
Discovering Something Special (Edit in process)

"Quincy" "Yes darling" "I'm not yours yet" "You were mine the moment I laid eyes on you" "Quincy" "Yes darling" "You're too old" "I heard older guys are spicier. The spicier, the better. I wouldn't say old, I'd say mature" "Quincy, go home" Quincy Davis shamelessly claimed Seraphina Jacob as his. He liked her at first sight, but he fell for her at the first "hello". "Sera" "Yes Quincy?" "My eyes are up here" "Oh My. I prefer the two dangling eyes between your thighs. The nose in between is saying hello to me. Hi little Quincy. Let's get to know each other well in the future" "Sera, eyes up here not down there" Seraphina Jacob shamelessly claimed Quincy Davis as hers. She liked him at first "naked" sight, but fell for him at the first "kiss". This is a fluttering story about Quincy and Seraphina, and how their love blossomed in the Summer. Updates at least 2 chapters a day. Currently updates 5-6 chapters per day. Cover photo is from Niña on Pinterest titled "The time that you know the love will never end."(https://www.pinterest.com/pin/784189353842863640/)

QueenCL · 一般的
81 Chs

Baby blabber II

What the babies were really saying...

Al: My diaper feels full

Amy: That's what you get for over feeding

Ady: The milk was yummy.

Al: See! Ady also had extra serving

Amy: I don't care. Do you think the visitor is going to be handsome?

Al & Ady: Yes!

Al: Great J went on and on about how good looking he was

Amy: Great J also said he had a firm and thick butt

Ady: She said our butts were cute and squishy.

Al: Do adults like firm butts?

Ady: I think they like soft ones

Amy: Stop talking about butts or I'll mess up my diaper

Ady: do you think he's better than daddy?

The triplets laughed at how ridiculous that question was.

Amy: Dad is the best

Al: Most handsome

Addy: That's why we all look good too.

Seraphina felt a scorching stare behind her. She was helpless against Quincy's jealousy.

"He is my mentor. Nothing more," she said smiling.

"If he was in his 40s or 50s, I'd gladly accept him. Your mentor is 30 and hot," he said disapprovingly.

"Like you said, you're the best." She sent him a flying kiss.

"Then why are you giddy with excitement and bouncing around like you're on cloud nine just to pick an outfit?" Even for their dates, she never spent this much time on dressing up.

"I need to look pretty. He's the first guest I've had in 7months since giving birth to the kids." It was a rare chance for her to brush up her looks. She needed to be at her best when she met with her mentor.

Quincy said nothing and remained grumpy.

Great J is Granny Jacobs

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