
Devil's Emperors| The Devil's Luck Pirates 8 Years Later; A Fanfiction

3 years after starting their grand adventure, the Devil's Luck Pirates, lead by William Emanon, defeated a Yonko and took their position, becoming one of the four great pirate crews in the New World. Taking the island of Gold Nucleus as their territory, they founded the first major tourist stop in the second half of the Grand Line, The Split Atom Casino, and have spent the last 5 years living in total luxury. Now, to celebrate their anniversary, William would like to make a speech... The One Piece DnD Podcast is run, recorded, and edited by Daniel Rustage, and the game is played by famous Youtubers with a strong connection to the One Piece franchise; Tekking101 plays William, Briggs, also known as All Day Anime, plays Ragnar, 2Spooky plays Verona, and Lost Pause plays Duros. This product has no association with anyone above, please support the original creators. The One Piece DnD Podcast is streamed on Twitch every Thursday at 7pm EST and can be found on Youtube, Spotify, and iTunes. The One Piece franchise is originally created by Eiichiro Oda, produced by Shueisha, and published in SHOUNEN JUMP Magazine. Please support the original release.

HikikoHermitage · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter One

In the New World, the second half of the tumultuous sea known as the Grand Line, there was an uninhabited island known as Gold Nucleus. It was called this first because of the island's unique flora: trees like black metal with leaves made of real (but diluted) fool's gold contrasted with the marble pillars that seemed to push out of the rock on the Autumn island. The other reason is because of the strange and deadly currents that surround the island, making both entry and escape difficult.

After defeating an Emperor of the Sea, the Navy dispatched a fleet including two Admirals to eliminate the weakened Devil's Luck Pirates, but through their strength, luck, and an all-too convenient roll on William's Roulette-Roulette fruit, they managed to just barely push back the naval assault, killing an Admiral in the process. Coming across the island of Gold Nucleus, they braved the deadly waters to find shelter on the golden horizon; respite from the world which seemed to be against them.

They saw it fit here to make this island their first territory, and the crew's shipwright, Ragnar, set to work to make the island truly hospitable. Crowning himself as "King of the Gamblers" captain William Emanon decided to make this territory into the "Greatest Casino in all the Blues and the Grand Line" and, after succeeding in building large, custom-made ships that could easily pass through the island's currents, began making connections with the Grand Line's Criminal Underworld.

The rest, as they say, is history...

Now, five years since it's founding and eight since the crew began their journey, the Split Atom Casino is thriving, it's marble towers standing high against the black night, the light from within reflecting magically off the gilded trees. Inside, green carpet and mahogany furniture fills the space as various people from all races, criminals and citizens alike, fill the room in formal dress. Behind the bars and gambling tables are strange people; one may be tempted to think they were robots if not for their lively eyes and personalities.

In the far corner of the room, a man stood surveying the space, an oversized glass of grog in one hand and an axe behind him. Currently dressed in a suit vest with a bow-tie, the man was bald with a shaggy brown beard and a band covering one eye. This was the former shipwright and now Head Enforcer "Raging Flame" Ragnar, bounty 850,000B, and though he was surveying the room, he wasn't actually seeing anything. Towering over him, his vice-head and son Magnus was taking in the room in his father's stead. Normally, they would be in the VIP lounge, but today was special. Today was the anniversary of the Split Atom's founding, and the captain was set to make a speech.

Distracted by the thrills and company expected from such an establishment, only Magnus and a few other onlookers noticed the man walking down the raised staircase to the large middle platform between the bottom floor and the VIP area. Dressed in full, elegant plate armor with a red and black panache was the Second-in-Command "Diligence" Duros, bounty 1,050,000B. Across his back was a large centurion's shield emblazoned with the Devil's Luck Jolly Roger and an equally large black-bladed broadsword. While the noise of the casino barely obscured the noise of his clanging steps, it could do no such thing for the feedback that erupted when he tapped on the Den-Den Microphone. He had everyone's attention

His noble, yet strangely humble voice rang through the speakers around the room, "Ahhh, yes, um-" he cleared his throat, "-Sorry for the interruption, but, as was announced and advertised throughout the week, our captain would like to take some of your oh-so valuable time to commemorate this evening; the night that this great establishment that we all love was founded."

A black-metal strip on the wall behind Duros suddenly lit up with the word 'APPLAUD', prompted by a remote he held behind his back. Naturally, the people responded in kind, though some had a clear look of fear; a basic idea of "If I don't clap, I'll be killed", which is only natural when dealing with one of the four major criminal overlords in the world's most dangerous sea.

"Now, without further ado, may I introduce you to the entrepreneur, the emperor, the king of gamblers and my beloved captain: William Emanon!"

