
Doctor Who - Season 17

The Fourteenth Doctor and Kathy face their last days together, new faces join alongside a new Doctor, and a deadly mystery spreads around the universe.

Thomas016 · テレビ
22 Chs

Xmas Special - Legend of The Angels

Snowdrops fall down onto a small town.

Outside a town hall, a small Christmas display has been made, behind the little baby Jesus are two stone statues, that look like Angels.

A man runs past the display and over towards a small building.

Running inside, the man looks around inside a Sheriff's station and says "Sheriff Diyon!".

Sheriff Diyon walks out, he has a name badge on that says 'Sheriff Richard Diyon'.

Richard says "in gods name what's all this shouting for Frank?" Frank looks at Richard "it happened! I saw it!" Richard says "saw what?" Frank says "the statues, they moved! They're coming for me" Richard sighs "listen, go home, I'm sick of all this moving statue crap, go home, stop wasting my time!".

Richard turns his back, but then hears a door slam shut, as he turns around, he sees Frank gone.

Running outside, Frank looks around but sees nobody around, Frank then turns down an alleyway, until he lays his eyes on one of the statues of an Angel.

Frank stares in shock "no, please! Not me, NOT NOW!".

Frank turns around, but he sees another statue of an Angel.

Frank stares in shock until he then blinks.

Down the alleyway, the two Angels stand there smiling as Frank is nowhere to be seen.

(Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

The Tardis materialises beside a small church, it's night.

Kathy steps out and she shivers.

Kathy says "Christmas!".

The Doctor joins Kathy and he smiles "oh I love Christmas" Kathy nods at him "me too!".

The Doctor looks around and he says "hmm-".

Kathy sighs and says "oh, don't start! What's caught your attention?" The Doctor says "look around" Kathy nods at him and says "I have, it's dark" The Doctor shakes his head "you said it earlier, it's Christmas, yet...do you see anyone?" Kathy then says "um, no?".

The Doctor looks over at a Sheriff's Station and says "over there, come on".

The Doctor and Kathy run past the small Christmas display with the little baby Jesus and two stone statues, that look like Angels.

The Doctor and Kathy enter the Sheriff's Station, and The Doctor says "hello?".

Sheriff Diyon walks over and says "evening sir, how may I help you?" The Doctor says "I was just curious as to why it's so quiet outside, isn't it Christmas?" Sheriff Diyon sighs and says "don't get me started with all the chaos going on outside-" The Doctor smiles "what chaos?" Sheriff Diyon rolls his eyes and says "we've had people going missing in the town, people are convinced that they're seeing statues...moving statues-".

The Doctor's face drops into shock and says "moving statues? Do they look like Angels?" Sheriff Diyon nods "well yeah, they're stood over near the Christmas display just outside near the church-".

Kathy then watches The Doctor zoom past her and run outside.

Kathy looks at Sheriff Diyon and says "he's a professional with this stuff, trust me".

Outside, The Doctor stands near the Christmas display holding his Sonic and scanning the display.

Kathy says "so? Alien display?".

Kathy notices The Doctor staring and not replying, Kathy says "Doctor?".

Sherrif Diyon runs over and says "what are you up to?".

The Doctor says "Sheriff, Kathy...stand beside me and look at this".

Kathy walks over and stands beside The Doctor, and so does Sheriff Diyon. Kathy and Sheriff Diyon stares at two Statues that look like Angels.

The Doctor says "both of you, listen to me, when I say...all three of us are going to blink at the same time, got it?" Sheriff Diyon says "gladly, I'm happy to put all this stupid nonsense to rest".

The Doctor nods and says "now!".

The Doctor, Kathy, and Sheriff Diyon all blink at the same time.

As they open their eyes, they see both the two statues of Angels now missing.

Sheriff Diyon stares in shock and says "what on gods Earth".

Kathy says "Doctor? Where are they?".

The Doctor looks around and says "they could be anywhere-".

Kathy says "what are they?".

The Doctor says "they're called The Weeping Angels-".

Sheriff Diyon says "what?" The Doctor looks at him and says "creatures from another world".

Sheriff Diyon then laughs and says "aliens? They were statues!" The Doctor says "only when you're looking at them" Kathy looks at him nervously "what does that mean?".

The Doctor faces both of them and he says "they're also called The Lonely Assassins, they're as old as the universe, or very nearly as old, but they have survived this long because they have the perfect defense system ever evolved. They are quantum-locked. They don't exist when they're being looked at. The moment they are seen by any other living creature, they freeze into rock. They don't have a choice, it's a part of their biology, turning into stone. And you can't kill a stone. Yeah, I know when you think about it, a stone can't kill you either. But then you turn your head away, or you blink, and it can! It can kill you, or send you back in time, and feast off of the life you should have had, they are the most dangerous creatures ever made, and they're here, feasting on this town...on Christmas".

Kathy says "what do we do?" The Doctor says "we stop them, we have to, or everyone on this planet could be trapped in a time loop...forever".

Kathy says "Doctor? What do we do?".

The Doctor looks at her and stands thinking for a moment and says "come on, think Doctor! How do you stop an Angel, with Sally, they looked at each other, with River I tricked them-" The Doctor looks at Kathy and Sheriff Diyon and says "Angels, they feed off of temporal energy, time...normally they displace you in time and feed off your life force, so something that they can feed on, something-".

A snowdrop falls on The Doctor's cheek, and he looks up at the night sky.

The Doctor smiles.

