
Doctor Who - Season 17

The Fourteenth Doctor and Kathy face their last days together, new faces join alongside a new Doctor, and a deadly mystery spreads around the universe.

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22 Chs

New Year Special - The Choice of The Rani

The Doctor steps out of the Tardis.

The Doctor grunts in pain, he then looks up, looking at the Redburn house.

The Doctor looks through a window and sees Maya inside, she is smiling happily.

The Doctor sighs "I'm sorry I got you killed...I'm so sorry-".

Regeneration energy then starts to appear from his hands.

The Doctor then says "but it's time to go".

(Title Sequence)

David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

Parminder Nagra - The Rani

John Barrowman - Captain Jack Harkness

The Tardis shakes as it flies through the Vortex.

The Doctor stands piloting the Tardis.

Greg looks at him, then over at Kathy.

Greg smiles "hey there, I'm Greg".

Kathy nods at him "Kathy, I've heard a lot about you".

Greg nods at her "good things?".

Kathy smiles "yeah, and about your sister, Maya. I'm so sorry".

Greg nods at her "it's been difficult, but I'm doing what I can".

The Doctor then pulls a lever, and the Tardis starts to materialise.

The Doctor stands looking at the console and he smiles "right then hopefully I'll see you soon".

The Doctor smiles at Kathy and Greg and says "come on then-".

Greg grabs The Doctor's arm "but what about her warning? About you dying?".

The Doctor says "listen, she's got Jack, I know he can't die, but she'll be doing everything in her power to figure out why he doesn't die, this is why she wants me, she wants some of my lives, some of my future lives because she's on her last, but Jack shouldn't have to suffer through the pain, just for me, now...come on!".

Stepping outside, ice-cold winds blow.

The Doctor says "bit colder than I'd have imagined, but...still".

Kathy and Greg step outside together.

The Doctor looks over into the distance and sees a massive building.

The Doctor says "I wonder where she could possibly be, oh wait, maybe the massive building?".

Greg smiles at The Doctor.

Inside the massive building, Jack sits tied to a chair.

A Ponjerie steps forward and says "soon, the experiment will begin on you".

Jack says "listen, as far as dates have gone, this isn't even the worst thing I've been through, but I'm really not in the mood to be experimented on today".

The Ponjerie growls "you don't have a choice, she has to do this!".

Jack says "who?".

The Rani then walks in and says "me, hello Captain Jack Harkness, a friend of The Doctor's".

Jack nods "I'm assuming you are too?".

The Rani laughs "not quite, we may be the same species, but that doesn't mean I like him".

Jack says "oh yeah? I met another one like you, The Master? We beat him".

The Rani smiles "I'm a lot smarter than The Master, I don't need to destroy things to get what I want, I just take the people he cares about most and then he comes to me".

Jack says "you won't get away with it".

The Rani nods at him "sure, we'll see about that".

The Doctor then walks into the room with Kathy and Greg.

The Rani shouts "GRAB HIM-".

The Ponjeries grab The Doctor.

The Rani then points her gun at Kathy and says "you two on your knees, and don't talk!".

The Doctor looks at Kathy and Greg and he says "do what she says".

Kathy looks at The Rani and says "please, don't hurt him-".

The Rani smiles "I will do what I have to do!".

Greg nods at her "like you always do?".

The Rani smiles "nice to you see again Greg, how's Maya? Oh, wait...still dead?".

Greg glares at her.

Kathy and Greg then got onto their knees.

The Rani smiles as she looks at The Doctor who is being held by The Ponjeries.

Jack says "Doctor?".

The Doctor looks at The Rani "let Jack go, you don't need him anymore".

The Rani nods at him "fine-".

The Rani unlocks Jack's chair.

The Rani says "get on your knees with the other two".

The Doctor is then pushed onto the floor, a Ponjerie takes The Doctor's Sonic and hands it to The Rani.

The Rani smiles "I always liked your Sonic".

The Rani then places it down on a desk and says "but you won't be needing this anymore".

The Doctor looks at her "Rani, just listen-".

The Rani shouts "NO YOU WILL LISTEN, I need you to save me, I'm not asking for you to volunteer for this, cause nobody ever would, but you are the only one who can do this, and I am going to do this".

The Doctor shakes his head "what are you talking about?".

The Rani looks at him and says "what do you think I've been building all this time since our last encounter where I tried to kill you? I have been building an ancient Gallifreyan medical procedure".

The Doctor says "which is what?".

The Rani says "a Regeneration Extractor".

The Doctor stares in shock.

The Rani then says "wire him up! NOW!".

The Doctor sits on the floor in agony with wires attached to him.

