
Chapter 36

'I'm on my way what's wrong?' He asks concerned.

'We have a visitor... Or a few.' I hear him growl as I stand. I feel Julia and Leah look at me. The pups stop what they are doing and my three boys stand in front of the others. I see the red eyes, but I smell a familiar scent with them.

I cautiously walk to them needing to see if it's real. "Pups go to the house." I order them quietly, and they all obey. I stop dead in my tracks seeing her. The vampire has her tight in his grasps. Katie has tears in her eyes being afraid of what will happen. Her eyes land on my and fill with some relief, but then go wide. She's alive?

"Look who we have here." The vampire smirks. I growl at him taking a step forward my hands bawled into fists.