
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Mad_verse · 映画
178 Chs

Dumbledore's visit

Authors Note-

You can read up to 20 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


( Timeskip - 1994)

At the base of Skull Island, Howard Stark walked on a cobblestone road, breathing the fresh air, and he was full of emotion. He had been here for over two years, and no one would have thought of it. A person who should have died lived so unrestrainedly.

In the past, Howard always tried his best to complete his work in S.H.I.E.L.D., inventing and making equipment daily, but who knew he was tired of it long ago? Everything was done according to the plan of work and was straightforward and dull.

But he didn't expect his passion to break out again after coming to Skull Island. There are all kinds of satellite equipment here, far exceeding the advanced technology today, so he could not extricate himself from the ocean of knowledge. He even regretted that he did not ultimately sell his soul to Ivan when he signed the contract, as many advanced technologies still could not be accessed.

At first, Howard thought he would be locked in a dark place and could only do research honestly. He didn't expect to wake up and find himself on an island with a beautiful environment and many mutants with strange abilities. Howard realized that Ivan was not a devil but a person with unique skills. The so-called resurrection was a mutant ability.

Because of the contract, Howard can only stay on the island. Still, because of his serious work attitude and solving many technical problems, he has some discounts, and he can get his son's information from the Red Queen anytime. Knowing that his son is doing well now, the news relieved him.

The level of technology on the island was beyond imagination. Some equipment was ordered directly from aliens. If this equipment were used to do bad things, it could even destroy the earth and human beings. However, Howard was not worried. With this idea, otherwise, the world would not be so peaceful.

When Howard sighed, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Mr. Stark, so you are here. Our newly developed mobile phone is made. You should go and have a look."

Howard looked back, but it was a middle-aged man in a neat suit dressed as an aristocrat. Howard did not dare underestimate this person because he was Kerry, Ivan's most trusted businessman and butler. The controller on the bright side of the empire could manage such a massive industry in an orderly manner. Although it is due to Ivan's guidance and the assistance of the Red Queen, it can also be seen that his ability is strong.

"Of course, we are going. This brand new phone is the result of our hard work. Although not the most advanced, it is the most in line with the current world market."

Howard walked to the laboratory with Kerry. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ivan holding a mobile phone and throwing it up and down.

"Here you are; the phone's been tested and meets our expectations," Ivan declared, tossing the sleek device to Kerry.

"I call it the Apple iPhone. Just as the apple reigns supreme over fruits when it comes to revolutions, this phone will revolutionize the industry!"

Kerry examined the phone, his practiced eye noting its functionality. Satisfied, he planned to take a sample for mass production. Brimming with ideas for future development (unaware they mirrored concepts from his past life), Ivan eagerly shared them with Kerry, who listened in admiration.

Suddenly, the Red Queen's voice cut through the air. "Dr. Ivan, a visitor from the UK, seeks an audience at the castle."

Intrigued, Ivan raised an eyebrow. His castle's remote location, shrouded in perpetual clouds due to his energy manipulation, rarely attracted visitors. "Who is it?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," the Red Queen replied.

"He appears anxious despite trying to conceal it. Perhaps a pressing matter compels him to seek your aid."

Ivan chuckled. "Such schemes aren't my style, Red Queen. Let him wait."

He pondered the reason for Dumbledore's visit. News of Voldemort's recent resurrection and the resulting chaos in the British wizarding world had reached him. "Dumbledore, no doubt, seeks my help against Voldemort," Ivan concluded.

"But I won't be swayed into actions that don't benefit me."

He considered Dumbledore's potential offerings. Magical items like Slytherin's Locket or Gryffindor's Sword were within his crafting abilities. The precious items – Dumbledore's Elder wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak – were more likely tied to Harry Potter's protection, making them difficult to acquire.

Lost in thought, Ivan settled on a specific treasure, then vanished, leaving Kerry staring.

Meanwhile, outside the castle shrouded in mist, Dumbledore waited anxiously. Coming to Ivan was a last resort. Their initial deal, granting Ivan access to magical knowledge in exchange for the British Royal Family's safety, had left a lingering distrust. But with the situation escalating, Dumbledore had no choice but to seek Ivan's assistance.

Fortunately, Ivan didn't make Dumbledore wait long. A metallic groan echoed as the castle gate rumbled, revealing a bridge constructed from an unknown, obsidian-like material. It extended towards Dumbledore, a silent invitation.

Dumbledore, accustomed to magical shortcuts like apparition, felt an unfamiliar vulnerability. Ivan's technology suppressed magic within the castle grounds, forcing him to rely on mundane means. He took a deep breath and crossed the bridge, the oppressive silence amplifying his anxieties.

A house-elf named Winky greeted Dumbledore inside the castle before leading him to a stately reception room. Ivan awaited him, a picture of casual courtesy. After exchanging pleasantries and accepting refreshments from Winky, Ivan cut to the chase.

"Professor Dumbledore, let's dispense with formalities. I know you seek something. Speak plainly. A direct approach serves us both better."

Dumbledore nodded, appreciating the frankness. "Very well. I confess, I come seeking your aid. As you're undoubtedly aware, the wizarding world is in turmoil. Voldemort's resurrection has plunged us into darkness. His power grows unchecked, and I fear he may soon overwhelm us. I implore you to intervene."

Ivan shook his head, a touch of regret in his voice. "Professor, while I did attend Hogwarts, I remain an outsider to your world. It's a conflict best resolved internally. Why should an outsider meddle, especially without personal gain?"

A hint of disappointment flickered across Dumbledore's face, though his voice remained steady. "Dr. Ivan, you're right. It wouldn't be fair to burden you. However, perhaps assistance could come in other forms. You once unlocked the potential within Remus Lupin, a werewolf. His enhanced abilities proved invaluable in our fight against Voldemort. Could you consider a similar approach for others?"

"Enhancing strength isn't a simple feat," Ivan countered. "It requires rare materials and considerable energy expenditure. I offer such aid only when sufficiently incentivized. Lupin's case was unique; his potential exceeded expectations."

Ivan's facade masked a silent scoff. He saw through Dumbledore's attempt to manipulate the situation. Despite his earnest pleas, the old wizard held back some of his true thoughts. Ivan keenly sensed another's mental state and detected a subtle discord within Dumbledore's spirit. It was a clever ploy, but Ivan wouldn't be swayed so easily.

"Is there truly no other option?" Dumbledore's voice held a tinge of desperation.

"Every day, innocent witches and wizards perish at Voldemort's hand. The wizarding world faces its darkest hour, Dr. Ivan. I implore you to reconsider."



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