The Doctor says "Rani! Listen to me, whatever you're doing, it won't just remove regenerations, it will kill me".

The Rani stares at him and says "a price I'm willing to pay".

The Doctor sighs "it's not about me, but I remember before I realised I tried to save Gallifrey during the Time War, I remember the pain I felt because I thought I was the last Timelord in existence, if you kill me, you will be, well one of the last two, but to have that burden, to feel that, to know that...that will be the part that will kill you".

The Rani stares at him and says "except I am dying! I have run out of time! This is all I can do now, I'm sorry, but this has to happen".

Jack, Kathy, and Greg both watch in shock.

The Rani walks over to her computer and presses a button.

The Doctor starts to scream as regeneration energy is extracted from him.

Kathy screams "DOCTOR!".

The Doctor looks over at his friends.

Suddenly, a gunshot then hits The Rani in the shoulder.

The Rani turns around and she sees The Master.

The Master says "if anyone is going to kill The Doctor, it's going to be me, not you!".

The Rani says "try me!".

The Ponjeries start marching over to The Master, but he then pulls out his Tissue Compression Eliminator and starts shooting all of The Ponjeries, miniaturising them.

The Rani shakes her head "NO!".

The Master then shoots the Ponjerie Captain, killing it.

The Master walks over to The Rani, pushing her over.

The Master then clicks on the computer, stopping the Regeneration Extraction.

The Doctor takes a deep breath and he pulls out the wires attached to him.

The Doctor smiles at The Master "thank you-".

The Master says "it's not about saving you Doctor, it's about-".

A gunshot then goes off.

The Doctor looks down at a gunshot wound in The Master's chest.

The Master falls to his knees in agony.

The Doctor looks up at The Rani who is holding a gun and she says "I am going to win!".

The Master looks at The Doctor "leave, leave the planet, I always survive, you know I do".

The Doctor stands up and looks over at Kathy, Greg, and Jack.

The Doctor shouts "RUN!".

The Rani points her gun, shooting at The Doctor as he joins his friends and runs out of the room.

The Rani sighs as they leave.

The Rani throws her gun to the floor angrily.

The Rani then looks at The Master "I didn't want it to be you".

The Master says "well, it is now...do what you have to, but make sure it hurts!".

The Rani clamps the wires onto The Master and she says "It will don't you worry!".

Kathy runs outside, followed by Greg, Jack, and then The Doctor.

Kathy takes a deep breath and smiles "we got away!".

The Doctor stands there nodding at her "yeah we did".

Jack looks at The Doctor "what do we do?".

The Doctor says "we have to go".

Greg nods at him "what about The Master?".

The Doctor says "he always has a plan, always...I always knew, somewhere in him was good, after Missy, I just-".

The Doctor takes a step forward, but lets out a grunt and falls to the floor in pain.

Kathy runs over and kneels beside him "Doctor? What's wrong?".

Jack looks at The Doctor and then sees a gunshot wound in The Doctor's back.

The Doctor says "Rani, she must've got me as we were running out".

Greg stares in shock "b-but you-".

Kathy shakes her head "no, you can't. We can help you, take you to a hospital or something?".

The Doctor shakes his head and says "I don't need a hospital, I can heal myself".

Jack looks down and he sees The Doctor's hands starting to glow.

Jack says "Doctor?".

The Doctor nods at him "we need to get back to the Tardis".

Kathy pushes open the Tardis doors as Jack and Greg help The Doctor inside.

Kathy closes them behind her, walking up to the console.

The Doctor holds onto the console for support and he says "Jack? Greg? I'm taking you home, I have to do something before I go".

The Tardis materialises in Torchwood.

Jack and The Doctor walk out together.

Jack hugs The Doctor and says "good luck, and come visit soon. I bet whoever is next is gonna be a good-looking guy".

The Doctor smiles "maybe I'll stay away then".

Jack smiles and says "goodbye Doctor".

The Doctor walks back into the Tardis, walking slowly.

The Doctor slowly walks to the console and smiles at Greg "back to the Redburn house".

Inside the Redburn House, Karla and Billy Redburn sit on the sofa together watching television.

Suddenly, a gust of wind picks up.

Billy then says "oh my god, he's come back".

Karla shakes her head "no, it can't be-".

The Tardis then materialises inside the living room.

Greg walks out of the Tardis and he smiles at Karla, hugging her.

Karla then says "what's going on?".

The Doctor steps out and says "I was just coming to say goodbye" Karla says "goodbye? What do you mean?".

The Doctor says "just...goodbye".

Billy looks at him nervously "are we never going to see you again?".