The sign began to flash wildly signaling everyone to applaud more ferociously; they did, and even Duros joined them. Strutting down the stairs with bravado was the captain of the Devil's Luck Pirates, William "House Rules" Emanon, bounty 3, 666,000B. He wore a black pinstripe suit and an oversized coat with gold epaulets and red, green, and black tassels. His face was rodent-like, with a brown goatee and hair tied back into dreadlocks. On the top of his head was a black cowboy hat with gold trim. He moved next to Duros, but his presence seemed larger somehow, despite being dwarfed by his Second-in-Command. Duros, meanwhile, stepped back to give William the floor, standing at attention.

William stood next to the microphone, looking regally over the people below him with pride. He raised is arms like a conductor, then dropped them into finger-guns with a mischievous grin. Red and green flashes of light sprang from his fingers and whistled across the room before exploding into brilliant fireworks. The people cheered and clapped as William showed off his (current) powers. His hands seemed to turn into light as sparks and playing cards flew forward like sprinklers. Some people in the audience were spotted pocking these cards while at the gambling tables.

"Hey everybody, how's it going?"

The people clapped politely, there were a few whistles.

"So, of course, when people meet me, they always want to know about what it's like; how some nobody in the South Blue could reach such a position as an emperor; much less 'king of the gamblers'." This was all a lie, no one ever asked him these questions, but he liked to imagine that they wanted to, but didn't out of fear.

"So, I thought tonight, in honor of this place, and all of you that keep it running, I'd lay it all bare, get it out there, give all you lovely people the story of me, and my crew. Fittingly, the story starts with the origin of this Casino's name-" He bit his lip and breathed sharply as if holding back a tear "-I had just finished killing the father of a navy captain..."

He kept talking, and above him, on the sparsely populated VIP floor, stood two figures. The first was a slender man in a black tuxedo with purple trim and a matching tie. His long, straight, white hair went all the way down to his waist where two scabbards were strapped horizontally. He was grimacing behind his mask; it always frustrated his pride somewhat when William told this story, since he never mentioned what role he had played. This was the former navigator, and current Head of Security Verona "the Undying", bounty 757,000B. He wore a brass Hannya mask, a mask that would've been intimidating if not for the large, cartoonish eyes on the front. Having lost his sight in an unfortunate battle, he used his Ani-Ani powers to animate the mask and see through its eyes, with its only orders to remain silent and mirror Verona's expressions. However, something else was on his mind...

Next to him was "Pyrrhic Princess" Pearl, bounty 1, 910,000. Eater of the Mythical Snake-Snake fruit, Model: Western Dragon, she became the most wanted crewmember after mastering her fruit and almost singlehandedly annihilating the Navy Fleet of Vice Admirals sent to destroy the crew. She never had an official role on the crew, but was now the "Prime Minister" of Gold Nucleus, meaning that she was responsible for the daily management of the Split Atom and acted primarily as William's secretary. She stood in a red tight-fit dress that appeared to be made from some kind of reptile skin with black fur trim. Her pink hair still fell just below her chin, but she had grown it out just long enough to add a bun to to the right side of her head. She adjusted her glasses and smiled as she watched William tell their story with childlike enthusiasm.

"Uhhh- Pearl?" Verona spoke up, obvious concern staining his otherwise stoic voice.

"Hm? What is it Verona?"

"Do you know the name of that fruit-power William's using?"

Pearl thought for a moment. "Um... I think it was the Fizzle-Fizzle fruit, a firework Logia." She giggled girlishly, "He rolled so many times. He wouldn't give up until he got a fruit that he could show off with. You know he only has two rolls left now?"

"That's hilarious, Pearl, but do you remember the briefing I gave you earlier?"

"Yeah, you said that some super-rookie was visiting the island."

"Yeah- 'Red Glare' Rockefeller, remember?"

"Of course, but what's the big deal? Are you worried he'll try something? We have plenty of security; I can't see him getting past all of us."

"That's not the problem. Rockefeller is the current user of the Fizzle-Fizzle fruit."

Pearl's face fell into her hand, "Fuck."


"This is my fault."

"Don't worry about it. As long as William doesn't use his powers too much, we can probably just say it was pyrotechnics."

"You're right. Who would believe that someone else had the same power, it defies all logic! Even the Marines still don't know William's power!"

As if on cue, William lit up with explosive light, shouting "BOOM! CRACK! KAPOW!" He continued his dramatic light show, "-And then, in the darkness of the bear-cavern, Pearl transformed for the first-"

A red light whistled through the room towards William, just missing his face and exploding in orange and gold sparks against the wall behind him. William appeared visibly shaken as he looked to the man now standing next to the bar.

"Cha-ha-had" emerged from the corner of the room.

The various vents flung open as a menagerie of animated firearms poked out and aimed at the man identified as "Red Glare" Rockefeller.

