
Divine Wealth System: Watch me Rise!

Being born into a poor family. His crush took pity on him and gave him money to change his life around. He must pay her back, but... Even with her help, nothing changed. Chris is now a 22-year-old living with his crippled rottweiler, Bruno, his only joy left in this life. Will he ever be able to change his life around, or...will he die just as he was born, weak and poor? [Ding! Divine Wealth System activated] 'Even in a million years, I wouldn't have imagined something like this was possible.' [Congratulations for spending more than 10.000 UEC at once, a surprised gift has been sent to your inventory!] With this system, could Chris finally rise on the social scale and become rich? Can he go in front of Sophie and declare his love for her? "I'm not sure of anything, but if it's not impossible, then I'd like to at least try! Watch me Rise!"

Qijumelzikon · 都市
4 Chs

Divine Wealth System

[Mission 1 Completed. Receiving rewards...]

[Divine Wealth System]

[Host: Chris Collins]

[Wealth: 100 UEC]

[Level: 2]

[Strength - 0.98]

[Agility: 0.92]

[Stamina: 0.84]

[Intelligence: 1.09]

[Charm: 0.77]

[Prestige: 1]

[Stats: 0.3]


Seeing the changes pertaining to his stats and wealth, Chris knew he wasn't dreaming.

Despite barely getting home, he went out once again and completed the one kilometer run in around ten minutes.

This was lower than the average time, and it most likely had something to do with Chris's low Stamina and Agility stats that weren't even close of being the average for an adult man.

Checking the system's message logs, Chris saw another two brackets there, Prestige and Stats.

[Ding! Level up! 100 UEC received. 1 Prestige received. 0.3 Stats received.]

[Wealth: 200 UEC]

[Prestige: 2]

At this moment, he was ecstatic, but a single thing bithered him, "System, what is Prestige?"

[Ding! Prestige are System Points that can be used to unlock or buy normal or miraculous items from the shop. Higher number of Prestige could even affect host's luck to a certain extent.]

"This is definitely crazy."

Since he had some time to breath, Chris analyzed what he knew until now.

Firstly, a weird thing like this system happened to him, for no apparent reason.

Secondly, his own body body really went through some changes, as he felt the minuscule improvements.

Thirdly, he could make money!

As for other things, he would find out in the future.

But for now...

"Access Shop."

[Ding! Opening shop...]


Pressing on skills, a window showed Chris different active and passive skills that he could use to get stronger.

"No freaking way! With these, I can even become a Limiter and surpass human restrictions!"

Limiters were those people born with one or many special powers, they were capable of doing a lot of superhuman things, including flight, smashing buildings with a single fist, or traveling through the Universe!

It was only because of such people being alive that their small Planet Nevas B1 was recognized as being a part of the Universe forces.

Despite the human race being quite big, they weren't the rulers of the universe, there were other races that truly ruled it.

This didn't mean that humanity as a whole was weak, just that they were too scattered and couldn't seem to find a way to coexist with each other.

Quarreling, fighting among themselves, these are the most important factors that caused the entire race not to have a place at the table of the powerful.

Humans were looked down on because of this, but no one seemed to really care about it.

There were still some strong Limiters out there that wouldn't lose to powerhouses of other leading races, but they did nothing to change the status quo.

Back to the Shop, Chris was surprised by what he found at the Equipment section, there were all different kinds of weapons or armors that enhanced his stats, some only by a few points, others by a lot, it all depended on their rarity.

It went from common to uncommon, rare, epic, legendary; there were two other rarities, but Chris couldn't see them because they had to be unlocked using 1 million UEC as well as 1000 Prestige.

As for Accessories instead of weapons and the like, there were pendants, earrings, rings, bracelets, even tattoos that offered different stats and effects.

He soon observed a thing.

Randomly picking a 'special' skill/weapon/bracelet, Chris was contemplating how he should spend his money and Prestige in the future.

[Passive Income(Common Skill): Receive 1 UEC every ten seconds. Cost: 10.000 UEC, 10 Prestige.]

[Poisonous Dagger(Common Grade): A well-crafted dagger that increases Strength, Agility, and Stamina by 0.32, it's poisonous against enemies and it doesn't and it can't hurt the host. Cost: 6400 UEC, 6 Prestige.]

[Stylish Bracelet(Common Grade): Made from a similar material as gold, this bracelet shouldn't be worn outside. Cost: 7100 UEC, 7 Prestige.]

"The more special ones could only be bought using UEC and Prestige. The other items or skills aren't as good as them."

Feeling a bit better than before, Chris still felt bad.

Why? Because he was still poor.

'What can I do to get some money?'

Right as he thought that, another mission popped up in front of him.

[Mission 2: Spend 100 UEC at once.]

[Rewards: 500 UEC, 1 Prestige, 0.1 to all stats.]

'Let's go!' As if a divine entity answered his prayers, which really happened, Chris was pumped up.

Unfortunately, it was too late and he couldn't do that now. So he did the most sensible thing and went to sleep while setting up his alarm for 7AM.

It wasn't that he was desperate or something…


Eight hours quickly passed, and Chris woke up with a smile on his face for the first time in months.

Last time he did this was when he received a 100 UEC bonus from a man he helped carry some things around.

Unfortunately that was also his last decent job as that rich man finished moving and he didn't require any help.

'The rich sure paid differently compared to others. Well, it's their money, they can do whatever they want with it.'

Shrugging his shoulders, Chris didn't think about that anymore.

After all, he was going to earn his own money from now on with the help of the system!

'Just wait for me Sophie, one day I'll stand before you as a new man, one that deserves your love.'

Quickly getting up from the bed, Chris first went to feed Bruno, feeling bad for the latter. Because of his bad mood yesterday, he forgot to take him out to eat.

He felt bad for doing that, such as he gave him everything he could find.

Bruno observed his mood and he curiously moved his head from left to right as if confused.

Smiling, Chris patted Bruno before touching his forehead with his own, "Don't worry Bruno, things are going to get better. I promise."

Saying so, Chris left his apartment before making way to another cursed ATM, the system said it transferred the money to his account, and he wanted to check that before spending!

'Let's do this!'