, tells Dunn about what Ince Zangwill was planning and how it would have ended up if he didn't interfere with him. Klein was once again horrified by it, while Dunn almost jumped with fright after hearing about True Creator's spawn.

"Thankfully I dealt with the situation before it developed into something unfortunate. I just told all this to you, so that you understand that life is short and doesn't wait for anyone so do what you want to with courage lest you regret not doing it later." Max says to Dunn in a mysterious tone who first doesn't understand what Max is talking about and looks at him in confusion. After some thinking he gets the point and blushes.

"Are you talking about Daly, Sir Maximilian?"

"The thing I am talking about can best be judged by you yourself, Dunn Smith. Anyway take that Gatekeeper characteristic as an encouragement from me, I am sure the Goddess won't mind." Max just encourages Dunn to move forward.

There are many reasons for why Max is doing this. But the most important one is that he doesn't especially like tragedy unless it's of benefit to himself. And the romance between Dunn and Daly's romance was just that, tragic.

It was okay when it was just a book but now that it's his reality, he wants to do whatever he wants to do. Of course he has to clever about doing things, he understands that.

Also Max isn't just doing this completely for altruistic reasons. It's also to create an image of a kind and trustworthy leader in the eyes of Klein, first impressions last a long time after all. And their relationship is still in that impressionable period. Gaining trust so easily by doing something he himself wants to do is one of the best ways to accomplish multiple goals at once.

"I can't take this." Dunn refuses being the strict man he is.

"As the Blessed of the Goddess, I insist." Max uses his position as a Blessed to shut Dunn up. "Also Klein is going to leave Tingen Nighthawks and serve under me. This is the other important thing I wanted to talk about."

Dunn regains his composure at this and turns towards Klein, "Are you okay with this?"

Klein just nods answering the question.

"Anyway I will leave you guys to it. Klein I will come back tomorrow to take you under my wings and I mean that literally. So say your goodbyes to your comrades in Tingen Nighthawks today." Max says with a smirk to both of them while mentally speaking to Klein, 'Do give the hint about the acting method to the others if you want to. Also remember the most important thing about that method is that you are only acting.'

He then hands over the Antigonus Family Notebook to Dunn, of course that was after removing any type of corruption on it.

He then waves bye to them and teleports to his house.

This sudden departure wasn't part of his plans but he had to do it to manage another situation.

Of course only Max was privy to the details of the situation.




Thursday, 12th July, Year 1349 of Fifth Epoch

Late afternoon at Trambellini Manor

Eva after packing her stuff is ready along with Max who just put all the big stuff in his Inventories. Max already told Paul about them leaving the house and moving into a villa on Kings' Steet in Cherwood Borough.

After getting ready they both went out under the respectful gaze of servants. After leaving the vicinity of the manor, they just teleported to the villa.

It is a nice big two storey villa with many rooms. Not that Max needed many since he can just expand space inside and also create more rooms.

Anyway Max moves inside the villa with his excited sister who wants to decorate the villa according to her tastes.

Max leaves her to her devices after giving her stuff back to her from his inventories. He also told her that he is now going to use his special power so he will out for a while.

After making sure everything is okay with the house. He opens a 'Door' and enters Sefirah Castle physically again.

And he is going to use this new environment to stably ascend to Sequence 1, that he wouldn't have been able to without.

He quickly uses his Item Creation ability to create a potion which will make him ascend to Sequence 1: Worm of Time, without the need for any rituals since those effects will be added to the potion. The potion only contains 1 Worm of Time characteristic to make the advancement easier.

He also made a prophecy: "After drinking the self created potion Maximilian Hendrix easily advances to Sequence 1 Worm of Time with the help of Sefirah Castle, this is very reasonable."

Max then calms down and enters a cogitation state and then drinks the potion.

This time he immediately mobilizes the power of gray fog to stabilize himself. Just like in his advancement to Parasite, he feels separated from his body.

Slowly his Mythical Creature's form became complete. He became a giant ancient clock with hands made up of worms of time.

He then willed himself to regain his human form, which he did quite easily.

He pumps his fist in ecstasy.

Finally became an Archangel!

'Though I would have liked one being to interfere with the ritual only to be defeated but I guess I can't have it all.'

He then leaves the Sefirah Castle and goes home.


So that was the chapter. Hope you liked it.

I have been feeling a bit scatter-brained recently while writing so hopefully the chapter turned out okay.

Anyway this is important. I wanted to ask about important events relevant with Hidden Sage in canon. As far as I know they were Old Neil's death, Cattleya almost losing control and then joining Tarot Club, and Klein's Apotheosis Ritual. Do tell me if there are more, I want to know about it.

Also I have been thinking if I should include Dunn in Tarot Club instead of Leonard as Star. Do give your thoughts on it.

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