The Doctor scoffs "I don't know, that's up to the next one to decide".

The Doctor steps forward, looking at Greg.

A tear rolls down Greg's face.

The Doctor then hugs him and says "you know how thankful I am to you, and to Maya, and to your family for bringing me in, for helping me to become the man I am now! If it wasn't for all of you, I might not be".

Greg nods at him "I just wish you had more time".

The Doctor laughs "yeah, me too, I always wish it right at the end, but I've enjoyed every moment of it".

Greg smiles.

The Doctor looks back at the Tardis and says "right, off I go, one last trip".

Greg smiles and says "bye Doctor".

The Doctor smiles at Greg, Karla, and Billy Redburn.

Kathy stands near the console in tears.

The Doctor closes the Tardis doors and looks over at Kathy.

Walking up to the console in pain, The Doctor looks down at his hands, which are glowing again and he says "not yet, I'm not done".

Kathy says "where are we going?".

The Doctor smiles "one last goodbye to make".

The Doctor steps out of the Tardis.

The Doctor grunts in pain, he then looks up, looking at the Redburn house.

The Doctor looks through a window and sees Maya inside, she is with Greg, Karla, Frank, and Billy, and Maya is smiling happily.

The Doctor smiles "I'm sorry I got you killed...I'm so sorry-".

Regeneration energy then starts to appear from his hands.

The Doctor then says "but it's time to go".

The Doctor puts his hand onto the Tardis door handle but a voice then says "Doctor?".

The Doctor turns around, seeing Maya stood outside her front door.

The Doctor stares at her "Maya?".

Maya says "you never came back when we said".

The Doctor nods "you were pregnant".

Maya looks at him.

The Doctor says "Maya listen to me, I'm not here to pick you up, and you have every right to be mad at me for not coming back for you, but I will someday, right now...I just wanted to see you".

Maya looks at him "me and Greg, we do miss you".

The Doctor smiles at her "I miss you every day".

Maya nods at him and says "one trip?".

The Doctor laughs "oh...I wish, but there's no time, not now".

Maya looks at him and says "well, I'll see you soon?".

The Doctor nods at her "yeah, you will".

The Doctor opens the Tardis door, he takes one last look at Maya and smiles.

Entering the Tardis, The Doctor grunts as he climbs up to the console in pain.

Kathy says "that was Maya?".

The Doctor nods at her "yeah, I had to say goodbye".

Kathy nods at him "I know".

The Doctor then pulls the dematerialise lever.

The time rotor starts to move up and down.

The Doctor looks at Kathy and says "Kathy? I know you're frightened, I am...I am terrified, I have been through this so many times, I remember every face, I remember every death of mine...the pain, the friends, the loss, all of it, but it's not every time that I get to be with someone when I change, where I don't have to be alone when I die".

Kathy then holds The Doctor's hand and she nods at him in tears "I'm here for you, every step of the way, I promise" The Doctor smiles at her.

Regeneration energy starts to appear on The Doctor's neck, and on his face.

The Doctor then lets go of Kathy's hand and he says "I have enjoyed every second of this, every day of my life, every day with the Redburns, every day with you. My story started crashing to Earth, it ends flying away from Earth, a full circle, don't you think? Goodbye Kathy, and hey? Remember me".

Kathy bursts into tears "goodbye, Doctor".

The Doctor smiles at her with tears streaming down his face.

The Doctor then leans back, and the regeneration energy pours out of him.

His hands explode with regeneration energy, and so does his face.

His skin changes from dark to white.

His hair changes from black to dark brown.

The 15th Doctor then emerges(as actor Connor Swindells).

The Doctor looks at Kathy and says "right, well...hello, um. Wow, new voice, a bit of a boring voice, I think. Or is it sexy? I don't even know, anyway. Hi again, Kathy".

Kathy stares in shock at the new Doctor.

The Cloister Bells then chime, and the Tardis makes a weird sound.

The Tardis starts to shake erratically.

Kathy shouts "what's happening?".

The Doctor says "we're going down, the shields are down too!".

Kathy says "what does that mean?".

The Doctor says "hold on".

In the middle of a forest, the Tardis smashes into the ground.

The window panels explode and shatter.

Inside the console, fire and smoke fill the console room.

Both The new Doctor and Kathy, lay on the console floor unconscious.







Also Starring:

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Dawn French - Karla Redburn

Mark Kermode - Frank Redburn

Noah Jupe - Billy Redburn

Alex Kingston - River Song

Sacha Dhawan - The Master

Connor Swindells - The 15th Doctor

Next Time - Season 17 - Coming Later This Year - The Doctor and Kathy will return.