
Chapter 37

"Your nieces and nephews." She says. I look at her with wide eyes.

"You mean they all made it?" I ask frozen in shock.

"Yes, now come on they are scared and still hiding." She says running to the door. Mervin and I follow her into the back yard and towards the woods.

"Wait... Elijah!" I hear Ashton shout. I look back at her and see where she is looking. She is running too, and I look to see Elijah dash into the woods. It's dark now and that doesn't help to ease my worrying.

"Elijah!" Mervin and I shout. Katie runs to the direction he is headed. We all freeze seeing him stand in front of the tree protectively.

No, not against us... Against two rogues and two vampires. They stop circling the tree and growl at him. Bearing their teeth and fangs. Mervin let's out a loud deadly growl. The intruders freeze and look to Mervin. The male vampire then smirks and Mervin falls to the ground.