
Divine Souls

Friends Aki and Runar try to perform a binding spell with each other when things go wrong and they are sent into a new world. Given new names and a system they slowly grow and become more powerful. This is my first time writing something so please forgive me if its bad. If you enjoy please give power stones. Doing so will tell me you like it and I'll add more chapters daily. Cover is not mine. If it is yours please let me know and I will take it down

FoxyWitch · ファンタジー
62 Chs

A Talk

As both Aeden and Mihael slept after school both Usiel and Raziel sat in the living room and talked. 

We have been searching everywhere for traces of the demon cult that we found but we haven't found any concrete information. Usiel said in frustration. 

It will be okay dear Raziel replied trying to comfort her. We have been finding their minor figures and while they don't know anything we are hampering their spread. 

Yeah I know but it is still frustrating. Why must we be so low key about this? We are so powerful and we could find them in a moment if we wanted to. Usiel said punching the table in front of her in anger cracking it in half.

You know why we can't do that Usiel. Raziel said mending the cracked table with a wave of his hand. The will of this world will kick us out if we reveal too much of our abilities. And then we would leave our two boys alone. 

God I hate it when you are reasonable Usiel replied while fuming. So what do you suggest we do?

Well it might be risky but since both Aeden and Mihael were born on this world they could use a scrying spell for us since the world's will won't recognize them as outsiders. They might be able to discover something we can't.

Absolutely not! Usiel yelled while quickly standing up. We won't put them in harm's way. 

Look we can protect them and also we have cloaking spells to protect the scrying spell from being tracked back to them. The only other option I can think of would be involving the church.

Both of those options are horrible but I definitely don't want to involve the church. They are just as bad as the demon cults except they don't admit the harm they cause. Fine we can ask Aeden and Mihael if they would be willing to do this but the moment I sense anything wrong we stop this and we don't involve them anymore. I want them nowhere near those cults. I am afraid of what they would do to them, especially if they find out what they are. Usiel said sitting down and slowly calming down.

I know honey Raziel said grabbing Usiel's hand in a loving gesture. I don't want anything to happen to them either but we don't have much choice left. We can't keep searching blindly for the culprits. For now let us go prepare for a plan B.

Getting up they headed to a secret room underneath the stairs leading to the 2nd floor. Opening the door they walked in and looked at the wall in front of them. On the wall was a map of the city with marks where they found the members of the demon cult. They were trying to find a central location or something that gave them a clue to what was going on. They began marking spots where they would search or set up tracking spells or wards to hopefully find a higher member of the cult. After spending an hour repouring over their information they didn't get anywhere but had to stop because they heard Aeden and Mihael waking up. 

They went in to the kitchen to prepare an early dinner and a potion to help the two recover for tomorrow. As they ate Raziel and Usiel talked to them about casting a Scrying spell to help them find a demon cult. At the mention of a cult Mihael got scared and angry but managed to control himself from letting it show. Aeden realized what was going on with Mihael through their special connection and grabbed his hand in a comforting manner trying to help him calm down. 

Once Mihael calmed down he agreed to help them cast the spell and to help rid the city of the cult. His eyes began glowing pure black as he controlled his rage and urge to destroy them and after taking a moment to meditate and calm down his eyes went back to normal. 

Both Raziel and Usiel looked worried about their son but they thought it was just based off of what happened to him originally when he first came to this world. 

Mihael didn't seem to realize what had happened to him and after he calmed down nobody spoke of it again. After they finished their dinner they all went to the secret training room since it was secluded and large enough for the spell they were going to cast.