
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · 書籍·文学
342 Chs

Chapter 165: Dragon-Transformed Wolf Pack

"..." Hearing this young voice, Sandro cautiously lifted his head, eyes moving up to look at the back of the exaggeratedly large giant wolf, the source of the voice.

Then, his eyes met a pair of lazy golden pupils, naturally, the man showed a hint of astonishment, because between the dense dark blue fur, he saw a young man wearing a long robe.

This young man appeared quite young, sitting there, draped in a black robe, most of his body hidden within the giant wolf's fur, and with his aura so well-concealed, no one noticed the young man on the wolf's back until he spoke.

"So young!" This was Sandro's first impression upon seeing Muria; Muria's face and appearance were too youthful, barely twelve or thirteen years old, making it hard to believe.


"Lord!" After a moment of shock, Sandro decisively sheathed his heavy sword and bowed to Muria. Anyone with a brain could tell that the young man before them was not an ordinary human youth.

A young man leading a group of silver-level giant wolves through the wilderness could not possibly be an ordinary person. This young man was either a powerful being who deliberately maintained a youthful appearance or a high-level monster capable of transforming into a human form. Regardless of which, it was a matter of legend.

Sandro truly hadn't expected to encounter such a being, only heard of in bard tales, in his lifetime. He wasn't sure whether to be thrilled or to lament his misfortune.

"Lord, we're only half a day's distance from Black Rock Town!" Despite his surprise, Sandro, though not the most worldly, had seen quite a bit and quickly regained his composure, promptly answering Muria's question.

"Black Rock Town?" Muria furrowed his brows.

"For us, it requires half a day's journey, but for your mount, Lord, perhaps it will take no more than a moment to reach Black Rock Town." Seeing Muria's frown, Sandro quickly added.

"Is this still within the territory of the Norton Kingdom?" Muria asked, having ridden the wolf pack toward the location of Troy he sensed through the contract for over a month, completely losing track of his whereabouts. But it didn't matter; his only goal now was to find Troy, everything else was irrelevant.

"Yes." Sandro answered Muria somewhat puzzledly, finding the question somewhat odd. Not knowing which country one is in?

"How far in this direction must I go to completely leave the Norton Kingdom?" Muria pointed in the direction the giant wolf had initially intended to go.

"This..." Muria's question stumped Sandro; he was just a leader of a low-level adventurer group, usually taking on tasks in a few nearby cities, with a rather limited range of activity.

In fact, he didn't have a clear concept of how large his own country was because he hadn't traveled it, so he couldn't answer Muria's question.

"Lord, if you continue south for about six hundred kilometers, you will completely leave the Norton Kingdom and enter the Hundred Leaves Duchy." At that moment, a somewhat corpulent merchant, wiping the sweat from his face caused by fear, approached Sandro and answered Muria's question.

"Six hundred kilometers, then it's not far." Hearing a specific distance, Muria nodded in satisfaction, his curiosity also piqued by this perspiring, corpulent merchant.

Providing a specific distance meant this merchant, devoid of any apparent strength, might have personally traveled it, which is no small feat in this world. If he is an ordinary person without any transcendent powers, that's even more remarkable.

Because, in this world, monsters, goblins, and kobolds are everywhere, and while ferocious species of beasts aren't as densely populated as on the Titan Islands, their numbers are still staggering.

Moreover, above the ferocious species, there are even more formidable monsters. An ordinary person traveling long distances under constant threat of death, whether in terms of courage or awareness, is quite impressive.

Over the past month, Muria, riding the ferocious wolf pack, has encountered countless monsters, from the common trifecta of weaklings to dragons at the top of the food chain.

Hmm, not long ago, Muria encountered a young black dragon, not one of the twenty-two he was raising. Nonetheless, Muria briefly stayed.

He had a thorough discussion with the young, inexperienced black dragon, teaching it many principles of dragon life, re-educating and reforming its mindset. Under the threat of a blade to its neck, the black dragon earnestly memorized every word Muria said.

Then, it deeply reflected on its decades-long life, acknowledging its mistakes, and promised Muria to become a dragon with dreams, ideals, and ambition, a positive, helpful, "three-good" dragon.

"This is your reward." Muria took out a dog-head gold piece as large as a millstone and casually threw it in front of the merchant, something he had casually taken from that unlucky black dragon.

"Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!" Seeing the massive piece of dog-head gold before him, the merchant didn't utter a word of refusal, instead bowing deeply to Muria in gratitude. This was an unexpected fortune.

"Go!" Muria gently tugged on the golden fur of the giant wolf's neck, then the wolf turned its head, lowered its body, and ran, leading the wolf pack into the jungle, disappearing from the caravan's view in a few breaths.


"It's been over a month." Sitting cross-legged on the broad and soft back of the giant wolf, being rapidly carried forward, Muria reflected, "Time flies so fast, it's just gone in the blink of an eye. But it won't be long before I reunite with Big Cat."

In just over a month, this wolf, originally only three meters long, underwent a dramatic transformation.

Its life essence changed under the influence of Muria's aura, undergoing dragon transformation and gigantism. Carrying Muria and moving forward, its size continuously increased, its strength advancing by leaps and bounds.

The golden fur that now adorned its neck was the best proof. Parting the fur, one could see delicate golden scales.

As for the dozens of wolves slightly smaller than the lead wolf, about ten were the lead wolf's original followers, while the rest voluntarily followed as Muria rode the lead wolf through the wilderness...


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