

[Initializing Diagnostic]

Name: ???

Type: Hammer-Axe Hybrid

Class: Growth Weapon

Weapon Level: White

Spirit Level: Newborn


Durability: 200/200*

Speed: 3**

Weight: min-5 lbs max-100lbs

Mana: 120/5


Status: Curious and Hungry

Elemental Affinity: Lightning, Ice, Nature, Unknown Affinity

Passive effects:

Remarkable construction: Due to its materials and techniques in creation, this weapons focus is potential. This is normal for its state as a growth weapon. It's stats and abilities will increase over time through the consumption of more materials.

Intuitive speed- aerodynamically stable and somehow finds a way to guard its user if swung in defense. +2 speed

Regeneration- The Heart of the Dryad has granted this weapon regenerating capabilities from chips and dents. +3 durability per second when durability is lower than max and more than 40.

Durability- Nearly indestructible like yeti leather. 50% damage reduction

Súper Conductor- Two magical metals have come together to produce a new alloy that has almost zero resistance to current and almost thrives in it.

Selective- Weight control to designated owner. Current owner: Loki

Traceable- Weapon can be seen from anywhere as long as sister stone in possession

Active Effects:

Call of Nature- Will amplify any Druid spell when cast with it.

Absorb- can draw lightning, heat, and even emotions to empower the Axe's cutting ability. Has to be completely still to work.

Thunder- Can temporarily overcharge the weapon. At full charge, can release a blast that is the definition of "begone with the thunderclap"

Permafrost-Objects struck by weapon will experience a paralyzing/Numbing affect that is a combination of ice and Lightning mana.

*Average durability of steel weaponry is about 100

*Average speed of a steel long sword is 1

[Diagnostic complete]

I am not gonna lie I was slightly surprised yet a little disappointed about it.

[What did you expect to create a legendary weapon on the first try. Even with the best materials in the whole world, your skill isn't enough to perfectly handle all the materials. I applaud you though for getting as far as you did along with the decision to go for a growth weapon. It may not be legendary now but it certainly can become one]

Why are you being the logical one. Isn't that my job.

[You sometimes let your emotions bog you down. They are useful for some situations but not this one]

You aren't wrong.

Lifting up the hammer, I admire the three foot long axe. It has grown half a foot longer than intended. I can even feel it's newborn soul cheer happily at me.

It's active effects are self explanatory but

it also has a lot of passive abilities I find useful. The durability, regeneration are very convenient while the superconductivity is expected. The weight control is actually incredible. I can use it to train. Not to mention it's speed make it a great weapon to use.

I'll also never be able to lose it. Maybe I can find some other way to use that effect.

Curiously it has one of my unknown affinities due to my spirit refining. It also has a spirit and will of its own. Apparently that Lightning linked up everything perfectly.

All in all as a partner weapon, I can ask for nothing better.

"I'll name you Leviateinn, the weapon of Loki. May you create great wonders and wrought great destruction."

[Keeping to Norse mythology are we?]

What am I to do? Name it Mjolnir or be unoriginal and call it storm breaker.

Loki has his own weapon in Norse mythology. Plus my abilities, although similar to the God of Thunder, are more comprehensive due to my personal habits.

"Leviateinn huh? Interesting", I heard Sudri say.

"Hand it here Loki, allow me to inspect", Nordri said.

"Master allow me to complete it first. I don't want you getting any sneak peaks," I said rebelliously.

He looked at me and thought for a moment before smiling.

"Audri take us back".

Audri smiled and then all of us suddenly appeared in the forge room.

I got to wonder how he does that.

Looking at the heat of the forge room I feel much more comfortable than outside.


I was outside.

[Yes you were]

I didn't even take advantage of it, I was too focused on Leviateinn.

[You leave tomorrow any way]

I guess your right.

Looking to the hammer I feel a bit of happiness.

"We will leave you now. You've done a fantastic job so far. I look forward to its completion", Nordri said escorting everyone out.

I have completed two jobs, the blacksmithing and the Soul smithing. All that remains is the Rune smithing and my decorations.

Looking at them leave, I take out the two gems my friends gave me.

These along with a large diamond will be the power source. I intend to nock them in at the center point between the axe head and the hammer head on one side and leave to other side open for my runic enchantments.