He was shirtless and tanned. His bestial face was locked in a demonic grin as he walked from the bar into the center of the space; hand outstretched and smoking. His braided hair was like a lion's mane of orange and yellow, and the image of a red boar's skull was tattooed on his chest.

William did his best to compose himself. "Oh! Oh, I see! And who might you be?" He was clearly flustered.

Rockefeller growled back, "Nobody special. I was just wondering what you were doing with my powers, your highness."

William stood there with his mouth half-open, an undignified lack of response as he slowly comprehended the rookie's meaning. Picking up in his place, Verona shouted down from above, as he now stood on the railing, "Hold it right there, Rookie! How about you calm down and we have a little chat before things get messy."

"As if your bullets would do a thing against me, don't you-"

Verona interrupted him, "Pardon my french, kid, but I don't give a singular fuck about your fruit powers. Besides, I'm not even aiming at you."

Sure enough, the guns all shifted to the bar; the eight individuals identified as Rockefeller's crewmates by Verona's animated mannequins.

"We can settle this quietly, kid."

"As if." His grimace tightened, "You were fools to allow us to come here; I don't know what you did to me, but I ain't gonna sit by and let it happen!"

Shots rang out towards the bar. Of the eight people, 4 were hit, and 3 were killed instantly. Of the remaining, one, a ferret mink, dodged, another deflected with his sword, and the remaining two were power users. One surrounded himself with a sphere of red light, stopping the bullets in their tracks. The other transformed with what must've been a Zoan-type Devil Fruit, morphing into a massive beast-creature with a mane and thick, bronze-like hide that deflected the bullets.

"CHA-HA-HA-HAD!" Ragnar emerged from the corner and began to strut towards the bar, axe in hand. Behind him, Magnus began to transform into the hybrid form of his Ancient Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Carnotaurus.

Rockefeller yelled, "BRING IT ON!"

Sparks flew out from his body and he charged forward, flying through the air with a shrill whistle. He looked like a demon of flame as his face turned to viscous sparks, embers flying around him and singing the people below. He went straight for William, but was unprepared for Duros' interference. In an instant, Duros was in front of William, shield in hand and blackened with Armament Haki. Rockefeller slammed head-first into the shield, and was forced out of his Logia state. His eyes rolled back and Duros slammed him into the floor with the flat of his sword, causing the stairs to crumble and collapse. The super-rookie laid unconscious in the rubble below.

In his hybrid Bear-Bear form, Ragnar swung his axe at the transformed beast, cutting it cleanly in the stomach. The beast's eyes rolled back as he fell, blood spurting like a fountain from the wound. Landing on the ground, Ragnar turned to the remaining crewmembers with a murderous grin.

They looked around with obvious fear as who was obviously the two strongest crewmembers had fallen in a single moment. The one that manifested the red light was especially flighty, and slammed his right hand against his chest. He glowed with green energy and moved towards the exit with inhuman speed. Almost no one, and certainly not Ragnar, could follow him with their eyes; but they didn't have to. As quickly as he left, he reappeared, and standing by the door, arm blocking the exit, was Louis "Tick-Tock" LeCloque, doctor and performer, with a bounty of 150B.

The man was now even more startled, but activated his power again, this time moving towards the VIP area opposite of Pearl and Verona. But Verona was having none of it, and before the man could pass the railing, he had already leaped across and cut him in the air, causing the man and causing him to fall, bleeding and unconscious, to the floor some 30ft below.

The remaining crew members slowly kneeled and raised their hands in defeat as Ragnar returned to human form.

"Cha-ha-had, no pride in these weaklings. What a disappointment!" Despite his words, he was still smiling.

"C'mon Dad. You never give me a chance to show off." Piped Magnus, his quarter-giant body all the larger in his Dinosaur-Hybrid form.

"Cha-had, don't worry about it boy. You know I can't help myself, besides, you see that cut?" He gestured to the fallen beast, now returned to human-no, Skypiean form.

"That was supposed to cut all the way through, but it only went halfway. That guy was the real deal, a Mythical Zoan."


"Cha-had, you're right. Tell ya what, if William lets these guys live, you two can spar when he's healed."

Magnus gave a sad, toothy smile, "Alright."

At this point, animated handcuffs began emerging from the vents, some carrying seastone shackles, and began to arrest to fallen pirates. Magnus along with some lesser employees began taking them to the brig, unconscious bodies in tow, as the eyes of the people once again fell on William, standing dumbfounded.

"Ahh-yes! Good job everyone! Um... anyway... uh... That story was boring anyway. Drinks are half-off for the next three days and there's a lottery; ask about it at the bar. Have a good night!" With those words, William walked hastily up the stairs back to the VIP lounge.

Duros took his place at the mic, "Sorry about the disturbance everyone; those vagrants will be dealt with posthaste...Enjoy the discounted beverages." He followed his captain as Louis and others surveyed the damage done to persons and property below.
