
Divine Souls

Friends Aki and Runar try to perform a binding spell with each other when things go wrong and they are sent into a new world. Given new names and a system they slowly grow and become more powerful. This is my first time writing something so please forgive me if its bad. If you enjoy please give power stones. Doing so will tell me you like it and I'll add more chapters daily. Cover is not mine. If it is yours please let me know and I will take it down

FoxyWitch · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Element Training Array

After the fight with the spoiled brat of a noble all of the students headed back to class guided by their teachers. Reaching back to the classroom their teacher Mr. Jewel. He told them to take their seats before introducing the next lesson. 

He started drawing a 5 pointed star with 5 circles around it with a 6th circle in the very center on the chalkboard. He then began explaining.

This is the basic formation for an elemental attunement array. You have 5 people standing on the outside in the circles with a teacher or someone who has a high mana control in the center. This helps you practice your control of different basic elements. The 6th person in the middle acts as an intermediary or a conduit. You can also use this to combine magics to make an attack together. Today we are going to practice this. 

Right after saying this he walked to the space between the podium and the students seats. He used his magic to draw the array on the ground and told the students to take places around him. As they all took their places he began activating the array as he explained what they are to do. 

He told them to gather mana of an element that he assigns to them and focus it into a ball above their heads. As they nodded in understanding the array began glowing. 

Each student had the circle around them glow a color. Fire around Christian. Water around Lydia. Earth around Morgana. Air around Aeden. And Wood around Mihael. 

As they were focusing on gathering the elements and focusing on controlling it both Aeden and Mihael heard the system. 

<Element Training Array detected>

<Elemental magic training increased to 1.2x>

<Wood and Air Magic Amateur level achieved>

<New quest!>

<Achieve 5 amateur level in all basic magic skills>

Quickly reading it they understood but decided to discuss it later because they needed to focus. After about 5 minutes of gathering and controlling the elemental mana the teacher changed their elements. He slowly moved their elemental mana balls to someone else and gave them enough time to gain control before letting go of his control. All of the kids began sweating by but they were managing slowly. after about 30 minutes of this where the teacher swapped their elements every 5 minutes he gave them all a chance to get used to every basic mana element before they were all sweating and exhausted. Almost all of the students useable mana has been used up and they were all manting on the ground and covered in sweat. 

Mr. Jewel began speaking. Alright good job everyone. We will do this every day to boost your control and get you used to using elements. I want all of you to be able to use a basic level of the elements by the weeks end. You should be able to use tier 0 magic like an extension of your body. This will help you towards achieving that. Remember magic is imagination made real with your mana as a fuel. That is also why the higher elements are so hard to use.

Grabbing all of the elemental balls from the students he gathered them all above his head before slowly dispersing them. He had to be careful not to clash the mana of different elements together because the different elements can fuse or clash which can cause destruction. After they were all dispersed he helped the kids back to their seats and let them rest before the day was over with. After another 30 minutes of letting them rest he called an end to the school day and walked out.

Soon after all of the kids left feeling too tired to talk or anything. Heading out both Aeden and Mihael met up with their parents who asked how their day was but the two were too tired to respond past short answers. They had used a lot of mental energy and mana today and needed some time to recover. Both Raziel and Usiel picked the two up and carried them home. When they arrived home Raziel and Usiel put the two to bed for a nap as they went downstairs to let them sleep.