The way Rune Smiths measure their prowess is not just by how many runes they know but on how many they can apply at once. I currently can't use more that one.

The reason there's a limit is that carving runes into a weapon is extremely dangerous. It requires a lot from the weapon and the carver.

First the weapon must be able to handle it and be compatible. Leviateinn may be made from incredible materials but I don't want to risk it putting more than one. Usually the max amount of runes on the base of the weapon is four not including the soul smithing ones. This is very close to becoming a runic sentence.

Secondly, the forger has to be knowledgable enough to plan out the runes so they don't conflict. Normal a runic code on the gem is useful in this regard but sometimes you want both runes outputting at the same time so you have to be careful and know if each enchantment is compatible

Finally, the forger has to be skillful enough to use the exact same amount of strength on both carves. Even if one rune was written years earlier.

Plus you can't just put a sharpness rune on a hammer. The weapon has to have something to apply the enchantment toward.

Luckily I have thought ahead and thanks to Alviss, I have just the ingredient to make it happen. The ring he gave me is actually a strand of hair from a beast that can shapeshift its hair. It's been incased in metal to protect it.

As the heir apparent to the God of Mischief how can I not have a shape shifting weapon. Plus it will help me reduce my weight since I won't have to lug so many weapons around.

The rune I am going to apply is called líki or ᛚíᚲᛁ. It means form or shape and is useful in anything having to do in editing that.

Applying the rune to a sand castle would likely keep the sand in that form as long as there is mana while applying it to an already existing form allows it to be malleable.

Runes are just like that. Their meanings can be interpreted in many ways which is why runesmithing is broad and complicated.

Now I don't necessarily know exactly what this rune will do to Leviateinn. In fact, this is just an educated guess based in the rune and the material I am applying it on.

Pulling out the ring I attach it to the workbench and begin to try and open the ring. I'm going to tie it around the handle and weld it on.

Cracking open the ring at the point it was welded together, I can't see the hair so I'll have to trust Alviss.

Walking to my Leviateinn whose looking nicer and nicer in my eyes every second, I lift her up to wrap the ring around where the handle meets the axe-hammer bit.

As I'm doing that, I can't help but admire the engraving of a thunder beast etched into the side of the hammer side. It looks life like. The thunder beast looks like a raging bull with a much more ferocious look.

Taking out the runic welder, I completed the attachment.

I also ask Leviateinn not to apply mana to the ring yet. It has a sort of sentience to it and it seems to only listen to me.

Next I start to carve open some sockets for the three gems. Using a carving knife, I delicately carve out some sockets right above the ring.

Some weapons can only take a certain amount of sockets but this weapon is very accepting of them like a starved child.

I can see the weapon making groves by itself to the sockets in preparation for the power sources.

I already have the gems out to compare sizes to sockets so now all I need to do is place them in and lock them with metal supports.

I look at the diamond and begin to carve a runic command in it stating to only output energy based on the weapons will. Most forgemasters would set their Will to be the priority but I constructed this weapons soul to take commands from me. It takes almost the same amount of time to tell it what to do rather than me doing it manually. Plus that means the weapon can regulate itself without my input.

After carving the diamond and holding it close to its socket something interesting happened.

The weapon automatically adjust and grew a metal incasing for the diamond ensuring it was visable but will never come off.

Leviateinn has simple thoughts and all he said was thank you.

I did the same with Ice gem of aquamarine and then the Lightning turmaline. Leviateinn let me know it was full and couldn't accept anymore.

Looks like I have hit the limit, but that's perfect for me since I got my two main attributes on it already.

With that I flip the weapon on its other side and take out the carving knife.

Focusing, I realize my back is full of sweat already. This has been a long day. I can sleep for 5 days after this.

[Just describing it took forever]

It's important! This will be my partner in crime and a valuable Legendary weapon in the future.

[As long as you don't die, I don't see why not a Godly weapon]

That's possible?

[Have it absorb some Godly materials and find out]

Thinking about it for a moment I realize that's reasonable.

Looking at my weapon, and how similar this runes gonna be to my name, I mused that this would be like signing my name.

Taking the brush to my canvas, I complete the rune very efficiently with no mistakes.