Sheriff Diyon says "what?" The Doctor says "a star".

A star shines in the sky.

Sheriff Diyon says "a star? What the hell are you on about Doctor?" The Doctor smiles "something that is millions, if not billions of years old, they can feed off of that forever. We just need to pitch them the idea of it" Kathy nods at him "and how do we do that?" The Doctor looks at Sheriff Diyon "is there a way to gather everyone up in the village?" Sheriff scoffs "there's not a whole lotta people left Doctor, I told you" The Doctor says "can you gather them up?" Sheriff Diyon nods "I can raise the siren, the church is the call point everyone will go to" The Doctor nods "do that, and the Angels will go where the people are, get everyone to the church!".

In the middle of the night, the siren starts to blare off.

A Weeping Angel moves its hand from its face, and an angry face is seen.

People run into the church.

The Doctor, Kathy, and Sheriff Diyon stand in the church.

Sheriff Diyon says "I called you all here today because our town is in grave danger, I have seen...with my own eyes, the devil himself...angel's...statues, that can move. And they're coming, coming for us all".

The Doctor steps forward and says "hello, I'm The Doctor, this is my friend, Kathy. We are here because we want to help you all, these creatures are from another world, but I have a plan, that's why you are all here, the Angel's are going to come here, I'm going to try and bargain for our lives".

A woman says "bargain? What if they don't like what you're sellin'?".

The Doctor nods at her "I'm offering them something incredible, I think they'll accept, I believe it".

Suddenly, the church lights start to flash.

Kathy runs over to a window and says "DOCTOR! ANGELS!".

The Doctor nods at her "it's time".

Suddenly, all the lights go out inside the church.

A door squeaks open.

The Doctor pulls his Sonic Screwdriver out and flicks it on, lighting the church up.

Two Weeping Angels are seen near the door covering their face.

People start to scream.

The Doctor shouts "EVERYONE BEHIND ME!".

Sheriff Diyon stands beside The Doctor and pulls out a revolver "Doctor, let me try first, they may listen" The Doctor says "they won't, please...don't-".

Sheriff Diyon steps forward and stands near the Angels and says "hello, I am Sheriff Richard Diyon, Sheriff of this town, I understand you've taken some of my people, this ends tonight, one way or another, I am offering you a chance to leave on your own, or I will shoot you".

The Doctor stands there nervously as he holds his Sonic.

The Sonic starts to flicker.

Sheriff Diyon turns around and says "what goin' on-".

As the Sonic flickers, The Weeping Angels start moving closer to Sheriff Diyon.

Kathy shouts "WATCH OUT!".

Sheriff Diyon turns around, but as he turns around, a Weeping Angel's finger touches Sheriff Diyon's forehead.

Everyone watches as he disappears.

People scream.

The Doctor stares in shock and he steps forward.

Kathy says "Doctor? Don't!".

The Doctor watches as the Angels get closer to him as the Sonic flickers.

The Doctor says "I am The Doctor, you must know me, I'm offering you something a little different-".

The Angels get closer and closer.

The Doctor starts to slowly step back and says "you have to feast, I know that...I get that! And I want to offer you something else, a buffet, never-ending feast...something you can feed on forever-".

The Doctor's Sonic then goes off.

The Doctor stands there nervously.

Kathy says "Doctor?".

The lights inside the church then come on, and the two Angels stand beside each other looking at The Doctor.

The Doctor smiles "imagine this, a star you can feast on, they are billions of years old, all that they have seen and been through, you can have it all, just agree to let these people live, flick the church lights on and off if you agree and want this".

The Doctor and Kathy both look at the Angels.

The lights then flicker.

The Doctor smiles "then let's get you to that star!".

Later on, the Doctor sits on the floor holding two devices.

Kathy stands looking at the two Angels and she says "so what're you doing Doctor?" The Doctor says "I'm just rigging these two small teleport devices to take them to the star, it'll be a one-way trip for them, but they will be able to feast forever, not harming anyone else" Kathy nods "well I think they're ready, and so am I".

The Doctor nods at her and he puts a device onto each of the Angels' heads.

The Doctor pulls his Sonic out and says "right then, off you go".

The Angels then both teleport.

The Doctor sighs and says "done" Kathy says "statues that can move, I think I've seen it all now" The Doctor looks at her "oh no, you haven't seen half of it".

A little later on, The Doctor and Kathy walk into the Tardis.

The Doctor stands near the console and says "right, Kathy Yates...where do you wanna go next?".

A massive light then appears inside the console.

The Doctor and Kathy both cover their eyes.

The Doctor takes a look and he sees Greg Redburn standing there.

The Doctor stares in shock "Greg? What are you doing here?" Greg smiles "Doctor? I can't believe I found you!" The Doctor says "Greg! What are you doing here?" Greg says "it's Jack Harkness, me and him were captured by The Ponjeries, it's The Rani...she wanted us to bring you to her, Jack gave me his teleport thing to find you, she said...you have a choice...a choice to make. She said this is the day you die".

Kathy stares in shock.

The Doctor looks at Greg in shock and he says "well, tell me where to go then".

Also Starring:

Jared Padalecki- Sheriff Richard Diyon

Next Time - New Year Special - The Choice of The Rani - The Doctor, Kathy, and Greg are lead to a secluded planet, that is completely full of ice. The Doctor encounters The Ponjeries, who is back working for The Rani. With time ticking, and time running out for The Doctor, Rani has a choice to make.