
Detective Conan Kogoro Mouri : The strongest uncle

This story will be after chapter 91 of the book Case Closed : Strongest Uncle because i'm tired of waiting Mister translator. Anyway it's free of charge and raw easily findable. The real crime world is not as simple as in the anime at all, blood and darkness are mixed with the ultimate evil in the world. Detective Conan, a famously modified version of the magic, is a terrifying world where tricks are rampant. Kogoro is carrying the system and is about to be the strongest detective in the world. What I've been searching for is the truth. Of course, money and beauty are also indispensable.

Layios · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 81 The person that Ran like

Mouri remembering a scene from the past.

Just then, little Ran voice came from behind : " Dad ! "

It seemed there is a bit of anger on Ran face, seeing this Mouri mind quickly returned to normal and directly introduced Ran : " Miss Natsue, this is my daugther Ran. "

The two said hello and are now acquainted.

Ran opened : " Earlier I heard from Mr.Kitaro that Miss Natsue is the bride that will be marry tomorrow ? "

Natsue nodded and said : " Yes, with grandpa help, I am finally getting married, my fiancee is the person who has been called by my grandpa, his name is Takeshi. "

Feeling the sea breeze had become a little cold, Natsue suggested :

" I'm a bit hungry, let's go back to the restaurant and talk. "

With this the group went inside the cruise, leaving the deck who is now empty of any being.

At the restaurant table, the servant were kept busy to serve several drink and snack to Mouri group who were chatting with Miss Natsue.

Miss Natsue laughing happily suddenly asked Ran :

" Little Ran, do you have someone you like ? "

Ran face became red like a tomato while both Conan and Mouri ear perked up but Haibara couldn't help to roll her eyes toward Ran.

Seeing the crowd in front of her, Ran eyes lingered on Mouri for a moment before quickly turning away and quickly said : " Yes, you can say that ! "

The people present can't help being more curious.

Natsue immediatly asked : " What kind of person is he ? "

Little Ran smiled and said : " That guy is clever and has a strong reasoning... "

When Conan heard this he couldn't help to smile and rub his head, Mouri being in a bad mood gave Conan a big chestnut.

"... he is way more stronger than me, and always protecting me. "

Conan smiled foolishly with a red bump on his head.

"... he is a good singer, the bravest man in the world, just like my father. "

Ran saying this immediatly blushed and hugged Mouri arm.

Conan, on the other side, felt nothing but a cold wind blowing through, and his body seemed to have been transformed into an ice sculpture, with the words echoing in his mind: " Singing is good, singing is good... "

At this moment, the red dump on his head seemed to become more painful, Conan eyes were tearful.

Who is it ?! Who is the person than Ran like ?! In appearance Conan seem to be normal but only him knows how in his mind he is going crazy to find who is the person that Ran like.

It was only at that moment that Mouri showed a happy smile.

Natsue was surprised and realisation dawned upon her : " Wow, it turn out that little Ran want to find a husband like her Dad, it seem that Ran is a bit of a fathercon. "

Little Ran face immediatly flushed, and Mouri touched his head with a smile and said with a proud voice : " On the world it is impossible to find a second man as talent as your father ! "

Conan could not help to add in whisper : " Tch, stinky old man ".

It helped him to gain another big and fresh red dump on his head.

But Conan at this moment doesn't care about this, in his heart he promise himself that he will find the person than Ran like !

At the side, Haibara maintained her gaze on Ran, and her pale blue eyes narrowed.

Indeed, she was a woman who could not be understimated.


At this moment, the person are starting to enter the restaurant, the bald man Kitaro, the fat aunty Mariko and her son Ichiro are sitting at an table.

Dressed in a open-back gowns Akie and the yellow-haired man are sitting on another table together.

The second son Joji stood by the housekeeper to help with the cutlery.

Finally, Takeshi who is bit late came and sat beside Natsue.

Akie not seeing the old man asked : " It's already so late, why Grandpa hasn't arrived yet, Hatamoto housekeeper, try to call grandpa again. "

The old housekeeper received the order and put down the cutlery before going toward the old man room.

After a few moment, from the direction of the room came the old housekeeper scream, and the face of the people immediatly changed, all of them rushed toward the room.

Only to be met with the old housekeeper collapsed outside the door with a look of disbelief, inside the room lie Gozo wearing a kimono, there was a wound in his abdomen where fresh blood keep on bleeding.

The face of everyone changed, Natsue screamed in disbelief and tried to run toward the room but was pulled by Kogoro Mouri.

With a grave voice Mouri says : " No one can enter this room without my permission. "

He, alone, went in the room to explore and check Gozo pulse but found he is already dead.

The bald man Kitaro quickly said : "Mr.Mouri is a well-known detective in Tokyo, I'm sure he will help us to find the killer, so everyone must listen to him ".

Hearing this, the face of the people on the cruise couldn't help to change, there is actually a detective on the ship !

Kogoro Mouri began to survey the scene, after being tricked by the original plot many times, he no longer believe it.

In the end, it is better to solve the case yourself.

The windows of the room were closed, same for the door and there is only one key who is still at the hand of the old steward from Hatamoto household, but the weapon is nowhere to be seen.

Outside the door, the people started to quarrel, and there seemed no trace of sorrow in their face, at this time the yellow-haired man opened his mouth and said : " It must be a suicide, this is a secret room and the key was at the old steward hand, but the old steward was in the restaurant so it's impossible for him to commit the murder. I'm sure the old man must have been tired of life that's why he left like that to punish his children. "

He keep on talking, quickly on trying to solve the case, so that he can divide the inheritance.

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help to reprimand him : " Don't be foolish, this is a real murder from the beginning to the end. See there are traces of blood being cleaned out outside the doorway, how can a person who committed suicide can clean the traces of blood ? "

" Right now, it is 8:40 pm, the time of death is probably between 30 and 40 minutes, and from 7:30 we have been waiting with Miss Natsue and the Hatamoto housekeeper at the restaurant for dinner, that is to say, we have no suspicion. So the murder must be among the few of you who have no alibi. " said Mouri.

The yellow-haired man opened : " Then how do you explain this murder inside the secret room ? "

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help to roll his eyes at the man : " Are you stupid ? This is not a secret room killing at all, I already said it, there is a trace of blood being cleaned outside the door, the culprit must have took his weapon outside the door to stab at Gozo, then the old man escaped toward the secret room and locked himself in it and finally died by blood loss. "

Hearing Kogoro Mouri reasoning, the crowd couldn't help to be amazed by the detective skill, Conan can't help to look at Mouri profil, how is uncle Mouri reasoning so accurate today ?

Little Ran eye can't help to show sign of worship.

So it mean everyone can be suspected of being the murder, the suspect present couldn't help to be suspicious of each other.

Natsue grasped Maori's shoulder, and with tears in her eyes, she said : " Mouri detective, you must find out who killed my grandfather. "

Mouri naturally said yes.

So here is the second chapter.

I hope the translation is not that bad and feel free to enjoy or point out my error.


Layioscreators' thoughts