
Chapter 29

"What?" Isaac questions standing up. Mervin wraps his arm around me protectively.

"It's from my mother. I thought she was dead... Killed by the rogues." I say looking back down to the note. "I have to meet her when she wants me too."

"What if this is a set up?" Isaac asks. Mervin growls growing stiff at the thought. I look up meeting Isaac's eyes.

"There is only one way to find out." I say. I look up at Mervin right into his dark blue eyes.

"I'm going with you." He says. I nod my head smiling.

"I was kind of hoping for that." I smile. He kisses my head before we look to his father.

"Can I read the note?" He asks cautiously. I nod my head handing it to him. I watch him read it and see his eyes turn cold. He looks up to Mervin growling. "We may have a war on our hands." Isaac says.

"I don't want a war to break out." I say. "If I need to I will go to who wants me." I say confidently. They both look and me and growl.